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Swede With Heart Disease Thrown In Thai Prison: Overstay In Paradise


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What do you suppose would happen in all of your home countries if you walked into a police station and announced that you were an illegal alien?

He overstayed his visa as a tourist. He did not sneak into the country illegally. Also, in my home country you would not be required to bribe the police if you were in jail or given only rice and water. Nor would a dead man be left in the jail for two days and you would not be deprived of heart medication. Even the Thais hate the police here. It is not a secret. Watch the police near the end of the month. They randomly stop the first 4 or 5 cars that pass and ask for bribes. Has happened to me many times. Wouldn't happen in my home country though.

In defense of the traffic police (which has nothing to do with this story), I must say that they only ask for bribes when you really have done something wrong. In other countries they will stop you and say you did something wrong even though it would not be true.

Back to the story, I don't believe the corpse being in the cell for two days. Has anybody heard something like this in another context and can shed some credibility for this claim?

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I too was stopped at custom's once for having a "banned item",

I was told I was in " big trouble".I was even shown a photocopy of what seemed to be some law-book in English. It said" you are not allowed to bring in banned item's" . My God, they have a law for that!

I was told I was to be arrested and even that the press would be outside waiting( suggesting a story! It's just so pathetic!)

Out came the lawyer's card. A thousand baht later and my bottle and I was home.

Had you followed the law, you wouldn't have needed the lawyer's card nor paid a thousand Baht. Is that what you are saying?

I was stopped quite randomly once near ekkamai area.

I was very drunk (...)

I refused , I know the law, and I needed another drink

Obviously, you know the law. Why don't you follow it? Is it perfectly OK to ignore the drunk-driving law in your country, or bring bottles of banned substances (I think you mean an excess quantity of alcohol, though) into the country?

Why do you bragg with breaking the law and then showing some lawyer's card to get out of trouble? What's wrong with you, man?

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hopefully he goes to media and tells his story and someone will translate and subtitle it to thai.

spread the word. god bless the internet.

You may not have noticed, but he did go to the press, and that's what this thread is about. Unfortunately, it was a tabloid that did not check the facts. It has been established in the meantime that important facts are missing from the story, and it does not make any sense the way it is written.

I agree that this needs attention of the press, investigative reporters are called for. God bless responsible journalism.

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this guy did nothing wrong

only make a small mistake

do not discharge on him, this could happen to anyone of us

as me fell sorry for this man

if u want complaint AGAIN THE F POLICE ONLY AND ONLY :angry:

How do you know the guy did nothing wrong? Well, he did overstay his visa, which is wrong (and not a small mistake for someone who has been here for 10 years). But being arrested for a second time does suggest that he did something wrong... Just because this particular newspaper did not report it, it does not mean that there isn't anything else.

Be fair, do not base your opinion on the information you receive from a tabloid.

The Swede has given his account of the affair and the paper printed it. I have a friend who had a similar although not quite such an horrific experience and he was kept in the pokey for a week so these things can happen. The police have not come out and denied it neither have they confirmed his story although in the latter case they are hardly likely to. If you are so convinced he did something other than overstay what do you think it was to warrant such barbaric treatment. If no evidence of such further crimes exist then we must accept the Swede's story as being truthful. You cannot keep saying it was a fabrication for no apparent reason.

I always wondered what kind of intellect bought into those crazy stories they carry in tabloids...now I know.

You said it, but let's educate them anyway:

We do not know whether the paper printed everythgn he said. But they printed a story that is so full of holes that it does not make any sense - I still don't know why he was arrested for a second time, why he paid any bribes, and why he boarded the plane stinking in an offensive manner.

I do believe that Thai prisons, unlike UK or German prisons, are no five-star hotels. Hence my advice to stay out of trouble in Thailand. Nothing will happen to you if you follow the law and the regulations. That includes showing the letter from the hospital to the immigration office, as they tell you to.

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The majority of people who come to Thailand and who live here never have a problem of any kind. I know in my 40 odd years of visiting and staying here never a problem and I am not a good boy or old man, I like to have fun.

To me it would seem that the problem really isn't Thailand as some would like us to believe but the people who are getting into trouble and falling for the scams. If this Swedes story is even half correct why didn't he go to immigration with letters from the hospital and take care of his overstay in a proper manner. I have doubt he was even in the hospital, has proof been presented to verifiy this.

It all seems like a lie to ellicit sympathy and as a cover story for his jail time, by putting the Thais as the bad guys he covers up the real reason he was arrested.

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What do you suppose would happen in all of your home countries if you walked into a police station and announced that you were an illegal alien?

He overstayed his visa as a tourist. He did not sneak into the country illegally. Also, in my home country you would not be required to bribe the police if you were in jail or given only rice and water. Nor would a dead man be left in the jail for two days and you would not be deprived of heart medication. Even the Thais hate the police here. It is not a secret. Watch the police near the end of the month. They randomly stop the first 4 or 5 cars that pass and ask for bribes. Has happened to me many times. Wouldn't happen in my home country though.

In defense of the traffic police (which has nothing to do with this story), I must say that they only ask for bribes when you really have done something wrong. In other countries they will stop you and say you did something wrong even though it would not be true.

Back to the story, I don't believe the corpse being in the cell for two days. Has anybody heard something like this in another context and can shed some credibility for this claim?

With respect to the police stopping cars, it is relevant since we are discussing police corruption. If you really believe what you say, you know little about the police and little about Thailand. Another explanation for your post is perhaps you don't have a car or you are just being sarcastic? Another point about your numerous posts, you seem very invested in discrediting this man who reports police corruption and abuse. I wonder why?

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I have not read or ploughed through all the replies so excuse me; however surely what is needed is an investigative juornalist or similar with no agenda to investigate the allegations raised in the OP report, including interviewing the 'victim' and the police and other authorities as well as the hospital and also tellng us also about the background of the person involved if there is anything relevant that should be known and then giving us a factual account of everything that happened, before, during and after etc

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What do you suppose would happen in all of your home countries if you walked into a police station and announced that you were an illegal alien?

He overstayed his visa as a tourist. He did not sneak into the country illegally. Also, in my home country you would not be required to bribe the police if you were in jail or given only rice and water. Nor would a dead man be left in the jail for two days and you would not be deprived of heart medication. Even the Thais hate the police here. It is not a secret. Watch the police near the end of the month. They randomly stop the first 4 or 5 cars that pass and ask for bribes. Has happened to me many times. Wouldn't happen in my home country though.

He didn't rape and murder a little boy either but this doesn't take away from the fact that he was in the country illegally and that will pretty much put you in jail in any country while awaiting deportation.

Is your home country classified as a developing nation? It sounds like you may be from Gullible-Land if you believe this story is accurate.

The police here do not stop random cars. They stop people who have done something wrong. And I know in my country you would pay hundreds of dollars for the same offense as well as likely have your already incredibly high insurance go higher and not the $3 or $6 you pay here. Personally I have no issue with the cops pocketing some of these funds since their starting pay is about 7 to 8K baht a month .... and it is not like police in the US making a good wage & great benefits are not given free food by shops and are afforded special discounts at many places that the average citizen doesn't get.

But the point being is comparing Thailand to the US or other Western Nations is basically like comparing apples to oranges .... it is illogical and naive to believe they should to taste the same or that they both don't have good and bad qualities.

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I was admitted to Bangkok Hospital in Pattaya and the first day they asked if my visa was ok.

It may be that his visa was so far out of date before going to hospital.

Or it could be the story is a bunch of BS whistling.gif

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The majority of people who come to Thailand and who live here never have a problem of any kind. I know in my 40 odd years of visiting and staying here never a problem and I am not a good boy or old man, I like to have fun.

To me it would seem that the problem really isn't Thailand as some would like us to believe but the people who are getting into trouble and falling for the scams. If this Swedes story is even half correct why didn't he go to immigration with letters from the hospital and take care of his overstay in a proper manner. I have doubt he was even in the hospital, has proof been presented to verifiy this.

It all seems like a lie to ellicit sympathy and as a cover story for his jail time, by putting the Thais as the bad guys he covers up the real reason he was arrested.

Put more bluntly, some people shouldn't be allowed to travel out of their home country.

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What do you suppose would happen in all of your home countries if you walked into a police station and announced that you were an illegal alien?

He overstayed his visa as a tourist. He did not sneak into the country illegally. Also, in my home country you would not be required to bribe the police if you were in jail or given only rice and water. Nor would a dead man be left in the jail for two days and you would not be deprived of heart medication. Even the Thais hate the police here. It is not a secret. Watch the police near the end of the month. They randomly stop the first 4 or 5 cars that pass and ask for bribes. Has happened to me many times. Wouldn't happen in my home country though.

He didn't rape and murder a little boy either but this doesn't take away from the fact that he was in the country illegally and that will pretty much put you in jail in any country while awaiting deportation.

Is your home country classified as a developing nation? It sounds like you may be from Gullible-Land if you believe this story is accurate.

The police here do not stop random cars. They stop people who have done something wrong. And I know in my country you would pay hundreds of dollars for the same offense as well as likely have your already incredibly high insurance go higher and not the $3 or $6 you pay here. Personally I have no issue with the cops pocketing some of these funds since their starting pay is about 7 to 8K baht a month .... and it is not like police in the US making a good wage & great benefits are not given free food by shops and are afforded special discounts at many places that the average citizen doesn't get.

But the point being is comparing Thailand to the US or other Western Nations is basically like comparing apples to oranges .... it is illogical and naive to believe they should to taste the same or that they both don't have good and bad qualities.

To discredit what I report about the police you imply i am a liar, gullible, naive and illogical. This is the technique of attacking character rather than the substance of an argument. This detracts from the real point of the report that the Swede was possibly abused and milked for money by the police. Those who discredit the Swede have called him a liar, stupid, deserves what he gets, etc, but no proof is given that what he says is not true. Those who say hold off on these attacks have their character attacked as well. Attack the person, technically called an ad hominem argument occurs when the character of the person making an argument is challenged and then followed with the assertion that his/her argument cannot be true because of his character (Gullible-Land). A known fallacy that is frequently used in this forum by those with an emotional investment in some issue.

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He overstayed his visa as a tourist. He did not sneak into the country illegally. Also, in my home country you would not be required to bribe the police if you were in jail or given only rice and water. Nor would a dead man be left in the jail for two days and you would not be deprived of heart medication. Even the Thais hate the police here. It is not a secret. Watch the police near the end of the month. They randomly stop the first 4 or 5 cars that pass and ask for bribes. Has happened to me many times. Wouldn't happen in my home country though.

In defense of the traffic police (which has nothing to do with this story), I must say that they only ask for bribes when you really have done something wrong. In other countries they will stop you and say you did something wrong even though it would not be true.

Back to the story, I don't believe the corpse being in the cell for two days. Has anybody heard something like this in another context and can shed some credibility for this claim?

With respect to the police stopping cars, it is relevant since we are discussing police corruption. If you really believe what you say, you know little about the police and little about Thailand. Another explanation for your post is perhaps you don't have a car or you are just being sarcastic? Another point about your numerous posts, you seem very invested in discrediting this man who reports police corruption and abuse. I wonder why?

Having driven my own car for over 20 years in Thailand, you may be right that I know little about the traffic police. Tell us about yourself.

And you are not reading my posts: I never discredited the man. I discredited the newspaper for printing a story with too many holes in it to make sense. Maybe he told them the full story, maybe he didn't. Fact is, they printed what they printed, trying to make Thailand look bad. What is their interest in that: Selling horror stories, making money, not caring a bit whether it is the truth, and obviously, there are enough people who believe the story as is.

I am "invested" in this thread because I think such a bad journalism is unfair to Thailand. It touched on my sense of what is right and what is wrong.

Have I answered your questions about me to your satisfaction? Then, please tell us why you think this story makes any sense. Because a tabloid newspaper printed it?

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The tourism industry is dying on the vine, and the TOT continues to spin out the false figures. An informed source told me that the island wide occupancy rate in Koh Samui in June was 20%! That is the lowest rate in the past 20 years. Something is happening, in a big way, and every Thai I talk to has their head in the sand, in regard to the issues.

Expats and "informed" sources have been saying this same stuff now for many many years but Thai Tourism is actually doing incredibly well considering the global economy and the current strength of the baht. Thailand has incredible beaches, wonderful historical sights, is inexpensive, has very good accommodations, has great service and great people ... at least this is the case for actual tourists as opposed to those coming here to behave like morons and believe Pattaya is what Thailand is about.

Could you please share your informed sources with me? I know several GM's at major hotels, and they all tell the same story. They tell me the arrival figures are "cooked", and the occupancy rates are lower than ever. There are thousands of tourist related businesses folding. Do you not see that? Do you talk to anyone? Have you traveled to Phuket, Pattaya, or Samui lately? Thousands have gone out of business already. What universe do you live in?

Yes, it is all a conspiracy (tourist figures, the full beaches, all the white faces, the international arrival figures, international figures for top tourist destinations ...) against you and your negative outlook and views.

No matter what you want to believe, Thailand has not been hit by the global economy melt down as many other tourist destinations despite the strength of the baht and weakening of other currencies .... Somebody like you who surely believes (wishes) Thailand would be crippled by a huge loss in tourism should consider Thailand unemployment rate continues to trend down and is currently about 0.5%.

Just as I suspected, you have no informed sources. You see tourists on the street, and assume all is grand. I love Thailand, and do not have a negative attitude towards this wonderful place. I was specifically addressing some of the woes that the tourism industry faces, and the fact that they are not being addressed. The facts are the facts. Just talk to hotel managers, and restaurants, and travel agents, and others involved in the industry. As much as you want to believe it, I am not making this stuff up. Educate yourself. You owe it to yourself to stay informed.

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You reject out of hand statistics that refute your theories, yet you accept anecdotal comments from bar and restaurant owners whose main pastime is bitching about how bad business is?

If you don't believe Thai government numbers, how about the numbers of Airports Council International?

If you will do some research, you will see that they prepare statistics on airport traffic INDEPENDENTLY from airport operators or governments. Their numbers are based on butts-on-seats, actual numbers from airlines.

According to their numbers, Bangkok airport traffic has increased by almost exactly the same amount as the Thai government says tourist numbers have increased in the past 10 years (30 - 35%).


Never mind all that...your bar owner buddies are bitching. How scientific!

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Could you please share your informed sources with me? I know several GM's at major hotels, and they all tell the same story. They tell me the arrival figures are "cooked", and the occupancy rates are lower than ever. There are thousands of tourist related businesses folding. Do you not see that? Do you talk to anyone? Have you traveled to Phuket, Pattaya, or Samui lately? Thousands have gone out of business already. What universe do you live in?

Yes, it is all a conspiracy (tourist figures, the full beaches, all the white faces, the international arrival figures, international figures for top tourist destinations ...) against you and your negative outlook and views.

No matter what you want to believe, Thailand has not been hit by the global economy melt down as many other tourist destinations despite the strength of the baht and weakening of other currencies .... Somebody like you who surely believes (wishes) Thailand would be crippled by a huge loss in tourism should consider Thailand unemployment rate continues to trend down and is currently about 0.5%.

Just as I suspected, you have no informed sources. You see tourists on the street, and assume all is grand. I love Thailand, and do not have a negative attitude towards this wonderful place. I was specifically addressing some of the woes that the tourism industry faces, and the fact that they are not being addressed. The facts are the facts. Just talk to hotel managers, and restaurants, and travel agents, and others involved in the industry. As much as you want to believe it, I am not making this stuff up. Educate yourself. You owe it to yourself to stay informed.

I am not sure if you are just trying to bait me or if you really are so wrapped up in defending your personal and negative views that you are incapable of reading properly anything that might enlighten you to actual facts instead of simply talking to people who say what you want to hear while disregarding facts and statistics from numerous sources that have absolutely no reason to lie. In fact, if tourism was so down in Thailand and not on a rising trend (as every informed person in the industry around the globe will confirm) then it would make sense for the Tourism Dept. to report this and request a bigger budget to lure people here. With tourism making up approx. 6% of GDP in Thailand, one would expect unemployment to go up slightly and not down, as it has been, if tourism was off by some 50 to 70% as your "informed" (LMAO) sources tell you.

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What do you suppose would happen in all of your home countries if you walked into a police station and announced that you were an illegal alien?

He overstayed his visa as a tourist. He did not sneak into the country illegally. Also, in my home country you would not be required to bribe the police if you were in jail or given only rice and water. Nor would a dead man be left in the jail for two days and you would not be deprived of heart medication. Even the Thais hate the police here. It is not a secret. Watch the police near the end of the month. They randomly stop the first 4 or 5 cars that pass and ask for bribes. Has happened to me many times. Wouldn't happen in my home country though.

He didn't rape and murder a little boy either but this doesn't take away from the fact that he was in the country illegally and that will pretty much put you in jail in any country while awaiting deportation.

Is your home country classified as a developing nation? It sounds like you may be from Gullible-Land if you believe this story is accurate.

The police here do not stop random cars. They stop people who have done something wrong. And I know in my country you would pay hundreds of dollars for the same offense as well as likely have your already incredibly high insurance go higher and not the $3 or $6 you pay here. Personally I have no issue with the cops pocketing some of these funds since their starting pay is about 7 to 8K baht a month .... and it is not like police in the US making a good wage & great benefits are not given free food by shops and are afforded special discounts at many places that the average citizen doesn't get.

But the point being is comparing Thailand to the US or other Western Nations is basically like comparing apples to oranges .... it is illogical and naive to believe they should to taste the same or that they both don't have good and bad qualities.

My Goodness, you are just so wrong. And it concern's me that you seem to honestly think you are right when you really have not the slightest clue if you honestly believe that. This classic comment deserve's a prize :

" the police here do not stop random car's" Hold on a second I will just ask....

Well. apparently you are a little mistaken on this one because everyone in this room as been stopped. There are 5 people in this room and some, like me have been stopped several time's. " what were you doing wrong?"

Guess what, they were not even driving, they were in taxi's( with some expectation's)

Nobody was doing anything wrong. Most were at the asok crossing, and some by the emporioum.

When I repeated your comment there was a laugh and one comment " how can anyone who has lived here, has a brain, and does not hide in a basement honestly think that" ?

Next ,you will NOT go to jail in ANY 1st world country if you are suffering from ill health and can obviously show you have no negative intent. Please take that notion and dump it in the trash like the award winning " police do not stop random car's"!

If you doubt this please call each embassy and ask them what their policy is.

Please let me know which one(s) tell you they will jail a person under these circumstance',get the name of the person who told you this, and if possible any reference to any law that provides for such and I will take it up. End of story.

And I tell you quite honestly, I do not care if you are black, white, yellow,from issan or from the north of UK (and have think" random"mean's =car's which contain farnags we can get a buck out of or some other unfortunate vic who we can shake down.) If people like me heard about it such a stink would be created that you would be out in no time.In UK you would probably be given free housing, some money and a return ticket ( friend of mine was not allowed in due to something and was housed for several days many moons ago)

Who honestly would sit down and not do anything?

Who , bar you , would condone such a thing?

But that's the problem here, you have people who know what is going and do nothing because "its not their problem and/or, do not care and twit's who dare to comment on matter's they know nothing about, but seem to think they do"

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I am "invested" in this thread because I think such a bad journalism is unfair to Thailand. It touched on my sense of what is right and what is wrong.

Agree 100% regarding bad journalism.

Journalism 101 says you need to verify the facts and this reporter nor his editor put any real effort into doing this. They don't even have a comment from the lawyer this guy claims to have hired let alone the police or immigration. This is a complete slam piece on Thailand and they didn't even give anyone in Thailand a chance to respond or offer their side of the story let alone verify this guy was even in a jail in Pattaya.

In my mind this is a perfect example of when the libel laws here should be enforced if anyone related to this story (including the head of the paper) were ever to come to Thailand.

FYI: I forwarded the link to the article to a Swedish friend and he replied, "It is a sh@t story by a sh@t newspaper."

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What do you suppose would happen in all of your home countries if you walked into a police station and announced that you were an illegal alien?

He overstayed his visa as a tourist. He did not sneak into the country illegally. Also, in my home country you would not be required to bribe the police if you were in jail or given only rice and water. Nor would a dead man be left in the jail for two days and you would not be deprived of heart medication. Even the Thais hate the police here. It is not a secret. Watch the police near the end of the month. They randomly stop the first 4 or 5 cars that pass and ask for bribes. Has happened to me many times. Wouldn't happen in my home country though.

He didn't rape and murder a little boy either but this doesn't take away from the fact that he was in the country illegally and that will pretty much put you in jail in any country while awaiting deportation.

Is your home country classified as a developing nation? It sounds like you may be from Gullible-Land if you believe this story is accurate.

The police here do not stop random cars. They stop people who have done something wrong. And I know in my country you would pay hundreds of dollars for the same offense as well as likely have your already incredibly high insurance go higher and not the $3 or $6 you pay here. Personally I have no issue with the cops pocketing some of these funds since their starting pay is about 7 to 8K baht a month .... and it is not like police in the US making a good wage & great benefits are not given free food by shops and are afforded special discounts at many places that the average citizen doesn't get.

But the point being is comparing Thailand to the US or other Western Nations is basically like comparing apples to oranges .... it is illogical and naive to believe they should to taste the same or that they both don't have good and bad qualities.

My Goodness, you are just so wrong. And it concern's me that you seem to honestly think you are right when you really have not the slightest clue if you honestly believe that. This classic comment deserve's a prize :

" the police here do not stop random car's" Hold on a second I will just ask....

Well. apparently you are a little mistaken on this one because everyone in this room as been stopped. There are 5 people in this room and some, like me have been stopped several time's. " what were you doing wrong?"

Guess what, they were not even driving, they were in taxi's( with some expectation's)

Nobody was doing anything wrong. Most were at the asok crossing, and some by the emporioum.

When I repeated your comment there was a laugh and one comment " how can anyone who has lived here, has a brain, and does not hide in a basement honestly think that" ?

Next ,you will NOT go to jail in ANY 1st world country if you are suffering from ill health and can obviously show you have no negative intent. Please take that notion and dump it in the trash like the award winning " police do not stop random car's"!

If you doubt this please call each embassy and ask them what their policy is.

Please let me know which one(s) tell you they will jail a person under these circumstance',get the name of the person who told you this, and if possible any reference to any law that provides for such and I will take it up. End of story.

And I tell you quite honestly, I do not care if you are black, white, yellow,from issan or from the north of UK (and have think" random"mean's =car's which contain farnags we can get a buck out of or some other unfortunate vic who we can shake down.) If people like me heard about it such a stink would be created that you would be out in no time.In UK you would probably be given free housing, some money and a return ticket ( friend of mine was not allowed in due to something and was housed for several days many moons ago)

Who honestly would sit down and not do anything?

Who , bar you , would condone such a thing?

But that's the problem here, you have people who know what is going and do nothing because "its not their problem and/or, do not care and twit's who dare to comment on matter's they know nothing about, but seem to think they do"

I apologize that my misstatement got your panties all in a bunch or that you couldn't understand it given what we were speaking about (bribes) or that you have latched onto this one off topic comment as a way to stay clear of reality.

Yes, in Thailand they do stop cars randomly to check them out .. same as they do in the US when looking for drunks at road blocks. The context we were speaking of was having to pay when you do something wrong and I should have said, "you are not asked to pay if you did nothing wrong and you always have the option of paying more and going the official route" ... again same as in the US that you are not issued a fine if you did nothing wrong. This is the norm but if you want to pretend the norm is isolated incidents then I can't help you because bad things and bad people exist everywhere including in the US were scores of people have spent many many years in jails, including on death row, for crimes they didn't commit ... but that is not the norm.

PS. I can only speak for the US but having a health issue doesn't excuse you from going to jail ... especially in a case like this where the guy was not in hospital and been out a week ... if we were even to believe the story to begin with.

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I was only hauled in one time and it was in Pattaya. Funny after 3 years here I went for two days to see the place. Rented a mototcycle and one hour later i was robbed by the police. Finally got my wallet back without a dime in it. Luckily I put my debit card in my boot.

Pulled over for not wearing a helment and relieved of my wallet on the spot. Taken down to the police station and had to pay a 700 baht. fine. How did I get the money? I had to give my debit card to my GF and trust her... That was terrifing enough in it's self.

Never been back.

Only thing I cannot believe is if he had money why he was in jail in the first place????

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I was only hauled in one time and it was in Pattaya. Funny after 3 years here I went for two days to see the place. Rented a mototcycle and one hour later i was robbed by the police. Finally got my wallet back without a dime in it. Luckily I put my debit card in my boot.

Pulled over for not wearing a helment and relieved of my wallet on the spot. Taken down to the police station and had to pay a 700 baht. fine. How did I get the money? I had to give my debit card to my GF and trust her... That was terrifing enough in it's self.

Never been back.

But you learned your lesson about obeying the law, hopefully?

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I was only hauled in one time and it was in Pattaya. Funny after 3 years here I went for two days to see the place. Rented a mototcycle and one hour later i was robbed by the police. Finally got my wallet back without a dime in it. Luckily I put my debit card in my boot.

Pulled over for not wearing a helment and relieved of my wallet on the spot. Taken down to the police station and had to pay a 700 baht. fine. How did I get the money? I had to give my debit card to my GF and trust her... That was terrifing enough in it's self.

Never been back.

But you learned your lesson about obeying the law, hopefully?

Fair enough, but I wish I would of gotten my wallet back with the money still in it.

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The police here do not stop random cars.


Was stopped last week on road 331 towards Sattahip.

Cop wanted some money, I shook my head: " don't understand you" in French.

Cop said to my wife: "don't you teach your man what he must do when he gets stopped by the police?"

She looked at the trees, not seeing any cops and I drove on.


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Actually the police here are an orginazed mafia in my opinion. I was in Kk in the early days of my stays here. I had a GF that was chinese. Family owned several businesses. They hated the police with a passion. To stay in business and not get robbed. They had to pay the chief every month and if not they got robbed. She took me by the home of the guy and showed me. it was huge with a benz and a fortuner for the wife. So it is not just the farang that get screwed here at all. The locals get reamed big time and hate it.

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Sounds nasty.... But for some reason, I can't help but think some pieces were left out of this story, perhaps a history of overstays, or something else... Either way, I am sure Mr Kent is happy to be back home again!

I completely agree!

At first we get the impression that he was simply a regular tourist who unfortunately found himself in the hospital then was completely victimized. Later we learn that he's been living here for 10 years, so something just doesn't stack up. Besides, as somebody pointed out, there are exceptions made for people who run into health problems while visiting Thailand and end up overstaying their visa. I believe BPH even has a satellite immigration office on the premises for this very situation.

Don't get me wrong -- I'm not defending the Thai police and am sure that they're capable of doing almost anything to get their grubby little hands on money, but I really feel that we're not getting the whole story here.

Edited by Wavefloater
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What do you suppose would happen in all of your home countries if you walked into a police station and announced that you were an illegal alien?

When you do that in the Netherlands ? Probably nothing as.. being illegal here is not a crime, but only an offence like passing at red traffic light. You probably get the message to leave, as.. getting you out is no priority... as long as you have own means to support you.

When you have NOT, and Dutch government has to pay for all of you, they will try to get you out. When your "old" country does not want to take you back.. they will be agry here, try to send you back home, but if that does not work... over a hundred thousand are here like that, and probably 2-400,000 "illegals".

Many get a permission to stay, or even Dutch citizenship, and become depity minister, member or parliament or.. mayor of the city + port of Rotterdam ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmed_Aboutaleb )

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A few years ago, Immigration was still on Soi 8, I went to Immigration to ask for an extension pending my WP application.

At the immigration they found out, that I was 102 days on overstay. I wasn't aware of that (my former employer didn't inform me about the cancellation of an application for a WP which is the same as actually having a WP).

Anyway, 102 days overstay. The Immigration kindly asked me to come back the next day, with a receipt from Labor Department regarding the new WP-application and THB 20,000 overstay fine + THB 1900 for another 90 day extension, so that the WP-application could be finished properly. Everything with receipts, no tea-money, no jail, just nice and kind immigration-people.

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