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Maybe Not Everybody Wants Thaksin To Return


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Maybe not everybody wants Thaksin to return

By Somroutai Sapsomboon

The Nation

Everybody knows that Yingluck Shinawatra and her government are trying to help her brother, fugitive former PM Thaksin, but nobody can tell whether they will succeed.

Since Yingluck was named prime minister, even before she officially began her job, her government started working for her brother's return.

Even before the government's policies were announced in Parliament, Foreign Minister Surapong Towichukchaikul called on the Japanese to allow Thaksin to visit. Though Surapong and Yingluck have both denied this, Japan's chief cabinet secretary said that the Thai government "asked for our help" in issuing a visa for Thaksin and that Tokyo went ahead out of consideration for "bilateral ties".

This, among other things, raises the question of why this government is working so openly to help Thaksin?

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung has revived the issue of a royal pardon for Thaksin, the petition for which was filed by the red shirts two years ago. He has also brought up the issue of the Ratchada land case, for which Thaksin was sentenced to two years in jail by the Supreme Court. Chalerm now says that since the sale of the land was nullified, Thaksin has done nothing wrong.

Also, it appears as if the government is reshuffling a lot of high-ranking officials for Thaksin's benefit. The first move was to give the police chief's post to Priewpan Damapong, the older brother of Thaksin's ex wife Pojaman na Pombejra. The most recent reshuffle was at the Justice Ministry, where key positions were assigned to those close to Thaksin.

The question is why is the government rushing to help Thaksin?

The clearest answer to this query came from Chalerm, who said: "Many people support Pheu Thai because of Thaksin, because they want us to bring him back. Besides promising economic and welfare programmes, Pheu Thai candidates also won support because they promised that bringing Thaksin back would be their top priority."

During his visit to The Nation newsroom on Monday, Deputy PM and Interior Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit said: "Where justice is concerned, matters should not be delayed by a single day. It may appear as if this government is moving too quickly to help Thaksin, but the fact that nothing happened under the previous government is overlooked."

He admitted that that some people did not like Thaksin, but added that this number has not increased and might even be dropping. Thaksin's supporters, though, are rising in numbers at an alarming rate.

So, is it possible for him to return and when?

A high-ranking Pheu Thai source said Thaksin is still insisting that he will only return if his jail term is revoked. "He has always said he will not spend a single day behind bars. Personally, I don't think he is ready to return just yet, especially since there are many matters still waiting to be sorted out."

Apart from Thaksin's personal reasons, maybe many key members - with the exception of Yingluck - would not want their boss to return just yet. Many will benefit from Thaksin living in exile.

For instance Chalerm, the very man who seems to be pushing for the former PM's return, might be the first who does not want Thaksin to come home.

Chalerm often acts as if he is the premier and is obviously enjoying this power.

Why? Because Thaksin is not here.

Also, Chalerm has made it clear that he is the only person in the Yingluck government who can fight against the opposition Democrat Party.

A source close to Chalerm said that Thaksin calls Chalerm up four times a week - even more than Yingluck does.

"Thaksin wants Chalerm to protect his sister, who is a political novice," the source said.

Apart from Chalerm, there is a group of 111 banned politicians who might not want Thaksin to return. After all, this group is trying to build its power base in this government and is working hard to influence Thaksin because it is not too happy with the role Chalerm is playing.

Now, if Thaksin returns, will these factions be able to control the ruling party and the government? So, apart from his enemies, perhaps Thaksin's men are also putting up obstacles to his way back home.


-- The Nation 2011-09-15

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Apart from Thaksin's personal reasons, maybe many key members - with the exception of Yingluck - would not want their boss to return just yet. Many will benefit from Thaksin living in exile.

Some of these characters are indeed like the insects caught in the spiders web and then wrapped in the web to be stored as a food source for later. They want the power and the kudos that goes with the position but fear that their gang boss will demand their total commitment to him alone.

Yet their are some who are trapped on the sticky web but not yet bound up into a food package

Thaksin at the moment may well be the alpha male black widow spider species, however he would indeed do well to remember the fate of the male black widow spider species once the relationship with the alpha female of the species is consummated.

Of course it may not be the female of the species that inflicts the final blow to Thaksins plan, there are indeed many cannibalistic male black spiders in his pay

Oh that web of deceit is indeed a tangled one. the feeding frenzy is low key at this time but it will explode or implode.

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".....Chalerm now says that since the sale of the land was nullified, Thaksin has done nothing wrong. ......"

Chalerm has a doctoral degree in law (from Ramkumhaeng Uni). He knows very well that this is not how the law works and he knows well why his statement, above, is wrong and very misleading.

Thaksin signed a document on behalf of Thailand to authorise the sale of a large piece ov very expensive land at a bargain price to his wife.

He committed a serious crime and he knew he was committing a serious crime.

The fact that at a later time more brave folks raised the issue and the sale was cancelled.

That doesn't alter anything, thaksin broke the law - a serious law which is there to protect the assets of all Thias from being stolen by people who have power and attempt to use that power for their personal benefit. A very good law.

Chalerm is at least totally dishonest.

Edited by scorecard
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Chalerm now says that since the sale of the land was nullified, Thaksin has done nothing wrong.

This theory also applied to his sons, one of whom who murdered an off duty policeman and another who has engaged in numerous public brawls.

Low life thugs just like their paymaster.

Edited by siampolee
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I would cheer for anyone who had any type of vision for the future of Thailand and a plan on how to get everyone there. Sadly, I don't see anyone in power interested in anything more than personal gain.

Taksin was typical, not special, in every way.

Why does anyone care if he comes back, or not?

During a gang rape does it really make any difference which devil is on top at any particular moment?

Hope a white knight appears sometime soon.

It has been downhill since PM Chatchai.

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Another meme

In the power elite across the spectrum are many who may benefit or not in some personal, personal business or face way from Thaksins return or no return or depending on when it happens. However, you wont find many if any who dont realise the ending of the whole crisis depends on resolving the Thaksin question. Either he is defeated or he returns, and only in the return is there any leeway to do a deal, as it could be on terms or with him winning. Failure to resolve this issue will only continue to impede development and opportunity which at the end of the day is not really in the people's interest and certainly not in the interest of the country. It is just a matter of what form the resolution takes and how messy it all is or isnt.

Edited by hammered
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"He admitted that that some people did not like Thaksin, but added that this number has not increased and might even be dropping. Thaksin's supporters, though, are rising in numbers at an alarming rate."

Better bring him back fast to halt the growth of this latter day Bonny Prince Charlie legend. A new generation of voters needs to see what he is actually like in the flesh and no doubt the alarming rise in numbers would soon be seen on the other side of the chart.

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"He admitted that that some people did not like Thaksin, but added that this number has not increased and might even be dropping. Thaksin's supporters, though, are rising in numbers at an alarming rate."

Better bring him back fast to halt the growth of this latter day Bonny Prince Charlie legend. A new generation of voters needs to see what he is actually like in the flesh and no doubt the alarming rise in numbers would soon be seen on the other side of the chart.

Pheu Thai executive k. Yongyuth admitted some do not like Thaksin and this number might be dropping. The only thing he seems to be forgotten to add is that pigs not only can fly but also whistle


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I am weary of hearing about this man. I honestly do not know if he is an ogre or someone wronged by his political enemies. I'm just a farang who came here to live in peace and escape what I found objectionable in the West. I cannot see how his return or continued absence affects my life here. Let the Thais sort it out. It isn't my country, just where I live.

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I would cheer for anyone who had any type of vision for the future of Thailand and a plan on how to get everyone there. Sadly, I don't see anyone in power interested in anything more than personal gain.

Taksin was typical, not special, in every way.

Why does anyone care if he comes back, or not?

During a gang rape does it really make any difference which devil is on top at any particular moment?

Hope a white knight appears sometime soon.

It has been downhill since PM Chatchai.

Very well said.

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I would cheer for anyone who had any type of vision for the future of Thailand and a plan on how to get everyone there. Sadly, I don't see anyone in power interested in anything more than personal gain.

Taksin was typical, not special, in every way.

Why does anyone care if he comes back, or not?

During a gang rape does it really make any difference which devil is on top at any particular moment?

Hope a white knight appears sometime soon.

It has been downhill since PM Chatchai.

This is easy to falsify, how much did Thaksin's net worth increase during his time as PM and how much did Abhisit's?

My understanding is three times for the first and nothing for the second.

It's so easy to fall back (or thrust forward as the case may be) that all and everyone is as crooked as the other; usually with the purpose of absolving of any guilt the people that had or continue to rob the country hand over fist.

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I am weary of hearing about this man. I honestly do not know if he is an ogre or someone wronged by his political enemies. I'm just a farang who came here to live in peace and escape what I found objectionable in the West. I cannot see how his return or continued absence affects my life here. Let the Thais sort it out. It isn't my country, just where I live.

Trust me. If you ever actually met the man, you would realize he is more than an ogre. His continued absence, preferably through death, would make your life dramatically better as all this ridiculous fighting would stop. He is the cause of all of it. The other issues, while all very real and very worthy of discussion, are really only secondary. They wouldn't amount to anything by themselves.

During his visit to The Nation newsroom on Monday, Deputy PM and Interior Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit said: "Where justice is concerned, matters should not be delayed by a single day.

I agree. Let's hang Thaksin immediately for treason and terrorism.

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"Maybe not everybody wants Thaksin to return"

Really? Wow, who'd have thought?

Yawn yawn. More fluff from The Nation. I can just see the newsroom. "Pretty quiet today, bit light on for news". "Just write some more shit about Thaksin coming back, quote Chalerm a lot"

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During his visit to The Nation newsroom on Monday, Deputy PM and Interior Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit said: "Where justice is concerned, matters should not be delayed by a single day.

Hmmmm....Well, we've been waiting 1,518 days for justice to be served on the Red Shirt Leaders who instrumented their riot in 2007 injuring hundreds.

It's good to know the Perpetual Resigning Deputy PM is going to seek an end to this delay and assist in prosecuting his fellow Pheu Thai Party MP's who were involved.


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Yingluck ... and her government are trying to help ... fugitive former PM Thaksin, but nobody can tell whether they will succeed.

I hope not

why this government is working so openly to help Thaksin?

Nepotism and Cronyism

since the sale of the land was nullified, Thaksin has done nothing wrong

WHAT!! This is like saying attempted murder is not a crime as the murder never happened or I robbed a bank but gave the money back so I'm not a thief.

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He admitted that that some people did not like Thaksin

Count me in that number...I mean who does like a crook except maybe other crooks.

So, is it possible for him to return and when?

I hope not and never....unless he goes to jail and serves the whole of his 2 year sentance that is.

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since the sale of the land was nullified, Thaksin has done nothing wrong

WHAT!! This is like saying attempted murder is not a crime as the murder never happened or I robbed a bank but gave the money back so I'm not a thief.

That's right. Nullifying the deal does not nullify the act of committing the crime. He did it, and that fact cannot be reversed, because the past cannot be changed.

It's sickening that the new leaders of Thailand are intent on misleading the people of this country with such false logic.

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I am weary of hearing about this man. I honestly do not know if he is an ogre or someone wronged by his political enemies. I'm just a farang who came here to live in peace and escape what I found objectionable in the West. I cannot see how his return or continued absence affects my life here. Let the Thais sort it out. It isn't my country, just where I live.

Here's the point bedouin you came here to live and escape what you found objectionable in the west. What you seem to be saying is that you only really care about yourself. I too left the west not because i particularly find things objectionable but love Thailand. I guess what I am trying to say is that Thai's in general can't just pick up and leave. They are stuck here with this mess that Thaskin created with caring only about himself. If you care about the Thai's as you probably do and are living in their country then maybe you should consider how this one man has turn a awesome country and it's people against one another to regain his power and the rest of his money. I wouldn't call Thaskin an Ogre, just a huge asswh*le

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I am weary of hearing about this man. I honestly do not know if he is an ogre or someone wronged by his political enemies. I'm just a farang who came here to live in peace and escape what I found objectionable in the West. I cannot see how his return or continued absence affects my life here. Let the Thais sort it out. It isn't my country, just where I live.

good for you. maybe another thread would be more to your liking so run along as some of us like to discuss this particular subject.

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since the sale of the land was nullified, Thaksin has done nothing wrong

WHAT!! This is like saying attempted murder is not a crime as the murder never happened or I robbed a bank but gave the money back so I'm not a thief.

That's right. Nullifying the deal does not nullify the act of committing the crime. He did it, and that fact cannot be reversed, because the past cannot be changed.

It's sickening that the new leaders of Thailand are intent on misleading the people of this country with such false logic.

Propaganda>Their are huge propaganda systems in place in this country. Public relations industry is fundamentally a propaganda system. It is a enormous industry developed first in the UK and the US which are the two countries that were most free and democratic and that's where you need a propaganda system, because there you cannot control people by forcing someone. You have to control their belief's and attitudes and that is a very conscious act. The core of democracy is the engineering of consent.

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Another meme

In the power elite across the spectrum are many who may benefit or not in some personal, personal business or face way from Thaksins return or no return or depending on when it happens. However, you wont find many if any who dont realise the ending of the whole crisis depends on resolving the Thaksin question. Either he is defeated or he returns, and only in the return is there any leeway to do a deal, as it could be on terms or with him winning. Failure to resolve this issue will only continue to impede development and opportunity which at the end of the day is not really in the people's interest and certainly not in the interest of the country. It is just a matter of what form the resolution takes and how messy it all is or isnt.

Don't anyone be fooled by this man (Taksin), he will not, however just give up or in, as he is devoured by the obsession to be the chief of this country - and no one, none else - above him!

As the audience has seen he will do anything, anything to get it his way and make his dream come through, never cam across someone who displays his longing so crisp and clear and how doesn't carer the <deleted> about anything else, especially not about "the law"! This is only there for him to use it as a tool!

look at the like his "friend" Hun Sen, his Montenegrin host... similarities between this guy and Gaddafi, Assad, Hussein... yes there are, well only he hasn't got the power yet, he is aiming for - in 2006 he made this tiny mistake and it must ever since drive this man absolutely mad and up the virtual wall, as he was so close

Edited by Samuian
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Another meme

In the power elite across the spectrum are many who may benefit or not in some personal, personal business or face way from Thaksins return or no return or depending on when it happens. However, you wont find many if any who dont realise the ending of the whole crisis depends on resolving the Thaksin question. Either he is defeated or he returns, and only in the return is there any leeway to do a deal, as it could be on terms or with him winning. Failure to resolve this issue will only continue to impede development and opportunity which at the end of the day is not really in the people's interest and certainly not in the interest of the country. It is just a matter of what form the resolution takes and how messy it all is or isnt.

Don't anyone be fooled by this man (Taksin), he will not, however just give up or in, as he is devoured by the obsession to be the chief of this country - and no one, none else - above him!

As the audience has seen he will do anything, anything to get it his way and make his dream come through, never cam across someone who displays his longing so crisp and clear and how doesn't carer the <deleted> about anything else, especially not about "the law"! This is only there for him to use it as a tool!

look at the like his "friend" Hun Sen, his Montenegrin host... similarities between this guy and Gaddafi, Assad, Hussein... yes there are, well only he hasn't got the power yet, he is aiming for - in 2006 he made this tiny mistake and it must ever since drive this man absolutely mad and up the virtual wall, as he was so close

"and no one, none else above him" These words are so prophetic and should worry most Thai people!

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Another meme

In the power elite across the spectrum are many who may benefit or not in some personal, personal business or face way from Thaksins return or no return or depending on when it happens. However, you wont find many if any who dont realise the ending of the whole crisis depends on resolving the Thaksin question. Either he is defeated or he returns, and only in the return is there any leeway to do a deal, as it could be on terms or with him winning. Failure to resolve this issue will only continue to impede development and opportunity which at the end of the day is not really in the people's interest and certainly not in the interest of the country. It is just a matter of what form the resolution takes and how messy it all is or isnt.

Don't anyone be fooled by this man (Taksin), he will not, however just give up or in, as he is devoured by the obsession to be the chief of this country - and no one, none else - above him!

As the audience has seen he will do anything, anything to get it his way and make his dream come through, never cam across someone who displays his longing so crisp and clear and how doesn't carer the <deleted> about anything else, especially not about "the law"! This is only there for him to use it as a tool!

look at the like his "friend" Hun Sen, his Montenegrin host... similarities between this guy and Gaddafi, Assad, Hussein... yes there are, well only he hasn't got the power yet, he is aiming for - in 2006 he made this tiny mistake and it must ever since drive this man absolutely mad and up the virtual wall, as he was so close

"and no one, none else above him" These words are so prophetic and should worry most Thai people!

Give most of the ones who voted for him - oops sorry, his sister another 2 / 300 Bht and they couldn't care less.

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