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Does anyone have any advice as to best places in CR to buy a ceiling fan to be used on an outdoor porch area? It needs to be able to withstand some amount of moisture etc.

Thanks for suggestions.


The new Power Buy in Central has some as does Sinthanee more or less opposite

Thanks. Good tips. Will check them out. I had tried home pro but no hab what i wanted.


I don't know anything about CR. But may I suggest a fan. There is a brand called Carribean. They are whitepainted metal and ubiquitous all over Thailand - in the schools, in the wats. They are durable and long of life. On high speed they spin like a helicopter generating a lot of wind. I have one on my porch and it is a star performer. They are not beautiful; strictly utilitarian. I know somebody in CR sells them. Oh yeah, they are pretty cheap, too, aboout 1,000 baht for the 56 inch model.

In Phit'lok, the store that sells them is a store that is in an obscure location and sells many electronic and appliance parts. The big store like Home Pro tend to only sell the fancy indoor models. If you want the Carribean and cannot find it, go to any school, find the maintenance worker, point at one of the fans (they will have them in the offices and maybe in the rooms) and ask where to buy one. I guarantee they will know.

If you want a beautiful fan, disregard all the foregoing.


I don't know anything about CR. But may I suggest a fan. There is a brand called Carribean. They are whitepainted metal and ubiquitous all over Thailand - in the schools, in the wats. They are durable and long of life. On high speed they spin like a helicopter generating a lot of wind. I have one on my porch and it is a star performer. They are not beautiful; strictly utilitarian. I know somebody in CR sells them. Oh yeah, they are pretty cheap, too, aboout 1,000 baht for the 56 inch model.

In Phit'lok, the store that sells them is a store that is in an obscure location and sells many electronic and appliance parts. The big store like Home Pro tend to only sell the fancy indoor models. If you want the Carribean and cannot find it, go to any school, find the maintenance worker, point at one of the fans (they will have them in the offices and maybe in the rooms) and ask where to buy one. I guarantee they will know.

If you want a beautiful fan, disregard all the foregoing.

i will check them out. Thanks for the info. Sounds like exactly what i need.


Horses for courses so to day but I would prefer a wall mounted fan as Ive found them to be more powerful and directional. Have fitted a cieling fan before and found them to be of not much use and have thrm had to use a stand up fan.But wall mounted in the right place is a possible option.Happy breezy days to you!


The new Power Buy in Central has some as does Sinthanee more or less opposite

Went to both places today and neither has a ceiling fan, the kind that looks like an airplane prop...but they do have the smaller rotating regular fans that are usually mounted on the ceilings which may well make more sense for what i need.

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