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Thai Women Being Refused Entry Into Hong Kong


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New passport is a bit of a flag but not a show stopper.

Just keep the makeup to a limit and no heels or fashionable clothes (like the ones the HKG Chinese wear every day ;-)

Why is a new passport a flag....

I asume you are adressing your remarks about make up to the females of the species...?......If the typical fat farang walked past Singapore/hong kong immigration in make up and hight heels, very certain they will be getting stopped and questioned...:whistling:

But even to the females of the species....you are talking <deleted>.....as pointed out earlier if a Thai lady walks through immigration looking like a Thai hooker even with the farang BF/husband in tow, they will get treated like Thai hookers, they are not hard to spot....Mutton dressed as lamb and all that.

Judging by your comments in this thread you seem to have a real understanding of what Thai hookers look like in immigration queues ?

Think you made your point.

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I took mine at Christmas. I made a point of going to the desk with her and handed 2 passports over.. The guy seemed suspicious and asked a few questions, but let us in together. Hopefully, the in and out stamps will make it hassle free if we go back. We both liked Hong Kong.

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But this did happen many times in HK, Singapore and even Taiwan.Not long ago I remember a thread here had thousands of discussions.A Farang brought his Thai GF to Singapore and was prohibited by Singapore immigration. And she was sent back to BKK on the following day. Anyone can dig up this thread.&

And what was the reason the TGF was refused entry to Singapore ?.....had been "working" there before ?, came in under a diferent name ?, been deported from Singapore before ?......It is highly unlikely Singapore immigration prohibited entry just because she was Thai, there will be a reason.

Young,pretty and not attanded Thai female - 99% chance of going back on the same flight,happening all the time.

My young and pretty girl got into Singapore unattended no problem. She had more problems at KL LCCT than at Singapore, not so much from immigration but from the Malays touching her up. I told her ( warned her ) not to dress sexily, so she turned up in a trouser suit, but I think unfortunately once the Malays realized she was Thai there was no holding back. She was at the airport for four hours before I arrived and she reckoned she was harassed on five separate occasions.

I will say though the Asian on Asian racism I saw was a lot worse than I expected, and quite unsettling.

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This thread seems to have turned to Singapore and/or Thai hookers instead of the original post. Anyone have any recent experience with Thai women entering HK?

I'm the OP, we went to Macau and then onto Hong Kong a couple weeks ago, my girlfriend had no problems with either, whilst we were travelling together she went through first and on her own, and didn't get a second glance.

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Australia does the same thing but it is not solely Thai women that are targetted. Women from the Phillipines, Cambodia, Vietnam and the like are treated the same. Early last year my wife, her sister and I arrived at the Melbourne airport from Bangkok. The wife was travelling on an Australian passport so we checked ourselves through the "E" System and walked around to wait for her sister. We noticed that her sister was pulled to oneside so I approached the the immigration official and asked if there was a problem. 15 minutes or so later a female official turned up and we all went into a small office answered a few questions like what she does for work (Teacher) and where she was staying (with us) we vouched for her and within 5 minutes her visa was stamped and we went on our way. I ran this past my brother who works for immigration and he told me they randomly select unocompanied women entering the country from S/E Asia for further scutiny and in particular Thai women as Thailand has a bad reputation when it comes to prostitution. He says that history has shown that a number of women have entered the country on the pretence that they were staying with boyfriends or fiancees and had disapeared some located years later working in brothels.

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Thank you, to be honest we don't really envisage any problems though it always annoys me when I have "to vouch for her, but such is life.

My girlfriend spoke to her friend that was denied entry during the week, she was travelling with her sister who is resident in Hong Kong, her sister had a single ticket and our friend had a return ticket. They allowed the resident in, whilst her sister was denied entry and returned to Bangkok, all very strange.

Such is the life of Thai women made difficult by their Thai 'sisters' reputation for selling themselves the world over, and HK not so far away and quite wealthy. I personally know of at least one farang 'gentleman' 'escorting' these women there, for a fee of course. They really only have themselves to blame. They should put pressure on whichsoever government department of this celestial kingdom to clamp down on the sex industry here as an attempt to rectify the situation. No, don't laugh.

PS A Thai female friend of mine of advanced years was always being given so much trouble at imm in oz, she just stopped going there.

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Oh, and slightly off topic. Another woman I know works as a crew member on a tourist sailing boat. The boat mainly ferries it's clientele to the Andamans, a particular island of which known for it's outstanding bird life completely forbids entry to all Thais. She has to stay aboard. They've had many problems with Thais poaching there.

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