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I called AIS airnet and it seems they do not yet provide service to the Klongtoey section of Bangkok. True said they are not yet here either. I had no idea it would be so hard to find broadband hi-speed internet here in Bangkok. I mean I am right next to the Emporium! Right now the only provider I have is the one our apartment offers from CS Loxinfo. They are expensive and slow (1,000 baht for 2 Mbps).

Does anyone know which hi-speed ISP will service the Klongtoey section of BKK?


I find that very hard to believe

Not your words ...... the reality.

Go to one of the offices at Pantip, Fortune Town

Paragon or Emporium and ask AIS, DTAC, True, etc

Perhaps your building is far from the equipment


3G might work for you from one of the carriers above.

Keep trying.

I would find it hard to believe that near Emporium

you'd have to live with GPRS/EDGE

Good Luck


True, TOT are in that area.

Unless you are in a service apartment and committed to use the building's choice of provider.

True is the best provider in Thailand with regard to bandwidth and international access.


+1 for TOT, don't take their stories, just keep asking. Can't get a line, can't get a number, we only have the most expensive line available there blah blah all the stories they can think of. TOT, done!



Both True and TOT have large CO's well within servicing distance.

It may be a matter of existing cabling? It's all a guess, as you've provided no details, but suspect you may have CXSLoxInfo on top of a TOT fixed line. Do you have a telephone? If so, do you know the number?

Can you provide any line statistics from your modem?

Can you talk with neighbors to determine what other's nearby might be using?

Potential options:

If you have a TOT fixed line then take a look at a DSL option directly from TOT.

Inquire about running a new line, to True (first choice) or TOT (if your current line is not TOT).

Inquire about True Online's new Ultra High Speed Service (Internet over Cable: DOCSIS); based on the longish threads on that service I've got to believe it is available in your neighborhood.

3G is not a consideration for fixed-line broadband replacement, unless it is your only option or you like sharp sticks in the eye.


You seem a little confused between 3G/Edge internetvia mobile Network on an air card and ASDL internet on the phone line.

AIS do not have 3G just yet (coming very soon).True and TOT do have 3G working in most place in Bangkok and DTAC also.

If you staying here in same condo for 6 -12 monthsit is worth getting the phone line and ADSL 590-599 BHT plus about 100 BHT permonth for phone line. The speed will be much better than 3G, downloads areunlimited and much less variability (Jitter) for Skype or other VOIP servicesif you’re calling back home etc. I have used both TOT and True in Bangkokin the last 12 months and I say their much the same in performance. You willfind some times your condo has done a deal with one provider or the other.


Forgot to say True are currently offering Free phone line installation if you re not got a phone line already (even if it a TOT line) and Free Wifi Router on the 599 Bht/month plan no install fee at all. You only pay the monthly fee which ends up just over 700 BHT/month for 7MBps so it not too bad a deal at all. no i have nothing to do with them just work in the IT industry.


I have 3MB CSLoxinfo in Klong Toey and it's excellent, they consistently deliver near the rated speed. There's no point getting a cheap "ultrafast" connection from a crap company if it turns out to be slower than a dial up modem.


I have 3MB CSLoxinfo in Klong Toey and it's excellent, they consistently deliver near the rated speed. There's no point getting a cheap "ultrafast" connection from a crap company if it turns out to be slower than a dial up modem.

Finally, someone who knows what he's talking about. I agree 100 percent.

I'd advise the OP to think twice before getting True ADSL. Take today for example... I've been trying to download from file hosting sites (e.g. Fileserve, Filesonic et al) all afternoon. Speeds are horrendous, averaging less than 20KB/s. I get the same result on both free and premium accounts. Oh, don't get me started with bit torrent. So much for having a 10Mbps connection... I'm really missing my old 2Mbps service with JI-NET. I never once had to put up with this nonsense in the 3+ years I was with them.

Bottom line: True ADSL fcukin' sucks donkey balls. :realangry:


I have 3MB CSLoxinfo in Klong Toey and it's excellent, they consistently deliver near the rated speed. There's no point getting a cheap "ultrafast" connection from a crap company if it turns out to be slower than a dial up modem.

I had CSLoxinfo for many years in Klong Toey and found their service, albeit steady, to be overpriced and outdated. Since switching to True, I cannot fault my Klong Toey connection. 7mbps at 599THB unlimited Vs CSLox 2mps at over 700THB. It was a no-brainer for me. YMMV.


I used TOT, a 1 Mbps line for 500b/month when I lived on Suk. Soi 22, right near you.


Thank you to everyone for all your responses. Sorry for not providing more details. I am on Soi 22 just a stone's throw from Sukhumvit, I look out my window and look directly across at Emporium. I currently have CS Loxinfo 3Mbps service. It isn't bad, but it is over priced for the download speed (1,000 baht per month).

I have permission from my landlord to get my own ISP now, so that is no longer an issue. They have provided me with a dedicated TOT phone line and a True phone line (whichever I want to use). They would simply charge me 100 baht per month for phone line rental.

The problem I run into with True is that they tell me they have too many customers in this area and so need to add more DSL equipment before they add more customers.

My main interest is to stream Netflix, AppleTV, and Hulu+ as well as XBOX Live. If I can do this I would have no need for cable TV. So if the download speeds are better then what I get with CS LoxInfo (currently no better than 2.5Mbps) I will be good.

Thanks again!


CSLOX may be slower and pricier than the competition, but is it reliable? Everyone wants fast internet access, including myself. While there are many providers offering fast connections for a few baht per month, you have to ask yourself, "is it really worth it?" Based on your posts, your CSLOX connection appears to be working fine, therefore, you might wanna think twice about switching to a new provider. Getting good and reliable internet in Thailand is a hit or miss. For me, reliability is more important than speed. Sure, it'd be nice to have both, but my experiences with Thai internet have taught me otherwise. In fact, I'm seriously considering dumping my True 9Mbps and switching back to my old ISP - Jinet 2Mbps @ Bt990 per month. I'd rather be on a slower connection that offers consistent performance 24/7. In the end, it all comes down to personal preference and what you feel is important.

Whatever you decide, good luck... Just remember one thing: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The problem I run into with True is that they tell me they have too many customers in this area and so need to add more DSL equipment before they add more customers.

This seems like a reasonable reply. It might have helped if you had revealed this detail in your original post?

They should have some turnover so I wouldn't think you'd have to wait long? Unless there is some massive queue? They may be waiting for more pent-up demand before adding a new shelf?

Did you look into the True Ultra Internet over Cable (DOCSIS) offering?

Based on a totally un-scientific vague remembrance of all the "my internet sucks" posts, it seems like more people are dissatisfied with TOT vs. True (the two ISPs you are considering).

Obviously if you can't get True DOCSIS or True DSL then you should get TOT.


All the people complaining about true above could have problems with internal wiring or splitter problems, i have had true adsl for 2 years now in the beginning i was not getting the speed i paid for plus it always used to drop even though my line stats were showing good on my router page after i bought some new internal copper wiring and installed all the problems were eliminated since then i never had a single dropout other then true doing some maintenance in my area. you can buy the copper wires for only

7 baht/metre from sukhumvit soi 39 there is a shop in front of the soi. i also live in klong toey area and never experience problem with them after that. but 2 days ago i did notice for the first time true throttling my downloads but today its back to normal.


All the people complaining about true above could have problems with internal wiring or splitter problems,

Common symptoms of internal wiring / splitter problems:

- Low SNR margin

- Frequent disconnects

- Random spikes and wild fluctuations in SNR

- Lots of downstream HEC / CRC / Super Frame errors

- High number of downstream Errored-Seconds (ES) and/or Severe Errored-Seconds (SES)

I have none.

2 days ago i did notice for the first time true throttling my downloads but today its back to normal.

Check your peers list for addresses that end with .static.asianet.co.th. These are the local speed demons; whether or not they function as (public ?) seedboxes, I do not know. Based on my observations, traffic-shaping rules do not apply to local peers. I can download at my full rated speed (9Mbps) whenever I connect to these peers.

The problem I run into with True is that they tell me they have too many customers in this area and so need to add more DSL equipment before they add more customers.

This seems like a reasonable reply. It might have helped if you had revealed this detail in your original post?

Actually I only found out about True having too many customers in this area after I made the original post. But thank you for your assistance.

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