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Obama Announces Deal To Raise Debt Limit, Cut Spending


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Oh, so when Ulysses G posted, "When one is broke, it is stupid to keep om [sic] spending.", what he really meant was "stupid, useless spending".

How convenient. :whistling:

And by the way who decides what's "stupid and useless"? Tea Party Republicans like Michelle Bachmann? Before you answer, do a search to see how much she's collected in farm subsidies and government handouts. My point is that everyone wants to cut someone else's spending because it's allegedly "stupid and useless". But not the spending programs that they benefit from, because those are smart and useful. <_<

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I do not speak for UG but bet he meant stop the stupid useless spending & instead spend on things that produce.

As in job creation, infrastructure etc.

Exactly. :jap:

So the two of you are in support of spending to improve the infrastructure in the US. Great. I'm sure President Obama will appreciate your support if he announces massive infrastructure improvements in the near future (highways, bridges, renewable energy, etc...). And I'll look forward to reading your posts in support of them.


Edited by up-country_sinclair
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Look at the near catastrophic collapse as you called it & first realize it was not as they claim neither in reason it occurred nor the supposed fix they threw at it. I say supposed because as you can see they threw billions at it & cured nothing.


Oh, President George Bush and his Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson.

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I do not speak for UG but bet he meant stop the stupid useless spending & instead spend on things that produce.

As in job creation, infrastructure etc.

Exactly. :jap:

So the two of you are in support of spending to improve the infrastructure in the US. Great. I'm sure President Obama will appreciate your support if he announces massive infrastructure improvements in the near future (highways, bridges, renewable energy, etc...). And I'll look forward to reading your posts in support of them.


But Obama does support spending on infrastructure, terrorist infrastructure in Pakistan or billions more flushed down the khazi supporting the democratic Muslim brotherhood in Egypt. Meanwhile some areas in the U.S such as Detroit resemble the Mad Max filmset.

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Carry on....election coming again soon.....My guess the new influx will surpass the last one. Hence the fear tactics being thrown about

by you & yours.

Exactly. Remember a few years ago there was a scandal involving journalists who collaborated with each other via email to spin the news a certain direction? I bet they are doing the same now with calling the Tea Party "terrorists" and "holding hostage". Repeat it enough and lazy people will believe it to be true.

Here's a link to a short interview. Don't read if you want to continue to believe the TP are unreasonable and dangerous.

Interview with Tea Party Co-Founder Mark Meckler

SPIEGEL: We look at it and see a Congress held hostage by a small group of radical Tea Party members unwilling to agree to any budget compromise and risking a US default. Meckler: What do you mean by "a small group?" Forty-one percent of voters in the last US election said they agreed with Tea Party values. And the primary values of the Tea Party are about fiscal responsibility.


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Repeat it enough and lazy people will believe it to be true.

Really? That's seems terribly cynical.

Forty-one percent of voters in the last US election said they agreed with Tea Party values. And the primary values of the Tea Party are about fiscal responsibility.

Hey, I guess you're right! :lol:

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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I do not speak for UG but bet he meant stop the stupid useless spending & instead spend on things that produce.

As in job creation, infrastructure etc.

Exactly. :jap:

So the two of you are in support of spending to improve the infrastructure in the US. Great. I'm sure President Obama will appreciate your support if he announces massive infrastructure improvements in the near future (highways, bridges, renewable energy, etc...). And I'll look forward to reading your posts in support of them.


He already did about 1.5 years ago.

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The Tea Party politicians are, with few exceptions, ignorant on even basic economics, much less in how a government works. And yes, they held the government hostage in what could have been a very simple legislative action and would have averted the calamity which transpired.

However, I am afraid that if that had happened, as it did, what was it, 18 times during Reagan's presidency, then we would still be business as usual. And we cannot be business as usual. We have to act on our future, and I hope this is the wake-up call.

And this is a case of a pox on both of your houses. The Democrats cannot keep all entitlements sacrosanct. The Republicans cannot keep no new taxes sacrosanct. Polemic politics will be the death of us all.

This situation is not just the fault of Obama, as much as some of you wish it were. It is the fault of all our politicians, and the fault of the voters who do not hold them accountable. And this has been along time coming. Let's hope we can actually do something to right this ship.

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Repeat it enough and lazy people will believe it to be true.

Really? That's seems terribly cynical.

It's not cynical if it's true. ;)

Forty-one percent of voters in the last US election said they agreed with Tea Party values. And the primary values of the Tea Party are about fiscal responsibility.

Hey, I guess you're right! :lol:

Please correct your quote of me in your reply. I DID NOT SAY THAT. Include the full quote that it was said by Tea Party Co-Founder Mark Meckler.

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This situation is not just the fault of Obama, as much as some of you wish it were. It is the fault of all our politicians, and the fault of the voters who do not hold them accountable. And this has been along time coming. Let's hope we can actually do something to right this ship.

You're right...and we can't fix it with business as usual and that's what the TP was fighting, business as usual. They didn't really win, no one did. Least of all the American people.

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This situation is not just the fault of Obama, as much as some of you wish it were. It is the fault of all our politicians, and the fault of the voters who do not hold them accountable. And this has been along time coming. Let's hope we can actually do something to right this ship.

You're right...and we can't fix it with business as usual and that's what the TP was fighting, business as usual. They didn't really win, no one did. Least of all the American people.

But if we play this right, in the long run, maybe we can win. Better now than at a complete catastrophic collapse sometime in the future.

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The tea party movement (BTW, are we allowed to call them the bagger word here, because after all that was how they first described THEMSELVES before they learned a few facts of life?) is reminding me of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. The difference being they are capitalist fundamentalists rather than communist fundamentalists. We should all know by now that extremist fundamentalism of ANY kind always results in massive death and destruction. Americans of good faith need to actively oppose this radical extremism or we are indeed doomed to the pain other countries have experienced when taken over by extreme fundamentalist radicals.

The tea party people don't yet have a leader icon like Mao (yet) except for Sarah Palin who doesn't exactly cut it.


Hard times are historically when these kinds of horribly destructive movements tend to take power. So we are not out of the woods on this as the times are going to get a lot worse.

Edited by Jingthing
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Forty-one percent of voters in the last US election said they agreed with Tea Party values. And the primary values of the Tea Party are about fiscal responsibility.

Hey, I guess you're right! :lol:

Please correct your quote of me in your reply. I DID NOT SAY THAT. Include the full quote that it was said by Tea Party Co-Founder Mark Meckler.

First of all, it was a post made in jest, you know, "humor".

Secondly, I attempted to edit it, but apparently too much time has passed to make an edit (?). I did, however, change it in this post.

As an aside, I can't help but think you're being just a tad delicate, because this type of quoting is quite common. But, if it's against ThaiVisa policy, I'll be sure to not violate said policy in the future.

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Forty-one percent of voters in the last US election said they agreed with Tea Party values. And the primary values of the Tea Party are about fiscal responsibility.

Hey, I guess you're right! :lol:

Please correct your quote of me in your reply. I DID NOT SAY THAT. Include the full quote that it was said by Tea Party Co-Founder Mark Meckler.

First of all, it was a post made in jest, you know, "humor".

Secondly, I attempted to edit it, but apparently too much time has passed to make an edit (?). I did, however, change it in this post.

As an aside, I can't help but think you're being just a tad delicate, because this type of quoting is quite common. But, if it's against ThaiVisa policy, I'll be sure to not violate said policy in the future.

1) I understand the editor leaves a lot to be desired sometimes.

2) Technically it might have been "violating and rules" but that isn't why I objected. Sorry if I came across as too sensitive. Re-reading my reply I can see why it would look that way.

3) I'm sure you know that I wasn't the one who made that quote. But when that is left out of the reply other posters who read it might attribute it to me and ask why, blah, blah, blah and I don't want to deal with it. I would prefer to deal with replies to what I actually wrote myself, for example, HOW would any additional tax revenues be used?

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Hard times are historically when these kinds of horribly destructive movements tend to take power.

If you are referring to the Socialism in the sign I couldn't agree more. From the National Socialist Party in Germany, to the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics through China, North Korea, Cuba, the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, The Shining Path in Peru, etc - hundreds of millions have been murdered and BILLIONS have had their future and opportunities to better their lives stolen from them when Socialist take complete control.

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Hard times are historically when these kinds of horribly destructive movements tend to take power.

If you are referring to the Socialism in the sign I couldn't agree more. From the National Socialist Party in Germany, to the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics through China, North Korea, Cuba, the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, The Shining Path in Peru, etc - hundreds of millions have been murdered and BILLIONS have had their future and opportunities to better their lives stolen from them when Socialist take complete control.

No I am referring to the fundamentalist right wingers, the tea party. If you bothered to read my post, you will realize I condemned radical extremist fundamentalists of ANY ideology, including of course communists, like the Chinese cultural revolution. The Nazis weren't socialists, that's silly, nothing to do with their name, they were as RIGHT WING FASCIST as you can possibly get. Second to Jews in their hatred, were Bolsheviks (and most of all Jewish Bolsheviks). It's hard to take a person seriously who asserts the Nazis were left wing or that radical right wing extremism isn't very dangerous.

Edited by Jingthing
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Look at the near catastrophic collapse as you called it & first realize it was not as they claim neither in reason it occurred nor the supposed fix they threw at it. I say supposed because as you can see they threw billions at it & cured nothing.


Oh, President George Bush and his Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson.

Yes those you mention along with Obama not yet sworn in but urging congress to rethink their our vote

It was this group who at the urging of Paulson got the Congress to switch their,,,Our No vote to yes regarding the initial bail out.

Whats your point?....Oh are you one of those who see it all as a left versus right deal?

Keep your eye on the ball or you will miss the point.

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You guys get serious. Of course what we need is yet another $800 Billion stimulus package that has just gobs of 'shovel ready' jobs.

Now that the silliness is out of my system, what the economy needs is simplification of the tax codes, fewer federal government regulations being added each and every month by this administration and the unknown fears business people have of the gorilla in the room, Obamacare.

Nobody knows what Obamacare will cost. The EPA, DOJ, IRS, DOE, NLRB, etc. are all out of control with no apparent direction coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...and the labor unions are eating it up and becoming more powerful every passing day.

What we need is stability, and we won't get it with this administration.

Chicago politics won't work in the US, and that, dear folks, is what the Tea Party Movement is all about.

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I would have thought the US would have voting compulsory by now. It certainly cuts down chances of nuts such as the tea party causing so much havoc,

That's exactly the opposite of what the right wing wants. They work overtime to come up with schemes to disenfranchise poor and minority voters, who are mostly democrats.

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But if we play this right, in the long run, maybe we can win. Better now than at a complete catastrophic collapse sometime in the future.


I think the time for playing it right is long gone sadly. The outcomes range from very bad to catastrophic. Just a thought, if the tea party don't understand economics perhaps that's a blessing in light of what those who claim to understand it have delivered.

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You guys get serious. Of course what we need is yet another $800 Billion stimulus package that has just gobs of 'shovel ready' jobs.

Now that the silliness is out of my system, what the economy needs is simplification of the tax codes, fewer federal government regulations being added each and every month by this administration and the unknown fears business people have of the gorilla in the room, Obamacare.

Nobody knows what Obamacare will cost. The EPA, DOJ, IRS, DOE, NLRB, etc. are all out of control with no apparent direction coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...and the labor unions are eating it up and becoming more powerful every passing day.

What we need is stability, and we won't get it with this administration.

Chicago politics won't work in the US, and that, dear folks, is what the Tea Party Movement is all about.

I agree with most of what you wrote here. Until the last sentence, that is.

There are a few erudite Tea Partiers who have a firm, even rational concept in mind and who can discuss that concept. However, for the most part, and I have formed this opinion after watching and reading countless interviews with TP candidates, the majority of the TP politicians, and the rank-and-file followers, are pretty mindless sheep who when confronted, can only spout inane slogans.

And for me, that is too bad. It makes the TP movement a joke. Jingthing is not too far off with his comparison to the Cultural Revolution. I don't hold with too many of the TP tenants, but our political system needs all views to come to rational decisions, and certainly many of the TP views need to be considered. But it takes competent, rational people to make those views, and not enough of them are around, in my opinion.

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the majority of the TP politicians, and the rank-and-file followers, are pretty mindless sheep who when confronted, can only spout inane slogans.

Maybe, but the same can easily be said of the far left. Two weeks ago they were claiming that the Tea Party are all "racists". Now they are all parroting the party line that the Tea Party are all "terrorists". Mindless sheep. ;)

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