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America Does Not Want My Money


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My wife has a Permanent Visa in Australia, and has been living here for over 5 years

We have young children born in Australia

She ownes 2 business's in Australia and pass good tax to the Australia Government

We live in our own home valued just under 1 million dollars

We have travelled to Europe and most Asian Countries and New Zealand many times

This year we where thinking of travelling to Hawaii for a 10 day holiday

They could do with some Australian dollars over there at the moment

Children and husband are okay as they are on Australia Passports, but Thai wife loves her Thai Passport

so if she wants to go

In Thailand Americans can walk in and get a 30 day Visa

But as a Thai she is treated like an unwanted person

She need to make a 1 on 1 appointment with some pen pusher in Sydney

Fly to Sydney and stay in an overnight hotel

and fly home again

When asked about the young children she was told "Not our Problem" Find any one to leave them with.

She came up to me and said

No Wonder America is Broke

The chase Tourist away

Now how many times I have heard this on the other foot from American Expats

Solution we will fly to Tahiti they want her there

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As an American I agree with you it is a very short sighted policy and breeds unnecessary ill will. That aside, America isn't the only place Thais have trouble visiting on a Thai passport. Why don't you convince her to get an Aussie passport?

The problem with your idea is it is a logical solution

I see you are not married to a Thai lady, I do not think this word exists in the Thai language, she is very v e r y stuborn

My problem is I have tried to teach her in fair play, you must give the same as you take

so in her mind Americans get 30 days on entry, so she should get the same

and as I said we have travelled to England and Europe with no problems as I have a English Passport as well, and she was given a visa across the internet, don't ask me why?

But in the end this is the only solution


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Perhaps your wife was given a visa for the UK 'across the internet' because of her permanent residency in Australia? Being part of the Commonwealth, the visa regulations might be different.

Your wife may well be correct, she should get 30 days on arrival n the US. However, the US government do not agree, there's no way around it, she either needs to apply for a visa or not go to the US.

My wife asked me the same question, how come she needs to apply for a visa for the UK when I can just turn up at the airport in Thailand and get a 30 day stamp?

Answer? Because that's just how it is!

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What do you think the reasons are that they are wary of Thai females and therefore put them through a strict screening process?

And are you saying that policies should be reciprocal? If thats the case then Americans should be allowed to own land in Thailand as Thais are allowed to own land in the US.

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Perhaps your wife was given a visa for the UK 'across the internet' because of her permanent residency in Australia? Being part of the Commonwealth, the visa regulations might be different.

Your wife may well be correct, she should get 30 days on arrival n the US. However, the US government do not agree, there's no way around it, she either needs to apply for a visa or not go to the US.

My wife asked me the same question, how come she needs to apply for a visa for the UK when I can just turn up at the airport in Thailand and get a 30 day stamp?

Answer? Because that's just how it is!


We are unable to obtain permanent residency here whereas foreigners get 'residency' fairly easily in the UK - IF they are able to gain entry.

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What do you think the reasons are that they are wary of Thai females and therefore put them through a strict screening process?

And are you saying that policies should be reciprocal? If thats the case then Americans should be allowed to own land in Thailand as Thais are allowed to own land in the US.

I actually agree with the Thai policy of not allowing foreigners to allow land.

It is one of the things that really annoys people in the West - that wealthy foreigners are able to buy large chunks of the country.

Good for the Thais!

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Perhaps your wife was given a visa for the UK 'across the internet' because of her permanent residency in Australia? Being part of the Commonwealth, the visa regulations might be different.

Your wife may well be correct, she should get 30 days on arrival n the US. However, the US government do not agree, there's no way around it, she either needs to apply for a visa or not go to the US.

My wife asked me the same question, how come she needs to apply for a visa for the UK when I can just turn up at the airport in Thailand and get a 30 day stamp?

Answer? Because that's just how it is!

She agrees she needs to apply for a visa

Her question is why her daughter can get one with little problem and she can not

Our daughter is 50% Thai after all

The real problem is she has worked hard and is a respectable buisness and home owner in Australia

and has all the same rights of an Australian ( except she can not vote)

So what right has America to treat her like a poor Thai

On the subject of a Scam

More Americans are now trying to get to live in Australia then the other way.

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What do you think the reasons are that they are wary of Thai females and therefore put them through a strict screening process?

And are you saying that policies should be reciprocal? If thats the case then Americans should be allowed to own land in Thailand as Thais are allowed to own land in the US.

I actually agree with the Thai policy of not allowing foreigners to allow land.

It is one of the things that really annoys people in the West - that wealthy foreigners are able to buy large chunks of the country.

Good for the Thais!

Not saying they should change it, however they should realize this and stop complaining about our rules as there are reasons behind them as well.

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Perhaps your wife was given a visa for the UK 'across the internet' because of her permanent residency in Australia? Being part of the Commonwealth, the visa regulations might be different.

Your wife may well be correct, she should get 30 days on arrival n the US. However, the US government do not agree, there's no way around it, she either needs to apply for a visa or not go to the US.

My wife asked me the same question, how come she needs to apply for a visa for the UK when I can just turn up at the airport in Thailand and get a 30 day stamp?

Answer? Because that's just how it is!

She agrees she needs to apply for a visa

Her question is why her daughter can get one with little problem and she can not

Our daughter is 50% Thai after all

The real problem is she has worked hard and is a respectable buisness and home owner in Australia

and has all the same rights of an Australian ( except she can not vote)

So what right has America to treat her like a poor Thai

On the subject of a Scam

More Americans are now trying to get to live in Australia then the other way.

Quite. More Brits are trying to get into Australia now than the other way round - which is why it is far harder for Brit couples to get into Australia unless they have enough 'points'.

You have not answered my question though as to whether there is a large age gap between you. I suspect not - but most of the time there is - edit - which is why the USA (like most Western countries) is a bit wary about Thai wives.

Edited by F1fanatic
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What do you think the reasons are that they are wary of Thai females and therefore put them through a strict screening process?

And are you saying that policies should be reciprocal? If thats the case then Americans should be allowed to own land in Thailand as Thais are allowed to own land in the US.

I actually agree with the Thai policy of not allowing foreigners to allow land.

It is one of the things that really annoys people in the West - that wealthy foreigners are able to buy large chunks of the country.

Good for the Thais!

100% agree with you here

But Most Thai ladies have blinkers on when you bring up this subject

and I do not like eating cold dinners or sleepin alone


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America wants her money. But it doesn't want more illegal immigrants even more. Thais are highly likely to become illegal immigrants. Sorry.

But American pushes Australia to except illegal boat people

How do I explain this to her

I'd explain this is up to the Australian government and any other government can say anything they like.

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Perhaps your wife was given a visa for the UK 'across the internet' because of her permanent residency in Australia? Being part of the Commonwealth, the visa regulations might be different.

Your wife may well be correct, she should get 30 days on arrival n the US. However, the US government do not agree, there's no way around it, she either needs to apply for a visa or not go to the US.

My wife asked me the same question, how come she needs to apply for a visa for the UK when I can just turn up at the airport in Thailand and get a 30 day stamp?

Answer? Because that's just how it is!

She agrees she needs to apply for a visa

Her question is why her daughter can get one with little problem and she can not

Our daughter is 50% Thai after all

The real problem is she has worked hard and is a respectable buisness and home owner in Australia

and has all the same rights of an Australian ( except she can not vote)

So what right has America to treat her like a poor Thai

On the subject of a Scam

More Americans are now trying to get to live in Australia then the other way.

Quite. More Brits are trying to get into Australia now than the other way round - which is why it is far harder for Brit couples to get into Australia unless they have enough 'points'.

You have not answered my question though as to whether there is a large age gap between you. I suspect not - but most of the time there is - edit - which is why the USA (like most Western countries) is a bit wary about Thai wives.

Our age gap is only 5 years, and we have a young daughter, as we own an upmarket home on the Gold Coast she is better off in Australia than in a country almost bankrupt

But the sill thing is they never even asked my age

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America wants her money. But it doesn't want more illegal immigrants even more. Thais are highly likely to become illegal immigrants. Sorry.

But American pushes Australia to except illegal boat people

How do I explain this to her

I'd explain this is up to the Australian government and any other government can say anything they like.

Their is a Government in Australia

I though Gillard was an imported fungus from Wales

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Perhaps your wife was given a visa for the UK 'across the internet' because of her permanent residency in Australia? Being part of the Commonwealth, the visa regulations might be different.

Your wife may well be correct, she should get 30 days on arrival n the US. However, the US government do not agree, there's no way around it, she either needs to apply for a visa or not go to the US.

My wife asked me the same question, how come she needs to apply for a visa for the UK when I can just turn up at the airport in Thailand and get a 30 day stamp?

Answer? Because that's just how it is!


We are unable to obtain permanent residency here whereas foreigners get 'residency' fairly easily in the UK - IF they are able to gain entry.

Obviously you have never had to do an ILR then!

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Exactly. I've no idea why Western countries are so suspicious about Thai wives.

Are you the same age? If so it makes it even more incomprehensible that they could think it was a 'scam'.

Well, my country wasn't suspicious of my wife, they just required her to apply for a visa, which she did. They then gave it to her.

There is no mention in the OP that the US government thought there was any kind of 'scam' going on.

Every country has it's own immigration laws, some allow you to just turn up and they let you in, others require visas which you need to apply for before you can travel there.

My wife also had to travel to Bangkok to submit her application, the fact that she has two children and had to get someone to take care of them whilst she did that, isn't any concern of the UK government.

If she had found these requirements too difficult, or inappropriate, she wouldn't be able to travel to the UK.

The fact is that the US requires visitors from certain countries to apply for visas before they travel there. Thailand is one of those countries and the OP's wife is a Thai passport holder.

Either the OP's wife applies for a visa or she can't travel to the US. No amount of debate will change the US immigration rules in that regard.

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I dont see it an issue for Thai ladies vs. Thai men, it is a complex procedure because so many people want to apply for a visa to the US, and a large percentage of them are not really tourists, they will overstay their visa and seek jobs. It seems fairly simple to me, she has a Thai passport, she must go to the Embassy and have her interview. Her problem could be solved by getting an Australian passport - but could you get a Thai passport?

When traveling to Europe with my Thai GF we had to go to the embassy here in Bangkok for her interview. Whats the problem? When we went to Vietnam, I needed a visa, but she did not. Whats the problem? These are the rules. At least for America you can get a ten-year visa and dont have to report your whereabouts to immigration every 90 days.

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Perhaps your wife was given a visa for the UK 'across the internet' because of her permanent residency in Australia? Being part of the Commonwealth, the visa regulations might be different.

Your wife may well be correct, she should get 30 days on arrival n the US. However, the US government do not agree, there's no way around it, she either needs to apply for a visa or not go to the US.

My wife asked me the same question, how come she needs to apply for a visa for the UK when I can just turn up at the airport in Thailand and get a 30 day stamp?

Answer? Because that's just how it is!


We are unable to obtain permanent residency here whereas foreigners get 'residency' fairly easily in the UK - IF they are able to gain entry.

Same.. my ex (thai) wife would be able to own land and get a Dutch passport. No way in hell i can get the same treatment here.

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Perhaps your wife was given a visa for the UK 'across the internet' because of her permanent residency in Australia? Being part of the Commonwealth, the visa regulations might be different.

Your wife may well be correct, she should get 30 days on arrival n the US. However, the US government do not agree, there's no way around it, she either needs to apply for a visa or not go to the US.

My wife asked me the same question, how come she needs to apply for a visa for the UK when I can just turn up at the airport in Thailand and get a 30 day stamp?

Answer? Because that's just how it is!


We are unable to obtain permanent residency here whereas foreigners get 'residency' fairly easily in the UK - IF they are able to gain entry.

Obviously you have never had to do an ILR then!

I think I said - IF they are able to gain entry.

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Is there any reason why she can't get an Aussie passport as well as her Thai passport? Does Oz not allow dual citizenship?

The answer is easy


You need to marry a Thai girl to ever get close to understanding how they think ha ha

I know a big gang of Thais who live in the UK. Every single one of them who qualifies has British citizenship and a British passport. They don't let pride get in the way of the extra opportunities a UK passport offers. If she'd had an Oz passport you'd have been on your way to the US.

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Exactly. I've no idea why Western countries are so suspicious about Thai wives.

Are you the same age? If so it makes it even more incomprehensible that they could think it was a 'scam'.

Well, my country wasn't suspicious of my wife, they just required her to apply for a visa, which she did. They then gave it to her.

There is no mention in the OP that the US government thought there was any kind of 'scam' going on.

Every country has it's own immigration laws, some allow you to just turn up and they let you in, others require visas which you need to apply for before you can travel there.

My wife also had to travel to Bangkok to submit her application, the fact that she has two children and had to get someone to take care of them whilst she did that, isn't any concern of the UK government.

If she had found these requirements too difficult, or inappropriate, she wouldn't be able to travel to the UK.

The fact is that the US requires visitors from certain countries to apply for visas before they travel there. Thailand is one of those countries and the OP's wife is a Thai passport holder.

Either the OP's wife applies for a visa or she can't travel to the US. No amount of debate will change the US immigration rules in that regard.

As already stated

The Thai Wife does not want to go to a country that treats her like a bar girl

so we off to Tahiti,

she got a visa over the internet

I am just a Farang and only wants warm dinners and a warm bed at night,

The sun in Tahiti is just as good as Hawaii

So she has voted with her feet

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There's probably more illegal immigrants in the US than there are people in Australia. If we let anyone have a visa when they land at the airport we'd have a tens of millions new immigrants over night. Sorry but you have to apply.

Thailand has millions of illegals too, Burmese, Cambodians etc and they deport them by the truckload every day so you'd think she'd understand.

Edited by DP25
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America wants her money. But it doesn't want more illegal immigrants even more. Thais are highly likely to become illegal immigrants. Sorry.

But American pushes Australia to except illegal boat people

How do I explain this to her

The explanation is quite straightforward.

The US has it's own immigration laws, it has decided that people from certain countries need a visa before they can travel there. Thailand is one of those countries. Simple, she either applies for a visa or doesn't travel to the US.

The world is not always going to operate in the way you think it should. It's not fair, it's wrong, it's annoying and inconvenient. Yes, maybe it is, but the fact remains that the US is perfectly entitled to decide, by itself, how it controls it's own borders and this is one of those controls.

So you and your wife can either accept it and apply for her visa, or carry on about how unfair it is and don't go there.

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Exactly. I've no idea why Western countries are so suspicious about Thai wives.

Are you the same age? If so it makes it even more incomprehensible that they could think it was a 'scam'.

Well, my country wasn't suspicious of my wife, they just required her to apply for a visa, which she did. They then gave it to her.

There is no mention in the OP that the US government thought there was any kind of 'scam' going on.

Every country has it's own immigration laws, some allow you to just turn up and they let you in, others require visas which you need to apply for before you can travel there.

My wife also had to travel to Bangkok to submit her application, the fact that she has two children and had to get someone to take care of them whilst she did that, isn't any concern of the UK government.

If she had found these requirements too difficult, or inappropriate, she wouldn't be able to travel to the UK.

The fact is that the US requires visitors from certain countries to apply for visas before they travel there. Thailand is one of those countries and the OP's wife is a Thai passport holder.

Either the OP's wife applies for a visa or she can't travel to the US. No amount of debate will change the US immigration rules in that regard.

As already stated

The Thai Wife does not want to go to a country that treats her like a bar girl

so we off to Tahiti,

she got a visa over the internet

I am just a Farang and only wants warm dinners and a warm bed at night,

The sun in Tahiti is just as good as Hawaii

So she has voted with her feet

Good for her, but somehow I suspect she will understand why she is treated as a bar girl.

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its very strange indeed.

My ex and her husband are flying to the US to visit his parents.

She is taking our daughter (who lives with me) with her for the month.

She is employed with a major hotel chain, he is employed here as well, they are comfortable but have no property or businesses to speak of.

Mother and daughter both received 10 year tourist visas, no problem.

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