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Riots and looting spreads to Greater Manchester on fourth day of violence


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Rioters being evicted from there council houses. Great news for British justice and the so called Nanny State!This is the first and there will be many more to follow according to the BBC news interview with the PM.

Poetic justice

Yeah but the big problem here is if they get evicted out of their Council house and are claiming social security the Tax payer will have to house them and the rents in private property's are always much more than council propertys so the Government will finish up loseing more revenue .

Are there any council properties on South Georgia or the Falklands, I think it may be worth shelling out for a boat and a few chains to move them there.

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Rioters being evicted from there council houses. Great news for British justice and the so called Nanny State!This is the first and there will be many more to follow according to the BBC news interview with the PM.

Poetic justice

Yeah but the big problem here is if they get evicted out of their Council house and are claiming social security the Tax payer will have to house them and the rents in private property's are always much more than council propertys so the Government will finish up loseing more revenue .

I think that the Government will already have thought of that one. Otherwise I agree that it would be a pointless exercise. I am just glad to see that they are taking a very firm stand against looters. They have been under fire for not taking a strong stance in the past few days.

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Rioters being evicted from there council houses. Great news for British justice and the so called Nanny State!This is the first and there will be many more to follow according to the BBC news interview with the PM.

Poetic justice

Yeah but the big problem here is if they get evicted out of their Council house and are claiming social security the Tax payer will have to house them and the rents in private property's are always much more than council propertys so the Government will finish up loseing more revenue .

Are there any council properties on South Georgia or the Falklands, I think it may be worth shelling out for a boat and a few chains to move them there.

Aren't we allowed to send em to Oz anymore????

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Rioters being evicted from there council houses. Great news for British justice and the so called Nanny State!This is the first and there will be many more to follow according to the BBC news interview with the PM.

Poetic justice

Yeah but the big problem here is if they get evicted out of their Council house and are claiming social security the Tax payer will have to house them and the rents in private property's are always much more than council propertys so the Government will finish up loseing more revenue .

I think that the Government will already have thought of that one. Otherwise I agree that it would be a pointless exercise. I am just glad to see that they are taking a very firm stand against looters. They have been under fire for not taking a strong stance in the past few days.

A nice little caravan on the edge of Dartmoor should suffice quite nicely!.
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Rioters being evicted from there council houses. Great news for British justice and the so called Nanny State!This is the first and there will be many more to follow according to the BBC news interview with the PM.

Poetic justice

Yeah but the big problem here is if they get evicted out of their Council house and are claiming social security the Tax payer will have to house them and the rents in private property's are always much more than council propertys so the Government will finish up loseing more revenue .

Are there any council properties on South Georgia or the Falklands, I think it may be worth shelling out for a boat and a few chains to move them there.

Hey Dan, In the words of the late and great Comedian Dick Emery ,"Ohh you are awful but I like you",LOL.
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Rioters being evicted from there council houses. Great news for British justice and the so called Nanny State!This is the first and there will be many more to follow according to the BBC news interview with the PM.

Poetic justice

Yeah but the big problem here is if they get evicted out of their Council house and are claiming social security the Tax payer will have to house them and the rents in private property's are always much more than council propertys so the Government will finish up loseing more revenue .

Are there any council properties on South Georgia or the Falklands, I think it may be worth shelling out for a boat and a few chains to move them there.

Hmm. You could be on to something there....

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Yeah but the big problem here is if they get evicted out of their Council house and are claiming social security the Tax payer will have to house them and the rents in private property's are always much more than council propertys so the Government will finish up loseing more revenue .

It is not a problem. the offenders must be debarred from drawing benefits that they have ever ever paid for, let the families concerned take up their responsibilities for their feral children.

The greater majority of the of the interviews I have heard from the youth in the trouble spots are amazing .the standard of linguistic ability in the use of the English was mind boggling. Indeed the late Arthur Mullard and Hilda Baker language use could be considered as the standards of the old B.B.C English.

The same whining all the way through, "The government cuts this, the government cuts that, one gentleman whose left wing borough had had its grant cut vis a vis funding for mobile internet cafes to cruise around the council estates was fuming.,

Yet behind him on the interior wall of the mobile internet cafe were large posters telling you how to know your civil rights. How to know what the police can or cannot do, how to claim maximum state benefits.

Strangely enough no situations vacant, no re- training schemes, no help thy self schemes advertised, it was all about how to take without giving.

No posters supporting poor old Mr and Mrs Joe Public who have to keep on paying for the parasites in society whilst those who contributed get next to nothing.

Been away from the U.K for more than two years? Go back and see what your rights are to state benefits.

A self claimed political, religious or economic refuge from elsewhere, money is granted as is accommodation and health care yet these people have contributed nothing nor ever will to the state.

Edited by metisdead
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Yeah but the big problem here is if they get evicted out of their Council house and are claiming social security the Tax payer will have to house them and the rents in private property's are always much more than council propertys so the Government will finish up loseing more revenue .

It is not a problem. the offenders must be debarred from drawing benefits that they have ever ever paid for, let the families concerned take up their responsibilities for their feral children.

The greater majority of the of the interviews I have heard from the youth in the trouble spots are amazing .the standard of linguistic ability in the use of the English was mind boggling. Indeed the late Arthur Mullard and Hilda Baker language use could be considered as the standards of the old B.B.C English.

The same whining all the way through, "The government cuts this, the government cuts that, one gentleman whose left wing borough had had its grant cut vis a vis funding for mobile internet cafes to cruise around the council estates was fuming.,

Yet behind him on the interior wall of the mobile internet cafe were large posters telling you how to know your civil rights. How to know what the police can or cannot do, how to claim maximum state benefits.

Strangely enough no situations vacant, no re- training schemes, no help thy self schemes advertised, it was all about how to take without giving.

No posters supporting poor old Mr and Mrs Joe Public who have to keep on paying for the parasites in society whilst those who contributed get next to nothing.

Been away from the U.K for more than two years? Go back and see what your rights are to state benefits.

A self claimed political, religious or economic refuge from elsewhere, money is granted as is accommodation and health care yet these people have contributed nothing nor ever will to the state.

I fervently hope you are right and I am wrong ,cos I can well understand your heart felt consternation at what is going on, and it will continue unabated until the powers to be get to grips with the problem and throw the "human rights act" as far as these low life's go, were it belongs, the trash can!. Edited by Colin Yai
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Been away from the U.K for more than two years? Go back and see what your rights are to state benefits.

My friend returned after 10 years. Paid nearly 40 years NI stamps.

Just needed to show that he was 'ordinarily resident' to social services - in other words he was back to live. Opened a bank account, registered at GP, got a bus pass. Showed them a cancelled Thai bank account, one way ticket and a letter from his daughter saying he had returned, but could only stay with them for a month. The process was dealt with quickly, he was given temporary accommodation for 5 months and then one bedroom council housing (over 65) paid for with Housing Benefit. All benefits, like Pension Credit because he didn't have enough savings (I won't go into that) and some kind of disability allowance. All in all he did very nicely and he has a nice fairy giving him a few extra quid now and then if he wants it.

It's just a government scare tactic and if you return and prove you are in need they will help you.

The danger is, these scum are starting to make government think who they can squeeze next.....instead of them.

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Aren't we allowed to send em to Oz anymore????

Too late - it is where smart UK residents have fled to escape their home country.

16 June 2011

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

People born in the United Kingdom continued to be the largest group of overseas-born residents, accounting for 1.2 million people.

5.3% of Australia’s population as at June 2010


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My friend returned after 10 years. Paid nearly 40 years NI stamps.

And that is how it should be, I draw my pensions as I paid in for them, that includes my state pension too, full contribution record.

Yet those who've paid nothing get all the same benefits.You as a U.K. citizen with a right to reside you still have to prove you're back to live

Possibly we "old codgers" can match that criteria no problems, however if you're younger it is indeed a rocky road to travel regarding , "back to live."

Glad to hear your old buddy got that for which he worked and paid for.

Edited by siampolee
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Here is one of the few Britons who has the balls to call it as it really is, if only he were prime minister. :annoyed:

I'm in complete agreement.

Pat Condell is always on the ball

Although I don't agree with the "one of the few" comment, he actually seems to share the view of the majority of Brits. It's just a few PC tools that are failing to see the problem.

That's because the PC Brigade are part of the problem,and the Bleeding heart Liberals as well,who are always looking for a reason other than the obvious,

in their reasoning nobody is responsible for their own actions,it's the fault of society,in one form or another. the "World and Society owes me Culture"

Pat Condell is absolutely correct,pity the apologists/whining paper Anarchists will never listen,or understand the facts.

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I was on duty in the Totteham Riots in the 80s In SPG (if any of oldens its remember them)..... We didnt take priosners then BUT now its all on camera, I WILL GUARUANTEE YOU THAT SEVERAL OFFICERS IN ENGLAND WILL BE PROSECTED FOR GOING OVER THE TOP and "unfairly treating the poor youth" what the ********** is going on here.


Its pathetic to watch and listen to whats going on There will be a big public enquiry, how many more of these totally crap committees/ enquiries do we need to "establish" what went on. Normal people will just have had enough of these scum, I HOPE THE SITUATION WILL REVERSE FOR THE GOOD GUYS and not just a fightback but a 5 year sentence passed immediately for ANY body convicted of any criminal offense, (don't think that will happen not British way) Well it must happen to get back our way of life,,,, Watch the court sentenses this will be a laugh......

Anybody remember, Notting Hill Riots, Brixton riots, lewisham riots, Southall Riots etc That's just London not to mentioned Toxeth, bristol etc anything in common work it out for yourselves mmmmmmm?

It ain't rocket science is it ? Little S***** WHO WILL NICK ANYTHING AND KNOW THERE'S NO DETERRENT IF NICKED.

Ain't you glad your here is a largely peaceful and firm country, I KNOW I :D AM. and retired !!!!!

Cheers all

Have you never committed a crime in your life?

5 years , come on.

Have some compassion. Do you think these blacks will be able to retire to a tropical land?

This Criminal Trash deserve no compassion,and they have already retired on the state, before having done any work!

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Here is one of the few Britons who has the balls to call it as it really is, if only he were prime minister. :annoyed:

I'm in complete agreement.

Pat Condell is always on the ball

Although I don't agree with the "one of the few" comment, he actually seems to share the view of the majority of Brits. It's just a few PC tools that are failing to see the problem.

That's because the PC Brigade are part of the problem,and the Bleeding heart Liberals as well,who are always looking for a reason other than the obvious,

in their reasoning nobody is responsible for their own actions,it's the fault of society,in one form or another. the "World and Society owes me Culture"

Pat Condell is absolutely correct,pity the apologists/whining paper Anarchists will never listen,or understand the facts.

Fully agree and I think he represents many in England.

I see Tony Blair is conspicuous by his absence on any views of this past week of which he and his government contributed to a lot. Nothing would please me more than to see this man up on a treason charge.

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This type of thread is good in the sense that one can see who the bigots are amongst us in the forum.

And also shows up plainly the Wooly Minded PC Brigade/Liberals,who can always find a reason and excuse to pardon the actions of Societies Misfits/Trash,

as can also be witnessed by the the London Riots, clashes, and their subsequent comments.

Edited by MAJIC
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If you kick the crap out of an Anarchist and rob him will he call the police?

But of course!

everybody owes them and their kind ,even the Police who they are prepared to fight,

they will use them one day, and fight them the next, their Goal is to bring society down,and take power,anyway possible.

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If you kick the crap out of an Anarchist and rob him will he call the police?

But of course!

everybody owes them and their kind ,even the Police who they are prepared to fight,

they will use them one day, and fight them the next, their Goal is to bring society down,and take power,anyway possible.

Their goal is purely monetary, looting shops of expensive goods to sell n the black market, nothing to do with taking power.

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If you kick the crap out of an Anarchist and rob him will he call the police?

But of course!

everybody owes them and their kind ,even the Police who they are prepared to fight,

they will use them one day, and fight them the next, their Goal is to bring society down,and take power,anyway possible.

Their goal is purely monetary, looting shops of expensive goods to sell n the black market, nothing to do with taking power.

Looting is Part and Parcel of Anarchy.

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This type of thread is good in the sense that one can see who the bigots are amongst us in the forum.

You seem to be suggesting that people should not be treated as people, despite their actions.

Are people that set fire to buildings knowing that there are people inside, really people?

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This type of thread is good in the sense that one can see who the bigots are amongst us in the forum.

You seem to be suggesting that people should not be treated as people, despite their actions.

Are people that set fire to buildings knowing that there are people inside, really people?

Of course they are people, and they should be treated as such:

Made to pay for their crimes, have their benefits removed and expected to work just like all other people.

My point is that the lefty loonies don't treat them like people before these things happen. They treat them like fragile crystal glasses that should be wrapped in cotton wool and bubble wrap.

Edited by Moonrakers
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This type of thread is good in the sense that one can see who the bigots are amongst us in the forum.

You seem to be suggesting that people should not be treated as people, despite their actions.

Are people that set fire to buildings knowing that there are people inside, really people?

Of course they are people, and they should be treated as such:

Made to pay for their crimes, have their benefits removed and expected to work just like all other people.

My point is that the lefty loonies don't treat them like people before these things happen. They treat them like fragile crystal glasses that should be wrapped in cotton wool and bubble wrap.

Thanks for explaining that, I took it the other way.

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I guess it's time for someone from the Loony Left to weigh in on this topic. I am not from the UK, so I don't have any particular insight on the riots.

The duty of the government of any country is to provide for it's citizens. The government's job is to levels the playing field, giving everyone an opportunity to perform a useful function in society. For some, that means housing, medical care, food and education. The government also has a responsibility to provide safety and security for all citizens.

The duty of citizens is to be a productive member of society, to the best of their ability. At the end of the day, individuals are responsible for their behavior. Those who have a history of irresponsible legal behavior need to be removed from society.

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