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New Requirements For 90-Day Reporting

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"in the post prior to yours, a member who just went to do the 90 day report there at Pattaya said they're NOT enforcing the new rules yet"

I'm sorry that I don't have the exact day, hour, and minute when they began enforcing the new regulations-- but the poster you referenced said this:

"I did my report in to the Pattaya office within the last 2 weeks"

Below is the actual information that I received TODAY from the people who publish the PCEC newsletter. If I'm able to obtain data on the exact minute when the new regulations began being enforced, I'll be sure to let you know . . . :D

"Barry said he thought it would be phased in, but we have received reports that it is in effect at Chonburi (Pattaya) Immigration - initially, according to reports, it was taking longer to report address because the queue was being interrupted by returning people that went to get their documents"


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It would certainly be helpful if more TV members who are going to Pattaya report here on just what the CURRENT status of enforcement of this is... so everyone can be clear on what they need to bring. Right now, it seems to be a bit muddled. Though of course, it never hurts to bring extra documents, even if they may not be required as yet.

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Huh my last 90 day reporting slip has 5 stamps on it. I've never been asked for a copy of anything at Phuket Immigration for a 90 day report. I'm usually in and out in less than 5 minutes. They told me only when I got a new passport I needed a copy of the front page and only if I change addresses would they need to look at my lease.

I can confirm this. I've done my report on 3rd of August. Business a usual ad no changes in Phuket: Passport, filled in TM47-form and nothing else. 5 minutes later I've left the office with the new receipt of notification in my passport.

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I must say, I always find it VERY odd when we hear about these supposed policy/procedure changes arising at upcountry Immigration offices that supposedly have originated on instruction from Immigration HQ in BKK... And yet, there's been absolutely no sign as yet that this is anywhere in the works for BKK itself...

One might think, if such things were originating from HQ, that HQ would be the first to implement them... Really not sure what to make of these kinds of things.

It also makes me wonder about what must be a very odd relationship between Bangkok Immigration HQ and the upcountry offices, when the upcountry offices, at least some of them, pretty regularly go their own way with things that are clearly different from what Bangkok is doing and what the posted rules/regs say... and yet they continue to do so over time... with no correction or bringing into line with what presumably is departmental policy.

Maybe being the commanding general of Immigration is a bit like being the president of Afghanistan... Your control extends just about as far as your eyesight.

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I contacted the aforementioned former British Honorary Consul in Pattaya who assists Expats daily at the Chonburi/Pattaya Immigration office - his comment appears below.

"Yes, the changes have come in at Chonburi Immigration (ie Jomtien, Sri Racha and Ko Si Chang). There are notices there in the immigration offices. As I made clear at meetings and on TV, Immigration is a regional service. Whether immigration offices in other areas follow suit is a matter for them. Best, Barry."

I realize that this information will still not be satisfactory for some. If I'm able to contact God, I'll post his/her comment also . . . :o


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SR, really, it doesn't much matter what Barry is saying...

What matters is what people actually going to the offices are being told they need to have right now....

It seems pretty clear some change is coming to Pattaya at least.. The only thing at issue seems to be while they have posted notice of the change based on the reports above, whether or not they're actually enforcing it as yet...right now...

So far, member reports here aren't confirming that they are. I'm more interested in what people who are actually going to the office find themselves encountering...

Edited by jfchandler
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well...I ain't got no utility receipts or anything to prove my residence where I currently reside in Thailand, everything's in the wife's name...when I held an extension of stay based on marriage I had the map, the photos at home with the wife, etc, but now I'm based on retirement...whadda they gonna do about me, huh?

on the US embassy affidavit for income for retirement extension application purposes there is a declaration of residence address...I'm hoping that this can be used for residence verification when required...

there was a thread where immigration now demand bank statements to back up the income verification affidavit...what will they now demand to back up residence location declarations?

and the embassy document cost USD85 and all...:(

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there was a thread where immigration now demand bank statements to back up the income verification affidavit...what will they now demand to back up residence location declarations?

and the embassy document cost USD85 and all...:(

Tutsi, that past thread and report you reference re requiring copies of bank statements for people using consulate affidavits for retirement extensions was pretty well proven false... And my trip to BKK Immigration the other day where they, as usual, accepted the Consulate income affidavit solo further confirms that...

As for the price of the U.S. Consulate affidavit, my receipt from the U.S. Consulate in BKK the other day was an even $50 fee, the same as their posted price for such things, as seemingly high as it may be.

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"I ain't got no utility receipts or anything to prove my residence . . . whadda they gonna do about me, huh?"

They'll probably deport you, along with me and a bunch of other Expats.

I rent - everything is in the owner/landlords name. I got rid of my land-line phone and TRUE TV a long time ago, because I didn't need them. The water and electricity is supplied by the building in the owners name.

Just another example of the bloated and antiquated Thai Immigration bureaucracy, with nothing better to do-- throwing another senseless hurdle in the path of Expats who are willing to put up with the hassles of living in the former land of smiles . . .


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Surfrider;your biting humor makes me laugh,keep it coming! jfchandler; I am very much like you,want to go to bottom with things and also have some kind of order and logic to them,which always lands me in trouble with my thai wife,who,like most thais,thinks that doesn`t matter,just take things as they appear,something I try to do,but old habits a hard to change....Oh,by the way,four days ago,when I made my 90-day,Khon Kaen had this new (or is it old?) rule enforced.

Edited by Bosse137
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A recent report was immigration was happy to accept a copy of blue book even if your name is not listed on it as proof of address. If married and wife is on it should be a slam/dunk. But as has been mentioned most locations are not asking anything new.

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I just did my 90 day report on the 15th of august in Prachuap KK. I gave the officer my passport and yellow house book. The only thing he needed was my passport. He put a new stamp on the old slip to report again on the 15th of November! I asked him if he didn't needed the tm47 form? His answer was :"no need, all is finished, everything is already in the computer". Took me less than 2 minutes!!!!

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Some people appear to have a difficult time grasping the fact that Thai Immigration regulations are enforced on three levels.

The gang at the top dictates the frequent edicts that contain the latest changes, alterations, and requirements. The various regions accept or reject the new edicts at their whim - at least temporarily. Individual local Immigration offices do the same-- and the individual agent that you're dealing with at the moment has the discretion to do basically whatever they feel like doing-- accept, deny, or require you to modify whatever you're requesting.

Thus, the basis for these never ending discussions and conflicting reports from Expats all over Thailand.

Anyone expecting a uniform system should probably consider moving to a more modern civilized country . . . :shock1:


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Anyone done their address reporting at Bangkok/Chaeng Wattana since 1 Aug?

If so, did they require all the extra paperwork mentioned in the original post; or just the usual TM-47, receipt from last reporting, and passport (i.e., not a copy of the passport...they just wanted to look at it).

i reported tuesday to chaeng wattana and they didn't ask for anything new (thank god) .

i did see one young dude who i think was sent out to make copies (but i'm not sure) .

could it depend what type of visa / stay ur on (i'm on a retirement) . ?

Yep, same here, just reported today and no problems except that the Immi officer forgot to change the date on the stamp when he stamped it last report, fortunately we already had that dealt with so everything was just routine today in and out about 20 minutes mostly because I got there too soon or may have been about 10-15 minutes..

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As a teacher in a University Satit school , I recently went to Immigration in Khon Kaen, for what was supposed to be a 90 day report. As it happened , due to the policy of the University I work in, to get all the contracts of their farang employees renewed at the same time ( september/ october), my contract is due for renewal at the end of September, therefore i was only given 50 days on my visa, as opposed to 90 days, 1900 bht khop khun krap sir.

At no time where any of these supposed new requirements mentioned or asked for during this visit.

I am due to go as part of an en-masse group from the University in September, with renewed contract and get a new 90 day report, so I will be reporting any changes in procedure here, if any are experienced.

Must admit since joining the Uni as an employee, I have had to go to KK Immigration on two occasions now, and on both occasions I have come away with firstly a 60 day extension because the University were so slow in obtaining my work permit, and secondly as referred to above, I only received a 50 day report extension due to the fact my contract runs out at end of Sept.

So where I should have had a total of 180 days for both reports , I have actually only recieved a total of 110 days and on both occasions had to pay 1900 bht each time.

Welcome to the LOS Sir and thank you for teaching our kids.

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"I recently went to Immigration in Khon Kaen, for what was supposed to be a 90 day report ... At no time where any of these supposed new requirements mentioned or asked for during this visit"

"four days ago,when I made my 90-day, Khon Kaen had this new ... rule enforced"

Interesting! Two conflicting reports from the same Immigration office where Expats had a different result. Apparently validates the theory that your result will vary with whatever direction the wind is blowing, or the mood of the moment of the Immigration Agent.


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Daiwill above appears to be confusing 90 day reports with visa extensions of stay...

There is no 1900 baht charge for 90 day reports, no charge at all, of course.

There is a 1900 baht charge for extensions of stay, which presumably was what he was doing.

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I made my 90 day report, 9 days early, today at Chiang Watanna. No change and no indication of any change pending. Arrived 0945 and 22 waiting ahead of me - submitted passport/TM.47/TM.47 receipt from previous report after 20 minute wait - five minutes later received passport and new TM.47 receipt and proceeded to do my banking transactions downstairs.

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Just did my 90 day notification today at Maptaphut. TM47 only given. Nothing else offered or asked for.

However did not get the tear off Notification Receipt, instead,after doing a quick check of my passport, permitted date and name

page, the officer clipped a small photocopied note to it and handed it back.

All done in less than a minute.

For info said note reproduced below..(pls dont pull me up on the spelling ofBaht, its spelt bath on the paper in my passport.

. Notice


The ALIEN permitted to stay longer in the Kingdom must

notify your place of residence to the Immigration office

every 90 days. In case of application for extension of

temporary stay in the Kingdom by TM7 you have

notified your place of residence the first time.

Any Alien who fails to comply with, will be punish with

fine not exceeding 5,000 bath and with an additional fine

not exceeding 200 bath for each day which passes until the

law is complied with.


To Notify again on 21 Nov 2011



Just a thought, there doesnt seem to be a maximum fine quoted,if they start enforcing it fully could be a big problem for long term overstayers since they

would not have been reporting either.


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In case of application for extension of

temporary stay in the Kingdom by TM7 you have

notified your place of residence the first time.

The highlighted part in the above-quoted 90-Day Report receipt notice is a good reminder to everyone...

I had a longtime resident friend the other day bemoaning his thinking that the process of doing one's annual extension of stay ought to be automatically counted by Immigration as a valid 90-Day Report.

Unfortunately, Immigration doesn't see it that way, and only counts a person's FIRST extension of stay as a 90 Day Report. Thus for all subsequent reporting, separate 90 Day Reports are required on their own schedule, regardless of the timing of one's annual extensions.

Nicely the other day, Immigration at Bumrungrad Hospital's special 3rd Saturday of the month clinic allowed me to submit my TM47 form (along with extension of stay and re-entry permit applications) about three weeks ahead of my 90 Day Report due date... whereas the normal advance lead time allowed is 15 days. I was, however, within the 30 day advance period of my final permission to stay date.

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"I recently went to Immigration in Khon Kaen, for what was supposed to be a 90 day report ... At no time where any of these supposed new requirements mentioned or asked for during this visit"

"four days ago,when I made my 90-day, Khon Kaen had this new ... rule enforced"

Interesting! Two conflicting reports from the same Immigration office where Expats had a different result. Apparently validates the theory that your result will vary with whatever direction the wind is blowing, or the mood of the moment of the Immigration Agent.


Reading daiwill`s post,I get the impression,that he mix up the 90-day with something else. Pay 1900 Baht every time for 90-day report!? Certainly something very new...!!
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--Today, when I did my in-person 90-day reporting at the mobile Immigration set-up at Bumrungrad Hospital, I signed two sets of those photocopies... one set clearly for my retirement extension. But now that I rethink it, the second set probably was for my re-entry permit... and NOT for my 90-day reporting...

The What!!!???

Can anybody use this service? What costs are there? Is it always at Bumrumgrad? Are there anymore of these?

Ever since the 'One Stop Shop' banned regular users for its extremely convenient location, I ahve had to make the epic trek to Chaeng Wattana. Are you saying I can just pop over to Bumrumgrad???

Thank you in advance. I am now praying to thine Gods.

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Just a thought, there doesnt seem to be a maximum fine quoted,if they start enforcing it fully could be a big problem for long term overstayers since they

would not have been reporting either.


There is a maximum fine quoted; 5000 baht.

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Immigration is there one day a month (maybe - until December) for general use. Believe hospital will handle 90 day reports at normal 500 baht per trip fee at other times but not sure on that.

wow... **jaw-dropped** That saves 6 hours.

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The What!!!???

Can anybody use this service? What costs are there? Is it always at Bumrumgrad? Are there anymore of these?

Ever since the 'One Stop Shop' banned regular users for its extremely convenient location, I ahve had to make the epic trek to Chaeng Wattana. Are you saying I can just pop over to Bumrumgrad???

Thank you in advance. I am now praying to thine Gods.

Well documented HERE

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