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Why is it every time I hear Russian voices I have this strong dislike inside of me, maybe it is the heavy aggressive sounding language or the arrogant look and behaviour, I don’t know any Russians personally so have no actual reason to dislike these people, what’s going on?

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You're a bigot.


And you are not a cowboy!! just answer the question!!

Also look up the meaning of being a bigot, I have no problems with any race or Russians, my post was about a feeling not a hatred. think first before you accuse!!

Edited by kenny999
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You're a bigot.


And you are not a cowboy!! just answer the question!!

Also look up the meaning of being a bigot, I have no problems with any race or Russians, my post was about a feeling not a hatred. think first before you accuse!!

I thought it was a fairly direct answer.

It just seemed the simplest and most obvious reason. If you're not willing to entertain the suggestion, then we could add "close-minded" as a prefix.

It seemed to me you were describing an unfounded dislike based on nationality, and then ascribing unpleasant attributes to the people based solely on your own opinion, formed from superficial appearances and accent.

I don't particularly like Russians either, though I have probably spoken to more Ukrainians, and I think that they are quite difficult to tell apart. I have more of a soft spot for Khazakhs and Mongolians; I'm trying to remember if I've ever spoken to any Uzbekhs.... Though I probably find scousers more offensive, based solely on ill-founded stereotypes. I have met people from Liverpool, and generally, found them pleasant and affable company; and yet still, whenever I hear a scouse accent on a stranger, I get that bigoted ill-feeling that you describe so well.

When you see yourself in the mirror of other people's eyes, rather than pretend to be an optician and try to fix their vision, perhaps you should consider is that really what you look like?


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You're a bigot.


And you are not a cowboy!! just answer the question!!

Also look up the meaning of being a bigot, I have no problems with any race or Russians, my post was about a feeling not a hatred. think first before you accuse!!

I thought it was a fairly direct answer.

It just seemed the simplest and most obvious reason. If you're not willing to entertain the suggestion, then we could add "close-minded" as a prefix.

It seemed to me you were describing an unfounded dislike based on nationality, and then ascribing unpleasant attributes to the people based solely on your own opinion, formed from superficial appearances and accent.

I don't particularly like Russians either, though I have probably spoken to more Ukrainians, and I think that they are quite difficult to tell apart. I have more of a soft spot for Khazakhs and Mongolians; I'm trying to remember if I've ever spoken to any Uzbekhs.... Though I probably find scousers more offensive, based solely on ill-founded stereotypes. I have met people from Liverpool, and generally, found them pleasant and affable company; and yet still, whenever I hear a scouse accent on a stranger, I get that bigoted ill-feeling that you describe so well.

When you see yourself in the mirror of other people's eyes, rather than pretend to be an optician and try to fix their vision, perhaps you should consider is that really what you look like?


Your reply is far too intelligent for me, I have nothing against any one on this planet but when it comes to a language I most certainly have dislikes, so for me the Russian language is one I do not like even though the people using it are probably very nice... I did think Olga Korbet was lovely in her hey day!! so as you seem very intelligent what am I to be called disliking a language?

Edited by kenny999
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You're a bigot.


And you are not a cowboy!! just answer the question!!

Also look up the meaning of being a bigot, I have no problems with any race or Russians, my post was about a feeling not a hatred. think first before you accuse!!

I thought it was a fairly direct answer.

It just seemed the simplest and most obvious reason. If you're not willing to entertain the suggestion, then we could add "close-minded" as a prefix.

It seemed to me you were describing an unfounded dislike based on nationality, and then ascribing unpleasant attributes to the people based solely on your own opinion, formed from superficial appearances and accent.

I don't particularly like Russians either, though I have probably spoken to more Ukrainians, and I think that they are quite difficult to tell apart. I have more of a soft spot for Khazakhs and Mongolians; I'm trying to remember if I've ever spoken to any Uzbekhs.... Though I probably find scousers more offensive, based solely on ill-founded stereotypes. I have met people from Liverpool, and generally, found them pleasant and affable company; and yet still, whenever I hear a scouse accent on a stranger, I get that bigoted ill-feeling that you describe so well.

When you see yourself in the mirror of other people's eyes, rather than pretend to be an optician and try to fix their vision, perhaps you should consider is that really what you look like?


Your reply is far too intelligent for me, I have nothing against any one on this planet but when it comes to a language I most certainly have dislikes, so for me the Russian language is one I do not like even though the people using it are probably very nice... I did think Olga Korbet was lovely in her hey day!! so as you seem very intelligent what am I to be called disliking a language?

You also said that you thought the people arrogant and aggressive. Even though you may ascribe these characteristics to the accent, they are nevertheless characteristics of the speaker and not the voice. Personally, I have always assumed that Russian was just English except spoken backwards (easier simulated with vinyl on a turntable...) .


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Russians create our prejudices themselves, they suck.

One never really hears about pleasant and well-mannered Russians, and loud and obnoxious people of any race tend to stand out.

I don't think that Russian society nowadays encourages the success of the humble, honest and hard-working, so such people are unlikely to be able to afford overseas travel.

My experience of Russians and their neighbours is based on superficial social contact with expatriate workers


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Some languages sound more harsh to me than others. It's all in your personal background I suppose. For example, I find hearing Vietnamese and German unpleasant. Russian sounds interesting to me, doesn't bother me at all. If the sound of Thai annoyed me, I wouldn't have moved here. I remember a few trips where I couldn't wait to get on the plane back home because hearing the language was making my brain hurt -- Hungary and Portugal. Brazilian Portuguese, I love to hear.

Edited by Jingthing
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Some languages sound more harsh to me than others. It's all in your personal background I suppose. For example, I find hearing Vietnamese and German unpleasant. Russian sounds interesting to me, doesn't bother me at all. If the sound of Thai annoyed me, I wouldn't have moved here. I remember a few trips where I couldn't wait to get on the plane back home because hearing the language was making my brain hurt -- Hungary and Portugal. Brazilian Portuguese, I love to hear.

I love to hear the Korean language and especially listen to the Korean girl pop groups, my favorite being 2NE1 wow!!

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Not sure if having language preferences needs to be bigotry. Just another matter of temperament and taste similar to prefering Mexican food to Japanese. Now, if you act on these feelings in a negative way against people speaking a language that bothers you, well, that's bigotry.

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Generally speaking, Russians tend to appear brash and hard, stoic and arrogant.

They don't have a feature in their character to mix well with others [except for themselves].

Never smile. Heavy emphasis on negativity. Have this unexplained superior syndrome [which can describe many Western types].

Ungroomed and unkempt. They could use a lesson or two in personal hygiene.

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If I am allowed to generalise about ALL English folk based on the types I have met and encountered in Pattaya, I'd be a close-minded, anti-English bigot.

Their accents are decidedly lower class, they are often smelly and dirty, they speak loudly (even more so when drunk), they dress rather poorly, they pepper their language with "Fxxx this" or "Fxxx that" and they are downright rude. Nothing at all like the English gentlemen that one hears about.

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, you can all go back to your Russian bashing.:whistling:

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If I am allowed to generalise about ALL English folk based on the types I have met and encountered in Pattaya, I'd be a close-minded, anti-English bigot.

Their accents are decidedly lower class, they are often smelly and dirty, they speak loudly (even more so when drunk), they dress rather poorly, they pepper their language with "Fxxx this" or "Fxxx that" and they are downright rude. Nothing at all like the English gentlemen that one hears about.

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, you can all go back to your Russian bashing.:whistling:

You must of met a lot of people from london. Because thats how they sound. <removed> this and <removed> that. Don't judge us all by there standards. I'm from the UK.

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Nothing at all like the English gentlemen that one hears about.

Yes, English gentlemen. Never really seen but heard of in mythical proportions.

A proper English gentlemen would never venture to Thailand, less the Farang ghettos that you describe.

Terribly gauche and unrefined native.

There are other destinations where one can spot those English gentlemen, resident or wonderer, LOS is not on the list.

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Generally speaking, Russians tend to appear brash and hard, stoic and arrogant.

They don't have a feature in their character to mix well with others [except for themselves].

Never smile. Heavy emphasis on negativity. Have this unexplained superior syndrome [which can describe many Western types].

Ungroomed and unkempt. They could use a lesson or two in personal hygiene.

You sure you're not referring to Indians?

Seriously though, in both cases, Thailand gets the group that cannot afford to vacation in more expensive, sophisticated, upscale locales; in other words, the less educated and generally not as smooth group.

Lest anyone forget, Russia was very recently the Soviet Union and a huge percentage of the people had little exposure to any culture other than there own, jostled for attention and in general were not taught the virtue of tact, gentile behavior and manners.

Dr. B

ps; at least they have an excuse. I don't! I'm just a mean git.

Edited by Dr. Burrito
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I'm from Edinburgh and don't like Glaswegians.

Some prejudices run so deep they should never be aired


(I think that was one of Zzaa's)

... or vented.

SC - We will (unless some self induced or randomly generated situation occurs) be in the Big Beautiful K post Sept. 20th to get new passports for the children. May be you could show me where Sukhumvit Road is?



(Reason for edit: I instantly felt bad about my somewhat derogatory use of certain words. Now that they are gone with the www.ind I feel better ...)

Edited by philo
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I don't think the Thais, in general are that keen on Russians either. A few years ago I was out with a friend, we were talking to two other blokes, we didn't know very well. My friend's wife, (Thai) turned up, but had to again very quickly, just as she was about to walk off, one of the guys we were talking too said; "Why don't you sit with us….Why are you rushing around"…………………..She stopped dead, turned around. Lent over the table and stared at him, for what seemed an age, and said; "I am Thai…Not Russian….Do I look bad like Russian"? My mate and I thought it was very funny.

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Generally speaking, Russians tend to appear brash and hard, stoic and arrogant.

They don't have a feature in their character to mix well with others [except for themselves].

Never smile. Heavy emphasis on negativity. Have this unexplained superior syndrome [which can describe many Western types].

Ungroomed and unkempt. They could use a lesson or two in personal hygiene.

I like to watch them interact with Thai police.

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I forget the occasion, but I invited a former colleague and his Russian wife to join my business partner for lunch over the Australian rugby football league grand final in a pub in HK, and to be sure, they were the sufferers of Chekovian sadness and miserability. Anyway, she cheered up when she had children, an dlast time I met him, he was really quite jovial


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Based on my limited experience of knowing some Russian people during my lifetime, I think to generalize that Russians actually are VERY WARM people (maybe it's the Vodka) WITHIN their kinship/friendship groups. In stranger-public settings, a tendency towards brutishness. Some similarities to New Yorkers in that way.

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Based on my limited experience of knowing some Russian people during my lifetime, I think to generalize that Russians actually are VERY WARM people (maybe it's the Vodka) WITHIN their kinship/friendship groups. In stranger-public settings, a tendency towards brutishness. Some similarities to New Yorkers in that way.

Most new yorkers are russian (could be a homophone)


Edited by StreetCowboy
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I always listen in on the Glaswegian banter...they know instinctively where the cheapest places are to be found.

Once had a bunk up with a Glasgow lad's Russian wife...they were estranged at the time and as it turned out he was the possessive bampot type...just my luck...at least he lacked the guile to ever find out...

I'm not generalising however as that's the only Russian lassie I ever got to know well at all....left me with a favourable disposition overall....

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I always listen in on the Glaswegian banter...they know instinctively where the cheapest places are to be found.

Once had a bunk up with a Glasgow lad's Russian wife...they were estranged at the time and as it turned out he was the possessive bampot type...just my luck...at least he lacked the guile to ever find out...

I'm not generalising however as that's the only Russian lassie I ever got to know well at all....left me with a favourable disposition overall....

I take it you are fairly confident that he is not one of our fellow-posters. Or is that why you are in hiding on the islands?

Interestingly, there was no Russian representative in the Challenge Cup this year; in previous years they have sent Lokomotiv Moskov to take a drubbing from Leigh on two occasions

I'll leave you to find the links yourself


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Based on my limited experience of knowing some Russian people during my lifetime, I think to generalize that Russians actually are VERY WARM people (maybe it's the Vodka) WITHIN their kinship/friendship groups.

I used to be Marketing Manager for a company back in England. I did business trips to Europe and the Far East.

But the best trip by far was to Moscow back in 1997. I stayed at that dreadful Intourist Hotel near Red Square. The whole trip had to be booked via Intourist in London.

Aeroflot was nowhere near as bad as people make out, and the city's metro system is amazing. The stations on the circle line (built during Stalin's regime) are stunning works of art.

I went in November and it was incredibly cold. The snow melted on my head and then turned to ice.

The people I met were really nice. Extremely friendly. I agree that vodka does have a lot to do with this (they quite literally drink it all day long), but I agree too that Russians are very warm people.

Edited by andrewbkk
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