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Helping Or Walk Away


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Where does one draw the line. I was recently told by a friend who works as a hostess in one of Walking Street's bigger gogos, that the "superstar" girl in the bar is only 15. She's been working there for at least 6 months and is one of the most popular girls, as she is exceptionally attractive and very sexy. The bar have accepted her fake ID, as do, no doubt her many customers and the hotels they take her to. Sad and very wrong, but I'm fairly confident she doesn't want rescuing.

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It can be addicting for a young, pretty gal to work in a popular bar. They get all that attention and feel they can do anything... which very often they can. It only strikes home when they get to their mid thirties and the customers start dropping off. At that point it gets pretty tough on them and they've become too hardened to accept a normal life. Their heart has been broken a hundred times and they don't trust anyone. They will scheme, lie, cheat or even steal to maintain their standards. At that point it becomes the old saying of... "You can take the girl out of the bar but you can't take the bar out of the girl."

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maybe she is telling the truth . there are lots of bars that will take them on under age, And many bars are owned by police men , or taken care of.. maybe the sex tourist should hang the heads in shame of bringing this situation about.

Ummm. personally i haven't seen any obviously under age (14-16y) girls in farang bars BUT i have seen them in Thai karaoke / flower bars. And yes when i asked she was 15. The older regular girls didn't think anything of it. It seems she was there for the older thai 'gentlemen'

So Thongkorn maybe people who use these girls should hold their heads in shame,

Not just sex tourist, who generally are here for a good time and do not abuse the girls. Lets remember according to Thai law you have to be OVER 20 to work in a bar selling drinks etc.

Edited by thaicbr
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It can be addicting for a young, pretty gal to work in a popular bar. They get all that attention and feel they can do anything... which very often they can. It only strikes home when they get to their mid thirties and the customers start dropping off. At that point it gets pretty tough on them and they've become too hardened to accept a normal life. Their heart has been broken a hundred times and they don't trust anyone. They will scheme, lie, cheat or even steal to maintain their standards. At that point it becomes the old saying of... "You can take the girl out of the bar but you can't take the bar out of the girl."

With respect you may of been here a long time but I have been here long enough to know that is a minority, an unkind saying if you were to ask me.

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It can be addicting for a young, pretty gal to work in a popular bar. They get all that attention and feel they can do anything... which very often they can. It only strikes home when they get to their mid thirties and the customers start dropping off. At that point it gets pretty tough on them and they've become too hardened to accept a normal life. Their heart has been broken a hundred times and they don't trust anyone. They will scheme, lie, cheat or even steal to maintain their standards. At that point it becomes the old saying of... "You can take the girl out of the bar but you can't take the bar out of the girl."

Got to disagree with you there Ian.

Many times they will lie cheat and steal from day one, thats what they are trained to do.

Maintain standards, sorry they dont have any.

Heartbroken, we here constanlty on here about these girls being the ones breaking hearts, jeez some poor sap even posted about, "wanting to rescue her", <deleted> rescue her from what, she is there because as you rightly say they love the attention.

Most of threm are bone idle lazy cows, who support equally bone idle lazy Thai men.

Do agree with your closing remark.

Cue, the I married an ex hooker, I only have to pay here 80,000 baht a month to stay with me, shes the best thing that ever happened to me brigade.

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It can be addicting for a young, pretty gal to work in a popular bar. They get all that attention and feel they can do anything... which very often they can. It only strikes home when they get to their mid thirties and the customers start dropping off. At that point it gets pretty tough on them and they've become too hardened to accept a normal life. Their heart has been broken a hundred times and they don't trust anyone. They will scheme, lie, cheat or even steal to maintain their standards. At that point it becomes the old saying of... "You can take the girl out of the bar but you can't take the bar out of the girl."

With respect you may of been here a long time but I have been here long enough to know that is a minority, an unkind saying if you were to ask me.

Of course the bar girls are in a minority when you include all of Thailand. It's like saying Nana Plaza is typical of Bangkok, even though it only comprises an area of a few city blocks. And, even Pattaya is changing. Only the core a few blocks from the beach represent the "sin city" aspect. The remainder is like any other city anywhere. It only takes a couple hours walking around the bar scene in Pattaya to notice that most of the women are very plain looking. It's only the few party bars with closed doors that hire the prettier girls. And, pretty women everywhere get the attention of men. It becomes like a drug to them and they quickly learn to use their looks to manipulate docile men. If you've ever gone to a university anywhere you will notice the pretty, cheerleader type gals are the center of attention. The beauty queens get chosen as the president of the sorieties and all the clubs. Thailand is no different from that aspect. Young men and women get bored out in the sticks. They want the excitement of the city life. The pretty girls quickly realize they are in demand and they thrive on the excitement. I know a few Thai girls who are 14 and 15 and if you didn't know better, you would guess their age at closer to mid twenties. Conversely, I know a few Thai gals in their mid twenties who look like school children. That is how some teenagers get to work in bars with questionable ethics. I happen to know two women in their twenties who worked in hooker bars from the time they were 15.. and it was their mother who pimped them. So, all I am saying is you can make general statements, but there are always exceptions.

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I send DPF 2 emails , no response back from them.

As i know i could end up in troubles and it could be a set-up.

Before i went to work i send her some money and leave it as it is from that day on.

I know most likely she went back to work the next day, i just try it to help but no backup from officials or DPF.

I just feel sorry for this girl that's all.

Thanks for some positive reply


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Might be best to guide her to an organisation that cna help her, like the Prateep Foundation: http://www.dpf.or.th/eng/Projects.html

I think this advice is the best so far….By far.

It's not because that advice is for someone who would have a genuine problem in life & who wanted help, not for someone who is " working " in a BKK Go-Go Bar "

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Just help her mate.

Send her loads of money every month.

Surely this is a piss take thread.


How hypocritical - you feel good now about helping one underage gogo girl while you barfine her sister.

Can't you see that you are supporting this prostitution industry by being in the go go bar?

Nothing wrong with supporting the industry, I do it regularly.

But, there are legal and moral limits to the extent of that support.

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