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PM Yingluck Assigns Red Shirts To Deal With Protests


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PM assigns red shirts to deal with protests

By The Nation

The prime minister has instructed for a proactive campaign to address the people's grievances and designated the red shirts to preempt the protests from eruption.

PM Yingluck Shinawatra on Thursday appointed deputy secretary general to the prime minister Prasit Chaiviratana to lead the panel in charge of the campaign, deputy government spokesman Anusorn Eiamsa-ard said.

Anusorn said he and a number of red shirts, who are presently office horders at Government House, would also be on the Prasit panel.

The panel will proactively work to resolve the plight of the people instead of waiting for problems and complaints to arise, he said.

Unlike the past practice of acknowledging complaints without taking action, the panel will ensure a speedy action to tackle the grievances, he said.

With prompt attention to grievances, the prime minister hoped protests would not erupt, he said. Even if villagers rally at Government House, the red shirts on the panel would be tasked to deal with their demands so as to end the protests as soon as possible, he added.

This week dozens of villagers from the Northeast have been camping out near Government House to demand for farm land.


-- The Nation 2011-09-02

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"This week dozens of villagers from the Northeast have been camping out near Government House to demand for farm land."

Obviously expecting a lot more rural folk coming and protesting as promises go sour so who better to deal with them but "their own people".

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This country is about to implode - Yingluck is naive and foolish, not only can she not see the writing on the wall, she's actually helping the people paint it.

Couldn't agree with you more. Sad but true. She is being played like a violin and either doesn't realize it or does but she is helpless and only following Big Brother's orders. Either way she and her government are digging a hole deeper and deeper each day. There is a saying "when you find yourself in a hole stop digging". I suppose the hole isn't deep enough yet.

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This country is about to implode - Yingluck is naive and foolish, not only can she not see the writing on the wall, she's actually helping the people paint it.

Couldn't agree with you more. Sad but true. She is being played like a violin and either doesn't realize it or does but she is helpless and only following Big Brother's orders. Either way she and her government are digging a hole deeper and deeper each day. There is a saying "when you find yourself in a hole stop digging". I suppose the hole isn't deep enough yet.

I think they are hoping that if they dig long enough they'll come out the other side!

Edited by jonclark
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It is appalling to see how low Thaksin, his family and their acolytes in their lust for absolute power and their insatiable lust for money. The country is it would seem about to be policed by a bunch of renegades with an open mandate to decide who what and when.

The promises concerning ' democracy '' have yet again been proved to be false rhetoric.

How long is it before the knock comes on your door in the middle of the night and an invitation you just can't refuse to , ''come with me"" is proffered ?

I am sure that our older Russian members can recall that fear of the ." midnight callers?"

Edited by siampolee
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This country is about to implode - Yingluck is naive and foolish, not only can she not see the writing on the wall, she's actually helping the people paint it.

Couldn't agree with you more. Sad but true. She is being played like a violin and either doesn't realize it or does but she is helpless and only following Big Brother's orders. Either way she and her government are digging a hole deeper and deeper each day. There is a saying "when you find yourself in a hole stop digging". I suppose the hole isn't deep enough yet.

She's only after one thing. Thaksin's return, and the return of his money. Period. Obviously, the clan could care less about the country. Unless they can make more money from it.

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Unbelieveable. Some of these red shirt leaders should be in jail for some of the deaths from last year's riots!! Incredible.

I haven't really seen a list of which red shirt leaders should be in jail and which deaths would be accorded to each.

(honestly) Is there such a list?

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Unbelieveable. Some of these red shirt leaders should be in jail for some of the deaths from last year's riots!! Incredible.

I haven't really seen a list of which red shirt leaders should be in jail and which deaths would be accorded to each.

(honestly) Is there such a list?

Great question. I guess it's like the red's claim that members of the past government should be held accountable for civilian deaths during the riots. Abhisit and Sutep didn't kill anyone, but PTP wants them in jail.

So, I guess following the same logic, Thaksin and a few of the red leaders should be held accountable for the deaths they caused????

What a mess.

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Unbelieveable. Some of these red shirt leaders should be in jail for some of the deaths from last year's riots!! Incredible.

I haven't really seen a list of which red shirt leaders should be in jail and which deaths would be accorded to each.

(honestly) Is there such a list?

Great question. I guess it's like the red's claim that members of the past government should be held accountable for civilian deaths during the riots. Abhisit and Sutep didn't kill anyone, but PTP wants them in jail.

So, I guess following the same logic, Thaksin and a few of the red leaders should be held accountable for the deaths they caused????

What a mess.

is there a list on the internet of the people who were charged with crimes related to last year's March - May protests in Bangkok?

Can anyone help out with that?

Thanks - Tom

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It is appalling to see how low Thaksin, his family and their acolytes in their lust for absolute power and their insatiable lust for money. The country is it would seem about to be policed by a bunch of renegades with an open mandate to decide who what and when.

The promises concerning ' democracy '' have yet again been proved to be false rhetoric.

How long is it before the knock comes on your door in the middle of the night and an invitation you just can't refuse to , ''come with me"" is proffered ?

I am sure that our older Russian members can recall that fear of the ." midnight callers?"

I was in Afghanistan for two years starting immediately after the Taliban were driven out. Before the Taliban took over the Afghan government there was rampant corruption on a collosial scale , no middle class only the very rich and the very poor. People would misteriously dissapear and never be heard of again. The Afghan citizens had no hope of over throwing the government due to the paid thugs that roamed the country killing anyone who spoke out against the government. Then the Talliban inflitrated the country promising freedom from opression and strict adhearance to the rule of law. The common people supported them and the rest is history. They overthrew the government and oppression was even worse.

I said all that to say this. Never underestimate the power of rhetoric when the populous feel oppressed. I hope I am wrong but IMP what we are seeing today by the Yingluck adminstration is a precursor to history repeating itself.

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Unbelieveable. Some of these red shirt leaders should be in jail for some of the deaths from last year's riots!! Incredible.

And of course the red shirts now in charge of this have the capability to make balanced assessments and balanced comments / decisions, and take balanced actions!

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Not sure how this proposed "panel" will work when it comes to appeasement for protesters. Both groups seem to often have a tendency toward violence, destruction and may-ham.

OK, now I can see the potential results, having just read the current world news briefs.

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Unbelieveable. Some of these red shirt leaders should be in jail for some of the deaths from last year's riots!! Incredible.

I haven't really seen a list of which red shirt leaders should be in jail and which deaths would be accorded to each.

(honestly) Is there such a list?

Great question. I guess it's like the red's claim that members of the past government should be held accountable for civilian deaths during the riots. Abhisit and Sutep didn't kill anyone, but PTP wants them in jail.

So, I guess following the same logic, Thaksin and a few of the red leaders should be held accountable for the deaths they caused????

What a mess.

This sounding more and more like thaksins personal army (enforcers might also be an appropriate word).

Ultimately what frightens me is once such a scenario is in place, the strength and the professionalism, the balanced decisions by the electoral commission, the judiciary, etc., will cease to exist. Then the ultimate point - how can you ever turn it around?

On the other hand, will we quickly see a mass build up of educated logical middle class Thais who eventually take to the street and demand real proper democracy and achieve it through educated people power?

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Unbelieveable. Some of these red shirt leaders should be in jail for some of the deaths from last year's riots!! Incredible.

I haven't really seen a list of which red shirt leaders should be in jail and which deaths would be accorded to each.

(honestly) Is there such a list?

Great question. I guess it's like the red's claim that members of the past government should be held accountable for civilian deaths during the riots. Abhisit and Sutep didn't kill anyone, but PTP wants them in jail.

So, I guess following the same logic, Thaksin and a few of the red leaders should be held accountable for the deaths they caused????

What a mess.

This sounding more and more like thaksins personal army (enforcers might also be an appropriate word).

Ultimately what frightens me is once such a scenario is in place, the strength and the professionalism, the balanced decisions by the electoral commission, the judiciary, etc., will cease to exist. Then the ultimate point - how can you ever turn it around?

On the other hand, will we quickly see a mass build up of educated logical middle class Thais who eventually take to the street and demand real proper democracy and achieve it through educated people power?

The technical term is "goons".

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It really would appear they are working hard to set the stage for a civil war....

Reconciliation has nothing to do with their current set of actions.

They could be purposely antagonising certain groups of people (PAD, Multi's, army etc), baying them for a negative reaction which could ultimately lead to "clampdowns" and "shake ups" which will assert PT/red shirts even more control...

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This country is about to implode - Yingluck is naive and foolish, not only can she not see the writing on the wall, she's actually helping the people paint it.

I am afraid you might be right... Even though I hope you're wrong!

History repeats itself and everybody forgets: not such a long time ago, in Europe, there was a little guy who used the same sort of "tactic" to "preempt the protests from eruption". His "troops" wore brown shirts...

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