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Can Mfa In Chiang Mai Notarise 'Affirmation To Marry' ?


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Does anyone know if the MFA in Chiang Mai can notarise a translated 'Affirmation of Freedom to Marry' form issued from UK Consulate, (without it being sent to BKK?)

If they do, how many days does it take ?

I am planning to get married in Chiang Mai next week, and need to complete the whole process in 1week, so am really hoping the MFA in Chiang Mai can do this swiftly,

If anyone has any experience of doing this, I would be eternally grateful if you could let me know !


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The answer is yes, and for double cost (800) same day issue instead of 2 days not including day of aplying.

I t is in Sala Klang Gov Building ground floor first office to your left.

I was going through the ordeal this past week.

My affirmation of freedom to marry was issued in my home country. A quite lenghty way to get this one, I can tell you. Anyhow this affirmation, together with a few other docs has been issued by my embassy and was translated into into Thai by an authorised and embassy aknowlaged (spelling??) translator.

Mfa corrected about half of the letter, incl. important details as the translation of the embassy fees on top of the doc. Mfa staff says they must not be on the translation!!

Allright, get the translation changed to their liking, bring it bCK, and they dislike something NEW. Wonderful, thanks for so much of correctness. Well have the translation changed again, bring it back, and YES they notarise it!!

Did I mention that they made the translator to change my Family name to my first name?? So in this translation there is my spouses name before the family name and my name " Nai Doe John"

At the Amphor they say can not marry, name is wrongly in place. Brilliant, isn't it. They would see what my first name is in the passport and still the documents must be correct. It is good to see sometimes, that we living in such a perfect country here, don't we?

Had to go to higher authority to solve out who is wrong or right on the first name thing. Answer, first is first, but don't want to mingle in Mfa business. So high up asks Amphor to issue anyway.

Took me 3 days and 230 km travelling what should have been done in 3 hours max.

In your case I would call 1133 for tel. number of mfa CM and ask the relevant questions, or go to your Amphor and get a sample "sathanapap sod", so your transator can get it "right".

Good luck and my condolences for the marriage 555

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