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Whats The Problem ?


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There have been a lot of negative threads about Thailand especially today November 8th.

Yes things are changing, some for the good and some for the worse.

Perhaps its just a question of "Getting it off your chest" then perhaps you feel better. :o

Is that the case as surely you know 100% YOU can't change a thing :D

Does anybody feel better just to have posted a compalint about the system here ?

Many would say if you don't like it then go, but for the sake of this thread it will NOT be ME that says it :D

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It's because we haven't had any Muslim bashing threads for a while.... :o

......and let's keep it that way!!

Anyway all those Thailand-bashers should leave Thailand alone - there's no perfect place for anyone and never will be. I'm sure the countries they come from aren't quite perfect either.

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It's because we haven't had any Muslim bashing threads for a while.... :o

......and let's keep it that way!!

Anyway all those Thailand-bashers should leave Thailand alone - there's no perfect place for anyone and never will be.  I'm sure the countries they come from aren't quite perfect either.

Good on yer Zaz , great reply, did make me smile :D

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I agree maybe we could have a thread called get it off you chest, where everyone who has had a bad day,week, month, year can go and post what they want without being bothering other members :o

I agree. Some people, after a bad day, go home and "Kick the Cat" others seem to "Kick Thailand". Start a thread where they can go and virbally "Kick the Cat" as many times as they like, without getting flamed :D

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Well my advice to them is to take 5 and just chill out. Take a few deep breaths, calm down, stick on a bit of nice music, relax, close your eyes...if that doesn't work then go and get laid!! That'll do the trick guaranteed!! :o

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Well my advice to them is to take 5 and just chill out.  Take a few deep breaths, calm down, stick on a bit of nice music, relax, close your eyes...if that doesn't work then go and get laid!!  That'll do the trick guaranteed!!  :D

Or get it on with the missus/GF........providing its not her "time of the month" otherwise, yeah, kick the cat, or "start a potential flaming/roasting of yourself on TV" :D

Urmmm I guess thats whats happening here :o

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Well my advice to them is to take 5 and just chill out.  Take a few deep breaths, calm down, stick on a bit of nice music, relax, close your eyes...if that doesn't work then go and get laid!!  That'll do the trick guaranteed!!  :D

Or get it on with the missus/GF........providing its not her "time of the month" otherwise, yeah, kick the cat, or "start a potential flaming/roasting of yourself on TV" :D

Urmmm I guess thats whats happening here :o

Its really sad all these people whinging about thailand, spare a thought for all the poor queenslanders at the moment who are striking for a 6 hour working day and a maximum 4 day working week, all the career dole bludgers here , who get paid more than old age pensioners who whinge when they get caught working as well as drawing the dole, so everything runs at a different pace in Los but who cares!! it took me nearly 35 years to complete my dream in Los, and for 3 or 4 months every year I return to Queensland or wigan in the knowledge how lucky we are to live in the land of smiles!! :D nignoy
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I think its ok to have a whinge about Thailand, sometimes things here just annoy the sh1t out of me, but thats life, things annoy me back in the UK too, its a balance.

What does annoy me though is the posters who say 'if you dont like it go home' all the time, especially the ones that only have been to Thailand for a holiday and never lived here which is a large amount of people on this forum.

A lot of you have never lived in Thailand on a full time basis and have little idea of what that is like, it can get you down sometimes. Let them moan I say, as long as its something worth moaning about. :o

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So is this now the thread that is moaning about all the threads that moan about people moaning about Thailand?

Are we turning this into the moaning thread then? because if we are i have a few moans i would like to get off my chest.

I cooked my lasagne tonight for the required time in the microwave, yet when i took it out it was still frozen in the middle, bloody useless microwaves :D

I want to moan about the weather in the uk, its cold and wet all the bloody time. :D

I want to moan about the crap on television, it means i spend far too much time on here listening to people moan. :D

I want to moan about bloody mobile phone companies, why dont they appreciate their existing customers instead of only giving the good deals to new customers. :D

Ohh one more thing, my bloody porch roof has just started leaking because it is bloody raining :D

Ok i have finished moaning now. And you boys that moan about Thailand think you are hard done by, try being me for an afternoon :o

Edited by daleyboy
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You see man, the grass is not always, but sometimes greener.

I cooked my lasagne tonight for the required time in the microwave, yet when i took it out it was still frozen in the middle, bloody useless microwaves :o
I would love to have some better farang food sometimes, why haven't the Thai people developed a need for Ginsters Cornish Pastys and Marks and Sparks Quiche? :D
I want to moan about the weather in the uk, its cold and wet all the bloody time. :D

Man, I would love a spell of cold weather, I hate never being able to wear coats. :D

I want to moan about the crap on television, it means i spend far too much time on here listening to people moan. :D

I spend my time downloading the English TV and dont even get me started on Thai TV programmes. :D


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So is this now the thread that is moaning about all the threads that  moan about people moaning about Thailand?

Are we turning this into the moaning thread then? because if we are i have a few moans i would like to get off my chest.

I cooked my lasagne tonight for the required time in the microwave, yet when i took it out it was still frozen in the middle, bloody useless microwaves :D

I want to moan about the weather in the uk, its cold and wet all the bloody time. :D

I want to moan about the crap on television, it means i spend far too much time on here listening to people moan. :D

I want to moan about bloody mobile phone companies, why dont they appreciate their existing customers instead of only giving the good deals to new customers. :D

Ohh one more thing, my bloody porch roof has just started leaking because it is bloody raining :D

Ok i have finished moaning now. And you boys that moan about Thailand think you are hard done by, try being me for an afternoon :o


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:o we can swap if you Bkk, you can have the weather, food and coats and i wil have the sunshine, the food and the shorts :D

You have to remember that most of the moans come from us Brits, now for those that dont know we hold every record and medal in bloody moaning and if anyone wants to disagree with me i wil start a thread and have a moan about it :D

Edited by daleyboy
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I think everybody need their moaning time when they are down. Sometimes is so nice to moan about things that upset you some days in your life but which you do not bother about some many other days. As long as you are not a "profesional moaning" someone who is complaing all day long all through the year making everybody around you unhappy...

Moan and let people moaning

And actually complaining about people who moan is not moaning? :o

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Surely complaining at some level is a good thing.

I have noticed the Thais extreme tolerance levels for numerous things. But I have also noticed that things don't get fixed quickly either.

Sometimes complaining can bring an issue to general awareness so it can then be addressed and fixed. SOMETIMES! But hey I guess you also need to be conrtuctive about it to, no?

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