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Sleeping Pills


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Anyone else have problems with obtaining sleeping pills when Thai Govt messes with Hospitals! In Thailand Stillnox,(ambien, zolpidem), has to be obtained from hospital phamacies only, and at least once a year, they hold back from supplying stock! This is a real problem for those of us with Insomnia, as I know I Cannot sleep without it. I can't believe they try to give you major drug to replace wile waiting for stock,(rohipnol, xanex, vallium). Any suggestions, as I cannot wait a month or more for sleep. I know some have bad side effects from it, but it has had noeffect on me, except deep sleep for 6-7 hours, and have had no groogy effects in morning!

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Sorry, can't believe no hospital pharmacy has your drug of choice. Bummi? BNH? Bangkok? Samitivej? Highly unlikely.

Anyway, you sound addicted. Maybe they're doing you a favor.

There are a lot of threads on sleep on the forum. Do a search of topics: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=search&search_in=forums

And then there's Cambodia . . . .

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Sorry, can't believe no hospital pharmacy has your drug of choice. Bummi? BNH? Bangkok? Samitivej? Highly unlikely.

Anyway, you sound addicted. Maybe they're doing you a favor.

There are a lot of threads on sleep on the forum. Do a search of topics: http://www.thaivisa....earch_in=forums

And then there's Cambodia . . . .

Done all the sleep tests over the year and this is the only one I have found that didn't seem to have side effects on me! Yes, I am addicted to sleep, seems I need to do it every night, my heart medications too!

As for availability, the govt controls availability and when they do this no hospitals have until they decide to release. Trying to go to long without causes me so much stress from sleep deprevation, it stresses my heart, bloodpressure as well. I do not use this for recreation, just to sleep at night. I just think it's unfair to hold back meds that can only be obtained from Hospital, from patients that really need it! Last year this happened, and had to wait for Govt to change manufacturer, as this med can only be obtained by Hospital from Govt, luckily my Doctor knew it was comming and gave me a double dose so I could split them . Bringing back from Cambodia is a No No and I am not inclined to break the law and maybe jailed or deported over a pill!

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Bringing back from Cambodia is a No No and I am not inclined to break the law and maybe jailed or deported over a pill!

If you have a prescription from a Cambodian doctor and receipts and the pills in a package w/ hospital/clinic labels, there should be no problem. There's a limit as quantity of prescription meds you can import for yourself, however. I believe a few months' supply is OK. Again, you can search around on this site for the limit or PM to Sheryl, our mod--she knows.

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A number of posts discussing illegal activity have been deleted.

Zolpidem (stilnox, ambien) isd a controlled substance in Thailand as is xanax and all other benzos. Sale OTC is illegal -- for both seller and buyer.

The only OTC drug for sleep I am aware of in Thailand is atarax. In low doses an antihistamine, in higher doses (25 - 100 mg) it is a minor tranquilizer and sleep aid.

And of course the more common antihistamines like chlorpheneramine, some people find helpful for sleep. Not as effective as atarax, though.

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A number of posts discussing illegal activity have been deleted.

Zolpidem (stilnox, ambien) isd a controlled substance in Thailand as is xanax and all other benzos. Sale OTC is illegal -- for both seller and buyer.

The only OTC drug for sleep I am aware of in Thailand is atarax. In low doses an antihistamine, in higher doses (25 - 100 mg) it is a minor tranquilizer and sleep aid.

And of course the more common antihistamines like chlorpheneramine, some people find helpful for sleep. Not as effective as atarax, though.

Thanks Sheryl, I have tried Atorax in the past, and side effects were not good. As far as my scripts, I get them from the hospital, along with all my heart and cholesterol meds. As far as medication goes, doctor has offered a few different psych drugs untill the Zolpidem is available again, but not wanting anything that strong, just something to keep me out for the night without the restless legs and waking up every half hour! Zolpiem is only prescibed and dispenced in hospital phamacies, and is only availible to hospital from Govt FDA sources. Seems a shame that a need medication is with held because somehow other find a way to use it to enhance their High!

Just thought I'd check to see if anyone else is ainsomniac and have any other ideas to aid sleep!

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Zolpidem (Ambien or Stilnox) is pretty addictive, as are the other Z-drug sleepers. I know this, as I have spent the past 4 years using the stuff, to the point where I was unable to sleep without it. The Z sleepers are different from valium and ativan and other sedatives which may bestow a sleep effect, but are truly sedatives (anxiolytic) not sleepers.

The rap star Eminem was recently admitted to detox for Ambien addiction.

A bad side effect of Ambien is sleep-walking/automatism/somnambulism. I have certainly got up in the night, eaten heaps of food and logged on to the net, generally done chores and stoopid stuff, and then not realised it in the morning. BTW, another effect is that you can get very hungry about 20 mins after Ambien, so u put on weight. Re the automatism/somnambulism, there are cases in the USA of people driving their cars, beating people up, and worse, without remembering any of it.

Atarax is available in Boots or anywhere, and its cheap. But not as good as "real" Z drugs in effect. The antihistamine drugs make me groggy, personally. In the old days, mandrax and other Barbiturates were easy to get in the USA and UK, but they killed too many people, including rock stars, and are now banned everywhere.

All of the sleeper or sedative drugs can have withdrawal symptoms. Ambien too, like Valium also. Just like booze can, in some people. Of all the sedatives, Ativan is maybe the safest, and is often used to 'calm' DTs in alcoholics. One reason is that it bypasses the liver (if I am correct), whereas most of the drugs need metabolising by the liver, which already has its work cut out if u are taking heart pills, booze, ambien or whatever.

As someone who is now weaning off Ambien, with difficulty, I can only advise great care. A pal of mine in Malaysia started to get ataxia (falling about in the street/stumbling)after 2 years on Ambien. He was fine when he quit them.

I should add that I am not a medical doctor, although I trained as an RN (with post-grad ER and ICU training)and paramedic in the 1980s, and worked as Head of ER Services before becoming a hospital site manager. I have taught doctors within my own field.


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Sorry, can't believe no hospital pharmacy has your drug of choice. Bummi? BNH? Bangkok? Samitivej? Highly unlikely.

Anyway, you sound addicted. Maybe they're doing you a favor.

There are a lot of threads on sleep on the forum. Do a search of topics: http://www.thaivisa....earch_in=forums

And then there's Cambodia . . . .

Done all the sleep tests over the year and this is the only one I have found that didn't seem to have side effects on me! Yes, I am addicted to sleep, seems I need to do it every night, my heart medications too!

As for availability, the govt controls availability and when they do this no hospitals have until they decide to release. Trying to go to long without causes me so much stress from sleep deprevation, it stresses my heart, bloodpressure as well. I do not use this for recreation, just to sleep at night. I just think it's unfair to hold back meds that can only be obtained from Hospital, from patients that really need it! Last year this happened, and had to wait for Govt to change manufacturer, as this med can only be obtained by Hospital from Govt, luckily my Doctor knew it was comming and gave me a double dose so I could split them . Bringing back from Cambodia is a No No and I am not inclined to break the law and maybe jailed or deported over a pill!

I'm diabetic and also have problems with sleep. My doctor here in Salaya gives me Dormicium (15mg) tablets. I take one and I'm out for a few hours at a go. It's better then nothing, as if I do not take anything I'll be awake until 4am.

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Sorry, can't believe no hospital pharmacy has your drug of choice. Bummi? BNH? Bangkok? Samitivej? Highly unlikely.

Anyway, you sound addicted. Maybe they're doing you a favor.

There are a lot of threads on sleep on the forum. Do a search of topics: http://www.thaivisa....earch_in=forums

And then there's Cambodia . . . .

Done all the sleep tests over the year and this is the only one I have found that didn't seem to have side effects on me! Yes, I am addicted to sleep, seems I need to do it every night, my heart medications too!

As for availability, the govt controls availability and when they do this no hospitals have until they decide to release. Trying to go to long without causes me so much stress from sleep deprevation, it stresses my heart, bloodpressure as well. I do not use this for recreation, just to sleep at night. I just think it's unfair to hold back meds that can only be obtained from Hospital, from patients that really need it! Last year this happened, and had to wait for Govt to change manufacturer, as this med can only be obtained by Hospital from Govt, luckily my Doctor knew it was comming and gave me a double dose so I could split them . Bringing back from Cambodia is a No No and I am not inclined to break the law and maybe jailed or deported over a pill!

Edited by hedonist44
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I pick up Amitripytlene (spelling) OTC as and when required. On odd occasions when I wish to ensure a good sleep I take 50mg which does the job well. I will add that Im not taking every day, but maybe once a week ?? Effective for me.

It may sound stupid but for many years I had trouble sleeping until someone who had a similar problem suggested high quality ear plugs-I found that by blocking off all sound "I retreat inside myself" and sleep well normally.

Very effective likewise.

Edited by Chivas
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Dormicum is very fast-acting and has a short half-life. It is sometimes used in injection or tablet form for short term sedation, as well as sleeping. It is not OTC and needs a scrip.

When I last took Dormicum, it gave me about 2-3 hours sleep...so I found it ideal when I had to get up after a nap because of appointments or work stuff. However, I have never heard of Dormicum giving a full 8 hours.


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Dormicum is very fast-acting and has a short half-life. It is sometimes used in injection or tablet form for short term sedation, as well as sleeping. It is not OTC and needs a scrip.

When I last took Dormicum, it gave me about 2-3 hours sleep...so I found it ideal when I had to get up after a nap because of appointments or work stuff. However, I have never heard of Dormicum giving a full 8 hours.


I may have to try the Dormicum, if they don't release zolpidem soon! I have been on Zolpidem for 6 years now, and never had sleepwalking or eating problems at night, just good sleep! Several of the psych meds have been ruled out over the years, and yes, anyone who has insomnia and deals with has an addiction of sorts, I am addited to sleep. The meds I take are all prescibed by doctores and obtained from hospital pharmacies. I take enough medications now, that I will not take anything if not needed. If you have ever went without sleep for days, you know what I mean. Thanks for the info for those who try to help and a smile to those who just like to play therapist!

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What hospitals specifically have you contacted to see if they have a supply of your drug of choice? Let's have the list.

But I think anybody will advise you to find out the source of your problem and fix it so that you don't need any drug to sleep properly. Maybe you need to change your diet, exercise, lose weight or whatever. You didn't mention anything about pain causing you not to sleep.

Edited by JSixpack
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What hospitals specifically have you contacted to see if they have a supply of your drug of choice? Let's have the list.

But I think anybody will advise you to find out the source of your problem and fix it so that you don't need any drug to sleep properly. Maybe you need to change your diet, exercise, lose weight or whatever. You didn't mention anything about pain causing you not to sleep.

Restless leg syndrome, sciatica as well as angina. Yes pain is part of it, and pacemaker sometime adding to things and just plain side effects from some of my cardiac and cholestorol meds. Bangkok hospital is where I used to get med, but changed to Praram 9, due to apyment by insurance for meds and health care! If problem could be FIXED, would have done it, but can't stop taking other meds as they are life saving. Some people just fail to understand there are cases when some meds are just plain required to sustain anywhere near a normal life. Controled medicines are dispenced to hospitals by Govt FDA and when one is out they are all out as they have to wait again for govt to dispence. Just as though, some may think all of us are addicts, when anykind of drug is required to get you to funtion, you are a Sort of Addict. Diet and exercise wil not correct my problems as most are genetic. I retired after a carreer in the US Army and worked as a big game guide for 16 years, so activity is not problem, but my sever heart condition, high cholestorol, osteo arthritus, sciatica, and a few others has made me dependant on some meds as well as an ICD planted in chest, so I'm not looking for a recreational high, I also don't use alcohol and quit smoking, and grill all meats. But I am not nieve to think that I can just say no to sleeping pills as no sleep and anxiety can cause my heart more damage than the pills, and thats medically tested on me by sever hospitals in US!

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What hospitals specifically have you contacted to see if they have a supply of your drug of choice? Let's have the list.

But I think anybody will advise you to find out the source of your problem and fix it so that you don't need any drug to sleep properly. Maybe you need to change your diet, exercise, lose weight or whatever. You didn't mention anything about pain causing you not to sleep.

Restless leg syndrome, sciatica as well as angina. Yes pain is part of it, and pacemaker sometime adding to things and just plain side effects from some of my cardiac and cholestorol meds. Bangkok hospital is where I used to get med, but changed to Praram 9, due to apyment by insurance for meds and health care! If problem could be FIXED, would have done it, but can't stop taking other meds as they are life saving. Some people just fail to understand there are cases when some meds are just plain required to sustain anywhere near a normal life. Controled medicines are dispenced to hospitals by Govt FDA and when one is out they are all out as they have to wait again for govt to dispence. Just as though, some may think all of us are addicts, when anykind of drug is required to get you to funtion, you are a Sort of Addict. Diet and exercise wil not correct my problems as most are genetic. I retired after a carreer in the US Army and worked as a big game guide for 16 years, so activity is not problem, but my sever heart condition, high cholestorol, osteo arthritus, sciatica, and a few others has made me dependant on some meds as well as an ICD planted in chest, so I'm not looking for a recreational high, I also don't use alcohol and quit smoking, and grill all meats. But I am not nieve to think that I can just say no to sleeping pills as no sleep and anxiety can cause my heart more damage than the pills, and thats medically tested on me by sever hospitals in US!

You still didn't post a list of hospitals you have consulted specifically about getting you some Stilnox. Yet you obviously read my post.

So we can assume that actually you haven't consulted any hospital other than Param 9 about the supposed shortage. Yet just because one hsp is out doesn't mean others don't have stock even if the govt is restricting further supply.

I'm sure that one of Bumrungrad, Bangkok Hospital, Samitivej, BNH, Vejthani, or St. Louis will have it. You can ask at the pharmacies.

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What hospitals specifically have you contacted to see if they have a supply of your drug of choice? Let's have the list.

But I think anybody will advise you to find out the source of your problem and fix it so that you don't need any drug to sleep properly. Maybe you need to change your diet, exercise, lose weight or whatever. You didn't mention anything about pain causing you not to sleep.

Restless leg syndrome, sciatica as well as angina. Yes pain is part of it, and pacemaker sometime adding to things and just plain side effects from some of my cardiac and cholestorol meds. Bangkok hospital is where I used to get med, but changed to Praram 9, due to apyment by insurance for meds and health care! If problem could be FIXED, would have done it, but can't stop taking other meds as they are life saving. Some people just fail to understand there are cases when some meds are just plain required to sustain anywhere near a normal life. Controled medicines are dispenced to hospitals by Govt FDA and when one is out they are all out as they have to wait again for govt to dispence. Just as though, some may think all of us are addicts, when anykind of drug is required to get you to funtion, you are a Sort of Addict. Diet and exercise wil not correct my problems as most are genetic. I retired after a carreer in the US Army and worked as a big game guide for 16 years, so activity is not problem, but my sever heart condition, high cholestorol, osteo arthritus, sciatica, and a few others has made me dependant on some meds as well as an ICD planted in chest, so I'm not looking for a recreational high, I also don't use alcohol and quit smoking, and grill all meats. But I am not nieve to think that I can just say no to sleeping pills as no sleep and anxiety can cause my heart more damage than the pills, and thats medically tested on me by sever hospitals in US!

You still didn't post a list of hospitals you have consulted specifically about getting you some Stilnox. Yet you obviously read my post.

So we can assume that actually you haven't consulted any hospital other than Param 9 about the supposed shortage. Yet just because one hsp is out doesn't mean others don't have stock even if the govt is restricting further supply.

I'm sure that one of Bumrungrad, Bangkok Hospital, Samitivej, BNH, Vejthani, or St. Louis will have it. You can ask at the pharmacies.

We have indeed checked all of these hospitals for stock and was told same answer, have to wait for Govt to give them! Bangkok hospital was my last hospital before moving to Praram 9. I have gotten meds before from other hospitals when stock was low, but when they hold back they give no prior notice and hospitals cannot overstock this med because of controled list! I can get from a few different places under the table, but will not take those kind of chances. I will not mess with any drug not dispenced by documentation with all the rhetoric with the drug problems already here! I get admitted to Praram 9 tomorrow for replacement of ICD, so will push Doctors for something to replace it for now, just looking for some LEGAL suggestions!

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What hospitals specifically have you contacted to see if they have a supply of your drug of choice? Let's have the list.

But I think anybody will advise you to find out the source of your problem and fix it so that you don't need any drug to sleep properly. Maybe you need to change your diet, exercise, lose weight or whatever. You didn't mention anything about pain causing you not to sleep.

Restless leg syndrome, sciatica as well as angina. Yes pain is part of it, and pacemaker sometime adding to things and just plain side effects from some of my cardiac and cholestorol meds. Bangkok hospital is where I used to get med, but changed to Praram 9, due to apyment by insurance for meds and health care! If problem could be FIXED, would have done it, but can't stop taking other meds as they are life saving. Some people just fail to understand there are cases when some meds are just plain required to sustain anywhere near a normal life. Controled medicines are dispenced to hospitals by Govt FDA and when one is out they are all out as they have to wait again for govt to dispence. Just as though, some may think all of us are addicts, when anykind of drug is required to get you to funtion, you are a Sort of Addict. Diet and exercise wil not correct my problems as most are genetic. I retired after a carreer in the US Army and worked as a big game guide for 16 years, so activity is not problem, but my sever heart condition, high cholestorol, osteo arthritus, sciatica, and a few others has made me dependant on some meds as well as an ICD planted in chest, so I'm not looking for a recreational high, I also don't use alcohol and quit smoking, and grill all meats. But I am not nieve to think that I can just say no to sleeping pills as no sleep and anxiety can cause my heart more damage than the pills, and thats medically tested on me by sever hospitals in US!

You still didn't post a list of hospitals you have consulted specifically about getting you some Stilnox. Yet you obviously read my post.

So we can assume that actually you haven't consulted any hospital other than Param 9 about the supposed shortage. Yet just because one hsp is out doesn't mean others don't have stock even if the govt is restricting further supply.

I'm sure that one of Bumrungrad, Bangkok Hospital, Samitivej, BNH, Vejthani, or St. Louis will have it. You can ask at the pharmacies.

We have indeed checked all of these hospitals for stock and was told same answer, have to wait for Govt to give them! Bangkok hospital was my last hospital before moving to Praram 9. I have gotten meds before from other hospitals when stock was low, but when they hold back they give no prior notice and hospitals cannot overstock this med because of controled list! I can get from a few different places under the table, but will not take those kind of chances. I will not mess with any drug not dispenced by documentation with all the rhetoric with the drug problems already here! I get admitted to Praram 9 tomorrow for replacement of ICD, so will push Doctors for something to replace it for now, just looking for some LEGAL suggestions!

I have PM'ed you with a legal source. Hence, if you read this and don't look at your PM's, do so. However, if the good doctors at Praram 9 can help you, go to the doctors you know and trust.

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  • 1 year later...

For the last ten days to two weeks I've been having terrible difficulty falling and staying asleep.

These two drugs are mentioned earlier in the thread:


Amitripytlene (spelling)

Are they both available OTC in most pharmacies? Which one would be considered more 'gentle' and less habit forming?

I'm also open to natural remedies that are readily available if anyone has suggestions.

Thanks very much.


Edited by up-country_sinclair
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I pick up Amitripytlene (spelling) OTC as and when required. On odd occasions when I wish to ensure a good sleep I take 50mg which does the job well. I will add that Im not taking every day, but maybe once a week ?? Effective for me.

It may sound stupid but for many years I had trouble sleeping until someone who had a similar problem suggested high quality ear plugs-I found that by blocking off all sound "I retreat inside myself" and sleep well normally.

Very effective likewise.

I would suggest that anyone contemplating Amitriptyline, start with a much lower dose first, say 10mg. The side effects can be awful even from 10mg and 50mg for a first time user would really be difficult. This is why they are seldom prescribed in the west for depression any more, they are just as effective as SSRI's in the long run but the side effects stop people using them. My experience apart from giving out Amitriptyline to people, is having to take it personally for neuropathic pain, which it is quite effective for and yes it does help you to sleep.

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For the last ten days to two weeks I've been having terrible difficulty falling and staying asleep.

These two drugs are mentioned earlier in the thread:



Amitripytlene (spelling)

Are they both available OTC in most pharmacies? Which one would be considered more 'gentle' and less habit forming?

I'm also open to natural remedies that are readily available if anyone has suggestions.

Thanks very much.


Both are available OTC, but amitryptilline has far more serious side effects and would also take longer to work ()and in some people may actually worsen insomnia). I would not try it except under a doctor's supervision.

Atarax is available everywhere, 10 and 25 mg doses, and is not addictive. Main precautions are against mixing with alcohol or driving etc after taking. Safety of daily use over extended periods has not been established but occasional use for allergies, sleep or anxiety has not been linked to any major ill effects (except if mixed with other depressents or driving etc).

In terms of natural remdies some people find Valerian helpful, it is available here in Mega brand though may take some looking about to find. L-tryptophan also helps some people, don't know if you can find it here.

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