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Syria's Assad says military and police operations against civilians have 'stopped'


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Syria's Assad says military and police operations against civilians have 'stopped'

2011-08-18 12:56:18 GMT+7 (ICT)

UNITED NATIONS (BNO NEWS) -- Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday told United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that all military and police operations against civilians have 'stopped'.

The UN released details on Thursday morning about Ban's telephone conversation with Assad on Wednesday. "The Secretary-General emphasized that all military operations and mass arrests must cease immediately," a UN statement said. "President Assad said that the military and police operations had stopped."

Syria has been engulfed in violence since pro-democracy demonstrations began in mid-March. The protesters and the civilian population in general have since been met with a crackdown by security forces, killing more than 2,000 people and resulting in the arrests of tens of thousands of people.

The Syrian government has repeatedly claimed that the violent acts have been instigated by terrorists who use military uniforms and weaponry to pose as soldiers while attacking citizens, but these claims have been rejected by residents, human rights groups, and the international community.

During Thursday's call, Ban reiterated his calls for an independent investigation into all reported killings and acts of violence, and for free access by the media. He also called on the Government of Syria to extend full cooperation to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

It was not possible to confirm Assad's claim that all operations against civilians have stopped due to reporting restrictions imposed by the Syrian government. However, violence has been reported as recently as Thursday.

Ban further urged President Assad to engage in a credible and peaceful process of reform towards comprehensive change, as has been demanded by anti-government protesters. "The President enumerated the reforms he will undertake in the next few months, including the revision of the Constitution and the holding of parliamentary elections," the UN statement said. "The Secretary-General emphasized the need for reforms to be implemented swiftly without further military intervention."

Ban also expressed his appreciation that the Syrian government has agreed to receive a UN humanitarian assessment mission. He further stressed that it would be critical for the mission to be provided with independent and unhindered access to all areas affected by violence in order to assess the humanitarian needs of the population, and to provide assistance if needed. In response, Assad promised the team will have access to different areas in Syria.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-08-18

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Well, I didn't think that we would be stupid enough to attack Libya while fighting two other places and in debt up to our ears. Don't tell me here we go again. :blink:

they are going for the final and towards the NWO. It will be disaster. This was long prepared, the "die has been cast" long time ago.

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Do you think that the US and company will attack Syria? I don't.

I don't think they can afford it, can they?

when you chase a rat to the corner it will attack, regardless of reasons. I'm not saying that America is "a Rat", but the situation can be compared when you consider the shadow government in control that drives all the insanity. Good luck to all real Americans.

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Do you think that the US and company will attack Syria? I don't.

Here is the big test. Militarily the U.S are the no.1 power, outside of them Israel and Turkey have notable military strength but the Libya debacle proved what I have long suspected - European armies are little more than ceremonial in function. Syria know this as do Iran and if Assad is allowed to stay in power the arab states will quickly draw the conclusion that a bankrupt and divided U.S is powerless to intervene and then an attack on Israel will follow pretty soon.

There is of course on game changer, should the U.S wish it may yet consider circumstances require them to default on their external debt in order to fund military action.

P.S Syria IS now of strategic importance seeing as Israel have massive oil reserves which will be exploitable with future technology.

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Are you talking about Shale oil? The US has lots of it too and I do not think that Barry is going to go to war to support Israel. However, if Syria attacks Iran, he might be willing to jump in to save the Mullah's. :annoyed:

I think Barry racked up the debt causing worldwide inflation resulting in the arab spring. Then he cut Mubarak loose, attacked Gaddafi all to ensure the U.S was preoccupied on multiple fronts and financially weakened. I get your point about the Mullahs though, the debate about Obama's passport missed the real issue - Islam recognizes no borders. :ph34r:

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And sure enough, here are your suspicions supported if not confirmed.


Watching Obama kowtow to Iran in dealing with their vassal state, Syria, sickens me -- especially considering how he he supported the Muslim Brotherhood overthrow of our 30-year ally in Egypt.

And here it is again. Now Obama is calling for Syrian President Assad to resign, finally, and only after it becomes clear that he can and will support the Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Syria.

Obama ignored the true revolution for freedom, the real "people's movement" in Iran back in June 2009. It's what the free world was waiting for. That was the historical crossroads; that was the moment where the ensuing human events could have gone for good or for evil. Finally, we could behead the head of the snake of a decades-long Islamic war on the West led by Iran. Obama ........ sided with the enemy.

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