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Practice of the day (10 June 2007)

คำศัพท์เกี่ยวกับเทคโนโลยี kham s,ap k,iao(+) k,ap th>ee(i)k noo loo y>ii 技術に関する言葉 words related to technology

เทคโนโลยี th>ee(i)k noo loo y>ii 技術 technology

อุตสาหกรรม ?,ut s<aa ha kam 工業、産業 industry

โรงงาน roo(+)ng gnaan 工場 factory

ผลิต phal,it 生産する produce

ทรัพยากร s'ap pha yaa koo(a)n 資源 resources

ทรัพยากรธรรมชาติ s'ap pha yaa koo(a)n thammach>aat 天然資源 natural resources

วัถุดิบ w'at th,u(+)? d,ip 原料 raw material, material

ดีบุก dii b,u(+)K 錫 tin

ปรมาณู paramaanuu 原子 atom

พลาสติก phl'aat sa t,ik プラスチック、ビニール plastic

พลังงาน phalang ngaan エネルギー energy

เขื่อน kh,u(i)ang ダム dam

เครื่อง khr>u(i)ang 機械 machine

น้ำนัน n'am man ガソリン gasoline

แก็ส k'ee(a)t ガス gas

ส่วนประกอบ s,u(+)an prak,oo(a)p 部品 parts

โครงการ khroo(+)ng kaan プロジェクト project

คอมพิวเตอร์ khoo(a)m phiw t>aa(*) コンピューター computer

พัฒนา ph'at tha naa 発展する、開発する develop, grow

ก้าวหน้า k>aao(+) n>aa 進歩する progress, improve, advance

เจริญ caraa(*)n 繁栄する prosper, thrive


pray>oo(+)t th>ii ch'ai kham s,ap k,iao(+) k,ap th>ee(i)k noo loo y>ii


sentence using words related to technology.



Thailand is becoming to be an industrial country.

Practice of the day (10 June 2007)

คำศัพท์เกี่ยวกับประชุม kham s,ap k,iao(+) k,ap prachum 会議に関する言葉 words related to meeting

ประชุม prachum 会議、ミーティング meeting

ประชุมกัน prachum kan ミーティングをする hold a meeting

ยึ่น y>uu(i)n 提出する submit

เสนอ san<aa(*) 提案する propose, make proposal

ความเห็น khwaam h<e(i)n 意見 opinion

ความคิด khwaam kh'it 考え方、意見 thinking, idea, opinion

แสดง sadee(a)ng 表明する express

ประกาศ pra k,aat 発表、発表する release an announcement

รายงาน raai ngaan 報告、報告する report, inform

แผนการ ph<ee(a)n kaan 案、計画 plan, schedule

วางแผน waang ph<ee(a)n 計画する plan

หัวข้อ h<u(+)a kh>oo(a) タイトル、テーマ title, theme

วิจารณ์ w'i caan 批判する critisize

พูดเล่น ph>uu(+)t l>e(i)n 冗談を言う make a joke

บ่น b,o(+)n 不満を言う express dissatisfaction

คัดค้าน kh'at kh'aan 反対する oppose

เห็นด้วย h<e(i)n d>u(+)ai 同意する agree

เรียกร้อง r>iak r'oo(a)ng 要求する demand

สนับสนุน san,ap san<u(+)n 支持する support

ตัดสิน t,at s<in 決定する make a decision

อนุญาต ?an'u y>aat 許可する permit


pray>oo(+)t th>ii ch'ai kham s,ap k,iao(+) k,ap prachum


sentence using words related to meeting


?,yaa ph>uut l>en n'a?


Don't make a joke.


kh<ao(+) pe(i)n n'ak wicaan mii ch>uu(i)


He is a famous critic.

เรื่องนี้ ผมไม่เห็นด้วย

r>u(i)ang n'ii phom m>ai h<e(i)n d>u(+)ai


I don't agree with this matter.


kh<oo(a) ?an'u y>aat


seek (ask) a permission

Once again thanks for the vocab. I'd like to write a couple sentences myself to practice.

เราประชุมกันทุกๆ วันศุกร์ แต่ว่า วันนี้ผมจะประกาสว่าสับดาห์นี้เราต้องเลื่อนเวลาการประชุมไปเป็นวันจันทร์ ในประชุมมีห้วขอสามขอ ขอที่๑ เจ้าหน้าที่ต้องรายงานผลการทำงาน ขอที่๒ เจ้าหน้าที่เสนอแผนงานของสับดาห์หน้า ขอที่๓ เปืดโอกาสไห้กับผู้ร่วมประชุมแสดงออกความคิดเห็นและบ่น We hold a meeting every Friday but today I will make an announcement that this week we have to postpone the meeting until Monday. In the meeting there will be three themes/issues. #1 employees must report on the results of their work. #2 Employees prop0se their working plan for the next week. #3 An opportunity is given for participants of the meeting to express opinions and make complaints.

I stretched myself on that a little bit (particularly ขอที่๓) which means there is a high chance that it needs revision/rewriting.



Thank you very much for your attention to my postings.

I had trouble since early in the morning of 12 June 2007 i.e. my notebook pc suddenly broken out.

I’ve tried my best to rescue my notebook and I managed to succeed but only after 40 hours since broken.

I haven’t slept since the broken until the recovery yesterday at night. I am so sleepy.

While I read your practice, I feel that the sentence is nice because it is not only for practice but also for practical use in our daily life.

We can use the sentence for actual daily life. I like the way for learning Thai language for practical use in our life.

Thank you very much.


Hi all:

In the early morning of 12 June 2007, my notebook PC got broken suddenly and since then, I made every effort for recovery of the system but unfortunately my effort had come to be unsuccessful. Finally I decided to format the hard disk and re-install the system. I had experienced re-install many times so I was confident to be able to recover my notebook PC. After long time of trial for recovery, I realized that the problem was caused by hardware of my PC, not caused by software. Finally I'd found the cause of the breakdown i.e. breakdown of inner modem of my notebook PC. I went OEC in KKC to purchase USB Modem and then I installed it in the PC. My loving notebook PC recovered life again but only after about 40 hours since the breakdown. I had not slept 40 hours to recover the system. At the moment, I’m fixing minor arrangement for the full recovery of my PC.

Thank you.


Practice of the day (15 June 2007)


kham s,ap k,iao(+) k,ap boo(a)ris,at


words related to company (firm).




company, firm




section, department


th>ii thamngaan




nga(*)n du(i)an












c>ao(+) n>aa th>ii


officer in charge, person in charge


pha n'ak ngaan


the staff






naam b,at


name card


s,o(+)ng s




s,ang sao(+)




tu(+)a y,aang




lo(+)ng thu(+)n




kh,aat thu(+)n




d>ai kamrai


make a profit










ch>u(+)i l




r>u(+)am muu(i)




y>ii h>oo(a)


trade mark


pray>oo(+)t th>ii ch'ai kham s,ap k,iao(+) k,ap boo(a)ris,at


sentence using words related to company (firm).


khai m'ai


association for cooperation of economy between Japan and Thailand.


samu(+)am muu(i) thaang s,ee(i)t tha k,it y>iipun thai


Can I see the sample a little bit?


correction of the above posting (Sorry ms-excel had problem but solved already)


บริหาร boo(a)rih<aan 管理する control

เสมียน sam<ian 事務員 clerk

ส่งสินค้าออก s,o(+)ng s<inkh'aa ?,oo(a)k 輸出する export

สั่งสินค้าเข้า s,ang s<inkh'aa kh>ao(+) 輸入する import

สัญญา s<an yaa 契約する contract

ช่วยเหลือ ch>ua(+)i l<u(i)a 援助する assistance


Hi all:

My daughter is 4 years old and she is going to kindergarten near my home.

I received a letter from the kindergarten yesterday i.e. notification of event related Buddhism traditional custom.

It is not much difficult but I had a trouble in reading the phrase เพื่อเป็นการนึกถึงบรูพาจารย์.

It is not in my dictionary. Could anybody help me in this regard?


185 ถนนกสิกรทุ่งสร้าง

อำเภอเมือง จังหวัดขอนแก่น

12มิถุนายน 2550

เรียน ผู้ปกครอง ด.ญ. สุพรรษา สอนสะอาด



สำหรับปีการศึกษา 2550 นี้ ทางโรงเรียนได้กำหนดวัน

พฤหัสบดีที่ 21 มิถุนายน 2550 เป็นวันประกอบพิธีไหว้ครู




กิจกรรมจะแล้วเสร็จในเวลาประมาณ 11.00น. ฉะนั้นทางโรงเรียนขอให้



นางสาวอ้อมใจ พราหมณ์ไธสง






(translation by srachai – not much confident)

Kindergarten Ratrii

Address:185 kasikoonthungsaan road, A.Muang, Khonkaen

According to an established custom in Thailand, an event for expressing children’s respect for teachers has come.

In 2550 (Buddhist Era), the event for expressing children’s respect for teachers will be held on the Buddhism holy day, 21 June 2550 (B.E.).

Therefore each parent is kindly requested to bring sticks of incense or candles

Entire schedule of the event will be closed by 11 o’clock in the morning so it will be much obliged if parents come and meet their children.

Yours truly,

Oomchai Phrahamthaisong



For children who belong to the school, please bring some flowers and candles.

Please do not forget Vase for flowers.


Hi Khun Srachai,

Interesting letter. I think most of your translation is correct, I will try to see if I can make it a little clearer.

As for your main question, I am not 100% sure, but I think it could be a typo for ครูบาจารย์ which is a type of 'elaborate expression' (an extended expression with the purpose of making the language sound more beautiful) for 'teachers' - it contains both the words ครู and อาจารย์ with บา in between. The บา is just added as a sound rhyme with the า in อาจารย์ and has no meaning of its own.

Kindergarten Ratrii

Address:185 kasikoonthungsaan road, A.Muang, Khonkaen

The school will be arranging 'wai khruu' day which is an established custom in Thailand and a yearly event where students pay respect to their teachers.

In 2550 (Buddhist Era), the 'wai khruu' ceremony will be held on Thursday, 21 June 2550 (B.E.).

Therefore the parent (guardian) of each student is kindly requested to arrange trays with incense or candles and have the children dress in their school uniforms.

The ceremony will be finished by 11 o’clock in the morning, so we would be much obliged if the parents (guardians) could come to meet their children at that time.

Yours truly,

Oomchai Phrahamthaisong



Children in the introductory year are requested to arrange vases (cones?) with flowers and incense, and bring trays of flowers to school.

พาน is a type of tray on a stand used for ceremonial purposes

ชุดนักเรียน school uniform

เพื่อเป็นการนึกถึง [literally] in order to think of; in order to reminisce

นักเรียนที่อยู่ชั้นเตรียมอนุบาล students who are in the introductory (preparation; training) year


Dear Meadish:

Thank you very much for your quick response to the matter.

I have to take my daughter to the kindergarten tomorrow morning so I can ask the schoolmistress as to whether that word is typo or not.

I will inform you of the result.

Thank you very much for your kind cooperation.


Srachai and Meadish,

The word actually is "บูรพาจารย์". It means father and mother, parents, first teacher.


Hi Yoot:

Thank you very much for your kind help.

I still cannot find the word บูรพาจารย์ in my dictionary but I could find out the word บุพพาจารย์ (=parents).

I think your suggestion is the closest among us.

Anyway I have to go to the kindergarten tomorrow morning and I’ll ask the schoolmistress for the correct answer.

Thank you.


Practice of the day (17 June 2007)

คำศัพท์เกี่ยวกับอาชีพ kham s,ap k,iao(+) k,ap ?aach>iip 職業に関する言葉 words related to occupation

อาชีพ ?aach>iip 職業 occupation

ทหาร thah<aan 軍人 soldier

ข้าราชการ kh>aa r>aat cha kaan 公務員 public employee

นักธุรกิจ n'ak th'u(+) r'a k,it ビジネスマン business man

ช่างไม้ ch>aang m'aai 大工 carpenter

คนงาน khon ngaan 工員 factory worker

ยาม yaam 守衛 gatekeeper

พนักงานธนาคาร phan'ak ngaan thanaakhaan 銀行員 bank clerk

ชาวประมง chaao(+) pramong 漁民 fishermen

ชาวนา / ชาวไร่ chaao(+) naa / chaao(+) r>ai 農民 farmer

ภารโรง phaan roo(+)ng 用務員 caretaker

วิศวกร w'it sa w'a koo(a)n エンジニア、技術者 engineer

กุ๊ก k'u(+)k コック cook

ที่ปรึกษา th>ii pr,u(i)k s<aa コンサルタント、相談役 consultant

ผู้เชี่ยวชาญ ph>uu(+) ch>iao(+) chaan 専門家 specialist

เลขานุการ leek h<aa n'u(+) kaan 秘書 secretary

ผู้รับผิดชอบ ph>uu(+) r'ap ph,it ch>oo(a)p 責任者 person in charge

ผู้จัดการ ph>uu(+) c,at kaan 支配人、マネージャー manager

ประธานบริษัท prathaan boo(a)ris,at 社長 president

ผู้อำนวยการ ph>uu(+) ?amnuai kaan 理事 director

นักการเมือง n'ak kaan mu(i)ang 政治家 politician

เกษตรกร kas,ee(i)t tra koo(a)n 農民 farmer

เกรตรกรรม kas,ee(i)t tra kam 農業 agriculture


Hi Meadish & Yoot:

I’ve met the schoolmistress in this morning. She has original draft of the letter. According to the explanation given by the schoolmistress, her typist miss-typed the original draft. It reveals that ครูบาจารย์ is the correct spelling in the original draft. I am impressed by the broad knowledge of Khun Meadish towords Thai language very much.

Thank you.


Practice of the day (18 June 2007)

คำศัพท์เกี่ยวกับศิลปะ kham s,ap k,iao(+) k,ap s<in l'a p,a? 芸術に関する言葉 words related to art

ศิลปะ s<in l'a p,a? 芸術 Art

เครื่องดินเผา khr>u(i)ang din ph<ao(+) 陶磁器 Pottery

วรรณคดี wan na kha dii 古典文学 Classical literature

วรรณกรรม wan na kam 近代文学 Modern literature

นาฏศิลป์ n>aat ta s<in 古典舞踊 Classical dancing

ละคร lakhoo(a)n 古典劇、ドラマ、劇 A classical play, drama, play

นักดนตรี n'ak dontrii 音楽家 Musician

นักเขียน n'ak kh<ian 作家 Writer

นักวาดภาพ n'ak w>aat ph>aap 画家 Painter

ปูชนียบุคคล puu cha nii y'a b,u(+)k kho(+)n 人間文化財 Living cultural properties / Living national treasure

สารคดี s<aa r'a kha dii ドキュメント Document

นักแสดง n'ak sadee(a)ng 俳優 Actor

นางเอก / พระเอก naang ?,ee(i)k / phr'a? ?,ee(i)k 主演、主役 Starring, the leading cast

ละครสัตว์ lakhoo(a)n s,at サーカス Circus

นักร้อง n'ak r'oo(a)ng 歌手 Singer

ดารา daa raa スター、アイドル Star, idol

ปรบมือ pr,o(+)p muu(i) 拍手する clap (one's hands)

โรงหนัง roo(+)ng n<ang 映画館 Movie theater

โรงละคร roo(+)ng lakhoo(a)n 劇場 Theater

คอนเสิร์ต khoo(a)n s,aa(*)t コンサート Concert

หอศิลป์ h<oo(a) s<in 美術館 Museum


pray>oo(+)t th>ii ch'ai kham s,ap k,iao(+) k,ap s<in l'a p,a?


sentence using words related to art


khu(+)n ch>oo(a)p phlee(i)ng kh<oo(a)ng n'ak r'oo(a)ng kho(+)n n<ai


Which singer's song do you like?

Hi Meadish & Yoot:

I’ve met the schoolmistress in this morning. She has original draft of the letter. According to the explanation given by the schoolmistress, her typist miss-typed the original draft. It reveals that ครูบาจารย์ is the correct spelling in the original draft. I am impressed by the broad knowledge of Khun Meadish towords Thai language very much.

Thank you.

Well, I don't want to argue much just want to point out that using the word 'ครูบาจารย์' is wrong. The correct word for this one is "ครูบาอาจารย์". But people always make mistake about this word.

ครูบาอาจารย means teachers or instructors.

While ครูบา itself in dictionary means 'senior elephant trainer.' in Issaan laungauge, but it's mostly used for the senior monk who getting a lot of respects from people and monks and then become 'ครูบาจารย์' (a senior teacher of the monks).

As for 'wai kroo' ceremony, the word which is used has to be 'บูรพาจารย์' or 'บุพพาจารย์' or 'บุรพาจารย์'. Even in the chanting we do in this ceremony, there is some part of them have this word.

I believe that in their draft they wrote it 'ครูบาจารย์' because of the lack of language knowledge.

Try to read on thispage.


I am sure Yoot is correct in the case of บูรพาจารย์ - as indicated above I was not sure and just providing my best guess based on the words I knew myself.

It is probably a case of the school getting the two expressions mixed up.


To: Khun Yoot:

Cc: Khun Meadish:

Thank you very much for your comment on the topic. While reading your posting several times, I was still confusing. Only thing I could say is that the schoolmistress admitted the mistake and the correct word was ครูบาจารย์ (=teacher). But it may (should) be บูรพาจารย์ (=parents) as pointed out by you. It makes sense thread-wise whereas ครูบาจารย์ (=teacher) makes lesser sense because teachers are not necessary to remind the ceremony, teachers are working at the school.


I decided to visit the kindergarten once again.

I just have come back from the kindergarten after considerable time (30 minutes) of discussion about the issue.

Finally schoolmistress and 2 of her co-workers admitted that the correct word to be used is บูรพาจารย์ (=parents).

I’m sorry for the miss-information in the morning.

I think this kind of issue is a little bit difficult even for Thai native speakers.

One-step upwards.

Thank you.


To clarify the meaning of the word บูรพาจารย์, I'd like to explain some Thai grammar rules about this kind of word.

There are grammar rules for combining words together. They might be words from Pali+Pali, Sanskrit+Sanskrit, Thai+Sanskrit and Thai+Sanskrit. We call this rule of combination as "สมาส" and "สนธิ"

The word บูรพาจารย์ is from บูรพ สนธิ with อาจารย์ (บูรพ + อาจารย์)

บูรพ or บุพ or บุรพ means former, before, previous, first, prior, preceeding, eastern, earlier than.

อาจารย์ - teacher

บูรพาจารย์ means the former teacher. I don't know for other cultures but for Thai culture we consider parents as kid's first teachers.

In the 'wai kroo' ceremony, this word is used because we want the kids to think of and pay respect to every of their former teachers who taught them including parents.


Hi All:

My wife delivered my third daughter at around 12:40 on 20th June 2007 in Konkaen Ram Hospital.

Unfortunately the baby has trouble about her lungs, it is kind of pneumonia and she is in ICU.

I'm so sympathized that I cannot eat any meal for several days.

Information as of Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My daughter is not in critical condition at the moment but her physical condition is rather tough to recover. It’ll take some time more for the recovery in ICU. I decided to live in Khonkaen Ram hospital (Room No. 507) until she totally recovers. Doctor told me yesterday that my daughter had to be in ICU at least 7 days more, but I think it’ll take more days than Doctor’s diagnose. Yes I can fight to protect my daughter.


Dear Khun Srachai

I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's problem. It is a tough time now for all of you, but it is great and reassuring to hear you have the determination to be there and support your wife and daughter.

I wish you and your family all the best of luck and hope your daughter's recovery to full health is as smooth as possible.

Kind regards,



Khun Meadish:

Thank you very much for your cheering me up.

I’ve just finished washing clothes and cleaning the room at my home in Khonkaen.

Now I have to go to the kindergarten to meet my daughter and we will be back in Khonkaen Ram Hospital as usual.

Thank you very much.


Hi All:

As of 27 June 2007:

After the x-ray examination on 25 June 2007, doctor prescribed very special drug for the damage of my daughter’s lungs. This medication has worked out dramatically. Oxygen inhalation is not to be used anymore, which makes her father and mother very happy. 6 years ago, we’ve lost our first daughter Makua-chan by the same disease as my third daughter is suffering now, so we have to watch our third daughter Sii-Faa-chan very carefully. Makua-chan suddenly passed away on the way of recovery after the sudden change of physical condition. Only 12 days of life in the ICU. I will give my daughter Sii-Faa-chan the very best treatment in hand so that we never regret about the treatment.

I will fight against the disease of Sii-Faa-chan as a father of her.


Hi Khun Srachai

It looks like Sii-Faa-chan has made another important step on the way towards recovery. That is great news! :o Keeping my fingers crossed in hope for your daughter.

All the best



Khun Srachai,

I've missed your posts over the last week. I'm so sorry to hear about the complications with your daughter, though I'm glad to hear that she's made some improvement. I hope that she continues to do so and that you'll soon be able to bring her home and happy.

Best wishes.



Khun Srachai,

ขอให้ลูกสาวหายไวไว กลับมามีสุขภาพแข็งแรง แล้วก็โตวันโตคืน พวกเราจะเป็นกำลังใจให้คุณ

Hi Khun Srachai

It looks like Sii-Faa-chan has made another important step on the way towards recovery. That is great news! :D Keeping my fingers crossed in hope for your daughter.

All the best


Hi Khun Srachai!

I send you and all of your family the best of luck and healing magic for your young daughter... My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones...

Let us know how it all works out when you have time... Take good care of yourself, too. We all miss your good teachings...

All the best,




As of 28 June 2007

Thank you very much for your kind attention to my daughter’s disease.

Do you believe in a miracle or miracles?

I think it is a miracle that my daughter could get out from ICU yesterday.

Not only getting out from ICU but also her physical condition is amazingly good.

Now she is in the special room No.507 at Khonkaen Ram Hospital.

I’ve lost my first daughter six years ago at Khonkaen Central Hospital by the same disease as in the current case. I have to watch my daughter’s physical condition very carefully continuously until she recovers totally.

Doctor told us my daughter had to be hospitalized at least 7 days to one month.

Thank you.


I believe in miracles - my prayers are with your daughter and family.

I know how it feels.

Here's a prayer that got me through my first daughter's death, and continues to get me through life.

"kor sing suk sid hai kwam sangop gae ka".

"hai yom rap sing tee bplian mai dai"

"hai gla bplian sing tee bplian dai"

"lae panya tee ja yaek yae"

ขอสิ่งศักดิ์สิทธิ์ ให้ความสงบแก่ข้า





As of 29 June 2007

Sick daughter Sii-Faa-Chan stayed in the special room of the hospital for all day long for the first time yesterday (28 June 2007).

Antibiotics are given with the injection three times a day.

Injection is the last means. It is rather dangerous treatment for a child who has just been born.

Medication by the injection was chosen to save the life for my daughter (only one life in the world).

The condition of Sii-Faa-Chan's breathing is stable at present.

It is quite different from the condition when she was in ICU.

I have to talk with the Doctor as to when we could stop the treatment with injection.

I still have to watch Sii-Faa-Chan very carefully and closely until she recovers totally.

Messages, which wish Sii-Faa-Chan’s early recovery, are coming from all over the world everyday.

I will work for Sii-Faa-Chan and my family.

kiyoshi matsui from khonkaen, thailand

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