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I have been told that they now have ONE body scanner in operation . Its seems to work but i am curious as to what they are scanning for and how deep it scans?

Ie does it only go thru your clothes ( to see strapped on drugs/items) or does it go deeper to check ur body cavities?

I know u can refuse and request a pat down but will that raise suspicion? I recall may years ago, (before digital) they would request u to place ur film thur the xray and they CLAIMED it would do no harm, or u could request the film be hand searched.

So now u need to allow more time on transfers


The devices are HIGHLY unreliable. They require setup and calibration. The operators are in general not trained on that and random inspections have found a large percentage of them set improperly, with conditions ranging from ineffectual for detection, to power settings too high, to literally not working at all.


The devices are HIGHLY unreliable. They require setup and calibration. The operators are in general not trained on that and random inspections have found a large percentage of them set improperly, with conditions ranging from ineffectual for detection, to power settings too high, to literally not working at all.

The chap in charge of them is actually a Brit, and an expert in the field.


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