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Charter Move And Thaksin May Spur Govt To Fall


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Most Thais disagree with constitution amendment

BANGKOK (Xinhua) - The majority of Thai people showed disagreement with the amendment to the 2007 constitution proposed by the ruling Pheu Thai Party, saying it could cause a new round of conflict, showed Abac Poll's survey on Sunday. The opinion poll, which surveyed the public opinion about constitution amendment and hopes for reconciliation, was conducted by Abac (Assumption University) during August 16 to 20 in 17 provinces across Thailand among 2,193 respondents.

Some 53.3 percent respondents disagreed with the Pheu Thai's move to amend the 2007 constitution while 41.3 percent supported the idea. Some 52.7 percent respondents were worried that the charter amendment might incite political violence, while others believed there would not be such problems. Most or 76.9 percent respondents said charter amendment was not urgent and could be delayed, while 23.1 percent said it should be amended immediately. About the idea to replace the 2007 constitution with the 1997 charter, 50.8 percent showed their disagreement but 49.2 percent held the opposite view.

Besides, about 55.1 percent saw the attempt to revise the charter as for the sake of some individuals and groups but not the country. Some 79.8 percent of the respondents wanted the government to concentrate more on solving the economic problems than on amending the constitution.



In other words, do something to help "The People" and stop wanking on about this constitution crap.

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17 provinces are always used when this type of big scale survey is done. I wonder which 17 provinces did they choose from. We all know Thailand is "divided" as proved in the last election. The provinces chosen for this survey will change the result dramatically

Regardless, they have already failed on so many levels regarding their ability to formulate and execute the policies promised.. Thaksin is the catalyst for chaos.

You've got it right in your last sentence my friend. He would be a disruptive and dividing influence - this allied to the fact that he is hated by the army and the elite of the country and would invite protests like never seen before in Thailand if he tried to return.

Polls PRIOR to the election all pointed to the fact that a majority of the Thai people were vehemently opposed to Thaksin returning to Thailand (even a high proportion of Pheu Thai voters). If Thaksin or Yingluck were not aware of this (or chose to ignore the fact) then it shows that they are living in a dream world of self-denial of the facts.

She promised that she would cater for their welfare first and foremost in trying to improve their living conditions. Thaksin's amnesty, she kept on repeating was not urgent. Well the people have cottoned on to her conning of them and they will ensure (as I've been saying for a long time) that Thaksin will find it near impossible to come back to Thailand. Actually that is not true - he would gain great credence if he came back to serve his sentence, but somehow I don't think this will happen!!!;)

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Most Thais disagree with constitution amendment

BANGKOK (Xinhua) - The majority of Thai people showed disagreement with the amendment to the 2007 constitution proposed by the ruling Pheu Thai Party, saying it could cause a new round of conflict, showed Abac Poll's survey on Sunday. The opinion poll, which surveyed the public opinion about constitution amendment and hopes for reconciliation, was conducted by Abac (Assumption University) during August 16 to 20 in 17 provinces across Thailand among 2,193 respondents.

Some 53.3 percent respondents disagreed with the Pheu Thai's move to amend the 2007 constitution while 41.3 percent supported the idea. Some 52.7 percent respondents were worried that the charter amendment might incite political violence, while others believed there would not be such problems. Most or 76.9 percent respondents said charter amendment was not urgent and could be delayed, while 23.1 percent said it should be amended immediately. About the idea to replace the 2007 constitution with the 1997 charter, 50.8 percent showed their disagreement but 49.2 percent held the opposite view.

Besides, about 55.1 percent saw the attempt to revise the charter as for the sake of some individuals and groups but not the country. Some 79.8 percent of the respondents wanted the government to concentrate more on solving the economic problems than on amending the constitution.



In other words, do something to help "The People" and stop wanking on about this constitution crap.

What you mean is to do what you promised (incessantly) you would do and STOP lieing about everything, as you have done!!!! Start living up to your pledges and leave your brother and his interests out of what you were elected to do for the sake of your country!!!


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This doesn't sound good. Problems brewing for sure.

And I thought GW Bush was bad. This lady is making him look like a scholar!:(


What he say's is TRUE!!! She is making so many mistakes that the people won't tolerate it for long. The return of her brother would bring the government down and provide the "mother of all protests" and the army would go apes**t for sure!!!

The people didn't vote her into power for her brothers sake - they want her to help their plight and not go changing the ammendment back to the one devised 14 years ago in order to smooth the passage of Thaksin to back toThailand (where he is not wanted)!!!

I see that they plan to hold a referendum on this - well I hope they do because they would soon see that his popularity has evaporated and that it would be both divisive and make reconciliation nigh impossible to achieve!!:jap:

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Yingluck doesn't do debates.

Of course not and you will never see her on Hard Talk. This is probably a sign of intelligence by her handlers. Those are train wrecks they wisely avoid. (Again, there is no there there.)

Stephen Sakur would "eat her alive" and show her up for what she is (or isn't,) more pertinently. I would just love this to happen!!!!:lol:

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This doesn't sound good. Problems brewing for sure.

And I thought GW Bush was bad. This lady is making him look like a scholar!:(


What he say's is TRUE!!! She is making so many mistakes that the people won't tolerate it for long. The return of her brother would bring the government down and provide the "mother of all protests" and the army would go apes**t for sure!!!

The people didn't vote her into power for her brothers sake - they want her to help their plight and not go changing the ammendment back to the one devised 14 years ago in order to smooth the passage of Thaksin to back toThailand (where he is not wanted)!!!

I see that they plan to hold a referendum on this - well I hope they do because they would soon see that his popularity has evaporated and that it would be both divisive and make reconciliation nigh impossible to achieve!!:jap:

Indeed holding a referendum is the way ahead. I wouldnt put any money on it going the way you think.

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This doesn't sound good. Problems brewing for sure.

And I thought GW Bush was bad. This lady is making him look like a scholar!:(


What he say's is TRUE!!! She is making so many mistakes that the people won't tolerate it for long. The return of her brother would bring the government down and provide the "mother of all protests" and the army would go apes**t for sure!!!

The people didn't vote her into power for her brothers sake - they want her to help their plight and not go changing the ammendment back to the one devised 14 years ago in order to smooth the passage of Thaksin to back toThailand (where he is not wanted)!!!

I see that they plan to hold a referendum on this - well I hope they do because they would soon see that his popularity has evaporated and that it would be both divisive and make reconciliation nigh impossible to achieve!!:jap:

Indeed holding a referendum is the way ahead. I wouldnt put any money on it going the way you think.

Wanna bet?????

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What he say's is TRUE!!! She is making so many mistakes that the people won't tolerate it for long. The return of her brother would bring the government down and provide the "mother of all protests" and the army would go apes**t for sure!!!

The people didn't vote her into power for her brothers sake - they want her to help their plight and not go changing the ammendment back to the one devised 14 years ago in order to smooth the passage of Thaksin to back toThailand (where he is not wanted)!!!

I see that they plan to hold a referendum on this - well I hope they do because they would soon see that his popularity has evaporated and that it would be both divisive and make reconciliation nigh impossible to achieve!!:jap:

Indeed holding a referendum is the way ahead. I wouldnt put any money on it going the way you think.

Wanna bet?????

I wouldnt wanna take your money (not that we are allowed to gamble in Thailand, but hypothetically talking)

Well we should know soon enough. Old Weng reckons it is 1997 versus 2007 up for referendum soon. I wil back 1997 as winner. That undoes virtually everything since the coup. However, I dont think Thaksin's opponents will want a vote and will do everything than can to avoid it. Im not sure they will manage it this time though. Im glad you agree a referendum is the way ahead

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What he say's is TRUE!!! She is making so many mistakes that the people won't tolerate it for long. The return of her brother would bring the government down and provide the "mother of all protests" and the army would go apes**t for sure!!!

The people didn't vote her into power for her brothers sake - they want her to help their plight and not go changing the ammendment back to the one devised 14 years ago in order to smooth the passage of Thaksin to back toThailand (where he is not wanted)!!!

I see that they plan to hold a referendum on this - well I hope they do because they would soon see that his popularity has evaporated and that it would be both divisive and make reconciliation nigh impossible to achieve!!:jap:

Indeed holding a referendum is the way ahead. I wouldnt put any money on it going the way you think.

Wanna bet?????

I wouldnt wanna take your money (not that we are allowed to gamble in Thailand, but hypothetically talking)

Well we should know soon enough. Old Weng reckons it is 1997 versus 2007 up for referendum soon. I wil back 1997 as winner. That undoes virtually everything since the coup. However, I dont think Thaksin's opponents will want a vote and will do everything than can to avoid it. Im not sure they will manage it this time though. Im glad you agree a referendum is the way ahead

They have already stated that they will hold a referendum first before changing the constitution. There again, just like so many broken promises and u-turns that they have made, this promise will likely be broken as well.

As the people do not want the constitution to be re-written then Thaksin will have to stay out of the country!!!:jap:

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" she said, insisting Thaksin only gave advice but had no direct role in the decision-making process"

She is admitting being in contact with a known and wanted fugitive. Regardless of their relationship there should be no contact with any fugitives wanted by the Thai courts. Especially by one on the election campaign and is now the prime minister. She is mixing with a wanted criminal. Plain as that.:angry:

Edited by coma
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