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Thai Student Nazi Dress-Up Day Causes Outrage

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I remember reading Post bag in the Bangkok Post where a letter described seeing Thais wearing the German military helmet complete with swatikas.

There followed a pathetic attempt at linking it with some ancient sanscrit symbol and an explanation that it was an unconnected use of it's original meaning.

I don't think ignorance can be claimed even this time.

Remember we had the wax works advertising in Pattaya showing poster sized images of Adolf and proclaiming it as an attraction. It is. For neo-nazis!

Rather than pure ignorance I'd suggest it's a combination of bad taste and ignorance. As regards Pattaya the inevitable Thai greed rears its ugly head.

What it clearly is is a very sad reflection of Thai people, at best their ignorance and clearly a damnation of the education system that chooses to neglect world events from its curriculum.

But then if you have an educated, empowered and thinking people, you have change in society. The latter would lead to a shift in the archaic balance of power from the feudal system with its powerful local-family rulers, to a meritocracy where the talented and able assume positions of power.

That would elad to improvements in society but an erosion of the wealth, power and influence of the old guard.

Hence Thailand is backward and will never come forward.

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Yes..they have moved on why cant we?

.... I think its already been said..What about the Vikings, the Romans and god forbid the British as they rampaged through the world forming 'The Empire' or is that ok to be conveniently forgotten.

You missed my point entirely. The facts of the Nazi regime should be taught, but no parades please. Even more so, no parades from CATHOLIC schools.

Why should it be taught, its hardly taught in England anymore.

Anyway.....Its a carnival for petes sake, not the rising of the third riech


Just don't mention the war

Highly facile post - as you are aware almost everyone on this thread will know this episode so what is the point of putting here?>

When this program was released during the 1970s I don't remember hearing a single criticism regarding the content by anyone

? I am surprised that over 30 years later in Southeast Asia people are still so offended by this incident?

Since then we've had equally horrific atrocities in the Kosovo War and just a couple of weeks ago it was discovered Robert Mugabe has been killing his own citizens to stop them from digging in a valuable new diamond deposit which the ordinary people happen to have discovered.

Why no outrage about this?

Excellent point midas. The Jews are also affraid of losing their 60+ year monopoly on misery, which they need it to justify US funding for the expansion of Israel, and the rest of the West is strangled and hobbled by 'political correctness'. Kosovo indeed


Is Thailand a colony of Britain, or France or US or Germany? Why the hell did the embassies concerned make such a fuss and why the hell did the owners of scholl have to apologise. This is a shame for all Thais and something needs to be done. This is Thailand and this is Asia, if the Western expats do not like anything we do...thsy can just leave and actually the foreign teachers and parents at the school that made such a fuss should have been told to do just that. This is really so sad that Thais have to dance to the whims and fancies of the West.


Is Thailand a colony of Britain, or France or US or Germany? Why the hell did the embassies concerned make such a fuss and why the hell did the owners of scholl have to apologise. This is a shame for all Thais and something needs to be done. This is Thailand and this is Asia, if the Western expats do not like anything we do...thsy can just leave and actually the foreign teachers and parents at the school that made such a fuss should have been told to do just that. This is really so sad that Thais have to dance to the whims and fancies of the West.

Get real. If there was a parade in the west offending some Thai sacred symbols, Thais would likely be attacking their embassy in Bangkok.


Excellent point midas. The Jews are also affraid of losing their 60+ year monopoly on misery, which they need it to justify US funding for the expansion of Israel, and the rest of the West is strangled and hobbled by 'political correctness'. Kosovo indeed

Excellent point for the antisemites in the crowd, that is. You guys are so predictable.


Is Thailand a colony of Britain, or France or US or Germany? Why the hell did the embassies concerned make such a fuss and why the hell did the owners of scholl have to apologise. This is a shame for all Thais and something needs to be done. This is Thailand and this is Asia, if the Western expats do not like anything we do...thsy can just leave and actually the foreign teachers and parents at the school that made such a fuss should have been told to do just that. This is really so sad that Thais have to dance to the whims and fancies of the West.

they should say sorry because it was kinda offensive to some victims and families of those killed by the war. being nice and polite is always good in any social. i guess the kids done it without intention but still, it is an offend, now they know it. say sorry is the right thing to do so.

but after they say sorry, and if some still asking for more, then i think it would be the time to ask for their sorry on what they have done to Siam. i am talking about the UK and France.


Its a carnival for petes sake, not the rising of the third riech

So let me get this straight. Do you think Nazi power parades should become a trend now?

It was a Carnival not a Nazi Power Parade...talk about "Over the Top"


Its a carnival for petes sake, not the rising of the third riech

So let me get this straight. Do you think Nazi power parades should become a trend now?

It was a Carnival not a Nazi Power Parade...talk about "Over the Top"

Actually, we have reports that the student group chose to present as Nazis because in their minds Nazis equated to POWER. Not over the top in the least, dude.


The swastika is a religious symbol, from India copied by the nazi's. See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika Together with lack of historical knowledge this probably led to the students not being aware of what they were doing.

I once borrowed "Shindlers List" to a headmaster. He was schocked and showed the movie to his students, so i gave the DVD to him and he wanted to see more movies about the holocast.

Maybe someone can send a DVD to this school.

Correction! The swastika is a bastardization of an ancient Buddhist symbol. In most countries, the Budhist symbol has its points turned the opposite direction and the symbol is straight, not turned at a 45 degree as is the swastika.

This is a prime example of the lack of world history education in the Thai schools coming back to bite them in their a$e$.It really is pathetic in that Nazi were for a white superior race. How would these kids react to knowing they, Asians are supporting a political ideology that would anihalate black, Jewish, Arobic, Asian races??


Thailand teaches NOTHING about the last 100 years of war. The First great war, Hitler's war. The struggles for south East Asia, they know NOTHING and care less. Did any of you know that in the closing days of WW2 Japan forced the the Then Thai Gov. to declare war on the USA! The declaration of war note, was never delivered thanks to the USA Thai ambassadors refusal to deliver it. Another denial was refusing the Bridge on the River Kwai film to be made in Thailand,It was eventually made in Ceylon. But look who came out tops money wise, Amazing Thailand (a Miracle needed)

Are you sure I never heard of this I wish someone can tell more


I saw one on a Hindu temple once. I was shocked..shock1.gif

I can remember seeing a Nazi Swastika badge on the shirt of a BTS station cashier/clerk a few months ago. You can see them on bags , T-shirts, Even on the painted company buses that are everywhere, Clearly WW2 was something missing from the ciriculum in Thailand


Its a carnival for petes sake, not the rising of the third riech

So let me get this straight. Do you think Nazi power parades should become a trend now?

It was a Carnival not a Nazi Power Parade...talk about "Over the Top"

Actually, we have reports that the student group chose to present as Nazis because in their minds Nazis equated to POWER. Not over the top in the least, dude.

So What? and of course we dont parade in the west do we?? Dude!!

This is a small insignificant carnival and its brought out the anti Thai brigade...History is History learn from it but Leave it there.

This was a bloody carnival, I cannot believe its taken 15 pages of hate mongers to gripe over.

Maybe all the war films should be banned, books and DVDs highlighting the horrors of all wars, look at the Yanks in Vietnam they can hardly hold their head up high, the British as they created the Empire nothing in any of our history makes any country innocent, leave it to what it was "A Carnival"


This was a bloody carnival, I cannot believe its taken 15 pages of hate mongers to gripe over.

I think this is your position. Correct me if I'm wrong. Your opinion is noted.

1. A Nazi parade at a Catholic school is totally fine. Fun really.

2. There is nothing for the school administration to apologize for.

3. There is no need to add some history of World War II to the curriculum.

4. It is totally OK for there to be as many Nazi parades at schools in Thailand as the kiddies desire. It's all in good fun!

5. To question any of this reflects hatred of Thai people.



Don't forget it wasn't only the jews that were send to the camps. Many other groups were also undesired and murdered, like gypsies and the mentaly handicapped.

Of course. Also homosexuals and political leftists.

Its been suggested it was a cover for Hitlers own homosexuality.

The Hidden Hitler by German-Jewish professor and historian Dr. Lothar Machtan.

The book discusses Adolf Hitler's sexuality. Machtan argues that Hitler was a closeted homosexual. Among the evidence, it cites the allegedly homoerotic nature of his friendship with August Kubizek during Hitler's youth in Vienna.


You all should leave your political correctness at home. They did not do it to be hateful, and the Hitler girl looks really cool.

I don't think anyone said they did it to be hateful. It reflects massive ignorance. Some would say ignorance should not be glorified.


Don't forget it wasn't only the jews that were send to the camps. Many other groups were also undesired and murdered, like gypsies and the mentaly handicapped.

Of course. Also homosexuals and political leftists.

Its been suggested it was a cover for Hitlers own homosexuality.

The Hidden Hitler by German-Jewish professor and historian Dr. Lothar Machtan.

The book discusses Adolf Hitler's sexuality. Machtan argues that Hitler was a closeted homosexual. Among the evidence, it cites the allegedly homoerotic nature of his friendship with August Kubizek during Hitler's youth in Vienna.

Kind of a side issue. It wouldn't be the first time a persecutor of gay people is a closet case.


I lost a lot of family member in WW !! and I think that after reading all of the above lets never for get or like one person said get over it make me sick all the BS in the world and as far as the school system and teachers here LOL

I said it .......and I like you lost relatives during the war that wont be many who didnt, but why are we harping on about it, I have 3 German neighbours shall I ignore them because of what they relatives did. Come on move on leaqve History where it belongs in the past!!

Indeed, we wish the school had left this part of history exactly where it was instead of apparently wanting to dust it off with a completely inappropriate and ignorant performance. This is not about hating or liking Germans, this is about ignorantly celebrating naziism.


This was a bloody carnival, I cannot believe its taken 15 pages of hate mongers to gripe over.

I think this is your position. Correct me if I'm wrong. Your opinion is noted.

1. A Nazi parade at a Catholic school is totally fine. Fun really.

2. There is nothing for the school administration to apologize for.

3. There is no need to add some history of World War II to the curriculum.

4. It is totally OK for there to be as many Nazi parades at schools in Thailand as the kiddies desire. It's all in good fun!

5. To question any of this reflects hatred of Thai people.


1.It was ment to be fun its the over zealous westerners on here that has made it into something else.

2.Why should they apologise, What is there to apologise for?

3.You will find certainly in the UK less and less of the History of the WW is being taught.

4.It was fun but for over zealous farangs complaining..the horror of it

5.No but it brings out the anti Thai brigades just read the posts!


Have to say, I think the Nazi parade a few years ago had better costumes. And this one doesn't even appear to have a dance number? Can't have Nazis without dancing



You may SHOUT all you wish -- you are still wrong.

semite -- A member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and AraB

I agree with your last point

No, I am not wrong. I never said only Jews are semites. I stated the fact, and it is a fact, that antisemitism (the word) refers ONLY to Jews. Words have specific meanings and if you actually believe antisemitism refers to any people other than Jews, you simply don't know the meaning of that word.

Anti-semitism dates bach centuries and unfortunately is not a new concept.

Chanes (sp?) notes three phases of anti-semitism --- ancient anti-semtism which was ethnic in nature, Christian anti-semitism based on religion and the anit-semitism of the last two centuries. The latter is the anti-semitism of which you speak and is the hatred of the Jewish people and their religion.


And don't forget that Arabs comprise the largest subcomponent of the Semitic race.

See my last point. This is getting silly. Antisemitism refers ONLY to Jews. That is a fact. Look at any dictionary.

Yes it got very silly. I'm beginning to wonder how anyone could mistake 'antisemitism' for meaning anything other than 'anti-jew' as it's been used for decades (probably) and is defined by www.dictionary.com. I'm suspecting that it's a euphemism that's fooling some gullible and/or not-well-read folks.


I see that every day. Swastikas on their t-shirts, Third Reich helmets and even swastikas tattooed on their arms or hands. When I ask them whether they know what it represents, they answer "fashion!"

They are not aware, not the children nor the parents. How can they be made aware? Very difficult IMO. It does need to be included in their curriculums, at school, but so do many other things.

The problem here is ignorance, an appalling ignorance. Adults, as well as children, lack general knowledge on many things. The No 2 of a Bank in Chiangmai, told me that Canada is somewhere in Africa !


You all should leave your political correctness at home. They did not do it to be hateful, and the Hitler girl looks really cool.

I don't think anyone said they did it to be hateful. It reflects massive ignorance. Some would say ignorance should not be glorified.

The Hitler gal was cool, but In one of the pics there was what looked like a Himmler girl with a long black coat and a white dagger, but it wasn't a closeup. I understand that they're planning a 'Springtime for Hitler' performance to widen their artistic skills.


You all should leave your political correctness at home. They did not do it to be hateful, and the Hitler girl looks really cool.

I don't think anyone said they did it to be hateful. It reflects massive ignorance. Some would say ignorance should not be glorified.

The Hitler gal was cool, but In one of the pics there was what looked like a Himmler girl with a long black coat and a white dagger, but it wasn't a closeup. I understand that they're planning a 'Springtime for Hitler' performance to widen their artistic skills.

Comedy about Nazis can be very funny to people who understand it, but it doesn't really have a role in a culture of people who don't understand the context of the comedy. Maybe later. Then there is the advanced stuff. Like Sarah Silverman.


It reminds me when the wax museum opened up at the Royal Garden Plaza in Pattaya and there was a billboard advertising the wax museum with a big picture of Hilter. It offended many people since it looked like it was promoting someone who was responsible for one of the world's worse world wars. I have to agree with the other comments on this forum, most Thai students do not receive a proper lesson of world history (or geography) from their schools and are not aware how some topics can be sensitive to other ethnic groups. I suppose it would be like some Westerner dressing up as a monk for Halloween --not aware it is offensive to devoted Buddhists.


This is another example of bad reporting.

Not everyone would find this offensive. Some found it quite amusing.

The only reason this sort of thing continues is because it cause some ( who like to keep hold of the past) "offense".

It's time to drop the PC, let go of the past- or forever have some poking fun of those who would take offense .

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