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Whats The Problem ?


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What's interesting (in a pathetic way) are the lot of folks who actually aren't in Thailand anymore but still feel the need to whinge about it. I think in part to rationalize their failure but at the same time secretly still longing to live the life again (but typically in denial and unwilling to even concede that much).


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Well I think it's an interesting phenomenon. Do you see people dropping out of the Boyscouts or college and then bashing the organization for decades on after that? Seems awfully borderline postal don't you think?


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Well I think it's an interesting phenomenon. Do you see people dropping out of the Boyscouts or college and then bashing the organization for decades on after that? Seems awfully borderline postal don't you think?

we falangs have such high expectations of things , and when expectations arent met we like to complain about the disappointments. (and how , if we were only given the chance , we could make things better. :o )

peoples expectations of thailand are initially very high , and inevitably , for whatever reasons , and its not always due to failure on the falangs part , there is a shortfall between the expectation and the reality , we feel shortchanged.

it rankles , we are used to having things our own way , however long it takes.

or until its been expunged from the system by persistent whinging and complaining.

or until something better comes along. :D

better to have extremely low hopes and expectations , then happiness is achieved quite easily and frequently.

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think it's better to walk the walk, not just talk the talk.

what , you mean go move to a buddhist country instead of living in thailand and complaining all the time??

I mean, actually changing what you're not happy with instead of just talking about it. Falangs already have a foothold in parliament. 2 luk krung members of parliament. One is n'Bamm who is in the Rasadorn party and Banharn's mia noi, and the other is an ex-actor fellow, not sure of his name. The potential is there, but mostly unrealized because of a lack of unity and lack of long term planning. It'd be a different country if those old Portuguese and French traders actually set up schools, small communities, maintained their bloodlines, or at least held on to their small plots of real estate.


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Right so colonialsims the answer then Heng?

It can work. Although it works best when you don't let on that they are being colonized (like Hispanics in California and Florida, Jews on Wall Street, or the Chinese... well, a bunch of places too, LOS included).

Nah, I'm talking about maintaining one's assets for the long run. The families that do, get to make the rules and the laws in the long run. Then there's no need to whinge for change.


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This topic crops up from time to time and not to take anything away from Thaipauly's original point, it's usually the newbies on TV who whinge, complain, croak, moan etc about some aspect of Thailand they are not used to yet.

At least we're not discussing BG's anymore (crossed fingers). :o

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I dream of the day when I can swap my UK crap for that of LOS. I'm not blind to the problems you all talk about, but it reminds me somewhat of Woody Guthrie's quote about the police when he came to London: "Your pigs is better than our pigs".

One day I shall probably whinge and bleat and whine and moan and mither about my problems of living in LOS - bring it on, is what I say!

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Heng while you're waiting for you kid's kid's kid's to make a change what are you going to talk about in the meantime?  :o

Not waiting for anything, it's all taken care of as one goes along. I think it's working too because the status quo as it is now is hella sweet.


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Maybe I have lived here too long or gone local, or something. But frankly, it is becoming more and more difficult for me to enjoy a night out with my fellow farangs living here. I know Thailand isn’t perfect and I go off about something at least once a day, but night after night, and week after week, and year after year of the same old whines and cries and moaning is just more than I can take.

I prefer to hang out with the tourists or newbies or the locals for the most part.

I know there are whiners everywhere around the world, but the long-term expats in Thailand are some of the most miserable and unpleasant people I have ever been around.

I must like it here, since I live here, and no one is putting a gun to my head making me stay, and I don’t feel any desire to spend large chunks of my life listening to people putting down the choices I have made, and feel pretty good about. Maybe, it is just the ones around my age (40ish) who are basically unhappy, I am not sure. Maybe I should start hanging out with a younger or an older crowd.

How many times does one want to hear how Thais are stupid, corrupt, dishonest and so on in one’s life? Especially when one is married to a Thai and have children who think they are Thai?

So here I am complaining about the complainers, a bit ironic isn’t it?

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Right so colonialsims the answer then Heng?

It can work. Although it works best when you don't let on that they are being colonized (like Hispanics in California and Florida, Jews on Wall Street, or the Chinese... well, a bunch of places too, LOS included).

Nah, I'm talking about maintaining one's assets for the long run. The families that do, get to make the rules and the laws in the long run. Then there's no need to whinge for change.


Yeah, but you see Heng, for "whingers" like me, it's not enough to set up a de facto colony and change laws and customs to benefit my clan and assets.

I actually get upset and want to do something about child trafficking, the killing and enslaving of Burmese, and stateless hilltribe people that were born on this soil.

But, in another case of whinging, I shouldn't say that too prominently on this site because it will be deemed unfit for discussion on a foreign-run site.

Wow - big sigh of relief - I guess I do feel better now :D

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Apparently, being English, I moan, Moan and say sorry all the time.! Then again loads of others say the English have the best sense of humour. I don't think you can win here, too many conflicting points of view that we can moan about forever :o:D:D


even the bad times are good.

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Right so colonialsims the answer then Heng?

It can work. Although it works best when you don't let on that they are being colonized (like Hispanics in California and Florida, Jews on Wall Street, or the Chinese... well, a bunch of places too, LOS included).

Nah, I'm talking about maintaining one's assets for the long run. The families that do, get to make the rules and the laws in the long run. Then there's no need to whinge for change.


Yeah, but you see Heng, for "whingers" like me, it's not enough to set up a de facto colony and change laws and customs to benefit my clan and assets.

I actually get upset and want to do something about child trafficking, the killing and enslaving of Burmese, and stateless hilltribe people that were born on this soil.

But, in another case of whinging, I shouldn't say that too prominently on this site because it will be deemed unfit for discussion on a foreign-run site.

Wow - big sigh of relief - I guess I do feel better now :D

I didn't mean it to sound like it was a system just to further the clan for financial purposes (in fact wealth is sometimes just a side effect of having a cohesive family structure over the generations). It's a foundation upon which future generations of the clan can go out and do whatever they want. We have "crusaders" in the family as well, however they wouldn't have the freedom to crusade and 'explore themselves and the world' if it weren't for the determined and well executed efforts of the clan and clan's elders.


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There have been a lot of negative threads about Thailand especially today November 8th.

Yes  things are changing, some for the good and some for the worse.

Perhaps its just a question of "Getting it off your chest" then perhaps you feel better. :o

Is that the case as surely you know 100% YOU can't change a thing :D

Does anybody feel better just to have posted a compalint about the system here ?

Many would say if you don't like it then go, but for the sake of this thread it will NOT be ME that says it :D

Westerners feel strongly about free speech.

Many Farang see Thais and Thailand as a pitiful case which they may be able to help in some way. They put a good deal of effort into Thailand; learn Thai, pay the bills, live in 3rd world conditions, socialize with derelicts. At some point the Farang realizes Thais are unappreciative and Thailand has very little to offer. Once this is realized frustration results.

Usually, objectivity about Thais and Thailand is quickly snuffed out online as these boards are run by Farang trying to please Khun Thai. They must tow the Thai line or be shut down and deported

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Many Farang see Thais and Thailand as a pitiful case
I agree!!!
They put a good deal of effort into Thailand; learn Thai, pay the bills, live in 3rd world conditions, socialize with derelicts.  At some point the Farang realizes Thais are unappreciative and Thailand has very little to offer. Once this is realized frustration results.
Yes, and farangs even have to live in 3rd world conditions in order to help Thailand! Thais should be worshipping farangs as gods, shouldn't they? Why are you sacrificing your lifestyle to help the Thais?
Usually, objectivity about Thais and Thailand is quickly snuffed out online as these boards are run by Farang trying to please Khun Thai. They must tow the Thai line or be shut down and deported
Just please look at all the mockerys and sacarsms here about Thais. And you are making such a statement? Unbelievable! How big an ego do you have?
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Yeah, but you see Heng, for "whingers" like me, it's not enough to set up a de facto colony and change laws and customs to benefit my clan and assets.

I actually get upset and want to do something about child trafficking, the killing and enslaving of Burmese, and stateless hilltribe people that were born on this soil.

But, in another case of whinging, I shouldn't say that too prominently on this site because it will be deemed unfit for discussion on a foreign-run site.

Wow - big sigh of relief - I guess I do feel better now  :D

Kat, your post made me think of my position in the years that I´ve been living in third world countries. Honestly, and by no means to take from your position, which I admire and respect, but personally, I come to the conclusion, that (for myself at least) I fell I choose to come and live in these countries (and I live and earn my money on local scales too - I have no external source of income, nor any reserves of my own) So I will contribute what I can in my line of work, or as in recent cases, pull my weight as a local in overcoming natural disaster, but I will not get involved in the local (civil&gov´t) politics or way of life for anything. I wish to remain respected and personally find that the best way to do so is to maintain an aloof perspective upon many aspects of daily life and practices. This, whether I agree or not.

I´m not a whinger. I left europe cos I didn´t like it there. Why whinge about it?

I think time shows all eventually, and consider myself patient. I live as a good person, and hopefully some of that will rub off on others. Maybe Darwin did have a point.

I could probably elaborate far more, and/or explain myself better, but that´d get boring on a chat board. Maybe over some drinks sometime.

With respect,


Many Farang see Thais and Thailand as a pitiful case
I agree!!!
They put a good deal of effort into Thailand; learn Thai, pay the bills, live in 3rd world conditions, socialize with derelicts.  At some point the Farang realizes Thais are unappreciative and Thailand has very little to offer. Once this is realized frustration results.
Yes, and farangs even have to live in 3rd world conditions in order to help Thailand! Thais should be worshipping farangs as gods, shouldn't they? Why are you sacrificing your lifestyle to help the Thais?
Usually, objectivity about Thais and Thailand is quickly snuffed out online as these boards are run by Farang trying to please Khun Thai. They must tow the Thai line or be shut down and deported
Just please look at all the mockerys and sacarsms here about Thais. And you are making such a statement? Unbelievable! How big an ego do you have?


If Khun Thai doesn´t like it, why shouldn´t Khun Thai shut it down. That thailand fredom of speech has already broadened this far is admirable. Consider wher it was thirty years ago. If it continues to proceed in this manner, we will all be sitting in the prime ministers local bitching to him in person, and having a laugh. In thirty years time.

If they don´t like it they can shut it down.

If we don´t like that, then we should pull the plug ourselves.

There is always some grey in betwen the black and white, and tv.com and it´s mods are doing an outstanding job of keping the grey alive.

I like it. I come on her almost evry day. I wouldn´t want to miss it.

edit: The last line there is supposed to read "I come on here every day. :o:D

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I think its ok to have a whinge about Thailand, sometimes things here just annoy the sh1t out of me, but thats life, things annoy me back in the UK too, its a balance.

What does annoy me though is the posters who say 'if you dont like it go home' all the time, especially the ones that only have been to Thailand for a holiday and never lived here which is a large amount of people on this forum.

A lot of you have never lived in Thailand on a full time basis and have little idea of what that is like, it can get you down sometimes.  Let them moan I say, as long as its something worth moaning about.  :o

Hey is it okay if I say to people who want to moan about Thailand. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT GO HOME> After spending 2 years here now I think I can honestly say its better for me than my home country...lol

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Maybe I have lived here too long or gone local, or something. But frankly, it is becoming more and more difficult for me to enjoy a night out with my fellow farangs living here. I know Thailand isn’t perfect and I go off about something at least once a day, but night after night, and week after week, and year after year of the same old whines and cries and moaning is just more than I can take.

I prefer to hang out with the tourists or newbies or the locals for the most part.

I know there are whiners everywhere around the world, but the long-term expats in Thailand are some of the most miserable and unpleasant people I have ever been around.

I must like it here, since I live here, and no one is putting a gun to my head making me stay, and I don’t feel any desire to spend large chunks of my life listening to people putting down the choices I have made, and feel pretty good about. Maybe, it is just the ones around my age (40ish) who are basically unhappy, I am not sure. Maybe I should start hanging out with a younger or an older crowd.

How many times does one want to hear how Thais are stupid, corrupt, dishonest and so on in one’s life? Especially when one is married to a Thai and have children who think they are Thai?

So here I am complaining about the complainers, a bit ironic isn’t it?

Nicely Put.... !! :o:D

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Yeah, but you see Heng, for "whingers" like me, it's not enough to set up a de facto colony and change laws and customs to benefit my clan and assets.

I actually get upset and want to do something about child trafficking, the killing and enslaving of Burmese, and stateless hilltribe people that were born on this soil.

But, in another case of whinging, I shouldn't say that too prominently on this site because it will be deemed unfit for discussion on a foreign-run site.

Wow - big sigh of relief - I guess I do feel better now  :D

Kat, your post made me think of my position in the years that I´ve been living in third world countries. Honestly, and by no means to take from your position, which I admire and respect, but personally, I come to the conclusion, that (for myself at least) I fell I choose to come and live in these countries (and I live and earn my money on local scales too - I have no external source of income, nor any reserves of my own) So I will contribute what I can in my line of work, or as in recent cases, pull my weight as a local in overcoming natural disaster, but I will not get involved in the local (civil&gov´t) politics or way of life for anything. I wish to remain respected and personally find that the best way to do so is to maintain an aloof perspective upon many aspects of daily life and practices. This, whether I agree or not.

I´m not a whinger. I left europe cos I didn´t like it there. Why whinge about it?

I think time shows all eventually, and consider myself patient. I live as a good person, and hopefully some of that will rub off on others. Maybe Darwin did have a point.

I could probably elaborate far more, and/or explain myself better, but that´d get boring on a chat board. Maybe over some drinks sometime.

With respect,


Many Farang see Thais and Thailand as a pitiful case
I agree!!!
They put a good deal of effort into Thailand; learn Thai, pay the bills, live in 3rd world conditions, socialize with derelicts.  At some point the Farang realizes Thais are unappreciative and Thailand has very little to offer. Once this is realized frustration results.
Yes, and farangs even have to live in 3rd world conditions in order to help Thailand! Thais should be worshipping farangs as gods, shouldn't they? Why are you sacrificing your lifestyle to help the Thais?
Usually, objectivity about Thais and Thailand is quickly snuffed out online as these boards are run by Farang trying to please Khun Thai. They must tow the Thai line or be shut down and deported
Just please look at all the mockerys and sacarsms here about Thais. And you are making such a statement? Unbelievable! How big an ego do you have?

Thanks Kayo. No offense taken, I understand your viewpoint.

Drinks anytime :o

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