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lol @ people saying that the females have the upper hand in a country with a brothel on every street corner.

Your statement seems to imply that women are against prostitution. That is certainly not the case. Prostitution in Thailand is the orderly transfer of money from men who work to women who sit in a bar and drink and eat and party all day long. The most vocal critics of prostitution on this board are male Australians not the women who find many benefits to the business.

Do you really think that it feels good for Thai women every day when they drive home wondering if their husband, who is probably 9/10th's of their life, is one of the men whose car is parked in one of these places having sex with a woman who has been exposed to hundreds of STDs and will thus expose her as well? What percentage of Thai men do you think do not cheat on their wife? Why is it that Thai women are supposed to wait for marriage before they have sex but there is a brothel on every street corner? Thai women are not even allowed to wear pants to school. The must wear see-through white shirts and cute skirts.

And no I am not saying that prostitution should be illegal or that I give a dam_n what you do with your life. I am simply saying that Thai women are not indifferent to it. They are powerless towards it.

A Swiss cheese post. Thai girls through M-3 wear shorts under the skirts and undershirts over the bras. I have seen more than one Thai teacher send a girl home to get an undershirt. It is a big deal, at least at the 12 or so different Thai schools that I am familiar with. Even in some colleges (not all of course) the ladies wear spandex shorts under the skirts. Always thought that was a downer but true. Some other colleges require ankle length skirts or below the knee pleated skirts. Not all the colleges dress up the coeds like hookers. There is life outside of Bangkok.

Taken as a group few Thai women drive. Ride yes but few drive, percentage wise.

But the question remains for that those that are driving home do they worry about Somchai with a hooker? Do they worry about Dengue fever? Probably not. It is just one of those facts of life that make Thailand different.

Why are Thai women supposed to wait for marriage for sex? Because women get pregnant and men don't. I realize that is a simplistic answer but that has always been the answer. Until birth control pills become mandatory after puberty it will remain the answer.

I don't think Thai women taken as a group to include both hi and lo so women of child bearing age are indifferent towards prostitution. I think a slim majority are in favor of it. Especially if one includes the exchange of goods or services for sex as in an arranged union for business or social purposes.

Far from making Thai women powerless it is empowering especially among the lower uneducated class. It gives hope when the only alternative is almost slave labor in a rice paddy or shirt factory.

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Everybody intending on having children should be required to read Barbara Coloroso's book... "Children are worth it". She is a world acclaimed expert on raising children. Unfortunately, children do not come with a set of instructions and by the time the kids are 6 years old their personalities are already set for life. After that it is just redirecting them as they go astray.

There is a HUGE difference between hitting children as a form of abuse and a quick slap on the hand to get their attention. All kids need are 3 things: lots of love, discipline, and consistency. By discipline I do not mean hitting the child, but sometimes that is what it takes to get their attention when they are still too small to reason with. Some kids only need a stern look, while others need firmer control. It starts right as a baby and grows from there. Children MUST be taught the consequences of their own actions. It's one of the prime reasons for all the problems we have today. When I see the results of poor parenting I am surprised that MORE children don't go astray. My ex and I ran a day care for children ages 3 to 8. I saw lots of examples of poor parenting... and that was from parents who actually cared about their children's welfare.

I never had to hit my children, but they certainly had lots of discipline. And, they both grew up to be great parents themselves. By contrast I got spankings all the time and it didn't bother me in the least. In fact it was better getting spanked than it was being ignored. Many times I knew I would get a spanking for doing something I wasn't supposed to and yet I still did the "crime". I just felt it was worth it.

I'm quite sure that very few Thais, if any, have read Barbara Coloroso's book, but they have their own ways of dealing with things. I can't speak for all Thais because I only know the ones from poorer families.. or what Thailand would call its "Middle Class". I know Thais love their children, but how they raise them is something none of us have any power over. It is hard to compare our self righteous Christian beliefs with those of the Buddhist societies in Asia..


Thai parents are generally very permissive with their children. This applies to girls as well as boys, although girls usually start taking on some household chores as they grow older.

Girls take on more responsibilities at yonger ages, therefore muturing quicker ['tis the rule everywhere]....have to learn how to raise the new generation of spoiled brats and their spoiled husbands.


lol @ people saying that the females have the upper hand in a country with a brothel on every street corner.

Your statement seems to imply that women are against prostitution. That is certainly not the case. Prostitution in Thailand is the orderly transfer of money from men who work to women who sit in a bar and drink and eat and party all day long. The most vocal critics of prostitution on this board are male Australians not the women who find many benefits to the business.

Do you really think that it feels good for Thai women every day when they drive home wondering if their husband, who is probably 9/10th's of their life, is one of the men whose car is parked in one of these places having sex with a woman who has been exposed to hundreds of STDs and will thus expose her as well? What percentage of Thai men do you think do not cheat on their wife? Why is it that Thai women are supposed to wait for marriage before they have sex but there is a brothel on every street corner? Thai women are not even allowed to wear pants to school. The must wear see-through white shirts and cute skirts.

And no I am not saying that prostitution should be illegal or that I give a dam_n what you do with your life. I am simply saying that Thai women are not indifferent to it. They are powerless towards it.

A Swiss cheese post. Thai girls through M-3 wear shorts under the skirts and undershirts over the bras. I have seen more than one Thai teacher send a girl home to get an undershirt. It is a big deal, at least at the 12 or so different Thai schools that I am familiar with. Even in some colleges (not all of course) the ladies wear spandex shorts under the skirts. Always thought that was a downer but true. Some other colleges require ankle length skirts or below the knee pleated skirts. Not all the colleges dress up the coeds like hookers. There is life outside of Bangkok.

Taken as a group few Thai women drive. Ride yes but few drive, percentage wise.

But the question remains for that those that are driving home do they worry about Somchai with a hooker? Do they worry about Dengue fever? Probably not. It is just one of those facts of life that make Thailand different.

Why are Thai women supposed to wait for marriage for sex? Because women get pregnant and men don't. I realize that is a simplistic answer but that has always been the answer. Until birth control pills become mandatory after puberty it will remain the answer.

I don't think Thai women taken as a group to include both hi and lo so women of child bearing age are indifferent towards prostitution. I think a slim majority are in favor of it. Especially if one includes the exchange of goods or services for sex as in an arranged union for business or social purposes.

Far from making Thai women powerless it is empowering especially among the lower uneducated class. It gives hope when the only alternative is almost slave labor in a rice paddy or shirt factory.

So what you are saying is that Thai women don't care if their husbands expose them to AIDS and all the other fun STDS by screwing women who have been screwed by hundreds if not thousands of other men?


Your statement seems to imply that women are against prostitution. That is certainly not the case. Prostitution in Thailand is the orderly transfer of money from men who work to women who sit in a bar and drink and eat and party all day long. The most vocal critics of prostitution on this board are male Australians not the women who find many benefits to the business.

Do you really think that it feels good for Thai women every day when they drive home wondering if their husband, who is probably 9/10th's of their life, is one of the men whose car is parked in one of these places having sex with a woman who has been exposed to hundreds of STDs and will thus expose her as well? What percentage of Thai men do you think do not cheat on their wife? Why is it that Thai women are supposed to wait for marriage before they have sex but there is a brothel on every street corner? Thai women are not even allowed to wear pants to school. The must wear see-through white shirts and cute skirts.

And no I am not saying that prostitution should be illegal or that I give a dam_n what you do with your life. I am simply saying that Thai women are not indifferent to it. They are powerless towards it.

A Swiss cheese post. Thai girls through M-3 wear shorts under the skirts and undershirts over the bras. I have seen more than one Thai teacher send a girl home to get an undershirt. It is a big deal, at least at the 12 or so different Thai schools that I am familiar with. Even in some colleges (not all of course) the ladies wear spandex shorts under the skirts. Always thought that was a downer but true. Some other colleges require ankle length skirts or below the knee pleated skirts. Not all the colleges dress up the coeds like hookers. There is life outside of Bangkok.

Taken as a group few Thai women drive. Ride yes but few drive, percentage wise.

But the question remains for that those that are driving home do they worry about Somchai with a hooker? Do they worry about Dengue fever? Probably not. It is just one of those facts of life that make Thailand different.

Why are Thai women supposed to wait for marriage for sex? Because women get pregnant and men don't. I realize that is a simplistic answer but that has always been the answer. Until birth control pills become mandatory after puberty it will remain the answer.

I don't think Thai women taken as a group to include both hi and lo so women of child bearing age are indifferent towards prostitution. I think a slim majority are in favor of it. Especially if one includes the exchange of goods or services for sex as in an arranged union for business or social purposes.

Far from making Thai women powerless it is empowering especially among the lower uneducated class. It gives hope when the only alternative is almost slave labor in a rice paddy or shirt factory.

So what you are saying is that Thai women don't care if their husbands expose them to AIDS and all the other fun STDS by screwing women who have been screwed by hundreds if not thousands of other men?

No, I am saying that you don't know (F all) about Thailand and your post makes that abundantly clear.

Thai men are no more likely to expose their wives to STD's than any other man and a lot less likely than a lot of countries.

Thai women of childbearing age tolerate prostitution better than most women from other countries because it is a double edged sword. Yes it can break up families but it can also save families when no other alternatives are available.

When a man strays one can blame the woman who caused him to stray and in some cases this happens but more commonly in Thailand it is the man that is blamed for not being faithful. It is far more common for the woman to take a knife to the man than the woman in the philandering couple.

Prostitution does not get the blame the drunk unfaithful man gets the blame.


I believe I can put this issue to rest, as I met a Thai boy yesterday who was not spoiled. So the answer to the OPs question is simply No.

Thai men are no more likely to expose their wives to STD's than any other man and a lot less likely than a lot of countries.

I just wanted to quote this for hilarity.

You don't travel much do you? Especially to countries in Africa.


TBL ,so Pattaya rent at B5000 a month got too much so you have moved into your GFs grandmothers house upcountry ? :lol:

Hmmm, she's my wife, she had to go home to look after her mother after an illness, and obviously I had to go with her.

As for Pattaya, I'd much rather be there ( there is a severe lack of visual entertainment in the village ), and no, I can afford the rent, thanks.

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