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What Is It About Thailand?


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The stiff upper lip got loosened by a teenage bar girl, who turned out to be a man whose father was the local cop whose brother ran the bar as a drug distribution center so one can understand the confusion of the punter, where else could he turn and find a sympathetic audiance where many of the members will have suffered the same crisis ;)

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The stiff upper lip got loosened by a teenage bar girl, who turned out to be a man whose father was the local cop whose brother ran the bar as a drug distribution center so one can understand the confusion of the punter, where else could he turn and find a sympathetic audiance where many of the members will have suffered the same crisis ;)

That made my eyes water. I wish you'd used a different turn of phrase than "many of the members will have suffered the same"


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Western expat community in Asia.

Common [even universal] characteristics.

Doesn't apply exclusively to Thailand-related.

Generally, I don't post about my personal life, except when it is particularly relevant to the thread in question, so I don't think we could consider it universal.

I think some people post on topics that might seem trivial to others (for example, amateur rugby league) because the pool of amateur rugby league followers here is relatively sparse, and we don't meet otherwise.

What team do you support?


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Western expat community in Asia.

Common [even universal] characteristics.

Doesn't apply exclusively to Thailand-related.

Generally, I don't post about my personal life, except when it is particularly relevant to the thread in question, so I don't think we could consider it universal.

I think some people post on topics that might seem trivial to others (for example, amateur rugby league) because the pool of amateur rugby league followers here is relatively sparse, and we don't meet otherwise.

What team do you support?


I drink rain water. Perhaps that's the secret......;)

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Western expat community in Asia.

Common [even universal] characteristics.

Doesn't apply exclusively to Thailand-related.

Generally, I don't post about my personal life, except when it is particularly relevant to the thread in question, so I don't think we could consider it universal.

I think some people post on topics that might seem trivial to others (for example, amateur rugby league) because the pool of amateur rugby league followers here is relatively sparse, and we don't meet otherwise.

What team do you support?


I drink rain water. Perhaps that's the secret......;)

We all drink rain water. Some of us drink rain water that is thousands of years old; some rain water that has been recycled three times.

I drink rainwater that has been branded by Kilkenny


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Need advice, the bitch tore my house apart!

I had her since she was very young, but lately I have had to work a lot and haven't been home to play with her during the day. She has a beautiful dark look to her, and I still love her, but what can I do?

My male friends tell me she needs daily training and direction to stay civilized. She is always trying to take control, it is becoming a constant fight for me.

I have had to lock her in the house; last year she got out and now I have semi-white babies from her, am I supposed to support these pups? Lord knows who is the father, I have seen several males sniffing around her when we are out.

I think she acts out when I am not around, maybe she is lonely? She has even pissed on my rug just to get my attention.

Do dogs behave different in Thailand, is there something about the culture and the way dogs are raised in LOS? Have any of you ever owned a Rottweiler, maybe if a spayed her she would calm down?

Any thought on being able to control a dark haired high strung bitch?

Do tell more OP, what's on your mind? We are here to help.

Edited by johnbits
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You have got to question why so many of them choose to or are forced to live in another country/culture from their own.

Many I have come across are social misfits, including ME!!!:w00t:

Maybe we have met??:lol:

I think there must be a few that have worked a large chunk of their lives in the west and have eventually had enough of the BS.

When i visit back home the biggest reverse culture shock i find is how self obsessed folks can be. I would rather be a social misfit than boring every poor sod to tears by going on about every last detail of my life.

As for why expats in LOS can be so bitter at times..its beyond me. Maybe they have been done over bad by a woman or investment failures.??

Of all the expats i have met in LOS, ive noticed the unmarried and those who DONT get to involved with the ladies are usually the most happiest in life. I do find it a little funny and ironic how some of the "other" type of posters do in fact brand THEM loosers :whistling:

Well put about having had enough of the BS, though sometimes it's still BS here, just different BS.

For me it's about minimal PC, which I loathe ( and has riddled society back 'ome ), and that Thai women enjoy being feminine, something that the "feminist" ( should be called the "anti feminine" movement ) movement has done it's best to destroy in the west.

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Well put about having had enough of the BS, though sometimes it's still BS here, just different BS.

For me it's about minimal PC, which I loathe ( and has riddled society back 'ome ), and that Thai women enjoy being feminine, something that the "feminist" ( should be called the "anti feminine" movement ) movement has done it's best to destroy in the west.

Anti-climatic. Placed and done.

Femininity has been wiped clean in certain sectors of Western life.

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Well put about having had enough of the BS, though sometimes it's still BS here, just different BS.

For me it's about minimal PC, which I loathe ( and has riddled society back 'ome ), and that Thai women enjoy being feminine, something that the "feminist" ( should be called the "anti feminine" movement ) movement has done it's best to destroy in the west.

Anti-climatic. Placed and done.

Femininity has been wiped clean in certain sectors of Western life.

I think it is even declining in the male sector. It seems to me even the males are acting less feminine than they used to. Nice to see it is declining equally.

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I just have too much fun to care what others think. Can't beat the two Ws... weather and women. Oh, that and it's cheaper than staying in cold Canada for the winter.

I think everyone likes to moan a bit. Most of us can recognize injustices that we have no power of solving and it's a bit frustrating. I believe I live in the finest part of the world in Canada, but there is still lots to complain about. I get away from the worst of it by coming to Thailand for part of the year. If only the flights weren't so long it would be perfect. Of course, then even more people would do as I do and the crowds would become annoying..

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Well put about having had enough of the BS, though sometimes it's still BS here, just different BS.

For me it's about minimal PC, which I loathe ( and has riddled society back 'ome ), and that Thai women enjoy being feminine, something that the "feminist" ( should be called the "anti feminine" movement ) movement has done it's best to destroy in the west.

Anti-climatic. Placed and done.

Femininity has been wiped clean in certain sectors of Western life.

I think it is even declining in the male sector. It seems to me even the males are acting less feminine than they used to. Nice to see it is declining equally.

Nothing wrong with a bit of mincing.

One can't be much of a man if one is frightened to mince.


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I just have too much fun to care what others think. Can't beat the two Ws... weather and women. Oh, that and it's cheaper than staying in cold Canada for the winter.

I think everyone likes to moan a bit. Most of us can recognize injustices that we have no power of solving and it's a bit frustrating. I believe I live in the finest part of the world in Canada, but there is still lots to complain about. I get away from the worst of it by coming to Thailand for part of the year. If only the flights weren't so long it would be perfect. Of course, then even more people would do as I do and the crowds would become annoying..

Be honest Ian. If it rained all the time in Thailand you would bring a raincoat and take photos of fishing in the rain. If it snowed every day here you would bring your skis and go ice fishing. :rolleyes:

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I just have too much fun to care what others think. Can't beat the two Ws... weather and women. Oh, that and it's cheaper than staying in cold Canada for the winter.

I think everyone likes to moan a bit. Most of us can recognize injustices that we have no power of solving and it's a bit frustrating. I believe I live in the finest part of the world in Canada, but there is still lots to complain about. I get away from the worst of it by coming to Thailand for part of the year. If only the flights weren't so long it would be perfect. Of course, then even more people would do as I do and the crowds would become annoying..

Be honest Ian. If it rained all the time in Thailand you would bring a raincoat and take photos of fishing in the rain. If it snowed every day here you would bring your skis and go ice fishing. :rolleyes:

You bin reading my diaries, Kerry? :lol:

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