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Evil Taxi'S Beat Up A Driver


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There is so much talk now but no one lumps the evil taxi drivers with the tuk-tuks. All those ugly thugs infront of hotels are JUSt as detrimental to tourism and the good of Phuket.

Here is yet another report of some "taxi"driver beating up a driver and car from an elephant trekking camp.


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Like a tumor, you need to cut it out a bit further than its root, else it grows back. I dont see this happening with the behaviour of Taxi/Tuk - people. This issue is too deep and rotten and will continue until.....people get jailed for months, or years... but thats unlikely to happen as the law doesnt do #$%^&

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...but no one lumps the evil taxi drivers with the tuk-tuks.

Yes they do. I think most people understand the taxi's are under the same umbrella as the tuk tuks. True the news reports aren't using the word "tuk tuk" but if you go look at the taxi rank outside of Cape Sienna, it will consist of tuk tuks as well as regular cars used as taxis. They are all run by the same organization.

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This is INGRAINED..its getting worse because now there are more of them ..what will happen next,because of all the reports in the media...worldwide,,,these tuk tuks willl lose cusdtomers and become more desperate and dangerous..i dread to think whats going to happen when this starts to happen.. ACTION has to be taken by the Government to stop this,they are the only ones who can do it.... now there is a new Govern ment, it delays it again.we cant do nothing only our embassies can pressurise them to do something....

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this occurs because the local and provincial government officals are implicated. Look at who owns most of the real estate in Patong. All are untouchable until such time as there is a popular uprising akin to the commies taking over Vietnam. It will be a few years until one sees this come to an end.

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This is INGRAINED..its getting worse because now there are more of them ..what will happen next,because of all the reports in the media...worldwide,,,these tuk tuks willl lose cusdtomers and become more desperate and dangerous..i dread to think whats going to happen when this starts to happen.. ACTION has to be taken by the Government to stop this,they are the only ones who can do it.... now there is a new Govern ment, it delays it again.we cant do nothing only our embassies can pressurise them to do something....

I wonder if the wider government or the prime minister even know anything about this?? I doubt it, as they have bigger fish to fry.

And if the governors of these provinces arent willing to do anything, what hope is there of ever changing anything?

Even in the case of the German guy getting beaten (nearly) to death...one of the first things the official commented on was that it was important to know that costing structures should not be considered in terms of distance travelled :o <deleted>!!!...

HELLO..The guy was in a coma!!! It could be said that some Germans can be hotheads at times, and probably not the most tolerant people in the world, but you cannot just beat him to an inch of his life over 100 baht.

In some countries there would be a public outcry if any official even hinted at an excuse for..say...how assylum seekers were treated. And this example is not so good as the assylum seekers get treated pretty dang good. Probably better than the nationals sometimes .

In any case, a politicians head would roll if he dared say it was the asslum seekers fault he drowned in a leaky boat, tried to hang himself or tried to burn down the resources offered to them..And here we have a country whoose tourism industry (supposedly) wins award after award for the best destination..year after year!!!

Extreme holidaying must be in fashion is all i can say...Come to Thailand and and try your luck...do battle with the three wheeled gladiators...take on a few seemingly harmless khathooeys and see how you go!!!...get drugged by a bargirl and risk being left brain dead!!...you beaut!! this is adventure holidaying at its best!!!

The most worrying thing IMO, is when tourists get beaten up and we continue to see this Thai attitude that even when Thais do wrong there is still some mitigating excuse.:o

Edited by ozzieovaseas
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