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Rabid Songtaws


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For the past week i've got couple of times asked for a 20 baht fare for a usual ride from thepprasit traffic lights to anywhere further south pattaya traffic lights and i've seen one tried to do that with some thai bar girl she just told him to <deleted>..k off and waved with hand. Now they got these numbers in front. Is there anyway to file a behavior complain ?

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Stop a bit after where you want to go. The more traffic the better.

Have exact change.

Quickly stick your hand in the window and drop the coin on his hand. Try not to actually TOUCH his hand as that makes it easier to grab your hand and hold you hostage.

If he starts screaming at that point, ignore him, and toss the coin on the seat instead.


Rapidly exit the scene of the payment walking against the traffic direction.

If you hear beeping or screaming ... walk faster.

BTW, if you behave this way, he will know you're a local and not a patsy and probably won't bother making a fuss, there is much easier fruit to harvest all over the place.

You're welcome.


Edited by Jingthing
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Stop a bit after where you want to go. The more traffic the better.

Have exact change.

Quickly stick your hand in the window and drop the coin on his hand. Try not to actually TOUCH his hand as that makes it easier to grab your hand and hold you hostage.

If he starts screaming at that point, ignore him, and toss the coin on the seat instead.


Rapidly exit the scene of the payment walking against the traffic direction.

If you hear beeping or screaming ... walk faster.

BTW, if you behave this way, he will know you're a local and not a patsy and probably won't bother making a fuss, there is much easier fruit to harvest all over the place.

You're welcome.


Never touch him and NEVER MAKE EYE CONTACT! Are you talking about a baht bus driver or a charging GRIZZLY BEAR. What happens JT if he is still coming after you "walk faster" - possibly threw him you wallet and play dead??? Too funny.

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Never touch him and NEVER MAKE EYE CONTACT! Are you talking about a baht bus driver or a charging GRIZZLY BEAR. What happens JT if he is still coming after you "walk faster" - possibly threw him you wallet and play dead??? Too funny.

Actually I did have a driver chase me the other day, but he was mad because I didn't get off his bus when he was still going my way; so in heavy traffic he got out and went after me. So I just threw the coin on the seat (you've got to always pay) and ran. He was OK with just chasing me off his bus but you never know.

Obviously some people are violently assaulted by baht bus drivers; remember, some are obviously on yaba. I have had a few grab my arm and then hit the gas trying to injure me, but luckily was able to release my hand. That's why you need to aware to try to prevent them from having a good chance to restrain your arm. Be quick!

In the case of a simple payment and he chased, well you either run faster or throw some extra money at him.

I am talking about paying the correct, legitimate fare. I am not talking about stiffing the drivers or underpaying. There is no excuse for that. This is why they generally won't chase you, because they know you already paid the correct fare. Sometimes in ambiguous situations, I will pay a higher fare as believe it or not, I am not looking for trouble. I am all about avoiding trouble, but not so much that I will consistently pay a tourist victim fare.

Some might think I am being satirical here. Nope. Dead serious.

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The driver I got outside Tesco showed me his 38Cal. pistol, siting in a case on the seat next to me.

He let me take it out and play with it.

Said he was a cop.

I'd bet 99% of them have some sort of weapon on board.

You could be briskly walking away and get a hatchet or tire iron thrown at you....or worse.

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The driver I got outside Tesco showed me his 38Cal. pistol, siting in a case on the seat next to me.

He let me take it out and play with it.

Said he was a cop.

I'd bet 99% of them have some sort of weapon on board.

You could be briskly walking away and get a hatchet or tire iron thrown at you....or worse.

I've never seen guns but I have seen clubs. Like I said I am sure there have been violent assaults (personally I feel the arm holding incidents were violent assaults) but as yet don't recall a driver shooting a customer in a populated place over a fare disagreement. Not saying it couldn't happen. There are risks in any transport method. It's way safer riding the buses including violence potential than riding a motorcycle here, that's for sure.

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I must say that I have never ever had a problem in over 20 year's of using them in Pattaya. Only one time have I ever had one talk to me that was when they used to charge 10 bt for Farang's 5 for Thai's. I gave him 10 bt and he called me back and gave me 5bt change, I just said thank you, you can keep it. Great service. If I go a long way I will give 20bt Peanut's ring's a bell.

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Original post by Gik:

For the past week i've got couple of times asked for a 20 baht fare for a usual ride from thepprasit traffic lights to anywhere further south pattaya traffic lights and i've seen one tried to do that with some thai bar girl she just told him to <deleted>..k off and waved with hand. Now they got these numbers in front. Is there anyway to file a behavior complain ?

Could we please just have the above mentioned Thai bar girl give JT a few lessons on how to EFFECTIVELY handle baht bus drivers? I could never enjoy any form of transportation if I had such a deep fear I may be assaulted by my driver. (I don't).

Edited by gerry53
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If I was so afraid, I would just pay double, wouldn't I? Who said I am afraid. I feel I have greatly diminished my risk with my tactics. I can't really believe someone who rides them regularly as their main transport for 20 years has never been involved with a conflict or seen a conflict.

I forget to mention something most everyone knows. If you intend to use them as a bus instead of a charter, avoid talking to them before boarding.

One question I have, when they are empty and you want to use them as a bus, many times they will stop at the front cab to talk to you, where you go? The moment that happens that always means they will NOT accept you as a bus passenger, charter or nothing. That annoys me when it happens (which is often). Sometimes I respond in a rude way because I think that driving behavior is rude and sometimes I just walk away, but I mix it up. How do y'all suggest responding to that?

On the eye contact thing. That is a tactic. I am not saying if you give eye contact on paying that every time there will be a problem. However, it gives the bad ones an opening, so why give that opportunity?

Oh, I don't think it's very smart for non-Asian foreigners to behave the same as that THAI BAR GIRL! Come on people, you do know that generally lower educated Thais view us as another species.

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Be very very careful of these drivers! They will attack you and fellow drivers will join them.

Seen it many times from my motorcycle.

They are all high and will kill for 10 baht.

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If I was so afraid, I would just pay double, wouldn't I? Who said I am afraid. I feel I have greatly diminished my risk with my tactics. I can't really believe someone who rides them regularly as their main transport for 20 years has never been involved with a conflict or seen a conflict.

I forget to mention something most everyone knows. If you intend to use them as a bus instead of a charter, avoid talking to them before boarding.

One question I have, when they are empty and you want to use them as a bus, many times they will stop at the front cab to talk to you, where you go? The moment that happens that always means they will NOT accept you as a bus passenger, charter or nothing. That annoys me when it happens (which is often). Sometimes I respond in a rude way because I think that driving behavior is rude and sometimes I just walk away, but I mix it up. How do y'all suggest responding to that?

On the eye contact thing. That is a tactic. I am not saying if you give eye contact on paying that every time there will be a problem. However, it gives the bad ones an opening, so why give that opportunity?

Oh, I don't think it's very smart for non-Asian foreigners to behave the same as that THAI BAR GIRL! Come on people, you do know that generally lower educated Thais view us as another species.

I dont think I said I hadn't seen conflict. I have on several occation's but nearly all of those time's it involved peep's that were drunk, not wanting to pay, or giving the driver grief for what ever reason. I just get off give the driver the right money sometime's more, odd change say thank you in Thai, and walk off. Maybe I've just been lucky but after over 20 year's of trouble free travel I dont think so. Might be my good look's. Dont question that, load's of ladies have told me I am a very handsome man.
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Hers's are some tips from the Bug as it does happen to me occasionally.

Tip 1 If you see a Thai get off near where you want to go, get off and pay right after her.

No Songtow driver is going to charge you 20 when she just paid 10. They rely on ignorance.

Tip 2 Try to take a Songtow with many people on board. I feel drivers usually resort to Monkey business only if they feel they have no business. Also, see tip 1.

Tip 3 Pay and walk away quickly. Look them firmly in the eye first!annoyed.gifrolleyes.gif

Tip 4 From Jomtien, 20 baht is the fare after you reach the Central on Second road, just past soi 6. This is reasonable so please don't argue it. They certainly are not getting rich as drivers.

Tip 5 If there is an argument say "OK I will photogrpaph you and call the tourist police and then pay you." Most will drive off at that point.

Tip 6 It's not worth a fight.

Tip 7 Remember scams are far more common in Manila.

Edited by BugJackBaron
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I got on one the other day at the junction of 2nd rd and pattaya klang, when the lights changed to green he moved 10m and stopped on the other side of the lights, waited waited no sign of him moving no sign of any impending customers so I jumped off and jumped on another that was just going past, the guy was out of his door shouting and giving me the middle finger, I wasn't going to pay for a 10m trip and 10min wait, like I have said many many times on this forum - there are far too many baht taxi's in pattaya causing conjestion accidents and diluting profits, it's extremely poorly regulated, also a better route would be 2nd road 3rd road, it would service a larger area and reduce the congestion on beach road.

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I would love to see them implement the double pricing model on these rust buckets.....all foreigners pay 50 baht flat fare regardless of distance!

You don't ride them, huh? I hope the cost of your petrol goes up 100 times, see you on the bus, mate.

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And here we go again with the baht bus topic :annoyed:

Don't read it then. Is that so hard? I am guessing you don't even ride them regularly. People who do are often quite interested.

No, I don't, that's why I'm not whining around that much. Wasn't pleased with the service and discovered other means of transportation, rather than being chased around by tormented taxi drivers for 10 baht, not mentioning that the very few times I used a songteaw I paid 10baht, not 20 and had no problem. Maybe the way you present yourself and behave might have some influence on the matter

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Be very very careful of these drivers! They will attack you and fellow drivers will join them.

Seen it many times from my motorcycle.

They are all high and will kill for 10 baht.

And the police will let them go for 50 baht.

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And here we go again with the baht bus topic :annoyed:

Don't read it then. Is that so hard? I am guessing you don't even ride them regularly. People who do are often quite interested.

No, I don't, that's why I'm not whining around that much. Wasn't pleased with the service and discovered other means of transportation, rather than being chased around by tormented taxi drivers for 10 baht, not mentioning that the very few times I used a songteaw I paid 10baht, not 20 and had no problem. Maybe the way you present yourself and behave might have some influence on the matter

Did I say I usually have a problem with fares? Anyway, I don't, and I attribute my success to basically NOT presenting myself to the drivers (and paying what you think is the correct fare rapidly and with confidence), as my tips suggest. Obvious tourists of course are more likely to be taken advantage of, but really, a lot of drivers assume all non-Thais are tourists and/or don't make a distinction between locals and residents if not Thai.

Sometimes I make mistakes and learn from them, and sometimes a driver does a weird thing (like try to trap my arm in his truck) and I learn from that too (see tips). The recent incident where I didn't wish to leave the bus as I knew he was continuing on my route, and then he went after me, taught me what I should have already known, if a driver wants you off, he will succeed, and resistance is pointless and potentially dangerous. So in future I will mai bpen rai that kind of thing.

Side note, do you realize you come off like the rude people who blame rape victims for being raped because they came off as slutty? Some people are victimized by baht bus drivers, either with extortionate fares (not talking about double fares, much more) and/or with violent threats or physical assault. The guilt goes with the drivers.

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I am talking about paying the correct, legitimate fare. I

What is the correct legitimate fare ?

10 baht. But sometimes 20 baht with Jomtien -- Pattaya depending on the where started and stopped (either way). Also as many know if you are going far out Jomtien, it's always a crap shoot as the driver may at any time stop the bus, and demand a taxi charter conversion to a much higher fare and if you don't like it, get off! I think Jomtien runs complicate things (probably also Naklua but I don't have much experience with Naklua). I don't see any ambiguity any more in the Pattaya only runs -- 10 baht. I personally feel most Thai people can go fairly far out Jomtien deep into Naklua and pay 10 baht, so there is still some double pricing but not nearly as much as before when they had the Thai 5 baht fares. I think there is a trend for some drivers to push 20 baht fares for foreigners for normal 10 baht runs. If that becomes widely implemented, believe me, regular riders will know, but that is not the case yet, and people should generally pay 10 baht, even if a friendly Thai on the bus tells you 20 baht. A lot of Thais seem offended that we would pay the same as them, and actively sell the double fare idea to tourists (I have witnessed this many times). My info is based on experience, not what may be written in the media, etc. Edited by Jingthing
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The blame is on everyone that ever gave a tip, -we show that we want to pay more than the regular prize. so unfortunately that include myself, but i've learned and try to not corrupt any more.

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Back to the OP if my memory serve's me right if you pick up a bus from south Pattaya rd " They queue up there to go to Jomtiem anywhere after Trepprasit rd is 20bt has been for a long time and Thai's pay it. So if you come back from T/Rd cross over south/P Rd why should it be any different 20bt. If it's a problem get off at S/P Rd and walk.

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Back to the OP if my memory serve's me right if you pick up a bus from south Pattaya rd

it doesnt

Tip 5 If there is an argument say "OK I will photogrpaph you and call the tourist police and then pay you." Most will drive off at that point.

totally worthless . I've been there with thai girl have been told nothing they can do and in case of any problems i should call these numbers



And i did but thanks to sunday nobody bothered to answer.

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Actually I did have a driver chase me the other day, but he was mad because I didn't get off his bus when he was still going my way;

What do you mean by "didn't get off his bus when he was still going my way"? Why didn't you want to go your way?

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