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Krill Oil


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Krill Oil Vs Fish Oil. The Truths And The Untruths.

The great Krill oil Versus fish oil debate. Who wins?

There has been much noise made lately about the benefits of Krill oil, and many people have started taking Krill oil capsules as a result. It is said that Krill oil contains more beneficial components, and as a result there has been a bit of a Krill oil versus fish oil debate. So should you be taking Krill oil or fish oil?


The Benefits of Krill Oil Vs. Fish Oil

krill.jpgBoth fish oil and krill oil are popular daily supplements shown to help promote fat loss, reduce inflammation, decrease joint pain, improve heart health, and even regulate mood levels and provide relief of PMS symptoms.

All-natural supplements are usually much better because they typically have a lower frequency of side effects with daily use.


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Becareful over doing the omega-3 oils unless you take a 4 to 1 ratio with omega-6 you can develope problems including artheritists type pain, muscle aches, mental issues. do a bit of reserch about the not so good benefits of to much fish oil. I know this is anathama to speak aganist fish oil but there has been a great propaganda campaing pushing it. Do a bit of research and become informed.

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The OP needs to know where to find the product in Thailand; please post if you have this info, otherwise perhaps just refrain from posting or start another thread if you feel a discussion on the topic is warranted..

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  • 1 year later...

I live on Koh Samui Thailand and am also not able to find Krill Oil. Since my supply ( from Australia) ran out, i am finding a distinct discomfort with arthritis in my knees. I am in my 70's.

If anyone knows where it is obtainable i would appreciate the information. I have been to several pharmacists here and they don't even know what it is !

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I switched from fish oil to krill oil and am now going to switch back to fish oil.

If it is anti inflammatory properties that you are looking for I found that fish oil is a better option than the krill.

"Horses for courses" i guess. KO worked wonders for me !

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you have a credit card, iherb.com in the U.S. is good. I've found their customer reviews to be very useful in deciding what to buy. Unfortunately, they recently switched from USPS to DSL (or DHL, sorry can't remember the middle letter), which means that now most packages get opened and assessed extra duty and customs. I always keep my purchase below 80 USD and two kilos and the extra charges always comes to a little over 500 baht. Iherb has the best prices so I still use them.

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Slightly off the topic of Krill oil but on the topic of arthritits a friend suggested taking Healthy Mate unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar as it helps him with artritis and after 23 days I find that it works for me too.

I take 1/2 tbs ACV plus 1/2 tbs honey in a glass of water twice a day and I can now close my hands as normal and the pain in my left knee where I had an arthroscopy 15 years ago is much less too.

There is omething about it on this thread http://www.thaivisa....k/page__st__100 and my comments are on page 5 post 103 if you are interested.

Edited by billd766
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  • 1 month later...

Slightly off the topic of Krill oil but on the topic of arthritits a friend suggested taking Healthy Mate unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar as it helps him with artritis and after 23 days I find that it works for me too.

I take 1/2 tbs ACV plus 1/2 tbs honey in a glass of water twice a day and I can now close my hands as normal and the pain in my left knee where I had an arthroscopy 15 years ago is much less too.

There is omething about it on this thread http://www.thaivisa....k/page__st__100 and my comments are on page 5 post 103 if you are interested.

Hi BillD, Thank you for sharing your experience with ACV. I read a very long thread at earthclinic.com about it and many posters claimed success with joint pain and asthma. I've been taking ACV a couple of times a day with lime juice and water (no honey because I don't want to feed my candida) and the pain in my knees I felt every time I tried to sit crosslegged is mostly gone. But I also started taking astaxanthin around the same time, which is also purported to be good for inflammation, although I take it because it allows me to stay out in the sun longer without burning so that I can get more D3.

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I have to withdraw my recommendation to buy things from iherb.com because the Thai FDA has been interfering recently. They returned our most recent package to iherb. We'll get a refund but must way the two-way shipping so we lost about 20%. My package contained nonsupplement items (floss and lip balm), and that seems to be one excuse given. Also, the Thai FDA has been calling random iherb customers and questioning them as to whether they really understand what they are buying. This info comes from my wife, who read it on the prominent Thai language forum pantip.com.

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