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U.S. presidential candidate Romney calls on Libyan rebels to extradite Lockerbie bomber


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Just who are "the rebels"?

them other ones.......

Hard to tell. America bombs the rebels in Yemen but helps the ones in Libya. Bombs the rebels in Afghanistan but helps the ones in Syria. Bombs everybody in Pakistan and Iraq but arms the Israelis to the teeth. It would be easier if America just came out and said it wants everything from everybody and to the devil with the rest of the world.

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It is about time the US of A butts out of ALL other nations business and concentrates on sorting its own shit storm of a situation out first. The American people are indeed a great people but their governments and foriegn policies are nothing short of two faced, pathetic and epic in their failures since 1953.

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The vast majority of people scattered around on this planet are good, caring individuals who mean no harm to anyone else. Granted there are a minority of people/groups mixed in who are real miserable, nasties, who have a take all they can get, attitude. Then there are the politicians and those who strive to join those ranks, who have a grossly inflated sense of self worth/importance, that say things that enforce this observation. The sad part is that many of the good people take what they hear from these other groups/individuals as a feeling/reflection of the citizens of that country. This type of individual and those who give credence to them, seem to play on this in an attempt, to bring others to his/her way of thinking. Hopefully the good people will consider this when they cast their votes.

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This thread is pretty much an invitation to anti-American discussion. You are not obliged to take the invitation, however.

Please try to restrict your responses to OP and the remarks in it.

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My wish is that the message that politicians would send the following message to the rebels:

1. First form a democratic government and a call for free and fair elections--and an offer to assist them in anyway possible?

2. Establish the rule the law for all citizens and residents of Libya, including the pro-gov't fighters with an independent judiciary that is equal and fair to all. Again, anything we can do to help, just call.

3. Review and honor all international treaties and obligations.

4. Once 1 through 3 are done, then we might want to revisit the Lockerbie situation, provided it doesn't violate your sovereign rights.

Edited by Credo
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