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6 Months Jail For A Fake Rolex Wearer


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You have to remember that this is the Daily Record. 

A paper whose journalistic record of accuracy, truth and anlaysis is no better than The Beano. 

Actually thinking about it, The Beano might be upset at that statement.  :D


Hey Bluebear, surely you recognise this newspaper as The Daily Hun! :o

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My limited Belgium and reading the above article tells me that he was actually fined for purchasing hot/stolen goods (one of which being the watch). Somebody from Belgium to confirm? Cheers!

Apparantly he knew that he bought a fake rolex. Counterfeiting is a felony. Knowingly buying something generated from a felony puts you in the same position as somebody purchasing hot/stolen goods. Hence the verdict.

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My limited Belgium and reading the above article tells me that he was actually fined for purchasing hot/stolen goods (one of which being the watch). Somebody from Belgium to confirm? Cheers!

Apparantly he knew that he bought a fake rolex. Counterfeiting is a felony. Knowingly buying something generated from a felony puts you in the same position as somebody purchasing hot/stolen goods. Hence the verdict.

Thank you TikTokker :o

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Anyhow,don't bother too much for poor Gunther.In Belgium you don't go to jail if you are sentenced...up to 6 month :D s.Jails overcrowded :o

TIB (This is Belgium)

And I can't translate from flemish to english;sorry too long time ago I learned this dialect :D

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Zes maanden voor dragen namaak Rolex

Zes maanden cel en 1.000 euro boete. Dat is de straf van de correctionele rechter in Dendermonde voor Gunther R. (33) uit Aalst. De betichte droeg twee keer een nagemaakt merkuurwerk van Rolex. Rolex diende een klacht in.

Het parket vervolgde R. voor heling en een inbreuk op het merkenrecht. Rechter Bart Meganck oordeelde dat R. wist dat hij een namaak uurwerk kocht. Namaak is een misdrijf. Wie bewust goederen bezit afkomstig uit een misdrijf maakt zich schuldig aan heling. Bovenop maakte R. zich schuldig aan het bedrieglijk gebruik van een merk.

He's a repeat offender :o:D

"Six months for to carry namaak Rolex Six months cell and 1,000 euro fine. That is the sentence of the correctional judge in Dendermonde for Gunther R. (33) from Aalst. Accused of two times carried a copied mark hour work of Rolex. Rolex lodged a complaint. The parquet floor continued R. for heling and a breach of the merkenrecht. Right Bart Meganck judged that R. knew that he a namaak bought hour work. Namaak is an indictable offence. He who goods have consciously originating from an indictable offence make themselves guilty to heling. On top of R. used himself guilty to misleading of a mark."

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