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Stop The Dog Meat Trade Petition

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signed with hope.

Face up to reality.

Buddhist, yeah right, have you seen the condition of the animals at temples?

The God here is MONEY.

If you care about animals this country is your worst nightmare come true.

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signed with hope.

Face up to reality.

Buddhist, yeah right, have you seen the condition of the animals at temples?

The God here is MONEY.

If you care about animals this country is your worst nightmare come true.

I disagree. Have you been to Greece or Turkey? At least the Thais ignore dogs and cats, and throw them the left-overs occasionally. The Greeks and Turks go out of their way to kick them!

Admittedly, sometimes the tourist business owners (or odd person with a grudge) will poison them, but this happens in other Asian countries too.

I agree though that Buddhism here is a joke.

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Another Ferang with stupid idea.We will be overun with them. Some cant afford much else.

Hardly.... Many starve to death. Too many stray dogs/cats? Then not enough food to support them all.

But I'm sure this doesn't upset you in the slightest.

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Another Ferang with stupid idea.We will be overun with them. Some cant afford much else.

Hardly.... Many starve to death. Too many stray dogs/cats? Then not enough food to support them all.

But I'm sure this doesn't upset you in the slightest.

i Have 5 to 12, and ain't no bleeding heart do good-er who has been here 5 Min's and interferes with Asian Ways, They starve because they are weak,animals are brighter than humans, they cull their runts.We Don't unfortunately.

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Another Ferang with stupid idea.We will be overun with them. Some cant afford much else.

Hardly.... Many starve to death. Too many stray dogs/cats? Then not enough food to support them all.

But I'm sure this doesn't upset you in the slightest.

i Have 5 to 12, and ain't no bleeding heart do good-er who has been here 5 Min's and interferes with Asian Ways, They starve because they are weak,animals are brighter than humans, they cull their runts.We Don't unfortunately.

You have "5 -12"??? Do you not know how many you have?

I have not been here "5 Mins" and I know better than to "interferes (sic) with Asian Ways (sic)", but still understand that inflicting suffering on others is indefensible.

SOME species "cull their runts", but they are few and far between. But I'm sure you're right - we should kill our 'runts' like Stephen Hawkins.

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I went to have a look for a laugh and saw this as part of the 'pledge' - "I will do my utmost not to purchase Thai products or travel to Thailand until the laws prohibiting the dog meat trade are actively enforced throughout Thailand."

So as an expat I am excluded from this petition. It would be hypocritical and almost misrepresentational for me to sign it as I live in Thailand and purchase Thai products every day :D

Ah well, let's hope they keep the soi dog population down to manageable levels, probably should be rewarded for their service to the country rather than punished...

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I went to have a look for a laugh and saw this as part of the 'pledge' - "I will do my utmost not to purchase Thai products or travel to Thailand until the laws prohibiting the dog meat trade are actively enforced throughout Thailand."

So as an expat I am excluded from this petition. It would be hypocritical and almost misrepresentational for me to sign it as I live in Thailand and purchase Thai products every day :D

Ah well, let's hope they keep the soi dog population down to manageable levels, probably should be rewarded for their service to the country rather than punished...

Quite. It proves that we are the superior species when we have no compunction about causing suffering to 'lesser' animals.

I have no problem with people eating dogs, AS LONG as they are treated humanely.

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Another Ferang with stupid idea.......

Not only here but else where as well. Why do these people think they, as Farang, have the right to try to change the culture of a country they only have very limited visitors rights in!

Got me knackered why the OP and others don't return to the perfect world from where they came.

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I am against the eating of dogs, and the trade that goes with it. BUT if the trade is banned, it will simply go underground... and there would be no hope of reducing the cruelty involved in it. In my village there are no stray dogs, diseased and suffering; any unwanted dogs get eaten. Not an ideal world, I know; but if it's a choice between unwanted dogs being eaten, and sick and starving strays all over the place., I would rather the strays were eaten. Stop the cruelty, and the trade will eventually be reduced to a minimum. I doubt whether it can be eradicated in our lifetimes; the Hong Kong authorities tried, but without success... and that's a tiny place compared with Thailand.

Be realistic, please.

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I am against the eating of dogs, and the trade that goes with it. BUT if the trade is banned, it will simply go underground... and there would be no hope of reducing the cruelty involved in it. In my village there are no stray dogs, diseased and suffering; any unwanted dogs get eaten. Not an ideal world, I know; but if it's a choice between unwanted dogs being eaten, and sick and starving strays all over the place., I would rather the strays were eaten. Stop the cruelty, and the trade will eventually be reduced to a minimum. I doubt whether it can be eradicated in our lifetimes; the Hong Kong authorities tried, but without success... and that's a tiny place compared with Thailand.

Be realistic, please.

In essence I agree, but still signed it.

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If you have no interest in the petition except come on here and insult people then I highly suggest you refrain from doing so. Step away from the computer and go have a beer or something but don't post.

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Another Ferang with stupid idea.......

Not only here but else where as well. Why do these people think they, as Farang, have the right to try to change the culture of a country they only have very limited visitors rights in!

Got me knackered why the OP and others don't return to the perfect world from where they came.

Where did anyone say that they came from a perfect world. This is a typical 'Iv'e been in Thailand longer than you' post and therefore you know nothing bout Thai culture. The majority of my Thai friends were also very upset to see dogs treated in this manner, but it appears that you know better than them.

Thailand has and is changing due to Western/Eastern influences and that is called progress.

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A few years ago our 'bitch' had 2 pups every thing going OK,off we go me and the boss down to Pattaya,come home the bas***d brother inlaw had only sold the bitch and one of the pups he said he needed some money.

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If you have no interest in the petition except come on here and insult people then I highly suggest you refrain from doing so. Step away from the computer and go have a beer or something but don't post.

How about coming here to neither insult people (has anyone been insulted in this thread?) or sign the petition? How about coming here to discuss it - or should we visit a Thai discussion forum for that instead???

I eat no meat - and have not for more than half my life, but I leave it up to each individual to make their own choices. Some Europeans eat horse - Thais are often amazed westerners eat rabbits - people eat many mammals. Dogs are far from endangered, and as many posts here say, there are too many dogs on the streets and many do starve - so we leave them to suffer and die and rot, and breed other animals for our plates? Is that conscientious?

I do not like many of the ways animals are treated here or at home, in the meat trade or hunting - or in slaughter houses etc, but to single out one animal over another because we happen to keep them as pets seems somewhat silly.

I would rather be concerned with the way dogs and cats are dumped on the roadside as soon as they are no longer cute puppies/kittens. In the way animals are treated at petting zoos and at attractions. The creatures killed to make tourist trinkets (beautiful butterflies, giant beetles, bats, lizards and snakes etc).

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Another Ferang with stupid idea.We will be overun with them. Some cant afford much else.

Hardly.... Many starve to death. Too many stray dogs/cats? Then not enough food to support them all.

But I'm sure this doesn't upset you in the slightest.

i Have 5 to 12, and ain't no bleeding heart do good-er who has been here 5 Min's and interferes with Asian Ways, They starve because they are weak,animals are brighter than humans, they cull their runts.We Don't unfortunately.

You have "5 -12"??? Do you not know how many you have?

I have not been here "5 Mins" and I know better than to "interferes (sic) with Asian Ways (sic)", but still understand that inflicting suffering on others is indefensible.

SOME species "cull their runts", but they are few and far between. But I'm sure you're right - we should kill our 'runts' like Stephen Hawkins.

Where did i say you had been here 5 Min's.Have you noticed Dogs Die, or get poisoned, run over , ive had one stamped to death by Thai Youths, Some Old Dogs some Pups,i don't count every day or have a roll call like some demented School Teacher.Dog Collectors don't take my Dogs, or anyone else's if they have the Free Vaccine, and Sterilized Label on the Collar. Lao People have eaten Black Dog for Centuries, and long may they do so. Never heard of Hawkins, but if hes a Doctor who terminates Cabbages good luck to him as well.

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You have "5 -12"??? Do you not know how many you have?

I have not been here "5 Mins" and I know better than to "interferes (sic) with Asian Ways (sic)", but still understand that inflicting suffering on others is indefensible.

SOME species "cull their runts", but they are few and far between. But I'm sure you're right - we should kill our 'runts' like Stephen Hawkins.

Where did i say you had been here 5 Min's.Have you noticed Dogs Die, or get poisoned, run over , ive had one stamped to death by Thai Youths, Some Old Dogs some Pups,i don't count every day or have a roll call like some demented School Teacher.Dog Collectors don't take my Dogs, or anyone else's if they have the Free Vaccine, and Sterilized Label on the Collar. Lao People have eaten Black Dog for Centuries, and long may they do so. Never heard of Hawkins, but if hes a Doctor who terminates Cabbages good luck to him as well.

I guess he means Prof. Stephen Hawking, http://en.wikipedia....Stephen_Hawking - He has a motor neuron disease, but is one of the most read and well know Physists and cosmologists in the world (most famous after Newton and Einstein I would say).

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If you have no interest in the petition except come on here and insult people then I highly suggest you refrain from doing so. Step away from the computer and go have a beer or something but don't post.

How about coming here to neither insult people (has anyone been insulted in this thread?) or sign the petition? How about coming here to discuss it - or should we visit a Thai discussion forum for that instead???

I eat no meat - and have not for more than half my life, but I leave it up to each individual to make their own choices. Some Europeans eat horse - Thais are often amazed westerners eat rabbits - people eat many mammals. Dogs are far from endangered, and as many posts here say, there are too many dogs on the streets and many do starve - so we leave them to suffer and die and rot, and breed other animals for our plates? Is that conscientious?

I do not like many of the ways animals are treated here or at home, in the meat trade or hunting - or in slaughter houses etc, but to single out one animal over another because we happen to keep them as pets seems somewhat silly.

I would rather be concerned with the way dogs and cats are dumped on the roadside as soon as they are no longer cute puppies/kittens. In the way animals are treated at petting zoos and at attractions. The creatures killed to make tourist trinkets (beautiful butterflies, giant beetles, bats, lizards and snakes etc).

Discuss away but keep it civil without inflammatory baiting. Some people have proven that is difficult for them in regards to this issue.

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Well I'm from Sai Gon and can tell you there are some mightily pished off restauranteurs here. :ermm:

Only joking, or maybe not. <_<

Thing is there was a letter in the paper that shall not be mentioned going on about the strays should all be rounded up, neutered/spayed and found good homes or some similar scheme.

Fine sentiments however it fails to fulfill one basic criteria. The plan does not make money unless people are charged for the dogs they take in therefore very few will be taken in. Rounding them up and exporting them over here makes a few dollars for very little investment.

You don't need an MBA in business studies to see which one is the better investment in Thai eyes.

Sure it would be nice if all the little doggies were looked after and lived long and happy lives but that doesn't even happen in the west.

As for boycotting Thailand for the stray dogs for food trade what about all the endangered species that get trucked up through the country en route to Chinese dining tables? What about a boycott against Thailand, amongst others, for the traffiking of human beings?

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I went to have a look for a laugh and saw this as part of the 'pledge' - "I will do my utmost not to purchase Thai products or travel to Thailand until the laws prohibiting the dog meat trade are actively enforced throughout Thailand."

So as an expat I am excluded from this petition. It would be hypocritical and almost misrepresentational for me to sign it as I live in Thailand and purchase Thai products every day :D

Ah well, let's hope they keep the soi dog population down to manageable levels, probably should be rewarded for their service to the country rather than punished...

Quite. It proves that we are the superior species when we have no compunction about causing suffering to 'lesser' animals.

I have no problem with people eating dogs, AS LONG as they are treated humanely.


Well spoken! :clap2:

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I went to have a look for a laugh and saw this as part of the 'pledge' - "I will do my utmost not to purchase Thai products or travel to Thailand until the laws prohibiting the dog meat trade are actively enforced throughout Thailand."

So as an expat I am excluded from this petition. It would be hypocritical and almost misrepresentational for me to sign it as I live in Thailand and purchase Thai products every day :D

Ah well, let's hope they keep the soi dog population down to manageable levels, probably should be rewarded for their service to the country rather than punished...

@ QED: That type of comments and guys who make them such as you just make me :sick:

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