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The Moral Fibre Of The Bush Family


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Another example of a dysfunctional family. I guess "family values" is not that important for the conservatives.

Talking dirty with Neil Bush


Brown is Sharon Bush's lawyer and apparently Neil Bush like Thailand a lot :D

Bush: "I had sexual intercourse with perhaps three or four, I don't remember the exact number, women, at different times. In Thailand once, I have a pretty clear recollection that there was one time in Thailand and in Hong Kong."

Brown: "And you were married to Mrs. Bush?"

Bush: "Yes."

Brown: "Is that where you caught the venereal diseases?"

Bush: "No."

Brown: "Where did you catch those?"

Bush: "Diseases plural? I didn't catch..."

Brown: "Well, I'm sorry. How ... how many venereal diseases do you suffer from?"

Bush: "I've had one venereal disease."

Brown: "Which was?"

Bush: "Herpes."

Brown then interrogates Bush's about his various sex partners: "Did you pay them for that sex?"

Bush: "No, I did not."

Brown: "Pick them up in a sushi house?"

Bush: "No. ... My recollection is, where I can recall, they came to my room."

Brown: "Do you know the name of that hotel? I may go to Thailand sometime."

BTW, apparently Neil also made nearly $1,000,000 from single day trades of stock in a company he was doing consulting for at the time - but claims no wrongdoing but was just 'lucky'. Apparently that is now a valid defence against insider trading, alongside 'I forgot to send the forms in'.


I guess some people are more equal than others


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How much do the DEMS pay you.

Good to see the man is human. If he would of paid he could of been president.

Don't have a heart attack now. We know you are licking alot of wounds lately.

Have a nice american stock market day.

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I'm not sure what I'm replying to here. Neil Bush paid for a hooker in Thailand and is lying about it -the paying part. So what? What does this have to do with politics? What does it have to do with anything? It is mildly amusing however, but you should have stuck it in the "Farang Girls in Thailand" section for a real charge! :o

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I'm not sure what I'm replying to here. Neil Bush paid for a hooker in Thailand and is lying about it -the paying part. So what? What does this have to do with politics? What does it have to do with anything? It is mildly amusing however, but you should have stuck it in the "Farang Girls in Thailand" section for a real charge! :o

hey I agree with you on that one. You are absolutely correct. What about the "trading" part ?

Also what do you think about Clinton lying about his blow job ? that should be interesting

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Also what do you think about Clinton lying about his blow job ? that should be interesting

Only one?

Believe he set new standards on the question what is sex and what not.

Otherwise the whole thing was rediculous and obviously Kenneth Starr got his kicks out of it.

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I like Clinton.

I voted for him, and I would have voted for him again, if he had been able to run. I'm not so sure about Hillary.

I don't blame Clinton for lying about the B.J. It was no one's business but his.

As far as Neil Bush and the trading goes, unfortunately, just seems like politics as usual -in both parties - and I have to admit that it would be hard to resist making that kind of profit, just for knowing the right information or the right guy.

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Other thread was closed so Ill have my say here.

I am not Amercian, English or Iraqi - I am Australian and proud of it!

I have only posted at least 10 posts regarding myself being Australian, that is your problem, you are far from observant, educated or wise!

I will ask you again, what nationality are you?

Could the mods check the IP and tell us all what country this self confessed "bitch" lives in?

Let me guess - unmarried, unloved, uneductated - basically f*cked!

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Other thread was closed so Ill have my say here.

I am not Amercian, English or Iraqi - I am Australian and proud of it!

I have only posted at least 10 posts regarding myself being Australian, that is your problem, you are far from observant, educated or wise!

I will ask you again, what nationality are you?

I am an expat Canadian. does this count ? :o

Let me guess - unmarried, unloved, uneductated - basically f*cked!

What are you also jealous now ?

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I suppose it counts for something, let me see, .................. no.............um............

no, nothing!

Good. So just ignore me and stop interupting me with your nonsense if you don't like me. Nobody forced you to come in that thread.

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I'm not sure what I'm replying to here. Neil Bush paid for a hooker in Thailand and is lying about it -the paying part. So what? What does this have to do with politics? What does it have to do with anything? It is mildly amusing however, but you should have stuck it in the "Farang Girls in Thailand" section for a real charge! 


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Sigh... is this the best you've got, B? Just another boring attempt to make ALL the Bush folk look silly or evil? OK, so George's BROTHER went to Thailand and had sex. SO? OK, he wound up getting Herpes. SO? OK, so he's wound up in some hot water for trading the market. SO?

Who really cares about all this? And you think we're supposed to jump in and what--defend his actions? Who the f### cares??

Just FYI, elections are coming up soon. More than likely, this is just an attempt on the part of the democrats to begin to discredit the Bush family. Just normal politics. So.. so what? It happens every time there is an election. It's just that 1) the U.S. is an open society, and 2) we created the Internet. So now everyone has visibility to all the internal mud-slinging, world-wide.

But is this even worth anyone's time? What are we supposed to comment on? Like I said... SO?

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Membrane, you never know with him, but Bfly finally was forthcomming in where he is from. I guess it took a gentleman to drag it out of him.

Kind of explains a lot, and makes this thread worthwhile in itself.

What do you think the odds are that he is French Canadian?

It does blow apart my theory that Bfly was actually Howard Dean. I thought I was spot on with this one.

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More than likely, this is just an attempt on the part of the democrats to begin to discredit the Bush family.

The Democrat party is not divorcing Neil Bush, his wife is, thats where the news came from the court hearings.

As for attempting to discredit the Bush's I think they are doing a great job without any help from anyone.

Their old man will go down in history as the only president to be sick all over the Japanese PM.

Nice one George.

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More than likely, this is just an attempt on the part of the democrats to begin to discredit the Bush family.

The Democrat party is not divorcing Neil Bush, his wife is, thats where the news came from the court hearings.

No, the democrats are not divorcing Neil Bush' wife, you're right maerim! :o That's a very asute observation... :D

But it's very common before an election to make sure juicy little stories as much news coverage as possible. It's kind of like what happens on this forum, if you can't come up with more important and tangible things to say, just keep slingin' the mud and hope that some of it sticks.

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I hate to be cynical, but I wouldn't be too sure that Butterfly is really Canadian. He just doesn't strike me as the "Honest Abe" type! :o

Not as much as you are when you claim you voted for Clinton but still are a die-hard Bush supporter. I find it hard to believe that someone would go to such extremes in little time. You don't fool me. I reckon a NeoCon when I see one.

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Great one Doc. FYI, like the bear pit, as I can visit when I want, but don't have it thrown up in my face when I get tired of it.

BFly, you have most of us wrong. We stick up for our country, and yes even our president sometimes, but this is more a patriotic thing than a neo-con.

Personally, I am libertarian. What you don't appreciate, and is really not important, is that I do respect him as a man for how he handled himself on 9/11, and I appreciate his views toward God, while I myself am agnostic. That said, I agree with very little that he does.

I have extended myself to you once again.

Now go back to your yadayadayada, and name calling. :o

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All quiet on the western front, eh Doc. :o

I don't know how, but that little critter has endeered his way in my heart.

It's like a crying baby leaving the room, and none of the remaining adults being able to start a conversation. Not knowing what to do with the silence.

Well, off to the pub (Farang that is.) :D

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Maybe some prozac would help. I would not equate getting a BJ from someone who is being paid by the government at work (barring coffe breaks) the same as someone getting one in Thailand unless it was at the embassy a government facilty. Then again we have been getting one for awhile now. The tax cuts may make up for it though. With the new 8 million green cards due to be issued soon maybe B-fly should sneak on over. Or wait 3 more years with the second millions to be issued.

No more H-1B's will be required they can just show up work for a bit and get the new green card. This is better than the elite cards. Life time of benefits for several generations and family members.

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