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New Odometer+ Speedometer ?


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picked up my bike yesterday and the guys at tiger had installed a new speedometer so i thought great (old one was so terrible it jumped up to 40kmph when you reve the engine while stopped )

then i noticed the numbers on it were 00,008

is there any way to put my original 6,xxx km on it ?

i can forsee dificulties trying to sell a 2 year old bike with 00,008km on the odometer( difficult questions from buyers and possibly at the department of transport when we transfer it )

should i ask for the old odometer back again ? i would be wary of buying a 2 year old bike with 00,008km on the clock since it could have have been changed from any number but there was an honest 6000ish on my bike when i left it in for repair

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thanks for the sugestions ,i will go back and ask them to either adjust the new one to the correct numbers or put the old one back on

a 2 year old bike with 00,000 km looks like its got some kind of dodgy history which this one definately hasnt and it would put doubts into peoples minds about the true condition of the bike

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I understand you, it is not nice. But i wouldn't worry too much about it. I have the same problem at my Boxer. Everybody knows that the speedometer is crap at the Tiger Boxer and that it gets replaced often. Buying a motorbike is always a matter of trust. There are many ways to manipulate the odometer. Good idea to get the old one before its thrown away. Then you can show it to the next owner.

Everything else OK now?

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If i come across a bike with a new speedo, first thing that comes to mind is a previous serious wrecked. Or its a built up bike that was purchased as salvage and rebuilt.

We are talking about a Tiger Boxer 250RS, not about a "normal bike". On a Tiger Boxer the replacement of the speedometer is the normal case :D

Things are a little bit different on the Boxer. My speedometer was replaced, because it was jumping when driving faster than 50km/h. The new speedometer is now jumping above 100km/h. Also the speed is inaccurate. 100km/h on a Boxer speedometer means 70-75km/h in reality. May differ when using other tyre sizes, but i use the standard (IRC).

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Anybody that can't tell the difference between a bike that has done 100,000 km's or 6000 km's shouldn't be going to buy the thing without a friend who does.

High mileage isn't the problem that it used to be. With the metals, alloys and lubricants these days you can run up really high mileage and as long as you have changed the fluids regularly the thing will be fine.

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Everything else OK now?

its a piece of shit on wheels to call a spade a spade ,its a 2 year old bike that runs worse than a 20+ year old bike

thekhun pariya is a great guy who does his best to answer all the questions but the

mechanics either cant fix it or cant be bothered to fix it and i have wasted about 3

weeks on this and today i see a puddle of oil under the fuc_king thing ,it still vibrates like a

jackhammer and most scooters are faster than it ( 125cc mio's or nouvos etc )

the new speedometer doesnnt bounce like the old one but it reads 80km when ur hardly doing 50km

,i dont have unlimited time to worry about a piece of crap nobody can fix and i have no

use for a 250cc bike thats slower and less comfortable than a scooter so ive thrown in the towel on this one

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wana sorry to hear about you struggles with the bike, can fell you frustrations on the last post.

My Tiger/sidecar has been a real bastard too, but my wife need it because of our son and I go overseas for working 6 month a year. Its sort of okay with her on the bike and the boy in the sidecar, but when I join the ride its simply too heavy to brake properly. I can easily push the rig with front brake pulled as hard as I can.

Twice the fuel tank had water in it and the engine ran like shit or would not start, a gasket on the filler cap was missing, but since it has been mounted one more brake down with water in the fuel again. The bike is parked under a roof so a bit of a mystery?

Conical electrical problems.

At least it cheap to fix and every small shop can do it but still a pain in the ass. The Fino with over almost 12000 km on the clock only had one unscheduled pit stop during its life, the front bulb low beam bust.

I don't care what Tiger fan says, its a piece of crap and I will NEVER buy a Tiger again.

Good luck getting your Boxer sorted.

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Wana, i know how you feel. I have gone through the same hell. It took me two month to get my Boxer running. I have done only 2000km on it so far. I am still not lucky because i feel unsafe on the Boxer. Issues with the brakes, the engine and things like broken front fender holders make me feel unsafe. I avoid driving faster than 100km/h. It feels dangerous to me and the engine is reving so high that it sounds like it wants to explode above 100km/h.

I told you that in my case the main issue was a broken carb that was rotten from gasohol. But i had to find this out for myself. The Tiger service was not able to do so. Also they were not able to give me the same carb as replacement. I am now using a Mikuni carb from the Boxer 200 (or maybe the 150cc?) because they do not have the carb for the 250 in stock. The carb comes bundled with the engine from their supplier, they do not have spares. I than had to find out the size for the main jet myself, cause the bike was running much to lean. There is no help from Tiger in such things. You can waste endless time waiting for them to fix things like this. But to be fair, it was really not easy to find out.

If i remember right, the Teikei carb has something like a "vacuum bypass diaphram" (sorry, i don't know the correct term) that opens when closing the throttle to avoid popping. Maybe this is jammed and does not close, so your bike is running too rich? Many things are possible and i am only gessing of course. There should be good mechanics to help us, life would be much easier than :huh:


I meant the "coasting enrichment". You can see it on the photographs here in the TW200-Forum.

Edited by wantan
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Wana & Wantan. Can i ask if you bought your bikes new or 2nd hand?

And Guzzi.. funny you didn't WANT to sell your Tiger when i requested if you wanted to sell it.......It's sooooo bad.

Why on earth is that bad?? I already said that my wife need the dam_n thing when I am overseas working so we are stuck with it for the time being.

It is ok for the small shopping in our area and a mc workshop close by, which she needed 3 times so far.

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Wana & Wantan. Can i ask if you bought your bikes new or 2nd hand?

I bought my Boxer directly from Tiger. It has been "reconditioned" by Tiger. It has 15 month warranty (or 15.000km). My fault, i was a bit naive to believe that a thai company would take such things seriously. I thought a company that claims to be a manufacturer for motorbikes would be able to get their own bikes safe and good running. OK, this is LOS. Lession learned.

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Wana & Wantan. Can i ask if you bought your bikes new or 2nd hand?

I bought my Boxer directly from Tiger. It has been "reconditioned" by Tiger. It has 15 month warranty (or 15.000km). My fault, i was a bit naive to believe that a thai company would take such things seriously. I thought a company that claims to be a manufacturer for motorbikes would be able to get their own bikes safe and good running. OK, this is LOS. Lession learned.

"reconditioned"? so you bought a used bike with a partial warranty from the factory? weird... I mean, it's so cheap to buy new... why did you buy "reconditioned"? Just wondering...

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"reconditioned"? so you bought a used bike with a partial warranty from the factory? weird... I mean, it's so cheap to buy new... why did you buy "reconditioned"? Just wondering...


You really think it is better to pay more for a crappy bike than pay less?

This is the only good thing in this story: I did not pay the full price to learn the lesson.

The bad thing is: Because of the "reconditioning" i had the same "teething issues" like buyers of a new Boxer 250. And additionally i was given some "issues" that are not on new Boxers. E.g. broken rear shocks and broken carburator. But i doubt i would be happier if i had paid more.

The reason for buying the Boxer: I was told that "reconditioning" means that Tiger is rebuilding the bike completely and that i would receive a bike that is in its "best possible condition" (for a used bike). I ask myself what does Tiger think is than a bike in a "normal condition"?

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"reconditioned"? so you bought a used bike with a partial warranty from the factory? weird... I mean, it's so cheap to buy new... why did you buy "reconditioned"? Just wondering...


You really think it is better to pay more for a crappy bike than pay less?

This is the only good thing in this story: I did not pay the full price to learn the lesson.

The bad thing is: Because of the "reconditioning" i had the same "teething issues" like buyers of a new Boxer 250. And additionally i was given some "issues" that are not on new Boxers. E.g. broken rear shocks and broken carburator. But i doubt i would be happier if i had paid more.

The reason for buying the Boxer: I was told that "reconditioning" means that Tiger is rebuilding the bike completely and that i would receive a bike that is in its "best possible condition" (for a used bike). I ask myself what does Tiger think is than a bike in a "normal condition"?

Sorry to hear about your bad luck, but personally I'd be a bit wary of anything "reconditioned" in this country...

So when you took delivery of the bike the shocks and carb were already broken? How did you manage to ride it off the lot?

FWIW I've toured with a number of Tiger Boxer 250RS's over the past couple of years and those bikes performed just fine.

They can comfortably cruise at 110kph and can go faster if pushed, but let's face it, they're really not designed for speed.

There's a great trip report on the tiger sachs forum where a Boxer 250RS from Chiang Mai conquered the "Goat Mountain" pass to Mae Sot. That is a "road" best traveled on a dirt bike and it will test the durability of any street bike, yet the Boxer 250RS made it through just fine.

A couple pics-



Trust me- it was not a road for fragile bikes or the faint of heart! ;)


Ride On!


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So when you took delivery of the bike the shocks and carb were already broken? How did you manage to ride it off the lot?

As i have said before, i was a bit naive. I thought that Tiger would check the bike carefully before giving it to the customer. What else can someone expect from a "reconditioning"? As many other customers before i told Tiger to please make sure the bike will be safe when i take it home (tighten screws, working brakes, ...).

When receiving the bike at the factory it was raining and so i only did a few hundred meters as testride (this was a big mistake! I should have made a three hours testride!). It was my first ride after a long time, so i started really carefully and slowly. New tyres on wet streets and my wife as pillion, i really not wanted to go quick.

When riding back i already noticed that there is something wrong with the engine and the shocks. But i was naive and thought that i may have to adjust some small thing. I never thought that Tiger would give a bike out to customers with serious errors like broken shocks and screws on the front brake that are not tightened. Why was i able to see this the next day and not the Tiger mechanics? For me it seems that at the Tiger factory nobody has made a serious testride with the bike. And nobody has checked the bike before handle it out to the customer.

To make things more worse i then found out that the bike (Tiger Boxer 250RS) has dangerous construction design errors. The holder for the front fender will break every 5,000 - 20,000 kilometers. The more bumpy streets you drive the quicker it will break. This is the most dangerous construction error i know at the moment, but there are many things like this on the Boxer 250. All the differences ("improvements") between the Boxer 200 and the Boxer 250 are very poorly engeneered. The previous versions of the Boxer 200 (Gagiva) are much better than the Boxer 250 and are not compareable to it. The Boxer 250 is nice looking but it is not safe to ride.

There's a great trip report on the tiger sachs forum where a Boxer 250RS from Chiang Mai conquered the "Goat Mountain" pass to Mae Sot. That is a "road" best traveled on a dirt bike and it will test the durability of any street bike, yet the Boxer 250RS made it through just fine.

durability? I have heard of so many Boxer 250 having engine brakdowns in the fist 10,000km, why should it be interesting if someone in the noth is taking his Boxer into the dirt? You and some other guys want to build up myths and legends around the Boxer 250 that are simply not true.

There is not such thing as "reliability" with the Boxer 250. All the Boxer 250 that have more than 10,000km on the clock are modified in many ways. I really would like to know how many times charlies Boxer has been in for repair? How many parts have been replaced the last three years? How many hours, days, months did Charlie spent for modifying his Boxer and keeping it alive? I would not call this "reliability" or "durability".

Ride On!

I try every day :D

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Wow.. so some other people have a different perspective than yours..... you call them liars.. Charlie has made some modifications to his bike (as you know, he told you over on TSF and they are well documented) As for the mention of the Tiger boxer that Bigbikebkk made the owner bought the bike down from Cm to Tak and had a ride to Mae sot and then back to Cm with NO problems, that was as well as doing 80km's over a very bad road (the owner is very happy with his bike).

I can not answer for Charlie and he rarely comes to TV anymore. BUT AS FAR AS I'M AWARE other than a few well documented problems he has had over 70,000km of riding.

You have heard of SO MANY engine breakdowns after 10,000km's really...where?

Tiger bikes are what they are. basic, lowish cost bikes built by Thai's. that in itself means that you check the QC. It is stupid that Tiger can not seem to get your bike sorted out and i agree that they need a HUGE kick up the arse on QC. But you brought a 2nd hand bike.. yes you were told reconditioned but i think Thai's have a much different idea about than we do.

Personally i would have sent the bike back to the factory or got another TV recommended somchai shop to sort it (actually i would have done it myself at the service center)

Is it sorted out now? If not what's wrong? Maybe you need to arrange a meeting with Khun Pariya to discuss the problem.

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So when you took delivery of the bike the shocks and carb were already broken? How did you manage to ride it off the lot?

As i have said before, i was a bit naive. I thought that Tiger would check the bike carefully before giving it to the customer. What else can someone expect from a "reconditioning"? As many other customers before i told Tiger to please make sure the bike will be safe when i take it home (tighten screws, working brakes, ...).

When receiving the bike at the factory it was raining and so i only did a few hundred meters as testride (this was a big mistake! I should have made a three hours testride!). It was my first ride after a long time, so i started really carefully and slowly. New tyres on wet streets and my wife as pillion, i really not wanted to go quick.

When riding back i already noticed that there is something wrong with the engine and the shocks. But i was naive and thought that i may have to adjust some small thing. I never thought that Tiger would give a bike out to customers with serious errors like broken shocks and screws on the front brake that are not tightened. Why was i able to see this the next day and not the Tiger mechanics? For me it seems that at the Tiger factory nobody has made a serious testride with the bike. And nobody has checked the bike before handle it out to the customer.

To make things more worse i then found out that the bike (Tiger Boxer 250RS) has dangerous construction design errors. The holder for the front fender will break every 5,000 - 20,000 kilometers. The more bumpy streets you drive the quicker it will break. This is the most dangerous construction error i know at the moment, but there are many things like this on the Boxer 250. All the differences ("improvements") between the Boxer 200 and the Boxer 250 are very poorly engeneered. The previous versions of the Boxer 200 (Gagiva) are much better than the Boxer 250 and are not compareable to it. The Boxer 250 is nice looking but it is not safe to ride.

There's a great trip report on the tiger sachs forum where a Boxer 250RS from Chiang Mai conquered the "Goat Mountain" pass to Mae Sot. That is a "road" best traveled on a dirt bike and it will test the durability of any street bike, yet the Boxer 250RS made it through just fine.

durability? I have heard of so many Boxer 250 having engine brakdowns in the fist 10,000km, why should it be interesting if someone in the noth is taking his Boxer into the dirt? You and some other guys want to build up myths and legends around the Boxer 250 that are simply not true.

There is not such thing as "reliability" with the Boxer 250. All the Boxer 250 that have more than 10,000km on the clock are modified in many ways. I really would like to know how many times charlies Boxer has been in for repair? How many parts have been replaced the last three years? How many hours, days, months did Charlie spent for modifying his Boxer and keeping it alive? I would not call this "reliability" or "durability".

Ride On!

I try every day :D

Did you know that a synonym for naive is INEPT?

SIMPLE MINDED is another one. :crazy:

What you call "naive" I call STUPID ;)

And <deleted> why didn't you send your wife home in a taxi if you're so afraid to ride on wet pavement?! :rolleyes:

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Did you know that a synonym for naive is INEPT?

SIMPLE MINDED is another one. :crazy:

What you call "naive" I call STUPID ;)

And <deleted> why didn't you send your wife home in a taxi if you're so afraid to ride on wet pavement?! :rolleyes:

SOS, discussion is at the highest stage of drunken men! Hope you did not woke up with a bad headache this morning :o

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, BigBikeBkk and thaicbr, i love you both! Life would be so boring without guys like you! :D

Is it sorted out now? If not what's wrong? Maybe you need to arrange a meeting with Khun Pariya to discuss the problem.

Please not, thank you ;) I hope i will never have to discuss with Khun Pariya again. As i already told you above, i sorted the major problems out myself. I would NOT recommend to contact Khun Pariya if you have a serious problem with your Boxer. Only contact him if it is really nessesary, e.g. to get warranty parts. Better drive to the factory or BKK service center and speak to the mechanics directly. They are very friendly and helpful.

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Wow.. so some other people have a different perspective than yours..... you call them liars..

Bullshit, i never called somone a liar!

You have heard of SO MANY engine breakdowns after 10,000km's really...where?

Here and in other forums that i can not name because naming other forums is forbidden in the TV-Forum-Rules. If i have to make a guess i would say that at least one fifth up to one fourth of all Boxer 250 have engine breakdowns with a mileage lower than 10,000km. Maybe i am wrong, i would be happy if as i own a Boxer myself.

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Wow.. so some other people have a different perspective than yours..... you call them liars..

Bullshit, i never called somone a liar!

You have heard of SO MANY engine breakdowns after 10,000km's really...where?

Here and in other forums that i can not name because naming other forums is forbidden in the TV-Forum-Rules. If i have to make a guess i would say that at least one fifth up to one fourth of all Boxer 250 have engine breakdowns with a mileage lower than 10,000km. Maybe i am wrong, i would be happy if as i own a Boxer myself.

There i was trying to be helpful and i get shit from you.... i can only imagine your reactions to Khun Pariya who i have always found to be helpful (but then i'm mindful that English is not his 1st language)

Ok clever bugger.. pm me the details of the website..easy isn't when you actually think about things. And you suggested that Charlie was a liar. And what a change the mechanics they can speak English now?

You really need to get your story right.. Tigers QC is crap that is for sure. But reading some of what you have put on here i believe you have caused some problems for yourself as well..

I simple asked has the bike been sorted.. yes or no :ermm:

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There i was trying to be helpful and i get shit from you.... i can only imagine your reactions to Khun Pariya who i have always found to be helpful (but then i'm mindful that English is not his 1st language)

It would be nice if you could stop your "help" now and let me and other owners of the Tiger Boxer 250 discuss their bike. Thank you.

Ok clever bugger.. pm me the details of the website..easy isn't when you actually think about things. And you suggested that Charlie was a liar. And what a change the mechanics they can speak English now?

No need for PMs. I am sure you know all details. But you like to misinterpret them. Again, i never called someone a liar. Would be nice if you would stop your personal attacks now.

I simple asked has the bike been sorted.. yes or no :ermm:

And i answer again, please have a look above.

Edited by wantan
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there is serious flaws /problems with the tiger boxer 250cc that i have

(before someone says it i know there is a guy whos apparently done 64,000+ km on one and someone travelled a dirt bike road on one once but mine has done around 6k around bkk and has more problems than i can count or have time to list )

off the top of my head the worst ones are :

it is like holding on to a jack hammer and im afraid to even drive it fast in case it disintegrates (people will argue all single cylinder engines are supposed to be like this ,no,they are not )

the front mudguard fairing mountings are dangerously weak and tend to break off while driving over bumps

they all appear to have a dodgy instrument panel /speedo etc (even the new unit fitted last week is so inaccurate its useless )

it cannot engage neutral gear unless extensive work is done at the factory (should this not have been done BEFORE they sold them to people ? )

the carb is probably damaged and after 3 services and a couple of thousand baht in spare parts it still smells like a petrol station and the new spark plugs go black after a few miles but nobody at the service centre has any ideas except to change the plugs again (at a guess there is no new carbs in stock so changing it is out of the question ??)

it leaves oil stains wherever i park it after driving ,just had it cleaned so cant see exactly where the oil is coming from and ive stopped driving it because i just dont trust its safety anymore

khun pariya is very kind and polite and his english and technical knowledge is excellent

but the mechanics either cant fix it or wont fix it ,dont know how to fix it ,or dont have the parts to fix it (its still in warranty as its just a 2 year old bike )

its a shame to say it but Tiger cant even fix its own bike inside the warranty period

good luck to Tiger Motors but i could never recommend anyone to buy one after the last month of trying unsucessfully to get a bike serviced properly

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wana, i would take a look at the carburator first, before messing with ignition timing and such things. Take the carb out, open it, try to check the functioning and look at all parts very thoroughly. Do this very carefully and with enough time.

If there are any signs of damage than try to get a replacement. If everything looks good than just clean the carb. I also added a filter to the fuel hose and replaced the hose with a new one. Before adding the fuel filter i also removed and cleaned the tank, because there where many rubber parts and small metal parts in it.

Also take a closer look at the rubber parts that are holding the carb. They tend to get leaky and then the engine sucks false air. Even the new spare parts for the manifold are often broken. Because of this i replaced the rubber part of the intake manifold with a part of a hose for cooling water (from a car engine).

I understand your frustration, but please don't give up. There is nothing sadder than a bike standing around lonely and rusting :(

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theres only so much time and money you can pour into a piece of crap before common sense has to say ,enough is enough

i love the tiger /cagiva styling on the 250 rs as much as anyone but ive already wasted about a month and countless emails and calls and visits to the service centre all add up trying to make this bike work and nobody at tiger

i have no use for a beautiful 250cc ornament leaking oil on my floors that even the people who designed and built it cannot fix (and thats inside the warranty period :( )

its slower than an automatic scooter (seriously,no matter how fast you change the gears it cant beat a nouvo scooter in a straight line :) !)

,its not comfortable to drive with those vibrations which only get worse as speed increases ,i honestly dont see the point of keeping a bike that cannot be used (its not safe to drive in bangkok)

khun pariya has offered to let them have another go at fixing it and i agreed to send it back 1 more time but i dont have much hopes in their mechanics after the last month of servicing has resulted in them ignoring all the complicated problems and fixing the symptoms

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