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General Opinion Of Thai People Among Tourists/Expats?


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No, you were trying to be a smart arse!


Sorry I am not a old tosser in my cups bemoaning my fate and state in life. Sorry I like the place and people where I live. Sorry I smile every day. I don't know why it grates people so much. I assure it would have been easier to stay in the West and do just that. I guess I could have found a whiners forum there to voice my opinion. Somehow though I think that would not have been productive. Actually I stopped crying about my fate when I reached the age when I could do something about it. For me that was 16 years old.

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Have you ever listened to Brits and Aussies in a bar? It is really funny. I mean comical not trying to denigrate either culture but they take great pleasure in bashing one another. Especially during a sporting event. The Americans on Thai Visa I think get depressed reading all the bashing going on because they don't really understand that it is supposed to be funny. The Canadians because of some odd laws have to live 6 months a year in Canada so they are always in a good mood because they see the really bad stuff at least 6 months a year.

Interesting. So the people having 'fun' here bashing each other up are Brits and Aussies? You're right about the Americans though. I was nearly starting to feel responsible for starting this 'fight'. :P

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The Thai's in any of the heavily populated tourist areas are generally c**ts!! FACT

I've never experienced this myself, even with a couple of years living in Bangkok. In fact I think given the size, Bangkok by far has the friendliest people for a large city I've been to (I've been to a lot of cities). I've never worked in a Thai company before, so that's my one lack of experience here, and I always think you get the true measure of a nation if you work there; as a farang living on the "surface" of Thai society, perhaps I am enjoying a life through the prism of a farang-resting-in-Thailand.

I agree, very friendly, very polite. Very two faced. It's the impetus of that famous charm I suspect. I live in Phuket so .. I, got some new story doozies- infamous neighbors latest jack-hole act- 30 cock fighters breaking down my fence running from a raid.

Yes, I can agree, probably the worse of the Thai in Phuket.

It's a cultural divide, this lack of respect, safety is the most glaring example of the lack of conscious.( 1-2 crash today 4th anniversary ) And the animals, Well that really is an Asian phenomena. Ugh, but it's a lot of things-a lack of forethought, the unwillingness to face problems, to admit them even.

I think well it's really off topic but Gladwell has some great theories on heritage and behavior. Tropical peoples don't need to give a da_n, Caucasians do. We would have died if we hadn't.

Edited by TigerWan
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Som nom na is actually quite a bit more rude in Thai actually, it translates to " serves your f**king right".........lovely huh???


That too. I'm beginning to believe in karma. It seems to work for me.

Ian F,

I have to believe Karma is just another ruse to get people to behave in a manner they already know they should.

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I enjoyed the pics very much and I understand, please I do not mean to diminish from your happy experience. I don't doubt you are sincere.

But let's say back in the lot the local village ya-ba dealer / cop / Son in law of whatever, hits you with his Hilux and injures you in front of witnesses.

Now, hypothetically, please compare the testimony your fellow nationalities would submit to police

And then compare it to the testimony of those Thai boys as witnesses.

Can you honestly assign the same level of integrity?

Can you see how I also have enjoyable experiences with Thais. and been in interesting satisfying situations with Thais. But I just simply feel it really a bait and switch and I be going WAYYYYY OT to elaborate.

Edited by TigerWan
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Seems to me most posters on here just don't understand what karma means. Probably the most misused word on here.

It means what you do in this life affects the NEXT life. What happens in THIS life is determined from actions in your PAST lives/

What it DOESN'T mean is do bad in this life and a little later on, in the same lifetime, bad things will happen to you.

Easy innit?

Carry on........

Edited by KarenBravo
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Seems to me most posters on here just don't understand what karma means. Probably the most misused word on here.

It means what you do in this life affects the NEXT life. What happens in THIS life is determined from actions in your PAST lives/

What it DOESN'T mean is do bad in this life and a little later on, in the same lifetime, bad things will happen to you.

Easy innit?

Carry on........

In these cases and references, merit could be used as a decent substitute.

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Seems to me most posters on here just don't understand what karma means. Probably the most misused word on here.

It means what you do in this life affects the NEXT life. What happens in THIS life is determined from actions in your PAST lives/

What it DOESN'T mean is do bad in this life and a little later on, in the same lifetime, bad things will happen to you.

Easy innit?

Carry on........

In these cases and references, merit could be used as a decent substitute.

I think the saying "What comes around, goes around" fits much better.............more poetic, too.

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That was "touching." As for me, an expat who has lived in Thailand on and off for over 20 years and traveled all over Asia, I am certain Thais (and I am generalizing now) are among the worst people (in terms of ethics and morality) in all of Asia. The surface smile (a culturally learned response and nothing more) when directed at a farang typically means, "Hello walking ATM, how can I cheat you today." I see a very rapid rise in xenophobia in Thailand--especially among young people. This will impact negatively tourism and Thailand's image as a good expat retirement destination.

Thank you!!!!

I think several people in this thread still have on their rose tinted specs!


So you've been in Thailand longer than everybody on this thread have you? Only you know the true reality of what Thailand and Thai people are like? :jerk:

What's with the italics? What you say already makes you stand out, I don't think it's needed some how. ;)

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I love Thais as long as I don't have to:-

1. Trust them.

2. Rely on them.

3. Need something from them.

Yup......they're great.

I thought you had a Thai partner??

She must be a real catch if that's how you feel about her. :(

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So let me get this straight. You're trying to tell me these Thai folk are different to us, do things differently, think differently, and behave differently?? :o

Amazing!!! I never knew such a beast existed. We should probably hunt them down and kill them. :coffee1:

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