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Crap Job? You Got The Choice!

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let's say you have a crap job in a fast food, and all you do is flip burgers in the USA at 7-8$ an hour, then deliver pizza, because for whatever reason, economy suck...you are forced to do it because this is the "new american dream (eheh)"

and in the other hand, you have a poor Thai guy who works 12 hours a day (9000 bahts a month) in a ice cream shop in Pattaya or fixing bikes in Chiang Mai , living in a 1 room appart with ceiling fan and no a/c, and just get a fino....well, see what I mean?

if you have to choose to take the life of one of these 2 schmucks, what mupet would you pick?

which one will have a better life in term of money can buy? life confort? better life? the "yes we can" power?

now it's time to answer!!!

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The poor Thai guy has free medical and likely a family he can turn to in times of need. He also isn't a slave to his vehicle.

The burger flipper in the states? Depends I suppose. Probably has more material goods than the Thai. Unfortunately, that means he has more things to break down, and he likely can't do without his car if he wants to keep his job. Hope he doesn't get sick.

The life of a peasant in any country is never fun, but if consumerism is your thing, then the guy in the US will likely come out ahead. If you are asking where is the better quality of life though including things social acceptability of poverty, then you might prefer life in Thailand. The gini coefficient of both countries is similar.

Personally, I'll take the life of a wealthy retired expat in Thailand with a trilingual gardener. All I have to do is find someone taking applications for that position.

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Personally, I'll take the life of a wealthy retired expat in Thailand with a trilingual gardener. All I have to do is find someone taking applications for that position.

Does the gardener have to know that BMW's are cheaper in Thailand than the West? I think I know just the chap.

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i doubt the Thai guy is making 9,000baht a month even in Bangkok they are making 6,000 to 8,000 a month. The guy in the states if he has some get up and go should do better he can go to the local community college. Thais when they wash out of the system donot have to many options.

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Personally, I'll take the life of a wealthy retired expat in Thailand with a trilingual gardener. All I have to do is find someone taking applications for that position.

Does the gardener have to know that BMW's are cheaper in Thailand than the West? I think I know just the chap.

Actually BMWs are a lot cheaper in the US than they are in Thailand.

GregB, sounds like the OP will soon apply for the gardener position, but I doubt if he is from Switzerland. He rather sounds like a frustrated Mickey Ds burger flipper.

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I've met extremely happy people in both countries that are at the 'bottom' economically. Most people I know at the other end are more comfortable, but not always happier.

If I had to choose, I go with Kerryk. More Thai girls in Thailand!

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Living alone at 9000 baht in Thailand vs minimum wage burger flipper I think the Thai dude would be better off, lower cost of living, better public transport, free medical, and doesn't have to live in a dangerous ghetto. Would really depend where in the US you were, there are some places you really don't want to be. But the American burger flipper has better opportunities to get a much higher paying job.

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The poor American burger flipper could even go to community college at night and then go to Thailand and make much more than the poor Thai dude and have the same cost of living, the Thai dude doesn't have that option.

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I've met extremely happy people in both countries that are at the 'bottom' economically. Most people I know at the other end are more comfortable, but not always happier.

If I had to choose, I go with Kerryk. More Thai girls in Thailand!

double that

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Wow, your post really smacks of a seriously unwarranted superiority complex..

Labelling ordinary people who are struggling to earn a decent (albeit HONEST) living.."muppets"??:ermm:

Sorry to say, but your judgements on these so-called "muppets", actually makes you the bigger muppet...when you really think about it.

Do you not sometimes consider yourself lucky that you yourself were not born into the life of a "muppet"?

Part of the master race are we?

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Wow, your post really smacks of a seriously unwarranted superiority complex..

Labelling ordinary people who are struggling to earn a decent (albeit HONEST) living.."muppets"??:ermm:

Sorry to say, but your judgements on these so-called "muppets", actually makes you the bigger muppet...when you really think about it.

Do you not sometimes consider yourself lucky that you yourself were not born into the life of a "muppet"?

Part of the master race are we?


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Personally, I'll take the life of a wealthy retired expat in Thailand with a trilingual gardener. All I have to do is find someone taking applications for that position.

Does the gardener have to know that BMW's are cheaper in Thailand than the West? I think I know just the chap.

And that same chap can most likely advise you on everything about gold and currencies


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The poor American burger flipper could even go to community college at night and then go to Thailand and make much more than the poor Thai dude and have the same cost of living, the Thai dude doesn't have that option.

Is the Thai dude cute? Can he walk in high heels? Want to consider all options here.

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The Thai guy is way better off especially if the American lives in a cold climate.

The Thai can can afford his own apartment and to eat nice Thai street food all the time which is tasty and can be nutritious depending on what you order, plus has access to government health care. He could also afford a motorcycle. Compared to the US, Thailand is a boom country economically.

The American wouldn't be able to afford his own apartment and the only restaurant food he could regularly afford is fast food which would make him sick and create a need for the health care which he wouldn't have access to. (In many higher cost areas of the US, many fast food workers are actually HOMELESS.) If Obamacare is implemented, he would have such access but the radical right wing is rising is working overtime to crush it. A car would eat of a huge chunk of his salary but he might need it especially if homeless as it can double as a sleep unit. A motorcycle would be impractical in a harsh climate area for regular use. Sure he might be able to take some courses at night. It would take 10 years to complete a 2 years course and a graduate now of something like that would find no job as the economy is depression like in the US. In reality, most workers like this are subject to regular shift changes and it would not be practical to enter any educational program as finishing it would not be likely.

Edited by Jingthing
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Being someone of little wealth is no delight wherever you live. I know, I`ve been there.

In the West the poor are able to obtain welfare services and benefits towards they’re financial support, so I suppose the quality of life must be better for the poor in Europe and the States than in any of the third world countries.

Money is freedom and gives us choices, for example I would never even consider living in Thailand on a shoestring budget on in the hope that things will work out. Anyone that does is a fool.

I regard money as lifeblood, not for reasons of being self centred, but we may as well go and jump in the lake without it.

This is how society has progressed, into a financial orientated lands of those that have and the no hopers which people would rather disregard as in the biblical leper colonies sense.

Most things have a price tag on them these days. Friends will remain friends providing we can stay at their level, otherwise it`s a friend in desperate need is to be avoided. People and business services are happy to serve you with a smile provided we can pay. Try otherwise and see how quickly the smiles fade.

I often feel great sympathy for the Thai people that have to work their guts out over long periods for a pittance, with no hopes of ever acquiring any status or security for the future.

But in this world it has to be charity begins at home and handouts to others as secondary, for reasons I have mentioned above.

I wouldn’t go as far as the OP and describe these people as schmucks just because they maybe down on their luck, but I do agree that some people can be self destructive.. It means at the end of the day, united we stand, divided we fall.

Sad but true.


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Wow, your post really smacks of a seriously unwarranted superiority complex..

Labelling ordinary people who are struggling to earn a decent (albeit HONEST) living.."muppets"??:ermm:

Sorry to say, but your judgements on these so-called "muppets", actually makes you the bigger muppet...when you really think about it.

Do you not sometimes consider yourself lucky that you yourself were not born into the life of a "muppet"?

Part of the master race are we?

Common and conditioned mind-set amongst these circles here at TV.

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The Thai guy is way better off especially if the American lives in a cold climate.


The American guy is much better off as he has a much better chance of a decent salary and improving his life (but Thailand is a better place for a single man to live if you have enough money to live comfortably).


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I think the McDonald guy has a better life compared to the other guy. At least the USD is stronger compared to THB.

That's absurd. Such a guy wouldn't be traveling to Thailand unless he had other resources. The currency in the US is dollars and the cost of living is very high.

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