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The village where i live now has a guy selling 9MB WiFi for 200 baht a month. Way cheaper than TOT. What i' looking to buy is a wireless router that can both receive the WiFi and then transmit it so i can both use my home computer, TV box and mobile phone. when i've looked on the internet none of them explain what they do, some say 'all in one' router, 'wireless' router, modem router etc etc. Its all over my head as i'm not too computer literate.

So, i ask those that know ... what am i looking for ? I've been using tohome.com which has a large selection of routers so if someone who know could have a look and help me i'd appreciate it.


most routers will have repeater capability, but will give you a very short lag between your computer and the actual wifi. Are you too far to set your computer, tv ,etc to use the user/pword given to you by the company? if not, wouldn't it be easier to have each log into the companies wifi on its own?


The guy in the village isnt selling 9Mb for 200B. He's selling a share of his 9Mb for 200B. And he's probably selling a share to many other people also.

Look at it this way:

he subscribes to 9Mb for (say) 1000B. He sells it on to 10 other people for 200B each. He has a net gain of 1000B per month, after costs, which he uses to pay for a second private 9Mb connection which he keeps for himself.

End result: he gets his connection for free and 10 people pay over the odds for a shared connection.

Spot the loser.


The guy in the village isnt selling 9Mb for 200B. He's selling a share of his 9Mb for 200B. And he's probably selling a share to many other people also.

Look at it this way:

he subscribes to 9Mb for (say) 1000B. He sells it on to 10 other people for 200B each. He has a net gain of 1000B per month, after costs, which he uses to pay for a second private 9Mb connection which he keeps for himself.

End result: he gets his connection for free and 10 people pay over the odds for a shared connection.

Spot the loser.

..hardly a loser if you're getting reliable internet access @ 9mb for 200B/month... (the half empty glass vs the half full one)


..hardly a loser if you're getting reliable internet access @ 9mb for 200B/month...

You will only get the full 9mbs if no one else is using the connection. If all the other 9 people are using it then you will only get 0.9 mbs. Most of the time you would be getting something between the two.

This is what sharing is all about.

Come on, this is perpetual motion machine stuff: it just cant be done.


..hardly a loser if you're getting reliable internet access @ 9mb for 200B/month...

You will only get the full 9mbs if no one else is using the connection. If all the other 9 people are using it then you will only get 0.9 mbs. Most of the time you would be getting something between the two.

This is what sharing is all about.

Come on, this is perpetual motion machine stuff: it just cant be done.

There are only 6 people in my village with wireless capability, 5 up and running now and very fast, i'll be the 6th and final. I'll get it for 200baht/month as opposed to TOT's 590+100baht line rental = 690/month saving me 490 baht every month (winner). The guy who is doing the wifi service has had to pay for the transmitter, tower which its mounted on and a transmitting license. He also has to pay tax on this income (which i've seen. all legit). So, he's a winner making a profit, i'm a winner saving money and the Thai government is a winner as the get a tax return making the only real loser the big mouth who didn't know the facts before opening his big mouth and that would be ..... you Darrel ! Get a life and stick to the opening question in future !


..hardly a loser if you're getting reliable internet access @ 9mb for 200B/month...

Thanks for that info, very informative. I wonder if we can do the same in Nakon SiTamarat?]

any ideas on how to set something up there?

You will only get the full 9mbs if no one else is using the connection. If all the other 9 people are using it then you will only get 0.9 mbs. Most of the time you would be getting something between the two.

This is what sharing is all about.

Come on, this is perpetual motion machine stuff: it just cant be done.

There are only 6 people in my village with wireless capability, 5 up and running now and very fast, i'll be the 6th and final. I'll get it for 200baht/month as opposed to TOT's 590+100baht line rental = 690/month saving me 490 baht every month (winner). The guy who is doing the wifi service has had to pay for the transmitter, tower which its mounted on and a transmitting license. He also has to pay tax on this income (which i've seen. all legit). So, he's a winner making a profit, i'm a winner saving money and the Thai government is a winner as the get a tax return making the only real loser the big mouth who didn't know the facts before opening his big mouth and that would be ..... you Darrel ! Get a life and stick to the opening question in future !


There are only 6 people in my village with wireless capability, 5 up and running now and very fast, i'll be the 6th and final. I'll get it for 200baht/month as opposed to TOT's 590+100baht line rental = 690/month saving me 490 baht every month (winner). The guy who is doing the wifi service has had to pay for the transmitter, tower which its mounted on and a transmitting license. He also has to pay tax on this income (which i've seen. all legit). So, he's a winner making a profit, i'm a winner saving money and the Thai government is a winner as the get a tax return making the only real loser the big mouth who didn't know the facts before opening his big mouth and that would be ..... you Darrel ! Get a life and stick to the opening question in future !

I gave you the valid explanation as to why this cannot work as you describe it. You and the other 5 people are not getting 9mbs. You are sharing 9mbs. So when all of them are online and downloading something, each of you will be getting 1.5mbs, not 9mbs (and even this assumes that the initial connection is actually at 9mbs and that the ISP is providing the full outbound bandwidth). At times when some of the others are not online, or not actually downloading something, then the ones who are online will have proportionately more of the 9mbs available for them, but that's all.

It may be that some variable speed between 1.5 and 9mbs is all you need/want. In which case that's fine. It woudnt be enough for me, that's for sure.

But either way you cant get 6 * 9mbs out of one 9mbs bucket. It just isnt going to happen, no matter how big his transmitter is or how much tax he pays.

If you cant see the simple logic behind this, then too bad.


..hardly a loser if you're getting reliable internet access @ 9mb for 200B/month...

You will only get the full 9mbs if no one else is using the connection. If all the other 9 people are using it then you will only get 0.9 mbs. Most of the time you would be getting something between the two.

This is what sharing is all about.

Come on, this is perpetual motion machine stuff: it just cant be done.

There are only 6 people in my village with wireless capability, 5 up and running now and very fast, i'll be the 6th and final. I'll get it for 200baht/month as opposed to TOT's 590+100baht line rental = 690/month saving me 490 baht every month (winner). The guy who is doing the wifi service has had to pay for the transmitter, tower which its mounted on and a transmitting license. He also has to pay tax on this income (which i've seen. all legit). So, he's a winner making a profit, i'm a winner saving money and the Thai government is a winner as the get a tax return making the only real loser the big mouth who didn't know the facts before opening his big mouth and that would be ..... you Darrel ! Get a life and stick to the opening question in future !

Carlosm, you yourself state that you are computer illiterate. Darrel was just pointng out how sharing a 9Mb connection works and showing that it may not be as good a deal as you first thought. There is no reason to turn on him so aggressively!



You just gotta hope that one of the other 5 people on the connection isn't a torrent junkie. Also have you considered the security risks of being on the same network make sure you setup the firewall on your router properly unless you want your neighbors poking around your personal files, or infecting you with their viruses etc...


Carison, Listen to Darrel....he's right regarding how your bandwidth/speed will be affected on a shared connection.

It's just like hooking up 6 water hoses to one water outlet....as each hose is turned on the water pressure/volume from the other hoses drops...and when they are all turned on the flow from each is greatly reduced. Just be prepared to deal with times your connection may be very slow with the other people turning on their hoses; and other times when most of the folks have their hoses turned off your flow will be pretty good.

While the shared setup sounds like a good thing for your village price-wise and to get some internet access, don't expect 9Mb speed all the time.

What i' looking to buy is a wireless router that can both receive the WiFi and then transmit it so i can both use my home computer, TV box and mobile phone.

I understand the OP's desire to use the the WiFi for his computer, I scratch my head about the TV box and mobile phone


This is a very common situation in rural areas around the world, Thailand is relatively well connected, but the guy has a 9 Mbit connection that is contended (shared) with other Landline internet subscribers and then you are purchasing a share of what is already a shared line.

Depending on what your needs are this may be OK, especially if it is only low bandwidth stuff like using this website and email etc.. but as pointed out earlier the other users may be downloading from torrents etc, which will kill your connection. It is very unlikely that this guy has proper measures in place to assure fair connection to all his customers.

In order to repeat the signal, you will probably require a Wireless Access Point and not a router (some routers do have the functionality but not all).

Also, you may be required to know the ID (Mac address) of the source router, in order for the repeater to know what bits to forward on.

Most TP-Link Access Points have repeater functionality, but it would be best that you match the brand of the guys router to ensure best compatibility.

A wireless access point generally has only one socket for connection to a PC, whereas a router may have 4.



You could get a repeater bridge going, I just did this for one of my VPN routers in my house since the coverage was less than ideal in my living room

if you decide to use a dd-wrt loaded router though, he would probably need one in his home to match the secondary router


....I scratch my head about the TV box and mobile phone

My Android phone uses wifi for data: I dont have a data package at all. I use my phone for reading news and listening to BBC radio in bed. So wifi is great for that.

The TV box could be a Slingbox or something similar. Or he could be talking about some sort of satellite card sharing that cant be discussed here.


regarding sharing connections, its true that having that many users on a single connection can have a disastrous effect on quality, but it would depend on the users

If the users are the check email only type, than no problem

If they are like me and have at any time 20 torrents running, a few backups, a couple VPN connections and a Roku box running Netflix.. I alone could spoil it for everyone else

Even a moderate user can eat up the available bandwidth at peak times, but it's also safe to say if they don't download torrents, and you are a night own that does

most of your surfing at 12am or something, chances are it would be fine for you too.. as long as the others did not have your schedule.


You could sell to everyone else from your router for 100 baht / month. ;)

Pretty soon that 9Mb connection will be down to 56Kb dial-up speed; my calculator say I could get about 160 56Kb connections by sharing out a 9Mb connection. 160 times 100 baht is 16,000 baht...I think I just found a side business for myself. I expect their international speed would be about 25% of the 56Kb which is about 14Kb...wonder if any farang customers will bitch about a 14kb speed for their torrents. ;)

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