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Flood Warnings 2011


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I think the flood chart link is down again..... this is the second link, the one that canuckamuck posted .....worked fine for a few hours...

anybody get a 7PM and a *pm reading or a new hydro link????

all is well at the Pun Pun to this point but it is getting very close.

If any has those readings, please post


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The last reading at 6 pm was @ 4.77 for Chiangmai

so est now might be between @ 4.80 - @4.85

if it rises between 0.03 - 0.08 meter . for 7 pm

and now is 8 PM just an est. It might in the Range

of @4.82 - @4.89

hopefully the flow is fast and it would not rise .

This is not the Figure is just an Estimation

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I think the flood chart link is down again..... this is the second link, the one that canuckamuck posted .....worked fine for a few hours...

anybody get a 7PM and a *pm reading or a new hydro link????

all is well at the Pun Pun to this point but it is getting very close.

If any has those readings, please post


Here's a link with pics for the Nawarat Bridge level (updates each 30 mins. so far)


Here's the website via Google Translate;




Hope that helps a bit. Stay safe :-)

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is there any source that can estimate the Peak . so it would help people to prepare for it better .

Just to give a crazy High Hit . it might go @ 5.17 - @ 5.25

but hopefully if the river flow is fast and it would not hit @ 5.10

this might just be the 10 years flood the thai is talking about .

all the while chiangmai had bene famous for it flood every decade or so . just that this time is a 6th years flood

i wonder is time to plan for a new location . if the flood time frame shorten due to global warming .

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I think the flood chart link is down again..... this is the second link, the one that canuckamuck posted .....worked fine for a few hours...

anybody get a 7PM and a *pm reading or a new hydro link????

all is well at the Pun Pun to this point but it is getting very close.

If any has those readings, please post


Here's a link with pics for the Nawarat Bridge level (updates each 30 mins. so far)


Here's the website via Google Translate;




Hope that helps a bit. Stay safe :-)

great links - thanks

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Guys , was playing with the system and got a link that show a few photo of the flood meter

i upload it on facebook . http://www.facebook.com/SiamGet

the link is form


but i suggest we don;t flood the server and usefacebook or other server for it .. cos if the server can't handle the traffic it might crash and we are out of info

i suspect that the other update server crashes and is not able to handle the flux of traffic for us checking every few min .

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My wife just got back from a Bicycle ride . and Chiangmai Land is Flooded and the Water had reach the Highway Road . about 1 foot high on the highway at the rear exisit of chingmai land now .


the last reading seem to be @4.88 meter maybe 30 min ago


Please do not drive your cars toward the Highway heading out of the airport plaza toward Nong hoi Highway road .. is DEAD JAM . .

Edited by Ta22
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Guys , was playing with the system and got a link that show a few photo of the flood meter

i upload it on facebook . http://www.facebook.com/SiamGet

the link is form


but i suggest we don;t flood the server and usefacebook or other server for it .. cos if the server can't handle the traffic it might crash and we are out of info

i suspect that the other update server crashes and is not able to handle the flux of traffic for us checking every few min .

I agree Ta 22.... that site was suggested to me about an hour ago and I have been following the updates and good news.... it seems to have risen only about .02 in the past hour. Surely hope so..... could really use a drop over the next few hours....


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but the actual town is solid as a rock!

Would this include Chang Klan Rd?

In the floods of 2005

The girls in my office in Ratchamanka Road decided to sleep in the office. I quickly drove to my Mum's bungalow close to Wat U-Mong to collect some blankets and pillows. By the time that I returned - and came down the road by Wat Phrasing - the water was so deep that people were having to swim. So much for the actual town being solid as a rock.

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Was able to get a snapshot while I could get in to show trends.


Server seems to be back online now (but - don't look!).

Not sure you can really derive trends from that. If they drain a dam or something then there would be a rather sudden change, wouldn't there? As it is it seems to be inching higher and I can't imagine that with all the flooding already going on they'd intentionally worsen this. Of course some might just overflow

Anyone know if Hang Dong road is still dry? It was dry around 19:00 and since then water has risen only 5cm.

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Guys , was playing with the system and got a link that show a few photo of the flood meter

i upload it on facebook . http://www.facebook.com/SiamGet

the link is form


but i suggest we don;t flood the server and usefacebook or other server for it .. cos if the server can't handle the traffic it might crash and we are out of info

i suspect that the other update server crashes and is not able to handle the flux of traffic for us checking every few min .

I agree Ta 22.... that site was suggested to me about an hour ago and I have been following the updates and good news.... it seems to have risen only about .02 in the past hour. Surely hope so..... could really use a drop over the next few hours....


Gonzo... Nice to see you posting again.... We were a bit worried. If you are okay now, you should be okay in the morning. The Ping River is down quite a bit here in Mae Taeng. The Mae Taeng River is still running very high however. Had dinner up in the mountains near the Mae Taeng River and a one hour rain storm was torrential. Things should be stabilizing for you in Chiang Mai, but the next round of rain storms from tropical storm Haitang might change the whole picture. The problem right now is that the entire Ping River valley is full of water. It filled from Mae Taeng to Chiang Mai all day today and drainage basin is FULL. If another round of showers comes, it will equate directly with massive floods. Lets hope our rains the next few days are light so the valley can drain. The dam in Doi Saket need some relief too. I'll attach an announcement (in Thai only) from George on another thread that warns about the release of water there.


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Well, let's see.

The oldest part of town is the old, walled city. I have seen floods on Singharat Road perhaps 18 years ago... but generally WTK is correct, the Old City doesn't usually flood.

In times past the royal family and the elite lived in this part of town, together with local Chiang Mai people - almost exclusively Khon Meuang = Khon Yuan = Northern Tai.

The area beyond the city walls - today's Night Bazaar and Nantaram areas, Wua Lai, Thippanet - were for merchants and resettled people from Burma, Kengtung, Sipsongpanna, the Lao states and so on - so less desirable real estate that flooded more easily then, as it still does today.

Same is true for the marshy area north of Jaeng Sri Phum.

Even in those days Nong Hoi must have been a dodgy proposition.

Elevations don't change much in eight centuries, so my guess is WTK is safely enjoying his drink.

but the actual town is solid as a rock!

Would this include Chang Klan Rd?

Let me repeat this with the benefit of the entire post in context:

Just to show that this is *** NOT *** a case of "Chiang Mai" being flooded, this is 6pm at the moat.

Also shows that the people who built this town 715 years ago knew what they were doing; clearly you get flooding near the river when it bursts it's banks, but the actual town is solid as a rock!

post-64232-0-82190300-1317214409_thumb.j post-64232-0-78372100-1317214413_thumb.j

Clearly this refers to the old town, within the moat. There was no Chang Klan / night bazar 715 years ago. Duh.

Actually everything West of the Mae Kha stream / Kamphaeng Din Wall is fine.

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We live a little less than a km N of Mahidol, about a third of the way from the Mall to the Ping. Last fall I woke in the middle of the night to see our street a lake, and our patio six inches deep in water, which was about half an inch below the front door gap where a sill would be in other cultures. I had left my notebook and a DSLR on the floor by the couch, and I found them homes on my desk. But the water did not rise.

The trouble seems to be we live near a semi swanp that shows up quite well on google maps, sort of sandwiched in between a pair of small streams. Which explains why our street is knee-deep in water twice a month, only during deluges. Two hours after the rain, the street is dry. I have come to predict heavy rain fairly accurately -- no cars parked in the street, rain's-a-comin'.

I assumed this was a localized thing, and the Ping was too far away to affect us.

Well, this evening a couple of our women neighbors rang our bell, we went out to the gate, and they said, "Watah! Watah! Ping! Ping!" My Thai being excellent, I immediately understood. Talk about being out of the loop. But it caught us way by surprise. Anyway, I guess the Ping can reach us, after all. And I checked with y'all.

I still don't see how the Ping can come 2/3 of the way to the Mall. Comments?


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10PM figures for Nawarat Bridge on the on-again-out-often hydro site Ping Hourly Data: 4.86 meters, and rate-of-flow 826.

If you want to reminisce about the 2005 flood, try this: 2005 Ping River flood : excerpt:

Peak flow from the 6355-km2 drainage area of the Ping River upstream of the city of Chiang Mai was 867m3s−1 (river-gage of height 4.93 m) and flow greater than 600m3s−1 lasted for 2.5 days. Parts of the city of Chiang Mai and some parts of the floodplain in the intermontane Chiang Mai basin were flooded up to 1-km distant from the main channel.

While I was able to make my life-support bicycle run to the Soy Milk refueling facility on CharoenMuang at Teevee Utit (one red light west of the Railway Station), I made the mistake of going there via the back way, down the road that runs west along the north side of the Kavila Military Reservation and, so, returned home looking like:

OrangPostSoyMilkRun.jpghappy bedragglement, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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I still don't see how the Ping can come 2/3 of the way to the Mall. Comments?

The entire Mahidol road up until Hang Dong road is part of flood zone 7, that's how.

Here's the chiang mai flood map for reference

chiang mai flood map.pdf

Edit: The map claims zone 7 is affected at 4.60 which luckily seems to be not quite true.

Hmm... I hadn't really read this map properly before.. the area right next to the bridge is in zone 1, CM land in zone 6.

Edited by nikster
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