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Sacred Heart Nazi Sports Academy

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Didn't Prince Harry do that once too?

Yes, but what do you expect from an upper class twit?

However, the press had a field day and lambasted the idiot - that's freedom of expression! biggrin.gif

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Tussaud's waxworks in Pattaya had this hoarding up for several weeks on the outskirts of Bangkok.

Hitler in Bangkok

Showing similarly poor taste the Finnish Air Training Wing, where Finland's fast jet pilots are trained, has this as their unit flag:

Finnish Air Trg Wing

Which, sadly just goes to show that a lack of respect or historical good sense is not restricted to LOS.

But of course Thailand was a formal ally of Japan and declared war on both the UK and USA (though the latter declaration was never formally delivered), and the UK in turn declared war on Thailand. Thailand saw an opportunity to grab territory from France in Laos & Cambodia and the UK in the Shan states/Karen areas of Burma plus the northern provinces of Malaya. This was a highly opportunistic act designed to regain territories either ceded to the colonial powers to cling on to independence or were regarded as being part of a Greater Siam sphere. Whilst formally annexed during WW2 by Thailand all these areas were subsequently returned in 1946.

So parading around in Nazi uniform at least historically is not totally inappropriate but is probably a reminder of a piece of history that is often glossed over in present day Thai history lessons.

Don't forget the 90 tons of opium they got out of the deal. Even back then 90 tons of opium was a lot of cash.


Guys if your kid plays the part of the artful dodger in the school play you would be proud if he performed well.......

Because he is playing a part, and it does not make him a thief.......

Get a grip

The artful dodger didn't kill millions of innocent people.

I didn't say he did........try to see the real point in the post.....play acting/dressing up/performing....never do it?......and if you did, ever give a thought to how people in Crete would feel about the way you dressed up?

Youre right dressing up like a Nazi is just as fun and non offensive as dressing up like a character from Oliver Twist.

Crete lol your clutching at straws, get a grip mate.

Yep dressing up is not offensive to me.......just as I do not believe all the charecters in TV soaps are the same people in real life.............

I chose Crete because I think that is probably the same level of consideration we are due in Thailand......if that!!


If the school did wish to offend, do you think they chose Mr Bean because he epitomises the farang population of chiang Mai.....:D

Think your logic is daft.

Why don't they dress up as Pol Pot guys. A little nearer home. Naaaaaaah, no fancy uniform eh. :rolleyes:


If the school did wish to offend, do you think they chose Mr Bean because he epitomises the farang population of chiang Mai.....:D

Think your logic is daft.

Why don't they dress up as Pol Pot guys. A little nearer home. Naaaaaaah, no fancy uniform eh. :rolleyes:

Quite possible, maybe the hire cost was cheap, maybe the girls could get away with wearing their black skirts and shoes, any amount of reasons.......dressing up.....

If they intended to offend....well they missed this guy.......but the rest of you carry on being affronted and offended if you wish........

now...what would Mr Bean do?......perhaps you could look to him for guidance.....:D


I am sure most westerners may feel offended by the school’s action in allowing this display of Nazism. However, as stated above Thailand was part of the Axis powers during WWll so I can understand the teachers not being too concerned about the negativity connected with Nazis. Thais had few if any relatives who fell victim to Hitler and his crew. Neo-Nazis are still active and in Germany today. On the other hand Thais seem to be tolerant of many western activities that westerners partake in Chiang Mai. Example: Recently there was a public ceremony by a group of Americans celebrating an American that was shot down as he bombed strafed Chiang Mai during the war. Local Thais looked on without making a big deal out of it. I think tolerance of minor displays such as these should be in order here.


"Someone needs to release the photos, you send this to the western papers and there is a big chance they will run it on their site, we have to stop putting up with this crap"

This on the other hand sounds like a good idea. Hopefully the idiot tag will then be put where it belongs, on the school and the teachers there. If it's published wide enough it might also make the parents, who may be equally uneducated about this particular segment of the worlds history, more aware about the level of education their children receive.

After all, what parent would like his child to look like an idiot to the rest of the world due to bad teachers?

Ignorance on the childrens part is excusable, but ignorance on the teachers part is not. Teachers who are so poor at their job should be put to more appropriate use, such as cleaning the bathrooms at hospital wardens for those suffering from food poisoning.

Strangely enough I've previously read positive comments about the Sacred Heart school here on TV. If I had a kid in that school now I would however very seriously consider whether I was getting my moneys worth, even if my kid was there on a scholarship with all expenses paid.

Some well said words thumbsup.gif


Interesting that when nazi themes are celebrated by Thais that the more-Thai-than-thou crowd points to the ignorance of Thais as if it's a virtue, whereas normally they would jump down the throats of anyone who dared to call the Thais ignorant.


I don't think the students wanted to express their support for Nazis and Hitler.

They just needed a (funny) theme for their team.

Those symbols don't mean much over here, Hitler has even been used as a advertisement lately in Pattaya. They don't know much about the mass murders.

So I wouldn't loose too much energy in getting worked up about that.

But the school certainly failed in its educational mission.


After all the millions that died in Europe during the Second World War were only farangs, completely insignificant to the Thais.

My Uncle was one of the British soldiers that liberated Bergen Belsen, still living and having nightmares about it today at 94 years old; why not ask him if he thinks this is funny?

Whatever way you look at this, it`s an insult to those that Sacrificed everything for us during the war.

Here's a funny one. Why not have a parade depicting Japs beheading Thais, raping Thai women and forcing them into brothels as comfort women. That would really give me something to laugh about.

Glad I wasn`t there, as I would probably had been arrested. Just hate this sort of thing.



Also, it's a Christian school, so you would have thought that morality would be high on the agenda...

Christain school, with a name like Sacred Heart maybe they were celebrating their dear leaders Nazi past.


You just cannot transfer the feelings and emotions gathered in your life onto other people living x thousand miles away, I can't understand that at all.......why would you expect them to understand?


I don't think the students wanted to express their support for Nazis and Hitler.

They just needed a (funny) theme for their team.

Those symbols don't mean much over here, Hitler has even been used as a advertisement lately in Pattaya. They don't know much about the mass murders.

So I wouldn't loose too much energy in getting worked up about that.

But the school certainly failed in its educational mission.


After all the millions that died in Europe during the Second World War were only farangs, completely insignificant to the Thais.

My Uncle was one of the British soldiers that liberated Bergen Belsen, still living and having nightmares about it today at 94 years old; why not ask him if he thinks this is funny?

Whatever way you look at this, it`s an insult to those that Sacrificed everything for us during the war.

Here's a funny one. Why not have a parade depicting Japs beheading Thais, raping Thai women and forcing them into brothels as comfort women. That would really give me something to laugh about.

Glad I wasn`t there, as I would probably had been arrested. Just hate this sort of thing.

Probably because it didn't happen. They were on the same side. Unless you can provide a link to the contrary I'll accept your apology.


I don't think the students wanted to express their support for Nazis and Hitler.

They just needed a (funny) theme for their team.

Those symbols don't mean much over here, Hitler has even been used as a advertisement lately in Pattaya. They don't know much about the mass murders.

So I wouldn't loose too much energy in getting worked up about that.

But the school certainly failed in its educational mission.


After all the millions that died in Europe during the Second World War were only farangs, completely insignificant to the Thais.

My Uncle was one of the British soldiers that liberated Bergen Belsen, still living and having nightmares about it today at 94 years old; why not ask him if he thinks this is funny?

Whatever way you look at this, it`s an insult to those that Sacrificed everything for us during the war.

Here's a funny one. Why not have a parade depicting Japs beheading Thais, raping Thai women and forcing them into brothels as comfort women. That would really give me something to laugh about.

Glad I wasn`t there, as I would probably had been arrested. Just hate this sort of thing.

Probably because it didn't happen. They were on the same side. Unless you can provide a link to the contrary I'll accept your apology.

Yes, I apologise, they were on the same side.

OK, lets change the Japs to Burmese and date in back a couple of hundred years.

Anyway, I think you get my meaning.


Also, it's a Christian school, so you would have thought that morality would be high on the agenda...

Christain school, with a name like Sacred Heart maybe they were celebrating their dear leaders Nazi past.


It is no secret that the Catholic Church stood shoulder to shoulder with fascists, whether it was in Austria, Hungary or Slovakia, where a puppet Nazi regime was even led by a cleric, (Josef Tiso). Maybe the catholic church might have had some reservations about the Nazis, but they weren't perturbed enough, that it prevented them signing a concordat with the Hitler regime in 1933!


It was the red team on the sports day that wore the outfits and goose stepped and proudly paraded the nazi banners and swastikas.

Concerns were raised, but the teachers said it isn't bad in this country and allowed it to continue....

Anyway, I was disgusted, but thought I'd share here.

Figures from WWII capitulators :whistling: ..


There seems to be a general sense that the Thai teachers 'knew' the facts. That is, they had been told. But the telling - probably never in their own schooling - may have had little impact. Long ago, far away, rather akin to our sense of Romans or Greeks?

I don't even know if Thais have a real sense of Cambodia and the killing fields or if anyone said to these teachers that the killing camps alone were organized murder machines that killed many, many more - or if they have a hint of Russian losses and so forth. With out an emotional context, I imagine that the Thai teachers were impressed in part by the uniforms and marching style more than our sense of horror.

Do we have a close sense of Japan vs China then, filled with facts, battles - rather than the vague list of horrors?

I won't raise here the survival aspects faced by Thailand when confronting the Japanese war machine - not unlike those of various Scandinavian nations - with differing results, and none with a self-styled history such as Thailand (always, always independent). Thais would never have joined any side, given their sense of independence, they caved to the inevitable. Vichy France without the battle.


There seems to be a general sense that the Thai teachers 'knew' the facts. That is, they had been told. But the telling - probably never in their own schooling - may have had little impact. Long ago, far away, rather akin to our sense of Romans or Greeks?

I don't even know if Thais have a real sense of Cambodia and the killing fields or if anyone said to these teachers that the killing camps alone were organized murder machines that killed many, many more - or if they have a hint of Russian losses and so forth. With out an emotional context, I imagine that the Thai teachers were impressed in part by the uniforms and marching style more than our sense of horror.

Do we have a close sense of Japan vs China then, filled with facts, battles - rather than the vague list of horrors?

I won't raise here the survival aspects faced by Thailand when confronting the Japanese war machine - not unlike those of various Scandinavian nations - with differing results, and none with a self-styled history such as Thailand (always, always independent). Thais would never have joined any side, given their sense of independence, they caved to the inevitable. Vichy France without the battle.

Another poster said it was given the all clear because its not such a big thing in Thailand. That really goes to show how much less of a f..k they give about us.

I am so glad in off in the new year, this lot are without a doubt the weirdest people Ive ever come across and what makes it worse they are all so similar, its like a country of nutcases.

I taught in a Tessaban school at the same period I taught at Sacred Heart and one kid knew exactly what a Nazi was. Granted he was bright but if he knew school/management at Sacred Heart would know.

I also gotta add one of the main if not the main feature you see when you walk into Sacred Heart is the huge picture of Jesus. Nazi dressed children parading in front of the King of the Jews, madness.


Nazi's, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao , should be forgotten and buried, except those who were murdered by them. Anyone who glorifies their murder of the inocent is as bad as they were. Gutless creeps.


To most Thais the use of Buddha images as ornaments in the West is just as offensive. I know a Thai restaurant in the UK that has a large bust of Buddha on the floor next to the mats to brush the soles of shoes. This is also an example of ignorance.

No it's not. The Buddha is everywhere. Perhaps you think the Buddha is not on the soles of your feet.

So you feel it's not offensive to Thais to place Buddha images next to shoes and/or on the floor. We'll have to disagree on this one.


To most Thais the use of Buddha images as ornaments in the West is just as offensive. I know a Thai restaurant in the UK that has a large bust of Buddha on the floor next to the mats to brush the soles of shoes. This is also an example of ignorance.

No it's not. The Buddha is everywhere. Perhaps you think the Buddha is not on the soles of your feet.

So you feel it's not offensive to Thais to place Buddha images next to shoes and/or on the floor. We'll have to disagree on this one.

Me too. ;)


Question most expats on some basic stuff regarding Thai history and you'll receive blank stares. However, these same expats expect Thais to be aware of nazi atrocities 70 years ago in Germany during the second world war.


The whole world is aware of Nazi attrocities in WW2.

Indonesians? Chinese? Japanese? Cambodians? etc. etc.

Ask the average teenager in the UK or the USA about Auswitz or Belsen and you will probably receive a blank stare as well.


The whole world is aware of Nazi atrocities in WW2.

Except my Mrs. ;)

We have World at War pretty regular on LOS tv, which l watch and try to explain to the Mrs what went on, hopeless task until l explained why my Dad had mega problems during OUR lives from his injuries. THAT sent a message. ;)


They were told why it was offensive, so if they didn't already know, then they did once told. Perhaps you've not read the full thread.

Question most expats on some basic stuff regarding Thai history and you'll receive blank stares. However, these same expats expect Thais to be aware of nazi atrocities 70 years ago in Germany during the second world war.


Ask the average teenager in the UK or the USA about Auswitz or Belsen and you will probably receive a blank stare as well.

Maybe the average deaf and dumb teenager who has never communicated with an educated human being or learned to read brail. :ermm:


Not to mention they were aware enough to choose the theme...

Question most expats on some basic stuff regarding Thai history and you'll receive blank stares. However, these same expats expect Thais to be aware of nazi atrocities 70 years ago in Germany during the second world war.


Are they displaying swastikas as a Nazi theme or swastikas as a Buddhist thing?

Nazi characters on posters included bin laden, Mr bean and square jaw himself.

To top it off the students goose stepped out in full salute with matching Nazi uniform......

All apparantly approved by teachers.....

Hmmm...what do you think? (Hint: none of those are images related to Buddhismf as far as I know. or Hinduism or Jainism -- yes, all of whom made use of the swastika --in various forms -- obviously well before those fellows in the brown shirts put it on a white circle with a red background.)

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