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Mugged And Robbed


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Hope this is in the correct forum area.

Yesterday I got mugged and robbed, pushed off the motorbike and also beaten by 5 guys. I know who it is (one of them), but of course there is no proof what so ever.

Anybody any idea's how I should proceed with this. I can get a copy of the ID of the one I know.

Get the police involved or not?

What is the use of going to the police, because there is little they can do, since how to prove it was him.

For the record, this was a personal attack not random.

Edited by Scott
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Waiting to report the incident to the police was/is not going to be in your favor, unless you were injured or have another valid reason. A visit to the local station for something like this is the normal way, law abiding citizens would approach it. Otherwise, you may be leaving yourself open for a steady diet of physical abuse or worse.

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I've learned from bitter experience that it is best to do the correct thing.....which in this case is to go to the police. Why not ? The people involved need to see that there are consequences for their actions.

And what can they do? It's 5 against 1. They will just say, that at the time of the attack they were having a good time someplace else,

and have never seen the victim before.

Obviously the op have done something not to their liking.

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What was the reason for this "personal attack?

Yep, correct reply.

Going to the police could make things worse.

Basically, if you leave Thais alone, they will leave you alone.

If you've screwed up -- and if you've screwed up badly -- go and see the guys and apologise. Buy them each a bottle of cheap whisky.

ALWAYS avoid getting into trouble with Thai men.

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Depends on the circumstances leading up to the assault.

Did Thais, farangs or both attack you?

What were the reasons why they attacked you?

Was there any sort of altercation prior to the assault? Or have there been any disputes between you and this group in the past?

Are you involved in anything that you shouldn’t be involved with?

What sort of grievances does this group have with you?

These are the sorts of questions that the police are going to ask you. So if you believe that in this case, you are the innocent party, than you should report this matter to them.

Or if you believe that there is a chance that going to the police may worsen your situation, than whatever actions you take next, must be up to your own discretion and judgment.

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'ronthai' you say you know one of your attackers, you say this was not random…….Must be some history to all this. Yes, you're a victim of an assault, but I feel your leaving details out that I believe, you think will lesson sympathy for you. But if you are genuinely at a loss as to what action to take now and you're seeking advice………For that to happen, we need the details mate. Spill!

Edited by Tonto21
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'ronthai' you say you know one of your attacker, you say this was not random…….Must be some history to all this. Yes, you're a victim of an assault, but I feel your leaving details out that I believe, you think will lesson sympathy for you. But if you are genuinely at a loss as to what action to take now and you're seeking advice………For that to happen, we need the details mate. Spill!

Yeah ! like has been said is it female related, is it money related, is drug related, have you set about this guy you know before, are you Thai.

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What was the reason for this "personal attack?

I know the guy from a bar where he works. I found out that a few years ago he ripped off a friend of my 3 times (business wise) and also pulled a gun on him.

Therefore I politely, but strongly asked him not to speak to me again. I never even told his boss and as far I was concerned he could stay working there, but just leave me alone.

He made some threatening moves in the bar which I ignored. Later that evening he had a problem with someone else and quite his job.

Basicly that is it

Edited by ronthai
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Yes OP, more details..Not much use asking for our sterling advice and having posters tell you to report it to the cops if it is a situation where the cops cannot help.

Using my psychic internet powers (which are rarely ever wrong i might add) i would say you have had a dispute over a woman, money or services rendered..that were not legit..?

To which you have told the Thai recipient to F....off..? (or words to that effect)

In his Thainess he has lost some face from a farang and arranged his buddies for payback..?

How far off am I?

( I am even seeing guys in flouro vests....i am feeling this could be motorcais B) )

edit: Late posting and batteries in crystal ball dead :rolleyes:

Edited by ozzieovaseas
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What was the reason for this "personal attack?

I know the guy from a bar where he works. I found out that a few years ago he ripped off a friend of my 3 times (business wise) and also pulled a gun on him.

Therefore I politely, but strongly asked him not to speak to me again. I never even told his boss and as far I was concerned he could stay working there, but just leave me alone.

He made some threatening moves in the bar which I ignored. Later that evening he had a problem with someone else and quite his job.

Basicly that is it

if the business is/was legit then why didn't your friend report him....especially as he is pulling guns?

you have just learnt a big lesson in life, don't get involved in others disputes and make them personal...especially in Thailand.

my advice before he bullies you some more, either report him or move out of the area....i'd suggest the latter :blink:

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What was the reason for this "personal attack?

I know the guy from a bar where he works. I found out that a few years ago he ripped off a friend of my 3 times (business wise) and also pulled a gun on him.

Therefore I politely, but strongly asked him not to speak to me again. I never even told his boss and as far I was concerned he could stay working there, but just leave me alone.

He made some threatening moves in the bar which I ignored. Later that evening he had a problem with someone else and quite his job.

Basicly that is it

No ,mate there is much more.You have done something that has upset a lot of people. Sorry ,but your English , is not good, makes it difficult to understand.You do not seem to understand what is the primary cause of all this. Or refuse to acknowledge that reason.You need to be a lot more honest. With us.

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All you can do with scum is to avoid them.

Your first mistake was confronting him. You should have kept the info to yourself, politely smiled at said scum whenever you saw him and kept your distance. Never let anyone know what you are thinking, especially if it's negative toward the other party. You might be able to get away with telling someone in the west that they are a subhuman piece of <deleted>, but in Thailand that will make you an enemy for life.

Go to the police? For what? In my experience, they will do nothing unless paid to do so.

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No ,mate there is much more.You have done something that has upset a lot of people. Sorry ,but your English , is not good, makes it difficult to understand.You do not seem to understand what is the primary cause of all this. Or refuse to acknowledge that reason.You need to be a lot more honest. With us.


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What was the reason for this "personal attack?

I know the guy from a bar where he works. I found out that a few years ago he ripped off a friend of my 3 times (business wise) and also pulled a gun on him.

Therefore I politely, but strongly asked him not to speak to me again. I never even told his boss and as far I was concerned he could stay working there, but just leave me alone.

He made some threatening moves in the bar which I ignored. Later that evening he had a problem with someone else and quite his job.

Basicly that is it

I wonder why you go to a bar where a guy pull a gun on your friend. Obviously, this guy is dangerous. I would have avoided that bar if I was you.

I am sorry that your friend has been ripped off 3 times but I don't understand why he did not learn his lesson after being ripped off the first time.

I think you should report the attack immediately. Or else move to another city.


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'ronthai' Well I don't know if you have any Thai blood in you. But this is a case in point about staying out of Thai peoples business. I hear you say it was all about a friend being ripped-off by this guy, (where's your friend now?) how did you find out your mate was coned by this guy? I realize you felt you owed you mate some loyalty but…………Strong words to a bloke who pulled a gun on your friend!! What were you thinking when you give him a gob full. Did you think he would see the error of his way and turn over a new leaf and think your someone not to be messed with?

This is only my opinion; you could be in bigger trouble than you realize, and sure this guy is a butthole…….and a localhood! But every time this guy see's you, he remembers how you disrespected him, (in his eye's) you made him lose face, and that is all important to this guy!

I don't won't to sound melodramatic, I'm now shrinking violet mate, but I would get the <deleted> out of dodge……..If it was me. This guy was not in the crew that attacked you……He was running it! Why take a chance.

Like I said, it's only my opinion, but if you're going to bump your gums to local Thai hoods who pulls gun on folk you best start wearinga stab proof vest....................... Keep your dislikes of certain Thai individuals to yourself…..They don't take criticism very well……..Do they?

Best of luck mate!

Edited by metisdead
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What was the reason for this "personal attack?

I know the guy from a bar where he works. I found out that a few years ago he ripped off a friend of my 3 times (business wise) and also pulled a gun on him.

Therefore I politely, but strongly asked him not to speak to me again. I never even told his boss and as far I was concerned he could stay working there, but just leave me alone.

He made some threatening moves in the bar which I ignored. Later that evening he had a problem with someone else and quite his job.

Basicly that is it

It sounds like someone gave you some old news and thought you were man enough to bring it up. The old news was this guy had ripped off a friend( none of your business) and pulled a gun on him (red flags flashing warning the guy is dangerous) You told him its ok he works were he was working( as if he needs your consent). Then told him to never speak to you again ( not to smart just quit talking to him problem solved)

He made threatening remarks to you in the bar which you ignored( you bring up old wounds for the guy who is a dangerous guy and confront him and expect him to all of a sudden become a nice guy,not to bright I would say)

I would say you should have minded your own business for starters. Second when the guy showed he wasnot going to take your attitude you should have left the bar never to return.

I would like to know one other thing did you get beat up the same night he quit his job?

This is just my opinion for what it is worth.

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Something does'nt add up here.

Why would you stick your neck out, and (potentially) provoke someone you already know is a nutter who pulls guns in public places and has ripped off your "friend" 3 times??:blink:

In any case, people like this are irrational and cannot be reasoned with or messed around with. Friend or not, you will do best to get the h3ll outta there before he really blows his top

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From what I understand you will usually get a final warning - sounds like you have been warned.

Unless you are a cat, take some others advise and move on, find a new bar etc.

Report it? Seriously? Unless you are some famous musical person, don't expect much help.

Good luck!

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you are now the offical Neville Chamberlain of TV....do not appease or negotiate with criminals

What was the reason for this "personal attack?

Yep, correct reply.

Going to the police could make things worse.

Basically, if you leave Thais alone, they will leave you alone.

If you've screwed up -- and if you've screwed up badly -- go and see the guys and apologise. Buy them each a bottle of cheap whisky.

ALWAYS avoid getting into trouble with Thai men.

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