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Kuwait, Bahrain, and UN experts call for creation of Palestinian State


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Just once, I would like to see the arab countries practice just a smidgen what they demand of Israel in respect to human rights.

Why only once... I think it is fair to demand that the Arab states all come to the party all the time.

In that whole region there is only 1 tiny little island of democracy, and they want that removed.

Don't think that they will leave Israel in peace if they get the Palistinian state... they will just ask for more and more.

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Just once, I would like to see the arab countries practice just a smidgen what they demand of Israel in respect to human rights.

Why only once... I think it is fair to demand that the Arab states all come to the party all the time.

In that whole region there is only 1 tiny little island of democracy, and they want that removed.

Don't think that they will leave Israel in peace if they get the Palistinian state... they will just ask for more and more.

They have to gall to refuse to recognize Jewish Israel and call Israel which includes 20 percent Arabs "racist" when they are on record themselves as saying their new Palestinian state will be Jew free. I don't believe the Palestinians want peace. I believe they want total victory over the Jews. Look at the poll I posted. They say as much!

They have no intention whatsoever to recognize Israel, their continued refusal to enter into bilateral negotiations as requested by the so called quartet should make that clear. The actual vote and subsequent veto are indeed the aim as they will provide pretext for starting intifada III.

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I just enjoy facts. B)

Clearly some posting here don't, because it is a fact that Palestine recognized Israel years ago. It is also a fact that Netanyahu is the first Israeli PM to introduce the toxic phrase "Jewish state" into the negotitions. These are facts.

It is my considered opinion that this manoeuvre by Netanyahu indicates that he has no real interest in peace and that is why diplomatic institutions of the world community are stepping up to try and solve the Israel problem once and for all.

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It is my considered opinion that this manoeuvre by Netanyahu indicates that he has no real interest in peace and that is why diplomatic institutions of the world community are stepping up to try and solve the Israel problem once and for all.

I thought it was his constant expansion of settlements on land that is not his to settle ;)

But I agree it is time for the joke to end as only two countries are laughing.

I am also embarrassed to admit one of them supposedly represents the people of the USA

Hopefully that problem can be rectified in 2012

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I just enjoy facts. B)

Clearly some posting here don't, because it is a fact that Palestine recognized Israel years ago.

Maybe you should ring up Hamas and tell them as they are part of the Palestinian Arab government and they not only refuse to recognize Israel, but also refuse to consider a two-state solution. :rolleyes:

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I just enjoy facts. B)

Clearly some posting here don't, because it is a fact that Palestine recognized Israel years ago. It is also a fact that Netanyahu is the first Israeli PM to introduce the toxic phrase "Jewish state" into the negotitions. These are facts.

It is my considered opinion that this manoeuvre by Netanyahu indicates that he has no real interest in peace and that is why diplomatic institutions of the world community are stepping up to try and solve the Israel problem once and for all.

Israel is a Jewish state. That is the point of it, it's the homeland of the Jewish people. It's the realization of the Zionist dream which boiled down is simply Jewish nationalism. Why is that toxic?

I'll tell you what's toxic. The Palestinians have never abandoned their demand for right of return of Palestinians into Israel which would make Israel a majority Arab state. Arabs don't have enough states?!? The Jews can't have ONE?

Edited by Jingthing
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I just enjoy facts. B)

Clearly some posting here don't, because it is a fact that Palestine recognized Israel years ago. It is also a fact that Netanyahu is the first Israeli PM to introduce the toxic phrase "Jewish state" into the negotitions. These are facts.

It is my considered opinion that this manoeuvre by Netanyahu indicates that he has no real interest in peace and that is why diplomatic institutions of the world community are stepping up to try and solve the Israel problem once and for all.

Israel is a Jewish state. That is the point of it, it's the homeland of the Jewish people. It's the realization of the Zionist dream which boiled down is simply Jewish nationalism. Why is that toxic?

I'll tell you what's toxic. The Palestinians have never abandoned their demand for right of return of Palestinians into Israel which would make Israel a majority Arab state. Arabs don't have enough states?!? The Jews can't have ONE?

Not to mention a putative Palestinian state would be Judenrein, now that's toxic.

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It's fashionable these days to romanticize the Palestinians because they are the underdogs and have fantastic PR for international consumption. Their headgear is definitely cooler looking than a nerdy yarmulke. The Israeli government on the other hand haven't done themselves any favors in the PR department. However, to get closer to the truth, just have a look at what is communicated INTERNALLY in the Palestinian areas.

Edited by Jingthing
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to get closer to the truth, just have a look at what is communicated INTERNALLY in the Palestinian areas.

With all due respect, are you in the Palestinian areas? Do you read and speak Arabic fluently? If not, how are you so certain what is communicated internally?

Google chrome instant translate is a wonderful tool. There is also lots translated content that is very accessible, like Al Jazeera, etc. Don't kid me, you don't respect people who support the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state, so don't bother acting like you do.

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I just enjoy facts. B)

Clearly some posting here don't, because it is a fact that Palestine recognized Israel years ago. It is also a fact that Netanyahu is the first Israeli PM to introduce the toxic phrase "Jewish state" into the negotitions. These are facts.

It is my considered opinion that this manoeuvre by Netanyahu indicates that he has no real interest in peace and that is why diplomatic institutions of the world community are stepping up to try and solve the Israel problem once and for all.

Israel is a Jewish state. That is the point of it, it's the homeland of the Jewish people. It's the realization of the Zionist dream which boiled down is simply Jewish nationalism. Why is that toxic?

I'll tell you what's toxic. The Palestinians have never abandoned their demand for right of return of Palestinians into Israel which would make Israel a majority Arab state. Arabs don't have enough states?!? The Jews can't have ONE?

Not to mention a putative Palestinian state would be Judenrein, now that's toxic.

It is not up to anyone but the Palestinians how to run their own affairs, whether you like it or not.

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It is not up to anyone but the Palestinians how to run their own affairs, whether you like it or not.

Funny that you say that. I can imagine what you would say if Israel decided to expel all of its Arabic citizens. Somehow I don't think it would be anything like ...

It is not up to anyone but the Israelis how to run their own affairs, whether you like it or not

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