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The front of my house seems to be collecting pigeons and all the muck that goes with it. Easy enough to put some spikes outside the bedroom window but there are some small sills just under the eaves which are a trifle awkward unless you have long ladders. Anyone know of an outfit in town that specialises in these pests and the fitting of spikes and nets to deter them? ( I know, do a Jasper Carrott with a 12 bore but the locals might disapprove!)

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How to get rid of pigeons

I like step 9.. You will need to pick up an owl or falcon

I would recommend buying a slingshot.. You might not get rid of the pigeons but your aim will be great.

Yes I read that page. Could do with a few real ones around here to thin the pigeons out a bit. I have a BB but as with the feral cats, they just come back when you are not looking. Unfortunately one misguided local woman goes round the village putting food out for the poor street cats (!) Unfortunately the cats are so well fed they wont chase the pigeons who are equally well fed and of course they breed because of the food, more mouths to feed this woman puts out more food (Except near her own house) and so the cycle continues! I reckon I am going to need someone with a very long ladder to either spike or net all the places a pigeon can land. There must be some outfit around that does that.....................anyone?


Try to find a local restaurant with a sign that reads นกพิราบย่าง (Nok Phirab Yang)

They should be able to help you out ;)


Ultra sounds systems - not cheap - are really very efficient. If you can't find some in Thailand, either order by the net, or get some friend to bring them back from Europe for you. Other solution, but longer term:, feed them with sterilizing seeds (Ornistéril, Ovistop, Fertistop 99 ?)...<BR>Otherwise, only but spikes and light "floating nets" wilol do...<BR>Good luck!


Ultra sounds systems - not cheap - are really very efficient. If you can't find some in Thailand, either order by the net, or get some friend to bring them back from Europe for you. Other solution, but longer term:, feed them with sterilizing seeds (Ornistéril, Ovistop, Fertistop 99 ?)...<BR>Otherwise, only but spikes and light "floating nets" wilol do...<BR>Good luck!

Thank you for your suggestion. I read on one page about pigeons that said there are sound scarers available for virtually all pests and they all have on thing in common, ''They don't Work!'' From my experience with ultrasonic dog and cat scarers I brought back from the UK, the animals around here are deaf as they do not take a blind bit of notice!


For myself, I would use some bread that has been doped with some sort of chemical that would induce a state of lifelessness. A little due diligance, and the problem would be solved.


Don't know if our method will work for pigeons. We have a problem with minah birds, nesting in the eaves of our Singapore flat. On the advice of friends, we hung CD's suspended on string. Seems to work, the birds are scared by the glitter & their own reflections.

The internet offers other solutions, like this website:



Thank you for the other suggestions.

The problem with something to induce a state resembling a Norwegian Blue of some infamy is the wife. Bhuddist, doesn't like hurting things!

As for the suggestion from Singapore, well, I will be there on a flying visit in a couple of weeks so if there is anything available thats legal and can fit in a suitcase please let me know.

Yes I read that pigeons and Owls do not get a long to well and that putting a fake one out might have an effect but that it will probably be only temporary. The pigeons are a fairly recent addition around here, I think attributable to all the food left out for the cats.

Also the bright shiny deterrents, I thought of cooking foil but it wont las too long and the CD's wont add to the aethetics.


So what exactly is the problem with using a BB gun? Hubby and I ran a greenhouse/nursery operation in the U.S. prior to retiring to Thailand. Our genuine Michigan-made Daisy BB gun was an important part of our pest control team.

Incidentally, I'm a pretty good shot and loved the BB gun because it had much less recoil and did less damage to the greenhouses than the shotgun


So what exactly is the problem with using a BB gun? Hubby and I ran a greenhouse/nursery operation in the U.S. prior to retiring to Thailand. Our genuine Michigan-made Daisy BB gun was an important part of our pest control team.

My gas BB pistol is not going to cause them anything but a minor inconvenience and anything worthwhile is going to be awkward for the windows plus I am not going to stand out in the road for hours. You can wait all day but as soon as oyur back is turned...........


So what exactly is the problem with using a BB gun? Hubby and I ran a greenhouse/nursery operation in the U.S. prior to retiring to Thailand. Our genuine Michigan-made Daisy BB gun was an important part of our pest control team.

Incidentally, I'm a pretty good shot and loved the BB gun because it had much less recoil and did less damage to the greenhouses than the shotgun

Not a very Buddhist sentiment considering your posts elsewhere! " Shotgun??!! " "GOOD GOD!" An expression you seem to favor from time to time.

Who's Daisy? Must be a woman not worth meeting at a bar.

I think you are under stress! :)


So what exactly is the problem with using a BB gun? Hubby and I ran a greenhouse/nursery operation in the U.S. prior to retiring to Thailand. Our genuine Michigan-made Daisy BB gun was an important part of our pest control team.

Incidentally, I'm a pretty good shot and loved the BB gun because it had much less recoil and did less damage to the greenhouses than the shotgun

Not a very Buddhist sentiment considering your posts elsewhere! " Shotgun??!! " "GOOD GOD!" An expression you seem to favor from time to time.

Who's Daisy? Must be a woman not worth meeting at a bar.

I think you are under stress! :)

Genuine Daisy Air Rifle. Come 'on every American male reading comic books in the 1950s and 60s saw those ads. The Daisy air rifle is really great for controlling small pests, provided you don't "put out your eye" (A reference to the great 1980s movie "The Christmas Story" about boyhood in the early 1960s)

Per another poster, I've got to admit that the BB gun didn't always go the job with the small animal pests in our greenhouse/nursery. But it sure slowed 'em down enough where our small terrior/pit bull mix could do her job.

Mapguy, I'm not under stress right now, just concerned about a friend and the lack of support she's receiving for so-called "friends".


You're gonna think Im bonkers for this one but just ask them. Literally just ask them non-aggresively to go away. I've done it with ants and in the Uk did it with wasps. If you dont believe me just ask a cockroatch to fly right at you and watch what it does

Once again I know its crazy but perhaps they pick up the vibrations in the voice.


I used to operate a lot of warehouses in my past life and a big plastic owl was very effective but not that easy to find. Another idea is to string thin fishing line across your windows for a few weeks, the birds cannot see it and fly into it. The theory goes that after a while they get fed up and find another place to go.


So what exactly is the problem with using a BB gun? Hubby and I ran a greenhouse/nursery operation in the U.S. prior to retiring to Thailand. Our genuine Michigan-made Daisy BB gun was an important part of our pest control team.

Incidentally, I'm a pretty good shot and loved the BB gun because it had much less recoil and did less damage to the greenhouses than the shotgun

No problem using a BB gun, except that one needs a license to use them in Thailand.


I think what you are referring to as a BB gun I would refer to as an Air Gun which I believe does require a license here. What I call a BB gun fires little blastic balls and doesnt. Effective at 2m and less if you want to stand there all the time. I have tried my ultrasonic animal scarer that doesnt work on cats and dogs and now doesnt work with pigeons either. Just trying an old favourite, VIXOL in the white bottle with 20% acid. Yes I have thought about fishing line or thin wire and will probably give it a go. So far no suggestions about companies that sell anti pigeon spikes and fit them in awkward places but thanks for all the suggestions.


Where I live, we have a lovely pool and garden. The pigeons like to bathe and shit by the pool in the morning. There is a lovely old British lady who lives by the pool. She feeds the pigeons. She's been told that these vermin defecate in the pool and then her grandchildren swim in it it. No use, she says, in her inimitable British accent, "but the birds are my friends." Full stop.

The cure...put a cat on patrol. We had a cat that had her kittens in the garden. While the cat was in residence, there were no pigeons. So, although there are thousands of pigeons in the area, the minute the cat went on station, no pigeons.

Since the Thai believe all life forms are past or future humans, this method gets around the moral/cultural restraints. Get a cat.


Where I live, we have a lovely pool and garden. The pigeons like to bathe and shit by the pool in the morning. There is a lovely old British lady who lives by the pool. She feeds the pigeons. She's been told that these vermin defecate in the pool and then her grandchildren swim in it it. No use, she says, in her inimitable British accent, "but the birds are my friends." Full stop.

The cure...put a cat on patrol. We had a cat that had her kittens in the garden. While the cat was in residence, there were no pigeons. So, although there are thousands of pigeons in the area, the minute the cat went on station, no pigeons.

Since the Thai believe all life forms are past or future humans, this method gets around the moral/cultural restraints. Get a cat.

Sorry, that wont work. If you read above you will see that I also have someone that goes around the village putting food out, in front of other peoples houses, to feed the cats. The cats are so well fed they dont chase the pigeons and there is so much food the pigeons have their fill as well. With so much food they are both breeeding uncontrollably. I am not going to add to this villages problems by introducing yet more cats. The answer is for this person to stop putting food out. She knows not to do in front of my house. Putting 20% Hydrochloric Vixol around the area seems to be working well enough at the moment.


Fake Plastic Owls work...

I retired from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The VAB, one of the biggest buildings in the world, has giant "high bays" for the space shuttles, rocket assemblies, etc. Lots of birds and other critters intrude into these giant hangar-like facilities all the time. Guess what they do to curtail that activity? They put out plastic Owls all over the place where birds like pigeons try to hang out. They are even placed around the launch pads. We had one stuffed owl sitting in the rafters of our outside eating area of our cafeteria.


.....ah thaivisa, mention a problem with critters and all the shootem, poisonem, killem all predictable responces. Anyway, the spike sollution is really the best alternative and no need to find a specialist company, just find a hangyman and ask him to do the job, he will most likely be able to find the spikes or know someone that knows.


Yup spike strips, thats what I have been asking for if anyone has seen them around town. Rat Glue, undoubtedly effective but some of these place are rather inaccessible and ......a bit messy. Plastic owls, maybe worth a try if there were any of those around. In the mean time they were not keen on the vixol (which has just been washed off) or my BB gun (plastic ball type).

As for the suggestion of simply asking them to go. Sorry mate, no offence, but you were right, thats weird! Anyway I did ask one very politely to go away and it told me to bugger off so it got a couple of BB balls up its bum, said something very rude and flew off!


There's a trick they use for seagulls that may work for pigeons also. Sting a few line of almost transparent fishing line between trees and house.....the birds get spooked because they can't see and hit it and don't come around any more................


There's a trick they use for seagulls that may work for pigeons also. Sting a few line of almost transparent fishing line between trees and house.....the birds get spooked because they can't see and hit it and don't come around any more................

Yup, they also use it strung across reservoirs to preserve trout stocks from hungry herons. Also old bits of fishing net. Certainly worth a thought using a handy lecky pole nearby. Thanks.

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