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The Last Straw

The Gentleman Scamp

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I was furious to discover last night that you can't buy alcohol ANYWHERE after 1am from a shop or a 7-Eleven, which means that if you wanted to have a party at your apartment or just a drink in front of the TV after leaving the pub - which now shuts at 1pm - you can't.

What a great idea that was. :o:D:D:D

This idiotic new law has been passed since I have been away and I have to admit that sometimes I can understand why people give up on Thailand and <deleted> it off completely, this new rule is pointless, very arrogant and absurd and Thaksin will be the death of this country which was once loved for it's laid back and chaotic lifestyle and there can't be many coffin nails left to hammer in.

Closing everywhere at 1pm and installing 'No Dancing' signs in discotheques was tolerable (once we realized it really wasn't a joke) but at least one could pause ones taxi and hop out at a FamilyMart to get a bottle of Master Blend and some Cola, or a couple of cans of Heiniken for a night in front of HBO.

Whatever next? Closure of Cowboy and Nana? Eradication of Tuk Tuk's and street vendors?

It seems that Mr T will not stop until Thailand is the same or better than whatever country he is so ludicrously pathetically trying to mimic, which, the way thigs are going seems to be a cross between the U.S. ,North Korea and communist China - not a great mix.

Well, he won't be able to have it both ways - either keep Thailand real and make a profit from tourists or lose most of them and be a country as 'normal' as the next.

I feel genuinly sorry for the poorer people of Thailand because they could suffer as a result of Mr T being such a control freak and his obsession with power and what all his leader peers think of him, not to mention the reputation Thailand has in his greedy little eyes... He is a sad and strange little man and the real Thailand would be better off without him, and although if he has it his way there will be better jobs and bigger salery's for the middle and high so Thai's, what makes Thailand Thailand will be either outcast, pushed underground or stomped out completely.

I for one will be keeping my eyes open for a new place to settle one day.

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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You mean 1am not 1pm presumably ?

Anyway bars in the designated 'entertainment zones' (like RCA or Ratchada) are still open til 2am or later, and most 7-11s in out of the way locations will serve alcohol any time of day or night.

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I was furious to discover last night that you can't buy alcohol ANYWHERE after 1pm, which means that if you wanted to have a party at your apartment or just a drink in front of the TV after leaving the pub - which now shuts at 1pm - you can't.

What a great idea that was. :o  :D  :D  :D

I have to admit that sometimes I can understand why people give up on Thailand and <deleted> it off completely, this new rule is pointless, very arrogant and absurd and Thaksin will be the death of this country which was once loved for it's laid back and chaotic lifestyle and there can't be many coffin nails left to hammer in.

Closing everywhere at 1pm and installing 'No Dancing' signs in discotheques was tolerable (once we realized it really wasn't a joke) but at least one could pause ones taxi and hop out to get a bottle of Master Blend and some Cola, or a couple of cans of Heiniken for a night in front of HBO.

Whatever next?  Closure of Cowboy and Nana?  Eradication of Tuk Tuks and street vendors?

It seems that Mr T will not stop until Thailand is the same or better than whatever country he is so ludicrously pathetically trying to mimic, which, the way thigs are going seems to be communist China.

Well, Thailand won't be able to have it both ways - either make a profit from tourists or lose most of them and be a country as 'normal' as the next.

I feel sorry for the people of Thailand and what Mr T is doing by being such a control freak and obsessed with what all his leader peers think of him and the reputation Thailand has in his greedy little eyes...  You are a sad and strange little man and the real Thailand would be better off without you, and although if you have it your way there will be better jobs and bigger salery's for the middle and high so Thai's, what makes Thailand Thailand will be either outcast, pushed underground or stomped out completely by you.

I for one will be keeping my eyes open for a new place to settle one day.


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I was furious to discover last night that you can't buy alcohol ANYWHERE after 1am from a shop or a 7-Eleven, which means that if you wanted to have a party at your apartment or just a drink in front of the TV after leaving the pub - which now shuts at 1pm - you can't.

What a great idea that was. :o  :D  :D  :D

This idiotic new law has been passed since I have been away and I have to admit that sometimes I can understand why people give up on Thailand and <deleted> it off completely, this new rule is pointless, very arrogant and absurd and Thaksin will be the death of this country which was once loved for it's laid back and chaotic lifestyle and there can't be many coffin nails left to hammer in.

Closing everywhere at 1pm and installing 'No Dancing' signs in discotheques was tolerable (once we realized it really wasn't a joke) but at least one could pause ones taxi and hop out at a FamilyMart to get a bottle of Master Blend and some Cola, or a couple of cans of Heiniken for a night in front of HBO.

Whatever next?  Closure of Cowboy and Nana?  Eradication of Tuk Tuk's and street vendors?

It seems that Mr T will not stop until Thailand is the same or better than whatever country he is so ludicrously pathetically trying to mimic, which, the way thigs are going seems to be a cross between the U.S. ,North Korea and communist China - not a great mix.

Well, he won't be able to have it both ways - either keep Thailand real and make a profit from tourists or lose most of them and be a country as 'normal' as the next.

I feel genuinly sorry for the poorer people of Thailand because they could suffer as a result of Mr T being such a control freak and his obsession with power and what all his leader peers think of him, not to mention the reputation Thailand has in his greedy little eyes...  He is a sad and strange little man and the real Thailand would be better off without him, and although if he has it his way there will be better jobs and bigger salery's for the middle and high so Thai's, what makes Thailand Thailand will be either outcast, pushed underground or stomped out completely.

I for one will be keeping my eyes open for a new place to settle one day.

You better leave the U.S. out this one, buster! :D
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I was furious to discover last night that you can't buy alcohol ANYWHERE after 1am from a shop or a 7-Eleven, which means that if you wanted to have a party at your apartment or just a drink in front of the TV after leaving the pub - which now shuts at 1pm - you can't.

What a great idea that was. :D  :D  :D  :D

This idiotic new law has been passed since I have been away and I have to admit that sometimes I can understand why people give up on Thailand and <deleted> it off completely, this new rule is pointless, very arrogant and absurd and Thaksin will be the death of this country which was once loved for it's laid back and chaotic lifestyle and there can't be many coffin nails left to hammer in.

Closing everywhere at 1pm and installing 'No Dancing' signs in discotheques was tolerable (once we realized it really wasn't a joke) but at least one could pause ones taxi and hop out at a FamilyMart to get a bottle of Master Blend and some Cola, or a couple of cans of Heiniken for a night in front of HBO.

Whatever next?  Closure of Cowboy and Nana?  Eradication of Tuk Tuk's and street vendors?

It seems that Mr T will not stop until Thailand is the same or better than whatever country he is so ludicrously pathetically trying to mimic, which, the way thigs are going seems to be a cross between the U.S. ,North Korea and communist China - not a great mix.

Well, he won't be able to have it both ways - either keep Thailand real and make a profit from tourists or lose most of them and be a country as 'normal' as the next.

I feel genuinly sorry for the poorer people of Thailand because they could suffer as a result of Mr T being such a control freak and his obsession with power and what all his leader peers think of him, not to mention the reputation Thailand has in his greedy little eyes...  He is a sad and strange little man and the real Thailand would be better off without him, and although if he has it his way there will be better jobs and bigger salery's for the middle and high so Thai's, what makes Thailand Thailand will be either outcast, pushed underground or stomped out completely.

I for one will be keeping my eyes open for a new place to settle one day.

You better leave the U.S. out this one, buster! :D

oooooohhh :D I make you right Scampy :o:D

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a tourist cant fuel his alcohol habit 24 hours a day and engages on a patronising mad rant about how the country is finished , how sorry he feels for the country and how thailand is changing (i.e. developing) from the (much beloved by tourists ) palm treed shantytown cliche that westerners expect to be greeted with after a 12 hour flight.

pity the poor thais for being so misguided as to want some of what they perceive as the finer things in life and in the process of development deprive wealthy patronising foriegners of their dreamy expectations of the "real south east asia "

very arrogant and absurd

describes your post as much as it does thaksin.

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Scamp, we dont have such ludicrous laws up here. Once you get to know the local storekeeps they will sell you anything, even on all the public holidays. They wont sell to Thais only us.

I bought some beer on election day with two coppers not standing 20 feet away, the owner obviously felt that there were two laws, one for us and one for the Thai voters. I dont know if they saw me put it in my car or not, but nothing happened to me or him

Come up to CM Scamp, and CHILL!! :D

I can understand the horror you experienced though, 1 pm and I cant get a beer.


Edited by ThaiPauly
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I was furious to discover last night that you can't buy alcohol ANYWHERE after 1am from a shop or a 7-Eleven, which means that if you wanted to have a party at your apartment or just a drink in front of the TV after leaving the pub - which now shuts at 1pm - you can't.

What a great idea that was. :o  :D  :D  :D

This idiotic new law has been passed since I have been away and I have to admit that sometimes I can understand why people give up on Thailand and <deleted> it off completely, this new rule is pointless, very arrogant and absurd and Thaksin will be the death of this country which was once loved for it's laid back and chaotic lifestyle and there can't be many coffin nails left to hammer in.

Closing everywhere at 1pm and installing 'No Dancing' signs in discotheques was tolerable (once we realized it really wasn't a joke) but at least one could pause ones taxi and hop out at a FamilyMart to get a bottle of Master Blend and some Cola, or a couple of cans of Heiniken for a night in front of HBO.

Whatever next?  Closure of Cowboy and Nana?  Eradication of Tuk Tuk's and street vendors?

It seems that Mr T will not stop until Thailand is the same or better than whatever country he is so ludicrously pathetically trying to mimic, which, the way thigs are going seems to be a cross between the U.S. ,North Korea and communist China - not a great mix.

Well, he won't be able to have it both ways - either keep Thailand real and make a profit from tourists or lose most of them and be a country as 'normal' as the next.

I feel genuinly sorry for the poorer people of Thailand because they could suffer as a result of Mr T being such a control freak and his obsession with power and what all his leader peers think of him, not to mention the reputation Thailand has in his greedy little eyes...  He is a sad and strange little man and the real Thailand would be better off without him, and although if he has it his way there will be better jobs and bigger salery's for the middle and high so Thai's, what makes Thailand Thailand will be either outcast, pushed underground or stomped out completely.

I for one will be keeping my eyes open for a new place to settle one day.


This is the biggest pile of <deleted> i have read for a long time!

No wonder Thai's think were just a load of fat whore-mongerers!!!!

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So is this a continuation from two years ago when these laws were first proposed and everyone was up in arm, saying they were going to leave, and that Thailand was finished, "Would the last one out please turn off the lights?", etc, etc?

Few if any of them left.

Anyone who's spent a day or more in Thailand who can't find a drink after hours isn't looking very hard.

I've seen the "No Dancing" signs before. They don't apply to the dance floor, they just don't want people dancing elsewhere in the club as it makes it even more difficult to get around when some self absorbed idiots bouncing around in front of the bar oblivious to the fact that they're impeding everyone's attempts to reload.

These laws have been in place for quite awhile, don't know how you missed them before.

Like the others said, plan ahead. Or ask the taxi driver. :o


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I was furious to discover last night that you can't buy alcohol ANYWHERE after 1am from a shop or a 7-Eleven, which means that if you wanted to have a party at your apartment or just a drink in front of the TV after leaving the pub - which now shuts at 1pm - you can't.

"Oh boo-hoo-hoo! I can't drink myself into a coma! Oh boo-hoo-hoo! I actually have to save some beer in my fridge instead of drinking ALL of it before I walk out the door (to go to a bar, drink some more, and then buy some more beer on the way home".

Are you serious?

God, I wish my life was so uncomplicated that the biggest worry I had was how to get even more f'ing drunk after bars close.

Then again, soi dogs live pretty "uncomplicated" lives and I don't really envy them that much for it.

Here's a tip Scamp:


If you can't keep beer in your fridge for more then 24 hours, there's a word for you, it's called:


look it up.

Edited by Pudgimelon
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Tougher alcohol, cigarette laws planned

BANGKOK: -- The Finance Ministry will today ask the Cabinet to enforce even stricter regulations on the sale of alcohol and cigarettes. The new rules will make legal the current decree on liquor sales after midnight and prohibit the sale of cigarettes in educational institutions.

Say good-bye to your 1am stop-drinking time, Scampy.... it's getting pushed back even further to midnight...


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i smell a business idea. delivery to your door of beverages 24 hours a day.just ring up and the tuktuk arrives with your load. you could have a mobile shop selling beers and they circle town and a phonecall brings them round . just like the radio cabs .

and the mobile brothels .(what happened to them?)

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When I left the UK it was hard to get a drink after 11pm unless you went to some crappy nightclub miles away that was full of teenagers and false IDs

I am glad about the law. The more Mr T stops the pissheads being on the streets and keeps them at home the better.

Pity it does not go further in restricting alcoholism, violence, vomitting in Taxis and yobs 'singing' on the streets.


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Blimey! I bet some of you are a real scream to be around.

I smell the rank stench of hypocrisy here or can I take it you have never let a drop of the demon drink pass your lips outside of 'business hours'?

Pandit, if anything, these laws are going to concentrate the pissheads, not make them rarer.

At the end of the day as the UK realises how much closing times contributed to violence and other social ills, Thailand is going the opposite way yet again.

Wait for the rise in street violence and drink related incidents in Thailand........

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Maybe the Scamp likes his beer fresh and stored at the proper temp. Some of those little friges in the hotel room keep beer cold to the touch and that's it.

i smell a business idea. delivery to your door of beverages 24 hours a day.just ring up and the tuktuk arrives with your load. you could have a mobile shop selling beers and they circle town and a phonecall brings them round . just like the radio cabs and the mobile brothels .(what happened to them?).

Do a pizza delivery that offers the delivery of drinks with the pizza and that means beer. That way it's not so obvious.

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