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Best Place To Live In Isaan?

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As far away from her relatives as possible cool.gif

Ahh yes ,it would appear you have come into contact with the dreaded far Eastern disease of Thai inlawaitus of which the only cure is to shout loudly at every given opportunity the two by now very famous 4 and 3 letter words one beginning with F and ending with K and the other starting with O and ending with F ,I am afraid that this is the only thing that appears to work apart from maybe walking round your house stark naked which sometimes affects a short term cure , of course the only real PREVENTION for this dreadful malaise is to start thinking with what is between your ears and not between your legs,LOL.

The other cure is to politely point things out.

I too live in a village with relatives close by. Father in law lives with us. My wife is the one who decides things. If some one comes and asks to "borrow" money and my wife thinks it won't come back then she will say no. If she believes the request is a sincere one then she will ask what I think. So far she has never been wrong.

A wife who understands t

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As far away from her relatives as possible cool.gif

Ahh yes ,it would appear you have come into contact with the dreaded far Eastern disease of Thai inlawaitus of which the only cure is to shout loudly at every given opportunity the two by now very famous 4 and 3 letter words one beginning with F and ending with K and the other starting with O and ending with F ,I am afraid that this is the only thing that appears to work apart from maybe walking round your house stark naked which sometimes affects a short term cure , of course the only real PREVENTION for this dreadful malaise is to start thinking with what is between your ears and not between your legs,LOL.

The other cure is to politely point things out.

I too live in a village with relatives close by. Father in law lives with us. My wife is the one who decides things. If some one comes and asks to "borrow" money and my wife thinks it won't come back then she will say no. If she believes the request is a sincere one then she will ask what I think. So far she has never been wrong.

A wife who understands the situation is all that you need.


If some one comes and asks to "borrow" money and my wife thinks it won't come back then she will say no.

Anything under B5,000 is considered a gift, less a loan.


If some one comes and asks to "borrow" money and my wife thinks it won't come back then she will say no.

Anything under B5,000 is considered a gift, less a loan.

Certainly not a gift in my wife's eyes...B5,000 is a lot of money to her and me!:annoyed:


As far away from her relatives as possible cool.gif

Ahh yes ,it would appear you have come into contact with the dreaded far Eastern disease of Thai inlawaitus of which the only cure is to shout loudly at every given opportunity the two by now very famous 4 and 3 letter words one beginning with F and ending with K and the other starting with O and ending with F ,I am afraid that this is the only thing that appears to work apart from maybe walking round your house stark naked which sometimes affects a short term cure , of course the only real PREVENTION for this dreadful malaise is to start thinking with what is between your ears and not between your legs,LOL.

The other cure is to politely point things out.

I too live in a village with relatives close by. Father in law lives with us. My wife is the one who decides things. If some one comes and asks to "borrow" money and my wife thinks it won't come back then she will say no. If she believes the request is a sincere one then she will ask what I think. So far she has never been wrong.

A wife who understands the situation is all that you need.

Yeah Quite true, politely point things out is EXACTLY what I did from the very first week or two of meeting my now wife , as prevention is far far better than cure, which can often be very painful for both parties which we often read so much about ,I left my wife with no doubts whatsoever that I was marrying her and not her family and all her so called "friends" who came creeping out of the woodwork once they knew she had hit"the jackpot",who before when she had nothing did not want to know her in any shape or form,all of sudden she is their friend!, I am well respected and liked by my neighbors and my wifes family alike , simply cos they know I am no "pushover" to be regarded as just another stupid farang who marries a lady young enough to be his daughter so therefore his brains and common sense are supposed to be somehow forfeit ,I simply refuse to go down this line of thought that this is the "THAI WAY" especially bearing in mind that it was she who made it quite plain to a good friend of mine that she wanted to meet a farang to better her life , which is Exactly what I have done, and in turn she has made my life better too, after all in the "game of life" it takes two to tango" and ain't that the simple truth!

An alternative way in which to look at these money circulating affairs, is that it all comes back around. In a merit kind of manner.....;)


An alternative way in which to look at these money circulating affairs, is that it all comes back around. In a merit kind of manner.....;)

Oh Yeah?, I know a farang who has just "blown" 6 million baht on his wife, new house ,new car ,lavish wedding and he's lost the lot ,they had the perfect "give and take" arrangement , he give and she took ,(to the cleaners) I stopped believing in "father Christmas" when I was 9 years old and BTW Prakonchai in Buriram is not a bad old place at all to live .

I disagree about putting a lot of distance between your wife and her family. You simply need to establish the ground rules first and them stick with them.

I live in my wife's house but still have MY condo in Jomtien. I told my wife that I need my privacy and that no way would I tolerate any other people living with us. The in laws live in the next village and my wife can easily get on her motorbike and visit them. The in-laws rarely visit us and when they do, they normally don't even come in the house. They sit outside on the back porch which is also the cooking area.

Did I mention that I am a crotchety old fart and the in-laws are well aware of that? I don't want to be bothered and I don't bother anyone else. I do have a couple of local watering holes that I visit a couple of times a week. Life is good. My wife knows that if the family gets on my nerves, I will load MY pickup and head for MY condo. Yes, they are both in MY name.

I love my wife but no way would I want her stuck beside me 24/7. I like living in a scenic area and would not consider moving to ANY large city. I like it quiet and even like to hear the roosters crowing. I like the idea of being able to jump on my motorbike and be able to ride on roads with little traffic. I like being able to go to our small farms, Sit on the front porch, have a few beers, feed the fish and watch the sun go down over the nearby mountains.

We do have a large Tesco Lotus about 46 kilometers away and that suits my farang food cravings, although living without the Tesco Lotus for about six years forced me to do without the farang food. Maybe I should add that my wife is a good cook.


An alternative way in which to look at these money circulating affairs, is that it all comes back around. In a merit kind of manner.....;)

Oh Yeah?, I know a farang who has just "blown" 6 million baht on his wife, new house ,new car ,lavish wedding and he's lost the lot ,they had the perfect "give and take" arrangement , he give and she took ,(to the cleaners) I stopped believing in "father Christmas" when I was 9 years old and BTW Prakonchai in Buriram is not a bad old place at all to live .

Suckers and dumb-butts need not apply for kharma points.

....and we're just receiving, biased, one-side of the story.

Naturally, Farang are always the saints in these situations, aren't they?;)


An alternative way in which to look at these money circulating affairs, is that it all comes back around. In a merit kind of manner.....;)

Oh Yeah?, I know a farang who has just "blown" 6 million baht on his wife, new house ,new car ,lavish wedding and he's lost the lot ,they had the perfect "give and take" arrangement , he give and she took ,(to the cleaners) I stopped believing in "father Christmas" when I was 9 years old and BTW Prakonchai in Buriram is not a bad old place at all to live .

Suckers and dumb-butts need not apply for kharma points.

....and we're just receiving, biased, one-side of the story.

Naturally, Farang are always the saints in these situations, aren't they?;)

Nope, usually lambs at the slaughter-house.


There are still a number of naive farangs who have not done their homework. I have seriously upset a number of them by asking them why they want to build such a big house since only the newlyweds will live there.

I suggest that her family will surely be grateful to have such a nice big house for the entire family to live in. Of course the naive farang gets upset and will no longer talk to me.

Losing a potential friend really doesn't bother me because I know the longest he will stick around is about six months. They must be more rude than I am because most don't even bother to say good bye.

We recently lost another one. The big house was finished and he had just bought her a new truck. He did say good bye and said that losing the 4.5 million baht really didn't bother him because he said that he was old and still had a lot more money.


Plenty of suckers and wayward types out there to fill the bill.

Though, I suspect there isn't close to the number that don't exist through the expected stereotypes and myths that are usually projected.


There are still a number of naive farangs who have not done their homework. I have seriously upset a number of them by asking them why they want to build such a big house since only the newlyweds will live there.

I suggest that her family will surely be grateful to have such a nice big house for the entire family to live in. Of course the naive farang gets upset and will no longer talk to me.

Losing a potential friend really doesn't bother me because I know the longest he will stick around is about six months. They must be more rude than I am because most don't even bother to say good bye.

We recently lost another one. The big house was finished and he had just bought her a new truck. He did say good bye and said that losing the 4.5 million baht really didn't bother him because he said that he was old and still had a lot more money.

When I was on the way to build a house some years ago, my wife told me "If you build a big house many people will come to stay here, if you build a small house nobody will come and it is easy to keep it clean. Please build a small house...." which I did and she was absolutely right...



There are still a number of naive farangs who have not done their homework. I have seriously upset a number of them by asking them why they want to build such a big house since only the newlyweds will live there.

I suggest that her family will surely be grateful to have such a nice big house for the entire family to live in. Of course the naive farang gets upset and will no longer talk to me.

Losing a potential friend really doesn't bother me because I know the longest he will stick around is about six months. They must be more rude than I am because most don't even bother to say good bye.

We recently lost another one. The big house was finished and he had just bought her a new truck. He did say good bye and said that losing the 4.5 million baht really didn't bother him because he said that he was old and still had a lot more money.

When I was on the way to build a house some years ago, my wife told me "If you build a big house many people will come to stay here, if you build a small house nobody will come and it is easy to keep it clean. Please build a small house...." which I did and she was absolutely right...


Your wife is a smart lady. Once in a while when we pass a big farang house, I point and ask my wife if she wants one like that. I get the same answer every time. She says it is more work for her to clean a big house so why would she want one.

  • 1 month later...

I live in That Phanom, half way between Nakon Phanom and Mukdahan and love the place. No tourists, acouple of falangs to talk to, quite a few I wouldn't bother with but the locals are great and the missus is happy. Right on the Mekong.


Whatever you do, don't settle in Mahasarakham. Called the "belly button" of Isaan (because it's the geographic center), it's certainly Isaan's Utopia, Rated several years in a row by Thailand's Health Ministry as "the happiest province in Thailand." But again, please don't come: we don't want to ruin it by hoards of grumpy expats descending upon our fair province. rolleyes.gif

Good on ya, Fookhaht! heh heh....;)


The best place and city life aren't always conducive......for some.

I believe it would be extremely difficult for those out there attempting to extend suggestions to where you might be comfortable, as there will be a multitude of variables, experiences and situations that surely differ from the next. Well intended as they might be, you'll get a score of responses......many wondering why folks, such as yourself, inquire about such a rhetorical situation that leads nowhere.

Best to take some time and explore the broader region for yourself. 4-5 months should suffice. You should be able to secure your utopia by then.....or perhaps not.

Best of luck to you.

zzaa, I agree with you!!!!!!

Oh my Buddha ! - So do I :o

I do too, but I didn't want to admit it before a consensus was formed.

Ubon has everything, except a McDonalds, (unfortunately), but there is looooooooooooads of land and ready built houses here. PM if want more info OR can talk here. :)

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