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Swede With Heart Disease Thrown In Thai Prison: Overstay In Paradise


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I've been in Thailand less than six months and I already know a lawyer I could call if I ever get in trouble. An immigration lawyer with connections to the imm office/department. I would NEVER walk into the police station and try to fix this on my own! Call the lawyer, let her take care of it. You'd think people would be smart enough to do that.

I obviously know nothing of this lawyer you know, but be careful, look closer and you will find many of these people like to put over an image that they are lawyers yet they have no qualifications.

You will also find that they like to claim they can they can get visas soughted and like to word things to make it sound like they can gaurentee you a visa if you pay their fee. They can't.

You don't need a lawyer to get a visa. There is absolutely nothing a lawyer can do that anyone with an IQ above single figures and who meets the legal requirements can't do themselves.

Sort your visa before it runs out legally and there is no problem what so ever and go to the immigration office or the embassay or leave the country and pay the overstay if you do make a mistake.

After 10 years here this bloke would have known this or at least had some friends or family in Thailand to help him out, why he went to the police station and needed his mum in Sweden to help him is the strange thing here.

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Easy to get extension based on hospitalization.

From Police order 777/2551

2.25 In the case of medical treatment or convalescence or to look after a patient:

Permission will be granted for a period of not more than 90 days at a time.

(1) Confirmation and request has been made by a physician responsible for the treatment. The Physician must describe the details of treatment and advised that the illness is a barrier for travelling.

(2) In the case of looking after a patient, confirmation and request has been made by the physician responsible for the treatment or by an embassy or consulate.

(3) Patient Carer, except parents, spouse, children, adopted children or children of spouse, shall be granted no more than 1 extra person.

Easy if you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Me thinks (my gut tells me) some important points of the whole story are missing. But if there are no important points missing, Mr Melmbolm was definitely treated like crap. But the fact he was jailed along with other folks in a jail cell not fit for dogs is neither here or there since that's pretty much the standard jail in Thailand....no discrimination there....everybody is treated like crap.

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All I know if I was somehow in a situation where I was losing weight at an accelerated pace of 16 Kilos in 12-days then I would have eaten the dead guy laying on the floor for 2-days.

But what I really wonder is how after losing 16 kilos did his shorts stay up on his trip home ... especially with the added weight of feces and urine weighing them down.

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His mistake was to go to the police in the first place. Im not going to say anything about the police in Thailand and everyone should know about them living in Thailand. He should have gone to the consulate first and got advise on how the laws applied to illness works in an overstay situation, and then with that information go to the immagration office and speak with someone at a higher level to make himself comply under the circumstances of a serious illness having kept him in an ICU ward of a hospital and unable to leave or travel.

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I am curious after living in Thailand for ten years where was his boy/girlfriend? Going to the police station? The whole story is not being told. It is also a very scary scenario for those single people who travel by themselves to Thailand. I could not imagine but glad he got out and did not suffer a much worse medical fate while away from his meds. But Pattay? The Embassys need to release updates on the risks associated with visiting Pattaya.

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Unless the government decides to make changes from the top all this crap will continue it is very clear that the mafia control the police and the government , no one will take a stand because the moment they do they will probably be shot.

The Hub of Corruption will continue for a long time yet.

Similar to want happen to me…stayed 2 days over visa due to been in hospital, when went to renew my visa was fined 1000 baht 2 days overstay even though had letter from doctor……..they never even looked at the letter …no exception for farang was the was reply.

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Amazing Thailand!

Or whatever crap they're saying now.

It's a wonderful country but some of the people in it, for some of the time, are disgusting. One step out of line if you are a Farang can lead to you being treated worse than they treat most animals here. However; before people start blaming Thai's for all the wrongs of the world I should add that most 'developing' countries act in very similar ways, that's why they are still 'developing' !

Go to a so called "developed" country and they will take off your clothes too... at least this does not happen in so-called "developing" nations... Case in point is USA immigration... :bah:

For the person in the news, I feel sorry for him but his story does not add up... he ran out of visa and he didnt know? granted he was in hospital and not in a condition to see his passport and/or remember his visa expiry date. However, why did he not talk to the hospital to help him to update his visa? why did he go to the police instead of going to the immigration department? common sense? what would you do if u run out of ur visa? go to police? i wouldnt do that... :jap:

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Sounds nasty.... But for some reason, I can't help but think some pieces were left out of this story, perhaps a history of overstays, or something else... Either way, I am sure Mr Kent is happy to be back home again!

I agree. I know we constantly read stories of corrupt cops but without some independent verification I can't accept this story as written. It's just to pat.

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Unless the government decides to make changes from the top all this crap will continue it is very clear that the mafia control the police and the government , no one will take a stand because the moment they do they will probably be shot.

The Hub of Corruption will continue for a long time yet.

Similar to want happen to me…stayed 2 days over visa due to been in hospital, when went to renew my visa was fined 1000 baht 2 days overstay even though had letter from doctor……..they never even looked at the letter …no exception for farang was the was reply.

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Are you talking about at immigration or at the airport? The officers at the airport cannot give you an extension based on medical reasons -- only immigration can!

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It is so. And when you see, how many people are at the airports, with ten days or 14 days overstay and more.... and be only charged with the 500 Baht per day.... then it seems, this only was an half story.

Easy to get extension based on hospitalization.

From Police order 777/2551

2.25 In the case of medical treatment or convalescence or to look after a patient:

Permission will be granted for a period of not more than 90 days at a time.

(1) Confirmation and request has been made by a physician responsible for the treatment. The Physician must describe the details of treatment and advised that the illness is a barrier for travelling.

(2) In the case of looking after a patient, confirmation and request has been made by the physician responsible for the treatment or by an embassy or consulate.

(3) Patient Carer, except parents, spouse, children, adopted children or children of spouse, shall be granted no more than 1 extra person.

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Unless the government decides to make changes from the top all this crap will continue it is very clear that the mafia control the police and the government , no one will take a stand because the moment they do they will probably be shot.

The Hub of Corruption will continue for a long time yet.

Similar to want happen to me…stayed 2 days over visa due to been in hospital, when went to renew my visa was fined 1000 baht 2 days overstay even though had letter from doctor……..they never even looked at the letter …no exception for farang was the was reply.

What was similar that happened to you? What does having to pay an overstay fine have to do with corruption? If you overstay in some other countries you will not be welcome back. You overstayed 2 days and had to pay a $30 fine .. big deal. Do you believe the officers at the airport should be given the ability to waive these fees based on a person;s sad story? They have processes and offices to handle these things and you chose not to take that route to save $30. If the officers at the airport had discretion then it would create corruption.

As for your claim they said, "no exception for farang" ... this would seem VERY VERY STRANGE since a Thai cannot overstay a Visa in Thailand let alone need a visa to be here.

What seems similar is a bit if bitterness towards Thais / Thailand over an issue only you are responsible for or at least your problem and certainly not Thailands.

Edited by Nisa
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It doesn't matter if he went to the wrong place / people. He went to the police and they should have guided him correctly.

That is what we all expect and receive in all civilised parts of the globe.

Here it isn't. Civilised.

Lawless. Useless. Hopeless. It is.

And so some poor unfortunate, law abiding person is illegally detained [fact] and subjected to extortion [fact]. The culmination of this is bribery of a lawyer and some police officers in order to gain his freedom. The dead left to rot in cells. Match that if you can. At least the Nazis tried to hide the bodies.

It is an absolute disgrace. It is what can happen to you if you fall foul of the law. And it will be you as all foreigners are seen as submissive cash cows once the police have you in custody; behind bars; at their mercy. When money is involved the Thais are ruthless. There is no morality but there is an over powering greed that knows no boundaries.

Note the cautious words of the embassy who cannot deal with Thailand or expect anything to stop or improve any time soon.

The place is simply lawless. Pattaya most certainly is.

No official figure there ever responds in shock or determination to act in the right and proper manner when such incidents as this one occur.

There is no hope of change nor is there any hope of a facility existing that can ride in on a white horse and rescue the victims. The Pattaya consul, Howerd Miller, has been involved in two cases in his short tenure and woefully been incompetent in helping. To call him useless would be to flatter him. Holes and heads offers some explanation as to his inertia.

You must be mad to stay in Pattaya other than to prove you're an accident waiting to happen.

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Unless the government decides to make changes from the top all this crap will continue it is very clear that the mafia control the police and the government , no one will take a stand because the moment they do they will probably be shot.

The Hub of Corruption will continue for a long time yet.

Similar to want happen to me…stayed 2 days over visa due to been in hospital, when went to renew my visa was fined 1000 baht 2 days overstay even though had letter from doctor……..they never even looked at the letter …no exception for farang was the was reply.

What was similar that happened to you? What does having to pay an overstay fine have to do with corruption? If you overstay in some other countries you will not be welcome back. You overstayed 2 days and had to pay a $30 fine .. big deal. Do you believe the officers at the airport should be given the ability to waive these fees based on a person;s sad story? They have processes and offices to handle these things and you chose not to take that route to save $30. If the officers at the airport had discretion then it would create corruption.

As for your claim they said, "no exception for farang" ... this would seem VERY VERY STRANGE since a Thai cannot overstay a Visa in Thailand let alone need a visa to be here.

What seems similar is a bit if bitterness towards Thais / Thailand over an issue only you are responsible for or at least your problem and certainly not Thailands.

It is not strange it is just a bald faced porkie like the "news" article posted in the first place.

It does generate some discussion though. Otherwise a pretty slow couple of days on Thai Visa.

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Of course they want the money. And of course you not asked for the commander...... They know how stupid farangs are and always scared and that they give the money very easily, because say have enogh from that.

Unless the government decides to make changes from the top all this crap will continue it is very clear that the mafia control the police and the government , no one will take a stand because the moment they do they will probably be shot.

The Hub of Corruption will continue for a long time yet.

Similar to want happen to me…stayed 2 days over visa due to been in hospital, when went to renew my visa was fined 1000 baht 2 days overstay even though had letter from doctor……..they never even looked at the letter …no exception for farang was the was reply.

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This story need to be shown overseas, and Thailand need a serious black eye over this. I do not care what the circumstances are, this is completely unjustifiable. The only way changed happen here, is if Thailand loses face worldwide. The tourism industry is dying on the vine, and the TOT continues to spin out the false figures. An informed source told me that the island wide occupancy rate in Koh Samui in June was 20%! That is the lowest rate in the past 20 years. Something is happening, in a big way, and every Thai I talk to has their head in the sand, in regard to the issues. Where is the Anna Hazare of Thailand? Do the Thai people care, at all? Does the government care, or even acknowledge these issues, in the slightest manner? Who is going to be held accountable for this latest travesty?

very well said !!!


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This story need to be shown overseas, and Thailand need a serious black eye over this. I do not care what the circumstances are, this is completely unjustifiable. The only way changed happen here, is if Thailand loses face worldwide. The tourism industry is dying on the vine, and the TOT continues to spin out the false figures. An informed source told me that the island wide occupancy rate in Koh Samui in June was 20%! That is the lowest rate in the past 20 years. Something is happening, in a big way, and every Thai I talk to has their head in the sand, in regard to the issues. Where is the Anna Hazare of Thailand? Do the Thai people care, at all? Does the government care, or even acknowledge these issues, in the slightest manner? Who is going to be held accountable for this latest travesty?

Funniest post of the thread. Goes to show how low the bar is for posting on web forums these days. People just make stuff up and there are no consequences. Sadder are the gullible ones that believe this baloney.

I know someone that knows someone from an informed source. Yeah, people are going to believe you instead of published data because of your "informed source."

But I am not calling you a nitwit because that would get me a warning and the post deleted any way.

So I am not calling you a nitwit.

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What do you suppose would happen in all of your home countries if you walked into a police station and announced that you were an illegal alien?

they would be put in a cell, asked what they would like to eat , and if they wanted a lawyer, the lawyer would get him bail and then the government would give hime a house and money every week until his family could join him from pakistan ................or wherever , they would then get british passports , get arranged marraiges for the kids and bring the in-laws too,.......no visa runs needed as we take care of our asian brothers,......welcome to the UK !.........What about your country richard ?

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