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'Shinawatra Factor' And Lies Played A Role In Pheu Thai Win: Korbsak


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The Democrats didn't do their political job well. Their main strategy should have been to discredit Puea Thai and the Shinawatre clan. It was easy to do, but the Democrats didn't have the mental agility and moral turpitude to do it. The Dems should also have campaigned on issues, both their accomplishments (albeit few) and future hopes for improvements to Thailand and its people. Neither party did that, other than PT making empty promises.

It's also a reflection of the majority who voted for the PT party. Voters were readily duped. They've been consistently swayed by a family that blatantly lies and cheats. When things go wrong (Thai treasury sucked out to fill Shinawatre coffers, etc) , they should only have themselves to blame.

Thais not only have a lukewarm fledgling democracy, they don't have a handle on how to run political campaigns.

"...but the Democrats didn't have the mental agility and moral turpitude to do it...."


Moral attitude maybe you meant?

They fought the campaign mostly like gentlemen.

A big mistake IMHO.

Turpitude –noun

1.vile, shameful, or base character; depravity.

2.a vile or depraved act.

It would take moral backbone to

"to discredit Puea Thai and the Shinawatre clan."

But I doubt the Dems needed to go to depraved to fight a better campaign.

"They fought the campaign mostly like gentlemen.

A big mistake IMHO."

Totally agree with that fact.

The Dems tried too hard to be Politically Correct and at the same time made the mistake of assuming that PTP might give them a shake but not the flogging they actually did.

It's one thing for the Dems to say "we did our best" but in fact I doubt that they came anywhere near to what their best effort could have been.

K. Abhisit in his role as Dem leader should have wasted zero time in totally decimating PTP's undeliverable policy promises and should also have brought shame on PTP for having the audacity to declare a virtual Thaksin nominee and family member as the head of an opposition party that had clear associations with an exiled fugitive and known robber of public coffers and abuser of the highest office in the land.

I wonder whether it crossed the minds of the Dems that if they put up too much of a vehement fight in combatting lies with truth and then via that fact ended up winning that they may have then faced another red shirt retribution for obstructing "democratic" processes?

The entire Dem campaign lacked any kind of substance and fire required to win.

IMHO I feel that K.Abhisit is a good leader and probably the only one this country has ever seen that possesses true integrity and a desire to lead with conscience and honor,.. BUT he has a lot to learn about politics and the rules of engaging the opposition,... first rule of which is "Don't be nice"! Draw pistols at ten paces if you must but just make sure to shoot the other fellow through the heart!

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Foreign lobbyists had no bearing on election results, but they do demonstrate the efficiency of the job Thaksin did covering all possible segments in terms of getting his message across.

Do you think Amsterdam had no bearing on election results?

His APPLICATION TO INVESTIGATE THE SITUATION OF THE KINGDOM OF THAILAND WITH REGARD TO THE COMMISSION OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY to the International Criminal Court was completely translated into Thai and was printed and posted on the wall on the floor of the UDD office in Bic C Lat Phrao. I saw it there. I think it would have convinced or strengthened the view amongst many Thais that the government was bad and should not be allowed to govern for another term.

Amsterdam's propaganda web site is also available in Thai.

Very minimal i would say. Amsterdam has his purpose, but wooing votes domestically isn't it. All about image on the international stage, which is important for Thaksin now as a jet-setting fugitive, and in the future will be important if he successfully gets his hands back on power in being seen as a respectable and legitimate leader by his foreign counter-parts.

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For all the flaws his critics might level at him, few would argue him to be a crook.

Unfortunately, the propaganda created by lobbyists like Amsterdam that had been disseminated by the various channels I have listed in my previous message have convinced many Thais that Abhisit is a murderer and is responsible for all deaths and injuries from their so-called peaceful protest in April and May 2010.

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Too many of you who dislike Thaksin and the PT are missing the real point.

Now, just to be clear I am NOT a Thaksin or PT party supporter.

My Thai wife however, is.

She is 63 years old, and she has said that the ONLY time that anyone, of whatever political party ever gave her anything, was when Thaksin supporters came around to her grand daughter's school and passed out envelopes to the schoolchilren with 2000 Baht in them for the children to use to buy "school supplies" for their education.

Now I know this was a straight forward bribe, and so does my Thai wife. She also says the money was probably stolen somwhere or was a bribe paid by someone for a "favor" from Thaksin and company while he was in power.

My Thai wife isn't stupid and after 63 years she knows very well how the Thai guvernment and electoral system works.

But, I repeat, in 63 years that money from Thaksin and crew was the ONLY money she ever got from ANY Thai governemnt in power that actually was of benefit to her.

And for a poor Thai family that kind of thing means a lot when it comes to who you vote for.

I know Thaksin and family are self-serving crooks, she knows Thaksin and family are self-serving crooks...but she says that ALL Thai politicians are crooks...and that 2000 Baht...which she really used for her grand daughter... is more important in her mind than all the politicians promises she has heard since she started voting.

Just so you understand the reality of the situation in the minds of an average Thai.

All Thai politicians are crooks,but the few who distribute to the voters a small part of what they steal are slightly better than those who keep all they steal for themselves.

At least that's how many Thais feel, and it has a lot to do with the last election results.


Puzzled, but not particularly surprised by the logic contained in this!!!!

Let me have a go.

A single one-off payment of 2,000 Baht for a life time of votes, appears they got a good deal, the bribers that is.

It's all about cash....... cash cash cash cash cash.

That is all that some can see.

The people who are not K Thaskin reduced the cost of their kids education for the entire time they are at school, and also reduced the cost of medical care for as long as they live, and I'm sure that would easily add up to much more than a mere 2k Baht...... but it wasn't cash, so it gets passed by unnoticed.

This place is trying to be a democracy, so everyone should be entitled to cast a vote at election time. But I can quite easily see why some think that they shouldn't.

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Too many of you who dislike Thaksin and the PT are missing the real point.

Now, just to be clear I am NOT a Thaksin or PT party supporter.

My Thai wife however, is.

She is 63 years old, and she has said that the ONLY time that anyone, of whatever political party ever gave her anything, was when Thaksin supporters came around to her grand daughter's school and passed out envelopes to the schoolchilren with 2000 Baht in them for the children to use to buy "school supplies" for their education.

Now I know this was a straight forward bribe, and so does my Thai wife. She also says the money was probably stolen somwhere or was a bribe paid by someone for a "favor" from Thaksin and company while he was in power.

My Thai wife isn't stupid and after 63 years she knows very well how the Thai guvernment and electoral system works.

But, I repeat, in 63 years that money from Thaksin and crew was the ONLY money she ever got from ANY Thai governemnt in power that actually was of benefit to her.

And for a poor Thai family that kind of thing means a lot when it comes to who you vote for.

I know Thaksin and family are self-serving crooks, she knows Thaksin and family are self-serving crooks...but she says that ALL Thai politicians are crooks...and that 2000 Baht...which she really used for her grand daughter... is more important in her mind than all the politicians promises she has heard since she started voting.

Just so you understand the reality of the situation in the minds of an average Thai.

All Thai politicians are crooks,but the few who distribute to the voters a small part of what they steal are slightly better than those who keep all they steal for themselves.

At least that's how many Thais feel, and it has a lot to do with the last election results.


I agree from heart for the feelings of your wife. She is right.

In my area more poor people than in Esaarn (hill tribes), they vote (if they have the right to vote) for Dems.

Why? When Chuang Leek Pai was PM a quick answer to the problems. No promise, he did. Health Stations with qualified nurses (MA for public health).

Under T. the Health stations had the funds bleeded out, hill tribe are not voters for K.T..

And now you see, the poorest of the poor vote Dems, from Mae Hong Son down to the south.

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Too many of you who dislike Thaksin and the PT are missing the real point.

Now, just to be clear I am NOT a Thaksin or PT party supporter.

My Thai wife however, is.

She is 63 years old, and she has said that the ONLY time that anyone, of whatever political party ever gave her anything, was when Thaksin supporters came around to her grand daughter's school and passed out envelopes to the schoolchilren with 2000 Baht in them for the children to use to buy "school supplies" for their education.

Now I know this was a straight forward bribe, and so does my Thai wife. She also says the money was probably stolen somwhere or was a bribe paid by someone for a "favor" from Thaksin and company while he was in power.

My Thai wife isn't stupid and after 63 years she knows very well how the Thai guvernment and electoral system works.

But, I repeat, in 63 years that money from Thaksin and crew was the ONLY money she ever got from ANY Thai governemnt in power that actually was of benefit to her.

And for a poor Thai family that kind of thing means a lot when it comes to who you vote for.

I know Thaksin and family are self-serving crooks, she knows Thaksin and family are self-serving crooks...but she says that ALL Thai politicians are crooks...and that 2000 Baht...which she really used for her grand daughter... is more important in her mind than all the politicians promises she has heard since she started voting.

Just so you understand the reality of the situation in the minds of an average Thai.

All Thai politicians are crooks,but the few who distribute to the voters a small part of what they steal are slightly better than those who keep all they steal for themselves.

At least that's how many Thais feel, and it has a lot to do with the last election results.


Puzzled, but not particularly surprised by the logic contained in this!!!!

Let me have a go.

A single one-off payment of 2,000 Baht for a life time of votes, appears they got a good deal, the bribers that is.

It's all about cash....... cash cash cash cash cash.

That is all that some can see.

The people who are not K Thaskin reduced the cost of their kids education for the entire time they are at school, and also reduced the cost of medical care for as long as they live, and I'm sure that would easily add up to much more than a mere 2k Baht...... but it wasn't cash, so it gets passed by unnoticed.

This place is trying to be a democracy, so everyone should be entitled to cast a vote at election time. But I can quite easily see why some think that they shouldn't.

Convincing them of the importance of the stewardship of the economy (excellent), growth rate (satisfactory), employment level (one of the lowest in the world at 0.5%) and the like are far more life changing than a single one-off payment of 40 quid (all for the wrong reasons) are a near impossibility - as they say "money talks", "money talks" and anything they cannot see or is not placed in their hands for them to touch doesn't count to them and is worthless!!!!:ermm:

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Its time instead of looking for all the things others did that hurt the Dems for the Dems to look at what they can do to appeal more. It is getting boring to listen to the main opposition party talk like nothing is really wrong except what opponents do. Get over it, change and move forward in a positive way to offer the electorate an alternative and if that means breaking age old links to the establishment and reducing power of the southern and bangkok factions within the party that are more intent on maintaining their own turf than about winning elections, then so be it.

And get rid of Abhisit. Think it fair or not is irrelevant but he is an impediment to the party making inroads where they need to.

And also publically admit to past mistakes, such as not standing against the coup, which kind of undermines any parties ability to be seen as a democratic party.

Oh and ditch anyone and everyone associated with the marketing/PR stuff in the party as even compared to also ran parties it was the worst by a country mile.

All this Thaksin this Thaksin that, lies, unlucky with economy crying over spilt milk nonsense and please feel sorry for us becuase we are the honest ones and the best to run the country has resulted in defeat after defeat and quite frankly will continue to do so. Dems should learn they cant change their opponent. They should have learned that by now by all the constant attempts that have utterly failed, so look to what they can change, make a break with the past, move forward and offer the country something they can at least accept and even better want to vote for. The PTP have offered the people a lot this time and if they dont deliver there is an opportunity for them to beaten at the next poll. Making sure the Dem party is actually electable and not seen as a two region dominated, establishment backing, coup supporting party led by a man seen by many as associated with the unacceptable.

This is the correct attitude, the Dems lost, live with it, analyse it, find out why. Trying to blame it on stupid, uneducated and bribed northerners just makes the Dem supporters in these forums look like sad whingers. This is a nation where 70% are happy and accepting of corruption, not just the top 10% but 70%. So what are the benefits of corruption to a poor Thai which non corrupt behaviour does not provide? The Dems lost for many reasons but the underlying reason is that culturally corruption is not a sin.

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to be fair PTP could have put an ape in every constituency and still won the election. the dems lost because they deserved to lose, based on how they performed.

I agree with your first sentence, partly with your second.

Given the electoral distribution, Isaan basically decides who wins the national election as it provides well over 1/3 of the seats and gives all of them direct to PTP. In the recent election, PTP took the constituency seats 102 to 4. Add in the Thaksin stronghold of the North and the election is effectively unwinnable by any other party at present.

The Dems were hoping to get enough seats to cobble together a Coalition if Yingluck could not; in the event, thanks to some pretty wooden campaigning, they didn't make it.

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They 'lost' long before Yingluck - way back during the crisis - Thais love Thaksin - we might not like it but they do! most of the community knew PT would win a year ago - sorry all the TV pundits were reading it so wrong - but they were! let the Thais decide who and what they want - not expat farang armchair experts

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The bigger the lie, the more some wish to believe it.

Propaganda is telling the BIG lie over and over again

until it eventually becomes truth for enough people

that it DOES become a reality. Reality based on a facade,

but that no longer matters to a percentage of voters.

In this case PTP ties fresh lies to the old Propaganda Legend of Thaksin, and people bought the new with the old.

Wishful thinking and no looking back at history as it REALLY was.

and allot of money given to the farmers to vote.

But they''ll be able to travel in high speed trains through the Isan soon, having Somtham doing 290 km/h. ...:jap:

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They 'lost' long before Yingluck - way back during the crisis - Thais love Thaksin - we might not like it but they do! most of the community knew PT would win a year ago - sorry all the TV pundits were reading it so wrong - but they were! let the Thais decide who and what they want - not expat farang armchair experts


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The democrats spend all their time in office witch hunting and pointing finger. They had no time to manage the country.

It's interesting that the farang political experts here are behaving exactly the same as the democrats did. Hate mongering, finger pointing and excuses seem to be the rule here.

What you are not seeing is that the Thai people made it VERY clear that they were not satisfied with the democrats and demanded a change. My former yellow shirt wife voted for a change despite the fact that she has no use for Thaksin. I do think that Yingluck being a woman had a lot to do with my wife's vote.

The sour grapes attitude is disgusting. I think the Thai people were sick and tired of sour grapes. The democrats were soundly beaten and rather than accept that fact, some are STILL witch hunting and pointing fingers.

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The democrats spend all their time in office witch hunting and pointing finger. They had no time to manage the country.

It's interesting that the farang political experts here are behaving exactly the same as the democrats did. Hate mongering, finger pointing and excuses seem to be the rule here.

What you are not seeing is that the Thai people made it VERY clear that they were not satisfied with the democrats and demanded a change. My former yellow shirt wife voted for a change despite the fact that she has no use for Thaksin. I do think that Yingluck being a woman had a lot to do with my wife's vote.

The sour grapes attitude is disgusting. I think the Thai people were sick and tired of sour grapes. The democrats were soundly beaten and rather than accept that fact, some are STILL witch hunting and pointing fingers.

"It's interesting that the farang political experts here are behaving exactly the same as the democrats did.

Hate mongering, finger pointing and excuses seem to be the rule here."

Very drole that is exactly what you are attempting with this post.

Som nom nah.

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I think Thaksin with his team of strategists and lobbyists had been engineering this election win ever since his ouster 5 years ago.

They successfully built up over the years a cult following via propaganda over radio, satellite television, print publications, the internet, live concerts, street parties and even propaganda "schools" around the country. They must have felt ready by April 2010 as that is when they felt the strongest, but the government managed to outmanouvre them, so they had an extra year to regain strength for the next attempt to ouster the government and have finally succeeded. The Democrats had little chance within a mere 6 weeks to break what the UDD had built up over 5 years.

Yes the Democrats achillies heel,under estimation, right down the line.......the fact that the Dems left it to the last 6 weeks and should have been planning years ahead to educate and get the voters onside

Many on this forum forecast a Democrat win when the election was announced, PT had no leader, no policies, and was being fronted by 'terrorists'...

Like the Dems they under estimated PT; and were out played;......at exactly the right time PT produced a leader in Yingluck, Fed out a few populist policies.............

Was it really that easy.........

Edited by 473geo
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The democrats spend all their time in office witch hunting and pointing finger. They had no time to manage the country.

It's interesting that the farang political experts here are behaving exactly the same as the democrats did. Hate mongering, finger pointing and excuses seem to be the rule here.

What you are not seeing is that the Thai people made it VERY clear that they were not satisfied with the democrats and demanded a change. My former yellow shirt wife voted for a change despite the fact that she has no use for Thaksin. I do think that Yingluck being a woman had a lot to do with my wife's vote.

The sour grapes attitude is disgusting. I think the Thai people were sick and tired of sour grapes. The democrats were soundly beaten and rather than accept that fact, some are STILL witch hunting and pointing fingers.

INteresting comments:

Quote: "The democrats spend all their time in office witch hunting and pointing finger. They had no time to manage the country."

Witchunts - Perhaps you could share a list of the witchunts.

Manage the country - It's well documented that the economy has ben quite strong during the time the dems were in the driving seat, and well documented that Khun Korn did an excellent job of guiding the econmy through the international crisis.

Quote: "What you are not seeing is that the Thai people made it VERY clear that they were not satisfied with the democrats and demanded a change. My former yellow shirt wife voted for a change despite the fact that she has no use for Thaksin"

- What you are not seeing is that the paymaster and his cronies have manipulated (for quite some time now) the majority of the Essan people, and more. Promises of all sorts of one off handouts, which the country probably can't afford anyway. Focus on pork prices rather than any mention of policies to move to a picture where a large % of all Thai have the capability and the opportunity to lft their quality of life through their own productivity.

Sorry, not convincing


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No, Deception on a national scale but hey not surprised Isaan fell for it

Issan didn't fall for anything. They know how corrupt Taksin is. They just vote for his party because they know they'll be given priority over the rest of the country once his party is back in power. It's very selfish really, they only care about themselves rather then the country as a whole.

Judging by at least one earlier post, the Dems only care for Bangkok . In Isaan, they beleive that things improved for them under Thaksin's government, but became worse after the coup and under Abhisit's government. It is natural for them to vote for the party they believe will improve their lot. In addition, many in Isaan saw Abhisit's government as the puppet of the coup leaders and they were not going to vote for that.

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The democrats spend all their time in office witch hunting and pointing finger. They had no time to manage the country.

It's interesting that the farang political experts here are behaving exactly the same as the democrats did. Hate mongering, finger pointing and excuses seem to be the rule here.

What you are not seeing is that the Thai people made it VERY clear that they were not satisfied with the democrats and demanded a change. My former yellow shirt wife voted for a change despite the fact that she has no use for Thaksin. I do think that Yingluck being a woman had a lot to do with my wife's vote.

The sour grapes attitude is disgusting. I think the Thai people were sick and tired of sour grapes. The democrats were soundly beaten and rather than accept that fact, some are STILL witch hunting and pointing fingers.

INteresting comments:

Quote: "The democrats spend all their time in office witch hunting and pointing finger. They had no time to manage the country."

Witchunts - Perhaps you could share a list of the witchunts.

Manage the country - It's well documented that the economy has ben quite strong during the time the dems were in the driving seat, and well documented that Khun Korn did an excellent job of guiding the econmy through the international crisis.

Quote: "What you are not seeing is that the Thai people made it VERY clear that they were not satisfied with the democrats and demanded a change. My former yellow shirt wife voted for a change despite the fact that she has no use for Thaksin"

- What you are not seeing is that the paymaster and his cronies have manipulated (for quite some time now) the majority of the Essan people, and more. Promises of all sorts of one off handouts, which the country probably can't afford anyway. Focus on pork prices rather than any mention of policies to move to a picture where a large % of all Thai have the capability and the opportunity to lft their quality of life through their own productivity.

Sorry, not convincing


I don't have to convince anyone. It's obvious that the Thai people have spoken and the sour grapes people should respect the vote and hope for the best. Corruption is by far the biggest problem and anyone who can't see that is naive at best. Unfortunately blatant obvious corruption is endemic and who is to say who is the most corrupt.

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Bleat bleat ...... welcome to the world of politics son where every party promises the world knowing they cannot deliver and so rely on the golden oldie of "We never knew it was that bad till we saw the books". As for the we are whiter than white quote that the EC is watching our every move, please don't waste your breath unless of course you are talking to the nation rag. Some idiots that read it may believe you but others, who can count to 20 without removing their socks, see it for the piffle it is.

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to be fair PTP could have put an ape in every constituency and still won the election. the dems lost because they deserved to lose, based on how they performed.

A good apple in a barrel of Sh#zen does not survive, the dems were on a loser for a start with the Family again involved, an old saying in north England seems to sum up here, You can't put nowt where there int nowt. Another poster blaming the Dems for under performing -instead of realising if the people do not change their greedy habits, and the Family mentioned carry on with the bribery ( promises to get elected only) All I can say is the Dems were not as corrupt and greedy as the winners.

No. They had a very poor campaign. Lacklustre to say the least.

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But, I repeat, in 63 years that money from Thaksin and crew was the ONLY money she ever got from ANY Thai governemnt in power that actually was of benefit to her.

So because she didn't see the money paying for the school, roads etc in form of envelopes from a local government rep. it means she never got anything?

How much tax has she paid over the years?

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They 'lost' long before Yingluck - way back during the crisis - Thais love Thaksin - we might not like it but they do! most of the community knew PT would win a year ago - sorry all the TV pundits were reading it so wrong - but they were! let the Thais decide who and what they want - not expat farang armchair experts

'Thais love Thaksin' you say, but this is wrong. Less than 50% voted for PTP. And if one took a poll on how many that loved him I think the number would be even lower than the share of votes PTP got -- assuming the voters wasn't forced to write their names on the ballots again in several red villages...

North and NorthEast isn't 'Thais' as in 'All Thais' - they are 1/3 of the nation.

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But, I repeat, in 63 years that money from Thaksin and crew was the ONLY money she ever got from ANY Thai governemnt in power that actually was of benefit to her.

So because she didn't see the money paying for the school, roads etc in form of envelopes from a local government rep. it means she never got anything?

How much tax has she paid over the years?

Forget it Tawp.... wood, trees, ..........

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Bleat bleat ...... welcome to the world of politics son where every party promises the world knowing they cannot deliver and so rely on the golden oldie of "We never knew it was that bad till we saw the books". As for the we are whiter than white quote that the EC is watching our every move, please don't waste your breath unless of course you are talking to the nation rag. Some idiots that read it may believe you but others, who can count to 20 without removing their socks, see it for the piffle it is.

Personally I'm still surprised that in this forum which ONLY quotes theNation and TAN you still choose to participate with a negative attitude towards theNation. You even say 'some idiots that read theNation', 'the piffle it is'. It almost seems you consider yourself on a mission to save all of us from the evil represented by theNation. I guess it's just your opinion which therefor needs no further justification, it's yours.

Care to enlighten us poor folks here and tell us which news source you depend on and which you could recommend to us ?

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They 'lost' long before Yingluck - way back during the crisis - Thais love Thaksin - we might not like it but they do! most of the community knew PT would win a year ago - sorry all the TV pundits were reading it so wrong - but they were! let the Thais decide who and what they want - not expat farang armchair experts

'Thais love Thaksin' you say, but this is wrong. Less than 50% voted for PTP. And if one took a poll on how many that loved him I think the number would be even lower than the share of votes PTP got -- assuming the voters wasn't forced to write their names on the ballots again in several red villages...

North and NorthEast isn't 'Thais' as in 'All Thais' - they are 1/3 of the nation.

The NE alone is about 30% or a third and the North about another 20%. The bangkok vote was around 42-45 PTP-Dem too and there are plenty of PTP areas in the central region especially around Bangkok. In Chonburi a lot of red supporters voted PC to stop the Dems winning the seats again. I doubt the establishment would want a real poll of Thaksin support done. I wouldnt doubt if it came to it he could get 50% plus one of turnout and fairly easily

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The democrats spend all their time in office witch hunting and pointing finger. They had no time to manage the country.

It's interesting that the farang political experts here are behaving exactly the same as the democrats did. Hate mongering, finger pointing and excuses seem to be the rule here.

What you are not seeing is that the Thai people made it VERY clear that they were not satisfied with the democrats and demanded a change. My former yellow shirt wife voted for a change despite the fact that she has no use for Thaksin. I do think that Yingluck being a woman had a lot to do with my wife's vote.

The sour grapes attitude is disgusting. I think the Thai people were sick and tired of sour grapes. The democrats were soundly beaten and rather than accept that fact, some are STILL witch hunting and pointing fingers.

INteresting comments:

Quote: "The democrats spend all their time in office witch hunting and pointing finger. They had no time to manage the country."

Witchunts - Perhaps you could share a list of the witchunts.

Manage the country - It's well documented that the economy has ben quite strong during the time the dems were in the driving seat, and well documented that Khun Korn did an excellent job of guiding the econmy through the international crisis.

Quote: "What you are not seeing is that the Thai people made it VERY clear that they were not satisfied with the democrats and demanded a change. My former yellow shirt wife voted for a change despite the fact that she has no use for Thaksin"

- What you are not seeing is that the paymaster and his cronies have manipulated (for quite some time now) the majority of the Essan people, and more. Promises of all sorts of one off handouts, which the country probably can't afford anyway. Focus on pork prices rather than any mention of policies to move to a picture where a large % of all Thai have the capability and the opportunity to lft their quality of life through their own productivity.

Sorry, not convincing


I don't have to convince anyone. It's obvious that the Thai people have spoken and the sour grapes people should respect the vote and hope for the best. Corruption is by far the biggest problem and anyone who can't see that is naive at best. Unfortunately blatant obvious corruption is endemic and who is to say who is the most corrupt.

The one who kills the most and doesn't care in any way.

T. wins hands down, or, Hands UP! This is a robbery!

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Bleat bleat ...... welcome to the world of politics son where every party promises the world knowing they cannot deliver and so rely on the golden oldie of "We never knew it was that bad till we saw the books". As for the we are whiter than white quote that the EC is watching our every move, please don't waste your breath unless of course you are talking to the nation rag. Some idiots that read it may believe you but others, who can count to 20 without removing their socks, see it for the piffle it is.

Personally I'm still surprised that in this forum which ONLY quotes theNation and TAN you still choose to participate with a negative attitude towards theNation. You even say 'some idiots that read theNation', 'the piffle it is'. It almost seems you consider yourself on a mission to save all of us from the evil represented by theNation. I guess it's just your opinion which therefor needs no further justification, it's yours.

Care to enlighten us poor folks here and tell us which news source you depend on and which you could recommend to us ?

Taksin Magazine? Collated works of Robert Amsterdam? Da Torpedos greatest Hits? Giles U. treatise on world peace? Cooking While Talking? Truth Today?

Edited by animatic
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Care to enlighten us poor folks here and tell us which news source you depend on and which you could recommend to us ?

Taksin Magazine? Collated works of Robert Amsterdam? Da Torpedos greatest Hits? Giles U. treatise on world peace? Cooking While Talking? Truth Today?

The Nation, Asia Times, Le Monde, Le Monde Diplomatique, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Neue Zuercher Zeitung.

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