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Nakhon Sawan


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there are a few falangs in nakswan but most have just got pissed of with this site.. and tend to keep themselves to themselves..

Just sit outside BigC or Tesco lotus saying hello to any passing falangs until one answers you.

Good luck

Ps if your buying a few of us are out on the piss on friday.. but only if your paying :D

Edited by thaicbr
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If you look further down There's a post on Falang's in Nakhon Sawan. Have a look through it apart from a few post that like the place most including me slate it, the one's that live there don't seem to go out at all, and keep themselves to themselves. Sorry about your situation you should have stayed 100km further north. Where all the happy peep's live. I think your left with a few day's with the in laws.
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Don't have much choice in being in Nakhon Sawan as that's where the Missus has a house and the kids go to school - I work abroad so get 'home' every 2/3 months. Would like to meet a few ex-pats every now & then for a beer or 2!


PSIs the English book shop still open in Nakhon Sawan?

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if you can drive to petchabun, there are plenty of drinking farangs there. about 1,5h drive from nakon sawan. send me a pm if interested.

Certainly has!, there is a small restaurant in the Tesco mall that sells draught Leo & Singha. Schh, its a secret.

sorry to be pedantic buts its Phetchabun (with the h), in case you have forgotten.


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if you can drive to petchabun, there are plenty of drinking farangs there. about 1,5h drive from nakon sawan. send me a pm if interested.

Certainly has!, there is a small restaurant in the Tesco mall that sells draught Leo & Singha. Schh, its a secret.

sorry to be pedantic buts its Phetchabun (with the h), in case you have forgotten.


My Mrs has a friend in Phetchabun and we usually end up at Thai restaurant bars with live music and beer is reasonably priced.

Out of interest how much is the beer in the Tesco you mention.

I call my pub " pub 7 " it's a small family run Thai corner restaurant and large bottle of Chang is 50 bht to anyone 60bht for Leo. :)

Most of the Thai European restaurants in the village when it comes to beer are a rip off except for one rich ladies place but I suppose to be fair to the others they have rents and wages to pay and give people work.

Edited by Kwasaki
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Beers in a large jug 99 Baht and they bung in free ice too for those who need it!. Its cool enough for me just from the tap.

Last Friday we went to the Army course to play golf and it was closed due to all the recent rains. Did the next best thing, retired to the bar and a few jugs were downed.

Phetchabun is cheap for drinks too, just done our annual hols to the coast and this time Koh Chang island, the difference between prices!, I know they have to make profits, pay staff, all the usual stuff, buts there's taking the piss!.


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