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Our black lab puppie died last night from distemper, it was heart breaking to see her suffer and watch the life gonout of her, she was such a lovely lively naughty girl until she got ill.

we have another puppie who is fighting it at the moment, she has injections and drip every day so I am praying that she will make it.

The vet said another village nearby has an outbreak and I understand that this spreads very quickly.


sorry to hear this. over the years we have lost a couple of dogs to this air born disease. the only way to stop is make sure the dogs have their jabs as soon as old enough. we have one dog that survived having distemper at 1 or 2 months old. (brothers and sister dog died) she now has little or no teeth and very dodgy bones. distemper stripped the calcuim from her body.



What area are you in? Our little boy has had all his shots, but I've lost them to distemper before and just want to know..

Sorry to hear of your loss.



Very sorry to hear of your sad loss.

Earlier this year I visited my girlfriend near Mahasarakham. We came back from a trip to Lao to find one of her puppies, about 6 months I think, had stopped eating. It wouldn't or couldn't drink although it was found half in the water of a pond. We had the village vet to look at him who is a relative of my girlfriend's brother in law. Even had some other smartly dressed guy who was something to do with the Ministry of Agriculture animal section. In the end he just faded away. It's at times like this that you really understand you are in a vastly different country. I'd never seen a vet just give an injection without an examination. It's brother was also showing the same symptoms when I had to leave but survived only to die a few months later possibly from poisoning. Nothing to do with distemper and in fact I hadn't even thought about it. My dog in the UK always has its jabs so don't even worry about it. Something else to try to deal with when I' next there.

I did ask in the animal forum if anyone knew of a good vet in the Mahasarakham area but got no reply. If someone sees this and can recommend a good vet I'd be very grateful.


Thoongfoned - thanks, we got them from chacuchak (sorry about the spelling), they were young 5 weeks and 9 weeks, the vet said they proberbly didn't have enough milk from their mother, my husband asked his cousin to take them from Bangkok to our village only they stopped one night on the way in his wife's village and gave them a shower without drying them, they shook for ages so I think all these things added to their immune system being low. In hindsight we should have got puppies from a reputable breeder, but hindsights a wonderful thing, and we've tried to give them the most love and comfort we can.

Mario299 many thanks, I hope your little fella's ok, I wish this hadn't take hold before we had a chance to get them immunized. We live near kantararom.

Kimamey, thanks, we also have a black lab in the uk and never had a problem with him but I think ur right u realize how different it is out here and how quick these things spread when so many dogs dont have immunization.


Very sorry to hear of your sad loss.

Earlier this year I visited my girlfriend near Mahasarakham. We came back from a trip to Lao to find one of her puppies, about 6 months I think, had stopped eating. It wouldn't or couldn't drink although it was found half in the water of a pond. We had the village vet to look at him who is a relative of my girlfriend's brother in law. Even had some other smartly dressed guy who was something to do with the Ministry of Agriculture animal section. In the end he just faded away. It's at times like this that you really understand you are in a vastly different country. I'd never seen a vet just give an injection without an examination. It's brother was also showing the same symptoms when I had to leave but survived only to die a few months later possibly from poisoning. Nothing to do with distemper and in fact I hadn't even thought about it. My dog in the UK always has its jabs so don't even worry about it. Something else to try to deal with when I' next there.

I did ask in the animal forum if anyone knew of a good vet in the Mahasarakham area but got no reply. If someone sees this and can recommend a good vet I'd be very grateful.

I live in Mahasarakham. About a year ago we had an urgent need for a vet. My daughter located one in Whapiphatum, not to far from us. He took care of our problems straight away, however it wasn't anything as bad as distemper. Point being he seemed to know what he was doing and actually cared about our dog. Send me a PM and I will see if my daughter remembers where he lives. I could drive you there but just can't give directions


Sunny has passed away this morning, she was having difficulty in breathing and then just let out one long sigh.

I was really thinking she was turning a corner she seemed happy and better this morning then we gave her her medicine and then she was sick, and then even more trouble breathing.


i had dogs most of my life so i know a little,first buy off a reputable dealer,go and see the parents and the conditions they are brought up in that will tell you a lot,if they havnt got a cert.for their jabs dont touch them,and never buy puppies under 12weeks old,and try not to let them be handled too much when young.when i see dogs running loose and mucking every where i try to avoid these areas. r.i.p. little ones.


hey, i saw your pups on FB and had thought they were with u in england; and thuoght they had parvo. yes, a few months ago someoen else had a huge outbreak of distemper among all her pups (the girl with the major amount of animals in korat area) ; at any rate, the disease is mostly spread thru contact, saliva droplets sprayed around, water and food... and it sound like your pup died of secondary infection , pneumonia. most pups get distemper between their weaning and the time they get their shots when the immunity from mother's milk has worn off ... the immunity from the mother of course comes either from her having been vaccinated or from her having had distemper and surviving. mature dogs can and do survive, obviously pups are weaker therefore die. and if theysurvive they can have various physical problems.

its also prevalant here in israel since many many people still dont do any immunization program apart from the required rabies vaccine. some of us only do the first series and dont maintain yearly boosters (in the states i think they now give dogs boosters every three years?) unless breeding, working dog, travelling/kennelling. so ive seen many dogs /pups with distemper and also parvo.

poor babies. and i saw your were working so hard with their meds and everything. you did more then many would or could have done... maybe just adopt a village dog- they are hardier, made it past puppy hood and there are plenty around that could use a good caring home, but will fit in with village life...



Thanks meatboy and bina.

Meatboy - I should know that as I have a dog in the uk but

I guess I took it for granted how much safer it is in the uk, in the uk we have boosters every year. As for the pups I don't think they were going home to their mother for extra milk but we should have looked into it more I know.

As you bina we don't live in Thailand but come a couple of months a year and pups were going to stay with amkha's mum and dad who loved them as soon as they saw them.

We have a Thai dog who was the only survived of 3 (one someone poisoned and one got ran over by a drunk motorcyclist) - maybe in a few years we'll change our minds but at the moment we're too heartbroken to get another.

And thanks bina, we did try everything and gave them alot of love.


Thanks meatboy and bina.

Meatboy - I should know that as I have a dog in the uk but

I guess I took it for granted how much safer it is in the uk, in the uk we have boosters every year. As for the pups I don't think they were going home to their mother for extra milk but we should have looked into it more I know.

As you bina we don't live in Thailand but come a couple of months a year and pups were going to stay with amkha's mum and dad who loved them as soon as they saw them.

We have a Thai dog who was the only survived of 3 (one someone poisoned and one got ran over by a drunk motorcyclist) - maybe in a few years we'll change our minds but at the moment we're too heartbroken to get another.

And thanks bina, we did try everything and gave them alot of love.

dont blame yourselfs.it is very difficult to look after dogs in thailand there are so many drawbacks,they should not be left to run around with other dogs there is so much disease every were,it is the same as the uk,we get ours vacs.and every 2months an injection for heartworm,see the posts on the subject.next time you come to los see if there are any dog shows around,we have one by us next week i will look for owner/breeders and post the info.


Thanks meatboy, maybe in a couple of years we'll try again and will definatley look for breeders rather than a market, would very much appreciate the info though.

I kinda relied on my husband to sort it all out as I did in the uk as he's Thai !!!!! I can see next time will have to take matters into my own hands.


Why not consider a Thai (soi) dog? Mongrels are generally hardier than pedigree animals. Although they may not look as attractive they are just as loving as a good looking thoroughbred.


Why not consider a Thai (soi) dog? Mongrels are generally hardier than pedigree animals. Although they may not look as attractive they are just as loving as a good looking thoroughbred.

we have one by us although i have never seen her run with a pack,she doesnt bark,not agresive in any way,she plays with a cat, she is a lovely thai ridgeback we would definately have her if we didnt already have ours.


I lost my old rescued soi dog last year. At least her last few years with me were happier than if she had remained on the streets.

Took her to the vet and of course, he smiled and gave her some injections but not sure that he understood my concerns.

Does anyone know the Thai word for 'distemper'?

Either Thai script or an English phonetic approximation - God forbid it should happen again but want to be sure I can communicate if the worst happens.


Thanks meatboy, maybe in a couple of years we'll try again and will definatley look for breeders rather than a market, would very much appreciate the info though.

I kinda relied on my husband to sort it all out as I did in the uk as he's Thai !!!!! I can see next time will have to take matters into my own hands.


Sorry if this comes off as insensitive but if I may ask, how much did you pay for the non-registered Lab?

I ask because I am getting one from a professional breeder next month and I am paying about 15,000 baht.

Also can you tell me what additional shots you gave the puppies, I.e., I mean in addition to initial rabies, heart worm, etc.?

Apologies again if this is insensitive.


to vpi78

tons of info on vaccines and stuff in the pet/vet section.... u can start a new topic there



to vpi78

tons of info on vaccines and stuff in the pet/vet section.... u can start a new topic there




Thanks meatboy, maybe in a couple of years we'll try again and will definatley look for breeders rather than a market, would very much appreciate the info though.

I kinda relied on my husband to sort it all out as I did in the uk as he's Thai !!!!! I can see next time will have to take matters into my own hands.


Sorry if this comes off as insensitive but if I may ask, how much did you pay for the non-registered Lab?

I ask because I am getting one from a professional breeder next month and I am paying about 15,000 baht.

Also can you tell me what additional shots you gave the puppies, I.e., I mean in addition to initial rabies, heart worm, etc.?

Apologies again if this is insensitive.

15,ooobht should be about right,if he is a repatable breeder the dog should have had all the right injections he will have a certificate/card with the vets name and dates,what age is he letting you have the puppy should be [12-14weeks] ask around for any one who can recomend a good vet,visit the surgery that will be a start,what part of los are you living.as said you can pick up a lot of info in the pets forum.


Thanks meatboy, maybe in a couple of years we'll try again and will definatley look for breeders rather than a market, would very much appreciate the info though.

I kinda relied on my husband to sort it all out as I did in the uk as he's Thai !!!!! I can see next time will have to take matters into my own hands.


Sorry if this comes off as insensitive but if I may ask, how much did you pay for the non-registered Lab?

I ask because I am getting one from a professional breeder next month and I am paying about 15,000 baht.

Also can you tell me what additional shots you gave the puppies, I.e., I mean in addition to initial rabies, heart worm, etc.?

Apologies again if this is insensitive.

15,ooobht should be about right,if he is a repatable breeder the dog should have had all the right injections he will have a certificate/card with the vets name and dates,what age is he letting you have the puppy should be [12-14weeks] ask around for any one who can recomend a good vet,visit the surgery that will be a start,what part of los are you living.as said you can pick up a lot of info in the pets forum.

Thanks for that. I live just outside Nong Bua Lam Phu. Most Thais seem to go for the indoor Lhasa Apso type dogs around here when they go for pedigree dogs. But I just like Labradors and hope the climate is ok for the new puppy.


lhasa apsos are definately not indoor dog types. shitzus are. lhasas are working guard dogs, hardy and tough, and fairly difficult to train. i doubt there are many in thailand. thais if they get house dogs go for the shitzu types as they are fashionable, expensive, portable and, how should i put this? , sweet and nice. pomerianians. small poodles. pugs. king cavalier charles spaniels. trendy dogs.

apart from their fur, lhasas are not in the same category.

foofoo and lilee waiting for apology for calling them 'indoor types'.


lhasa apsos are definately not indoor dog types. shitzus are. lhasas are working guard dogs, hardy and tough, and fairly difficult to train. i doubt there are many in thailand. thais if they get house dogs go for the shitzu types as they are fashionable, expensive, portable and, how should i put this? , sweet and nice. pomerianians. small poodles. pugs. king cavalier charles spaniels. trendy dogs.

apart from their fur, lhasas are not in the same category.

foofoo and lilee waiting for apology for calling them 'indoor types'.

Well that is going to come as a shock up here in Nong Bua that LAs are not indoor dogs. There may not be a lot in Thailand but I know of 3 LAs at one combination coffee/gaming/internet shop. I can't go there and not get a lecture about why I should get an indoor dog instead of an outdoor dog.


post-8751-0-01134300-1312557487_thumb.jpfoofoo in our local spring. lilee was photographed also but i cant find the pics now...

foofoo was raised nursing from the teats of a goat in a goat shed... and if u take a look at the lahasa gumpta dogs u will se ethat they are outdoor only dogs..

but htis is totally off topic....


you reed some rearly sad stories about dogs and the problems with diseases a lot of which could be avioded with the right treatment,i asked the wife if anything ever happened to ours or old age crept up on him could we take him to the temple[back in the uk they have this] no was the reply dogs are the lowest so we have to make do ourself,on a more happier story did anyone read about the retired fire rescue officer living on koh chang who brought his 3legged dog with him,its in the forum about 3lads went out only 1came back.

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