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With The New PM, What's In Store For Thailand?


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What's In Store For Thailand?

Well, let me take a stab in the dark on what is in store for Thailand with the new PM?

Inflation, inflation, inflation and more inflation! And let's wait and watch the buying power of baht fizzles into nothing so the 300 baht/day wage would actually be a decrease in living standard!

tsk. tsk such a cynic - they'll just print more money - problem solved!!

I doubt the new Thaksin administration would print more money as you suggest. That is something only democrats do, just take a look at the Obama administration, true Marxists to the core. Spending, spending spending and printing more and more money and destroying the US economy. No the new Thai administration is rooted in good old fashioned capitalism. They will give the free market, free reign, grow the economy and increase wealth of the common man and middle class.

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Urban policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

Water policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

Do you really think bringing Thaksin back is their main priority wink.gif

It's NOT their main priority, but I think it's their ONLY mission.

i know the post was possibly made in half-jest but do ye really think they care about one man's well-being above every issue facing thailand?

is it if they can't get thaksin back, to hell with thailand? ye really think they are THAT evil minded?

Yes,this is what the last 5 years has been about.Thaksin back and money back.He doesn't give a rat's toss bag about opposing people and thoughts.Watch Yinluck and Khon Issan get stabbed in the back.Do you really think she can stand up to pee chai?More than half of Thai people have been duped,but hey,that's democracy.Politicians in the west have been doing it for centuries.

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What's In Store For Thailand?

Well, let me take a stab in the dark on what is in store for Thailand with the new PM?

Inflation, inflation, inflation and more inflation! And let's wait and watch the buying power of baht fizzles into nothing so the 300 baht/day wage would actually be a decrease in living standard!

tsk. tsk such a cynic - they'll just print more money - problem solved!!

I doubt the new Thaksin administration would print more money as you suggest. That is something only democrats do, just take a look at the Obama administration, true Marxists to the core. Spending, spending spending and printing more and more money and destroying the US economy. No the new Thai administration is rooted in good old fashioned capitalism. They will give the free market, free reign, grow the economy and increase wealth of the common man and middle class.

Bullshit,since when has capitalism,and especially thai govts. ever given a thought for the common man.Capitalism=greed is good.

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What's that I see on the horizon? What's that I hear coming closer? What's that I feel waiting to explode?

It's a CIVIL WAR folks. Get your seats while you can.

My seat will be from afar as the gutters fill with the blood of the innocent (and not so innocent).

Get out while you can people....there is still time. But not much.

Don't say you weren't warned when the bullets and missiles start to fly.


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This thread really hit the gutter with this statement;

Churchill bombed Dresden, US nukes Japan, Brits invented concentration camps for Dutch people, Japans Nanking massacre etc etc. History is written by the victors.

This is offensive trash. If this is the best some people can do, is it any wonder why they are scorned?

The situation in Thailand cannot be compared. What an absolute insult to the brave people that served in the allied forces during WWII.

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This thread really hit the gutter with this statement;

Churchill bombed Dresden, US nukes Japan, Brits invented concentration camps for Dutch people, Japans Nanking massacre etc etc. History is written by the victors.

This is offensive trash. If this is the best some people can do, is it any wonder why they are scorned?

The situation in Thailand cannot be compared. What an absolute insult to the brave people that served in the allied forces during WWII.

GK, I usually disagree with your opinions, but in this case, you're spot on. +1

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Churchill bombed Dresden, US nukes Japan, Brits invented concentration camps for Dutch people, Japans Nanking massacre etc etc. History is written by the victors.

That G K is reality,History is indeed written by the victors and the truth becomes somewhat murky, it's called propaganda,

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Defence Policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

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Environmental Policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

Foreign policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

Health policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

Housing policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

Information policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

Macroeconomic policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

Monetary policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

Population policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

Science policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

Social policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

Transport policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

Urban policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

Water policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

Do you really think bringing Thaksin back is their main priority wink.gif

It's NOT their main priority, but I think it's their ONLY mission.

i know the post was possibly made in half-jest but do ye really think they care about one man's well-being above every issue facing thailand?

is it if they can't get thaksin back, to hell with thailand? ye really think they are THAT evil minded?

Yup, the man did not invest billions of baht to get his party into power only to pull the strings from Dubai.

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totally greedy and hero worshipers Can i say Stalin Hitler Poll pot mugabwie all like Taksin ok get it

letitbe You have told us all many times that you see a dire future for Thailand and that your priority now is to escape with your assets intact. That is fine but will you stop making totally absurd allegations. Thaksin is not Stalin, he is not Pol Pot and he is not Mugabwe ( try to get the spelling correct next time) and most relevantly, he is not here.

Take your predictions and go

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This thread really hit the gutter with this statement;

Churchill bombed Dresden, US nukes Japan, Brits invented concentration camps for Dutch people, Japans Nanking massacre etc etc. History is written by the victors.

This is offensive trash. If this is the best some people can do, is it any wonder why they are scorned?

The situation in Thailand cannot be compared. What an absolute insult to the brave people that served in the allied forces during WWII.

I think that we have a great deal in common in our political opinions and I agree once more that this statement has nothing to do with Thailand's present situation; but I have to disagree with you on one point and that is - what the Allied Powers inflicted on Germany with the bombing campaign was no better than terrorism in its true sense, not the car-bomb, suicide bomber scenario, but effectively an all-out offensive against the civilian population; and that occurred even though it was clear that the US involvement meant that Germany was sure to be defeated. It did arguably shorten the conflict but the devastation that it caused to civilians was appalling. I have seen the "before and after" scenes of German cities and I am ashamed

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I think you all are either corrupt or ignorant of the economics of Thailand. My uninformed opinion is that anyone earning less than 300 THB a day should be sacked since he/she is "theoretically" incompetent or lazy.

The reality is that these are generally among the most productive workers in Thailand. They grow the rice, sugar and vegetables and mine in the most inhospitable of environments whilst the agents and owners put the excessive proceeds in their pockets, whereby they become government ministers to extract even more roubles via various forms of corruption a-la Thaksin et al.

Now we face a problem: would such a policy encourage inflation? I think not: since Thai sugar is relatively expensive as compared to, for example, Brasilian, and certainly, German beet sugar has gained in popularity in world markets because of its relative price. Re. rice, whilst Thailand is the biggest exporter, Hom Mali might remain popular but other grains cannot compete with Pakistani Long Grain etc. either in price or quality.

Thus, i must conclude that your various reader's "Mickey Mouse" comments concerning inflation are completely erroneous and moreover the employment of Burmese, Campodian and other nationals does nothing but improve the economy as a whole.

So get off your bikes. Stop feeding the fat bureaucrats and put your heads into gear, and there is just a chance that this policy will work!

I would love to debate this issue if you would risk sending me an email. I am @yahoo.com. By the way, I was the first to condemn the election of Thaksin but, his sister seems of better stock..

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This thread really hit the gutter with this statement;

Churchill bombed Dresden, US nukes Japan, Brits invented concentration camps for Dutch people, Japans Nanking massacre etc etc. History is written by the victors.

This is offensive trash. If this is the best some people can do, is it any wonder why they are scorned?

The situation in Thailand cannot be compared. What an absolute insult to the brave people that served in the allied forces during WWII.

I think that we have a great deal in common in our political opinions and I agree once more that this statement has nothing to do with Thailand's present situation; but I have to disagree with you on one point and that is - what the Allied Powers inflicted on Germany with the bombing campaign was no better than terrorism in its true sense, not the car-bomb, suicide bomber scenario, but effectively an all-out offensive against the civilian population; and that occurred even though it was clear that the US involvement meant that Germany was sure to be defeated. It did arguably shorten the conflict but the devastation that it caused to civilians was appalling. I have seen the "before and after" scenes of German cities and I am ashamed

I understand part of where you are coming from, I voiced my sympathies for the suffering the allied bombers inflicted when I visited a bomb damaged church in Berlin, I was surprised to be told......that was then, this is now; we have moved on.....no need for sympathy or guilt, neither you nor I were involved.......these comments from the German people I spoke with.

I was impressed.......now if the interfering foreigners, and the politicians, would just set about promoting such an attitude in Thailand.......there is just a chance the healing process can take place and a unified Thailand can move forward.......

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If the US political parties manage to drive the US into default and the EU zone continues to fall apart, things could get interesting for any government in power

Right, following the last information from the Euro zone I see the Euro gouvernments did the necessary, against the US rating agencies. Thailand already had an alert from one of this rating agencies

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This thread really hit the gutter with this statement;

Churchill bombed Dresden, US nukes Japan, Brits invented concentration camps for Dutch people, Japans Nanking massacre etc etc. History is written by the victors.

This is offensive trash. If this is the best some people can do, is it any wonder why they are scorned?

The situation in Thailand cannot be compared. What an absolute insult to the brave people that served in the allied forces during WWII.

GK, I usually disagree with your opinions, but in this case, you're spot on. +1

Make that +2

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I think you all are either corrupt or ignorant of the economics of Thailand. My uninformed opinion is that anyone earning less than 300 THB a day should be sacked since he/she is "theoretically" incompetent or lazy.

The reality is that these are generally among the most productive workers in Thailand. They grow the rice, sugar and vegetables and mine in the most inhospitable of environments whilst the agents and owners put the excessive proceeds in their pockets, whereby they become government ministers to extract even more roubles via various forms of corruption a-la Thaksin et al.

Now we face a problem: would such a policy encourage inflation? I think not: since Thai sugar is relatively expensive as compared to, for example, Brasilian, and certainly, German beet sugar has gained in popularity in world markets because of its relative price. Re. rice, whilst Thailand is the biggest exporter, Hom Mali might remain popular but other grains cannot compete with Pakistani Long Grain etc. either in price or quality.

Thus, i must conclude that your various reader's "Mickey Mouse" comments concerning inflation are completely erroneous and moreover the employment of Burmese, Campodian and other nationals does nothing but improve the economy as a whole.

So get off your bikes. Stop feeding the fat bureaucrats and put your heads into gear, and there is just a chance that this policy will work!

I would love to debate this issue if you would risk sending me an email. I am @yahoo.com. By the way, I was the first to condemn the election of Thaksin but, his sister seems of better stock..

Not sure of what you are getting at.

Are you saying that increasing the cost of labor will not effect the cost of living because we can import it from other countries cheaper than what it would cost us to produce it our selves.

I really don't have any idea how that works but it seems to me it would affect the unemployment rate. And not favorably.:unsure:

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My uninformed opinion is that anyone earning less than 300 THB a day should be sacked since he/she is "theoretically" incompetent or lazy.

If that happened, there would not be any rice, sugar cane or rubber farmed in Thailand.

Try calling someone who has worked in a padi field all day lazy..... and stand well back.

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This thread really hit the gutter with this statement;

Churchill bombed Dresden, US nukes Japan, Brits invented concentration camps for Dutch people, Japans Nanking massacre etc etc. History is written by the victors.

This is offensive trash. If this is the best some people can do, is it any wonder why they are scorned?

The situation in Thailand cannot be compared. What an absolute insult to the brave people that served in the allied forces during WWII.

I think that we have a great deal in common in our political opinions and I agree once more that this statement has nothing to do with Thailand's present situation; but I have to disagree with you on one point and that is - what the Allied Powers inflicted on Germany with the bombing campaign was no better than terrorism in its true sense, not the car-bomb, suicide bomber scenario, but effectively an all-out offensive against the civilian population; and that occurred even though it was clear that the US involvement meant that Germany was sure to be defeated. It did arguably shorten the conflict but the devastation that it caused to civilians was appalling. I have seen the "before and after" scenes of German cities and I am ashamed

I understand part of where you are coming from, I voiced my sympathies for the suffering the allied bombers inflicted when I visited a bomb damaged church in Berlin, I was surprised to be told......that was then, this is now; we have moved on.....no need for sympathy or guilt, neither you nor I were involved.......these comments from the German people I spoke with.

I was impressed.......now if the interfering foreigners, and the politicians, would just set about promoting such an attitude in Thailand.......there is just a chance the healing process can take place and a unified Thailand can move forward.......

I agree with you that the Berliners have that attitude (and I know the church you mean) and that is true of virtually all of the many people I have met in what was West Germany where cathedrals all over the country were specifically targeted to demoralise the people but my experience of the former DDR people was that they felt no guilt about what the Nazi regime did - that was due to the capitalist system that the Nazis had embraced and they, of course were socialists.

But back to the topic, I agree wholeheartedly that Thailand needs a new attitude towards its governance- it is not about business, interest groups or individuals but what is best for the nation. I hope that the country that I have made my home matures beyond the divisions that so many here seem unable to overcome

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What's In Store For Thailand?

Well, let me take a stab in the dark on what is in store for Thailand with the new PM?

Inflation, inflation, inflation and more inflation! And let's wait and watch the buying power of baht fizzles into nothing so the 300 baht/day wage would actually be a decrease in living standard!

tsk. tsk such a cynic - they'll just print more money - problem solved!!

I doubt the new Thaksin administration would print more money as you suggest. That is something only democrats do, just take a look at the Obama administration, true Marxists to the core. Spending, spending spending and printing more and more money and destroying the US economy. No the new Thai administration is rooted in good old fashioned capitalism. They will give the free market, free reign, grow the economy and increase wealth of the common man and middle class.

Bullshit,since when has capitalism,and especially thai govts. ever given a thought for the common man.Capitalism=greed is good.

Capitalism is a creation of the common man, it is not a creation of governments or political systems. It is a system that rewards men for their ingenuity, skills, and productivity. Capitalism has created more wealth in the world for more people in the world than any government or political system in the world. You might do well to read Ann Rand as a starting point for your woefully needed education on capitalism and free markets. Maybe once your educated you won't have to resort to profanities to get your point across.

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Hi there,

So finally i have something to say to that political issues in the past 5 years. I see RED who admire Mr. T, and the YELLOW and admire Mr. A and fight against each other so badly, and i ask myself: whats going on ???

I saw Mr. T. in his job, and he got things done until the Yellow's found a way to kick him out. Corruption???

Please tell me just ONE in the politics who is not corrupt? But at least he worked for his Country and did something for Thailand, or not?

I saw as Mr. A took over as PM, and i never can remember that i heard that he do something for his Country, example Thai/Cambodia Conflict,

his statement: I leave that for the new Goverment. "What a good PM....".

I do not agree with what happend in Cent. World (whoever did it, Red or Yellow dosent matter) that was unprofessional and not for the People!!!

Point is now not to find the next conflict, NOW Yinluck is in charge and if you PEOPLE like to have something GOOD then leave to do her JOB,

and proove herself (no matter Mr. T behind the curtain or not). IMPORTANT IS THINGS HAVE TO GET DONE, and every attempt to change the

Goverment is counterproductive, you guys do not see that?

Why not be democratic and let her do her JOB without picking on her all time? If she fail then is enough time to change things but anyway it need time.

So or so, she will be PM and it dosent matter what color she have, what matters is what she do for YOU, for THAILAND.

People, so YOU have voted, and the numbers are clear, and support her as PM now its time for the otherside to give her a chance and have a look. If

the stupid fighting goes on so that YELLOWS now make terror then THAILAND will goes down and down and that for sure, and that is then not the fault of the

Goverment thats the fault of the people who work against it. So WAKE UP and every one work together to get Common Goals.

I am Farang, but i love THAILAND and i love the stories about the former KING (Long live the King), he is not mine (sadly) but he do/did the best for his Country,

not likes RED or YELLOW who destroy his legacy bit by bit with Fights, clashes, ....


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Hi there,


I am Farang, but i love THAILAND and i love the stories about the former KING (Long live the King), he is not mine (sadly) but he do/did the best for his Country,

not likes RED or YELLOW who destroy his legacy bit by bit with Fights, clashes, ....


My tip : Think before you write.:unsure:

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Hi there,

So finally i have something to say to that political issues in the past 5 years. I see RED who admire Mr. T, and the YELLOW and admire Mr. A and fight against each other so badly, and i ask myself: whats going on ???

I saw Mr. T. in his job, and he got things done until the Yellow's found a way to kick him out. Corruption???

Please tell me just ONE in the politics who is not corrupt? But at least he worked for his Country and did something for Thailand, or not?



Thanks for sharing your thoughts Orangeparty,

This style of post, which we are regularly blessed with always looks better when prefaced with the classic " I'm no fan of Thaksin but...." Its a fair warning for the reader to put down the coffee cup and prepare for a mirthful read.

Can you point to any evidence of Abhisit being corrupt? I don't remember him ordering the govt bank to lend 4 billion baht to Burma for buying products from Abhisits company. Can't remembering him devaluing the baht and suddenly becoming a billionaire. Did he award himself any monopolistic telecoms concessions? Can't remember Abhisit requisitioning land donated to a temple and making a golf and country club. Did Abhisit ever kill thousands of people without a trial? Asset concealment? Is Abhisits chauffer and gardener a billionaire? How about pastry-boxes, I don't remember Abhisits lawyers trying to bribe judges. Do you?

I'm always amused that people hold Thaksin up a a beacon of democracy, when all evidence shows he is exactly the opposite

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Hi there,

So finally i have something to say to that political issues in the past 5 years. I see RED who admire Mr. T, and the YELLOW and admire Mr. A and fight against each other so badly, and i ask myself: whats going on ???

I saw Mr. T. in his job, and he got things done until the Yellow's found a way to kick him out. Corruption???

Please tell me just ONE in the politics who is not corrupt? But at least he worked for his Country and did something for Thailand, or not?



Thanks for sharing your thoughts Orangeparty,

This style of post, which we are regularly blessed with always looks better when prefaced with the classic " I'm no fan of Thaksin but...." Its a fair warning for the reader to put down the coffee cup and prepare for a mirthful read.

Can you point to any evidence of Abhisit being corrupt? I don't remember him ordering the govt bank to lend 4 billion baht to Burma for buying products from Abhisits company. Can't remembering him devaluing the baht and suddenly becoming a billionaire. Did he award himself any monopolistic telecoms concessions? Can't remember Abhisit requisitioning land donated to a temple and making a golf and country club. Did Abhisit ever kill thousands of people without a trial? Asset concealment? Is Abhisits chauffer and gardener a billionaire? How about pastry-boxes, I don't remember Abhisits lawyers trying to bribe judges. Do you?

I'm always amused that people hold Thaksin up a a beacon of democracy, when all evidence shows he is exactly the opposite

I too find it amazing that people actually see Abhisit and Thaksin in the same light, people who still believe Thaksin was doing a good job as PM. Actually, in part I blame media (eg bbc) for poor coverage after the coup and during the red shirt 'shin dig' last year, giving people the impression that Mr.T is some kind of pro-democratic Robin Hood character helping the poor. Anyway, nice post.

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Hi there,

So finally i have something to say to that political issues in the past 5 years. I see RED who admire Mr. T, and the YELLOW and admire Mr. A and fight against each other so badly, and i ask myself: whats going on ???

I saw Mr. T. in his job, and he got things done until the Yellow's found a way to kick him out. Corruption???

Please tell me just ONE in the politics who is not corrupt? But at least he worked for his Country and did something for Thailand, or not?



Thanks for sharing your thoughts Orangeparty,

This style of post, which we are regularly blessed with always looks better when prefaced with the classic " I'm no fan of Thaksin but...." Its a fair warning for the reader to put down the coffee cup and prepare for a mirthful read.

Can you point to any evidence of Abhisit being corrupt? I don't remember him ordering the govt bank to lend 4 billion baht to Burma for buying products from Abhisits company. Can't remembering him devaluing the baht and suddenly becoming a billionaire. Did he award himself any monopolistic telecoms concessions? Can't remember Abhisit requisitioning land donated to a temple and making a golf and country club. Did Abhisit ever kill thousands of people without a trial? Asset concealment? Is Abhisits chauffer and gardener a billionaire? How about pastry-boxes, I don't remember Abhisits lawyers trying to bribe judges. Do you?

I'm always amused that people hold Thaksin up a a beacon of democracy, when all evidence shows he is exactly the opposite

I too find it amazing that people actually see Abhisit and Thaksin in the same light, people who still believe Thaksin was doing a good job as PM. Actually, in part I blame media (eg bbc) for poor coverage after the coup and during the red shirt 'shin dig' last year, giving people the impression that Mr.T is some kind of pro-democratic Robin Hood character helping the poor. Anyway, nice post.

You need to remember that Thaksin is the globalists choice for expoliting the resources and labor of this region. Their media may occasionally pay lip service to his corrupt ways but it's always with a wink, as what more could anyone expect from brown skins?

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Hi there,

So finally i have something to say to that political issues in the past 5 years. I see RED who admire Mr. T, and the YELLOW and admire Mr. A and fight against each other so badly, and i ask myself: whats going on ???

I saw Mr. T. in his job, and he got things done until the Yellow's found a way to kick him out. Corruption???

Please tell me just ONE in the politics who is not corrupt? But at least he worked for his Country and did something for Thailand, or not?

I saw as Mr. A took over as PM, and i never can remember that i heard that he do something for his Country, example Thai/Cambodia Conflict,

his statement: I leave that for the new Goverment. "What a good PM....".

I do not agree with what happend in Cent. World (whoever did it, Red or Yellow dosent matter) that was unprofessional and not for the People!!!

Point is now not to find the next conflict, NOW Yinluck is in charge and if you PEOPLE like to have something GOOD then leave to do her JOB,

and proove herself (no matter Mr. T behind the curtain or not). IMPORTANT IS THINGS HAVE TO GET DONE, and every attempt to change the

Goverment is counterproductive, you guys do not see that?

Why not be democratic and let her do her JOB without picking on her all time? If she fail then is enough time to change things but anyway it need time.

So or so, she will be PM and it dosent matter what color she have, what matters is what she do for YOU, for THAILAND.

People, so YOU have voted, and the numbers are clear, and support her as PM now its time for the otherside to give her a chance and have a look. If

the stupid fighting goes on so that YELLOWS now make terror then THAILAND will goes down and down and that for sure, and that is then not the fault of the

Goverment thats the fault of the people who work against it. So WAKE UP and every one work together to get Common Goals.

I am Farang, but i love THAILAND and i love the stories about the former KING (Long live the King), he is not mine (sadly) but he do/did the best for his Country,

not likes RED or YELLOW who destroy his legacy bit by bit with Fights, clashes, ....


You red shirts should have adopted the let them do their job when the Dems were in.

Now you are in and say leave us alone.

Tell me is that being honest or just plain two faced.

Open your eyes and watch the Dems they will not invade hospitals shoot at crowds try to burn Bangkok down.

They are honorable and will let you try to run the countrie.

Maybe with Yingluck inexperience at corruption she might do some thing for Thailand instead.

She does have the best teacher money can buy to learn corruption from but she might just say no I am the PM not you.

Well I am allowed to hope aren't I.

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Hi there,

So finally i have something to say to that political issues in the past 5 years. I see RED who admire Mr. T, and the YELLOW and admire Mr. A and fight against each other so badly, and i ask myself: whats going on ???

I saw Mr. T. in his job, and he got things done until the Yellow's found a way to kick him out. Corruption???

Please tell me just ONE in the politics who is not corrupt? But at least he worked for his Country and did something for Thailand, or not?

I saw as Mr. A took over as PM, and i never can remember that i heard that he do something for his Country, example Thai/Cambodia Conflict,

his statement: I leave that for the new Goverment. "What a good PM....".

I do not agree with what happend in Cent. World (whoever did it, Red or Yellow dosent matter) that was unprofessional and not for the People!!!

Point is now not to find the next conflict, NOW Yinluck is in charge and if you PEOPLE like to have something GOOD then leave to do her JOB,

and proove herself (no matter Mr. T behind the curtain or not). IMPORTANT IS THINGS HAVE TO GET DONE, and every attempt to change the

Goverment is counterproductive, you guys do not see that?

Why not be democratic and let her do her JOB without picking on her all time? If she fail then is enough time to change things but anyway it need time.

So or so, she will be PM and it dosent matter what color she have, what matters is what she do for YOU, for THAILAND.

People, so YOU have voted, and the numbers are clear, and support her as PM now its time for the otherside to give her a chance and have a look. If

the stupid fighting goes on so that YELLOWS now make terror then THAILAND will goes down and down and that for sure, and that is then not the fault of the

Goverment thats the fault of the people who work against it. So WAKE UP and every one work together to get Common Goals.

I am Farang, but i love THAILAND and i love the stories about the former KING (Long live the King), he is not mine (sadly) but he do/did the best for his Country,

not likes RED or YELLOW who destroy his legacy bit by bit with Fights, clashes, ....


I appreciate your heart felt and common sense position. The new prime minister should be given a chance to do her job. She was voted in by the overwhelming majority of the people.

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I appreciate your heart felt and common sense position. The new prime minister should be given a chance to do her job. She was voted in by the overwhelming majority of the people.

Ummm no --- she wasn't. Perhaps you would like to go back and look at the election results. She did, however, gain a clear parliamentary majority. That is a different thing than being voted for by the majority, much less an overwhelming majority.

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