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Confusion At A Thai Bank


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Yesterday afternoon a Thai person I have known for some time kindly referred me to his own bank so they could help me

regarding something. It was not my own bank and I have never dealt with the Thai persons bank before but because he

seems to be doing a lot of business with them at the moment in terms of property development, it was obvious that

he could pull a few strings within the organisation. After he made one phone call to some senior executive, it was like a knife through butter as far as dealing with me and the quality of service I received was astounding .

I then went in person to the bank to meet a lady who seemed to be quite a senior bank officer and she in turn delegated

various tasks to a young guy to do the paperwork but was coming in and out all the time and chatting with me.

While chatting we just happened to touch on the subject that the bank of Thailand

had increased interest rates yet again this week. But then quite indignantly she replied “no they reduced them “.

But I could clearly remember reading this announcement on the TV site and I said to her “ I thought I read they had been increased ? “

“ Oh no , lowered “ she said again quite indignantly. Just to make double sure I then said “ I'm not talking about bank rates within this bank, I am talking about the bank of Thailand interest rates” but she replied “ yes that's right ,lowered “.

By now I thought it's not worth arguing because it is not my bank anyway and particularly while she was standing

alongside her subordinate so I thought just to make sure there hadn't been a misunderstanding between us I thought a good exit

tactic would be to remark that “ so the Thai baht would have fallen a bit in strength “ ? And she replied “ yes a little bit “ :blink:

When I returned home and checked the computer I saw that I was correct and the Bank of Thailand made this announcement last Wednesday. So how could a senior bank official possibly have confused the difference between bank rates going up or down- I mean this is a pretty significant piece of information for a bank ?

I also thought about the young male subordinate who could speak excellent English and I would imagine was

University educated and I wondered whether he was aware that what she told me was incorrect? Or perhaps he just kept quiet because that was the most appropriate thing to do with his boss standing next to him.

Did I miss something about this movement in interest rates and how could she possibly have the impression that interest rates came down?

Has anyone else experienced something like this before?

Edited by midas
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Midas, you have been here long enough to know seniority is not based on performance.

well should I be unfortunate enough to go into hospital here for surgery

I just hope this kind of thing doesn't happen in the operating theatre...

" It was right... No it was left........no it was the right one " :rolleyes:

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Midas, you have been here long enough to know seniority is not based on performance.

well should I be unfortunate enough to go into hospital here for surgery

I just hope this kind of thing doesn't happen in the operating theatre...

" It was right... No it was left........no it was the right one " :rolleyes:

A fella went into the doctors and he says "Doctor, I;ve made a big decision. I want to be .... castrated"

"Are you sure? Its a big decision"

"Yes, I've talked it over with my wife, and I'd like to be ... eh... castrated"

So he wakes up in the operation, and he says to the bloke in the ward next to him

"So what are you here for?"

"I've been circumcised"

"THAT's the word I was looking for!"

When I went in for my operation, they marked the relevant arm with marker pen when I was still awake


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