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Gecko Taken Up Residence In My Kitchen


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I live in a Thai style house. It CANNOT be sealed .We have NO air=con, nor do we need it. A 2 storey house(bedrooms and lounge area) ,with a gal roof. Never gets real hot. The kitchen is single storey ,with a gal roof. It did get hot. Solution - laid YA -thatching on top of the gal .Dropped the daytime temp. by about 5 degrees.Geckos? You bet , love'em, we have masses of them .They consume mozzies ,flies and other nasty buggles,. How to attempt to keep "The Nasties"from attacking us? We leave the bathroom/toilet light on all night.Not 100% effective, but seriously diminishes the "enemy" from attacking us. Geckos are your friends. Learn to love them

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My cocker spaniel loves hunting lizards, geckos and other cirtters. If she sees a lizard on the ceiling, she'll sit and bark at it till it moves on and disappears. She'll sniff around for a while then go back to bark incessantly at the empty space where the lizard was last seen.

So, my advice: take my dog, please.


Edited by Thakkar
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My cocker spaniel loves hunting lizards, geckos and other cirtters. If she sees a lizard on the ceiling, she'll sit and bark at it till it moves on and disappears. She'll sniff around for a while then go back to bark incessantly at the empty space where the lizard was last seen.

So, my advice: take my dog, please.


Lizards are ground creatures ,cannot climb up to a ceiling-falloff, if they tried,don't have the "correct " pads on their feet, You may have tokays, but they tend to hide behind furnishings , definitely not roof dwellers, they like bookcases,etc.,. And the males are quite noisy when looking for a mate.In the middle of the night. Not pretty, they are. Ugly heads

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has anyone got a photo of a Gecko? i would like to see what excatly what it is. iwas staying in a village in Prackon Chai and at night i heard this sound

forgive me but it sounded like F---k off . also at night even in the day these little creatures like small lizzards used to crawl about the ceiling and the walls catching anything that could fly. it was my entertainment at night when i had a Singha or LEO.

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Lizards are ground creatures ,cannot climb up to a ceiling-falloff, if they tried,don't have the "correct " pads on their feet, You may have tokays, but they tend to hide behind furnishings , definitely not roof dwellers, they like bookcases,etc.,. And the males are quite noisy when looking for a mate.In the middle of the night. Not pretty, they are. Ugly heads

Geckos/tokays are lizards, albeit with characteristics that other lizards don't have..

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has anyone got a photo of a Gecko? i would like to see what excatly what it is. iwas staying in a village in Prackon Chai and at night i heard this sound

forgive me but it sounded like F---k off . also at night even in the day these little creatures like small lizzards used to crawl about the ceiling and the walls catching anything that could fly. it was my entertainment at night when i had a Singha or LEO.

Yes, I do. This is one, I think ....


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has anyone got a photo of a Gecko? i would like to see what excatly what it is. iwas staying in a village in Prackon Chai and at night i heard this sound

forgive me but it sounded like F---k off . also at night even in the day these little creatures like small lizzards used to crawl about the ceiling and the walls catching anything that could fly. it was my entertainment at night when i had a Singha or LEO.

Yes, I do. This is one, I think ....

nice one i like it

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My cocker spaniel loves hunting lizards, geckos and other cirtters. If she sees a lizard on the ceiling, she'll sit and bark at it till it moves on and disappears. She'll sniff around for a while then go back to bark incessantly at the empty space where the lizard was last seen.

So, my advice: take my dog, please.


Lizards are ground creatures ,cannot climb up to a ceiling-falloff, if they tried,don't have the "correct " pads on their feet, You may have tokays, but they tend to hide behind furnishings , definitely not roof dwellers, they like bookcases,etc.,. And the males are quite noisy when looking for a mate.In the middle of the night. Not pretty, they are. Ugly heads

Did I at least get the dog part right—Cocker Spaniels are a kind of dog, right? Or have I been taking my cat out on a leash twice a day for the past five years? :)


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If this is a gecko problem, it is not a huge one...However if it is the tokay gekko, it is a little more of a problem. These reptiles keep insects at bay in a big way and will keep even large spiders away. Problem is that these chaps grow large. I have one in my kitchen which is more than 30cm long. It is cute, but when it encounters another it bangs like someone is at the door. And, tokays poo in large lumps.

Still, rather vac up the poo than live with the mozzies.

Thanks for pointing out the difference.

My problem is my wife is terrified of them, and we had one in the kitchen, so she wouldn't go in it!

Trouble is a kitchen has so many places for it to hide, but after duelling it with a broom ( it wasn't running away, and it's got a BIG mouth ) it has chosen to depart, hopefully for good.

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Lizards are ground creatures ,cannot climb up to a ceiling-falloff, if they tried,don't have the "correct " pads on their feet, You may have tokays, but they tend to hide behind furnishings , definitely not roof dwellers, they like bookcases,etc.,. And the males are quite noisy when looking for a mate.In the middle of the night. Not pretty, they are. Ugly heads

Geckos/tokays are lizards, albeit with characteristics that other lizards don't have..

Isn't that precisely what I said? They have characteristics that other members of the lizard family do not have do not have. They also have dietary differences. We always wanted a blue tongue lizard ,to protect us from snakes. Lizards, like the blue tongue are only vulnerable to snake bite, Under their "chin" . So ,99 times out of a 100 .the blue tongue will win,that is they will kill the snake in a fight. We used to feed them milk, which they love ,to encourage them to stay, and protect us.Geckos and Tokays are pure insect eaters. And live in "indoors". Or had not you noticed?

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Lizards are ground creatures ,cannot climb up to a ceiling-falloff, if they tried,don't have the "correct " pads on their feet, You may have tokays, but they tend to hide behind furnishings , definitely not roof dwellers, they like bookcases,etc.,. And the males are quite noisy when looking for a mate.In the middle of the night. Not pretty, they are. Ugly heads

Geckos/tokays are lizards, albeit with characteristics that other lizards don't have..

Isn't that precisely what I said? They have characteristics that other members of the lizard family do not have do not have. They also have dietary differences. We always wanted a blue tongue lizard ,to protect us from snakes. Lizards, like the blue tongue are only vulnerable to snake bite, Under their "chin" . So ,99 times out of a 100 .the blue tongue will win,that is they will kill the snake in a fight. We used to feed them milk, which they love ,to encourage them to stay, and protect us.Geckos and Tokays are pure insect eaters. And live in "indoors". Or had not you noticed?

live indoors? that is pushing it a bit. they can live indoors, but generally prefer to near a light, whether it is indoors or out. And i know for a fact geckos are not above eating srcaps if they can. the number of times i have seen geckos hanging out in the sink with the dinner dishes if let for a few hours certainly proves that. they also tend to crawl into beer or soda cans if left outside overnight.

numerous sources on the web suggest they will eat fruit and veg as well.

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Can`t believe i`ve read every post on this thread and not seen the OP`s gekos discribed by their thai name (spelling wrong for sure) But i presume he is reffering to ching chokes, great for the flys etc......To kill them , easy, ByGone fly spray them if you want them dead..i leave them alone.....

The other big boys are for sure tokay`s, but mostly only one moves in as they a territorial...yes they will tell you to f...c off every night. but if you want them to f....c off, catch them via a net, and take them out a lonnnnng way from your house or they will come back overnight...they seem to like their own cent...or if you want them dead drowning is the safest way...don`t handle them without leather gloves on as they latch on and dont like to let go...i preffer to get shot of them purely because of the noise, but let them live...elsewhere

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You have 2 sure ways of getting the Gecko out of your house without harming the animal.

First you could try putting down one of those rat trap cages with some food inside.

Or buy a large net what is used for pond fish and if the see the Gecko lob him into the net and take it outside.

if you have a cat, just wait, and the gecho will disappear. Deeeeee lissssshhhh ee us

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My cocker spaniel loves hunting lizards, geckos and other cirtters. If she sees a lizard on the ceiling, she'll sit and bark at it till it moves on and disappears. She'll sniff around for a while then go back to bark incessantly at the empty space where the lizard was last seen.

So, my advice: take my dog, please.


Lizards are ground creatures ,cannot climb up to a ceiling-falloff, if they tried,don't have the "correct " pads on their feet, You may have tokays, but they tend to hide behind furnishings , definitely not roof dwellers, they like bookcases,etc.,. And the males are quite noisy when looking for a mate.In the middle of the night. Not pretty, they are. Ugly heads

Did I at least get the dog part right—Cocker Spaniels are a kind of dog, right? Or have I been taking my cat out on a leash twice a day for the past five years? :)


I will be sure to let the gechos, both ching chokes and tokays that they cannot climb up to ceilings. I will be relieved when they know this, because I get no pleasure in cleaning kee ching choke off the ceilings and walls.

Edited by featography
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has anyone got a photo of a Gecko? i would like to see what excatly what it is. iwas staying in a village in Prackon Chai and at night i heard this sound

forgive me but it sounded like F---k off . also at night even in the day these little creatures like small lizzards used to crawl about the ceiling and the walls catching anything that could fly. it was my entertainment at night when i had a Singha or LEO.

Yes, I do. This is one, I think ....

hit search bar and key in thailand gecho, and then thailand tokay. There are a lot of pics of both

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I lived in a village in Korat for a while, and the house swarmed with the little buggers. Not so little, come to think of it, several of them reaching 40 cms or more. On one occasion we had a group of villagers conduct a hunt in the house, using sticks with nooses: they bagged 16 of them, but there were still more hidden inside the wall panelling. And who on earth said they can't run on walls and ceilings? They do, very adeptly, and they crap bulkily and smellily. And be careful: one local friend was short a fingertip from a childhood encounter. Yes, they do eat bugs, but we still had plenty of mosquitoes and I still caught dengue fever.

One small one made several long-distance journeys in the engine compartment of my car. And, when I'd finally had enough and moved back to Pattaya, a large one got into the removal truck with my furniture. Fortunately it was discovered in time, apprehended and subsequently eaten. Not by me.

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If it is a jintok we have them in every room and often see them darting all over the ceilings when watching television. Sorry if i've spelt it wrong but that is what my Thai Wife calls them. If it is a Tokay,these grow significantly bigger and we have a ''pet'' Tokay that is a monster [about a foot long].OK now------why do you want to get rid of them? They are completely harmless and they do a fantastic job of keeping the mozzies and the rest of the bugs away,and i love seeing them around.Even if i wanted to get rid of any of them i would be in trouble with my wife as she tells me they are here to bring us good luck. So just think yourself lucky---even encourage them with the occasional little tit-bit. This is Thailand----try to live like a Thai and be happy------Dougal

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And both of these animals are much safer and more efficient than the Baygon spray that people use and all its toxic components.

I don't mind these animals at all even if the ones that live inside the house leave some tracks I have to clean up. Even the noise the geckos make doesn't bother me, it's part of the noises of the night, just as owls belong to the noises of the night in Europe

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Okay, I keep hearing how geckos catch/kill mosquitoes. Mosquitoes fly around, so how do geckos catch them?

They eat ants? Really? I have constant ant infestations that never seem to abate, and I usually have a gecko or two in residence.

I agree with those who say geckos are great "pets" to have around, but their feces is the main problem. Gecko sh*t EVERYWHERE!

I kept having a tokay make guest appearances until I realized s/he was coming up the kitchen floor drain. Said drain now covered with screening. It still serenades nightly, but only through the screen.

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moved to a new house last month and the only gecko we've had got killed between a wall and a door..

I'd do a lot of dirty stuff to get a new one.. those dam_n fruit flies and spiders need to go.

It's all a bit of a balancing act as spiders catch flies as well.

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