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Blameworthies Take The Blame...not Me


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Reading the topic I smoke I´ve been a bit carried away. this is what I think on top of what I post in "I smoke " I though I was out of topic so I just start a new topic

I want to add that I am feed up that is the normal people the one who takes responsability for all the bad things that going on in the world, people is dying in Africa is us who feel guilty about it when the blameworthies are putting million of dollars in their pockets by abusing those people and using their resources...

the environment is being contaminated we are the ones to feel guilty about it while the blameworthies are just putting million of dollars in their pockets and still contaminated the environment...

the natural resources are being used up to the extreme we are the ones to feel guilty and recicle when the solution should be to used the things over and over again as in the old days and again the blameworthies are putting millions of dollars in their pockets...

O.k there are many things going wrong in the world but is not my fault and not my neighbour fault either. Is not my fault that there is some people who is very selfish and does not care about anything and only about themselves ( not even about their off-spring because they do not want to leave a better world for them) and these few people are the ones who have the power to change things ( I am talking about people who runs big companies). I will take the responsabilty about things I am responsable for. :o

Edited by Glauka
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If I understand you right, you complain about spending in an unneccesary fashion. Like people spending thousands on their dogs' psycology sessions and grooming, while others are starving in third world countries. This gets my knickers in a knot too but then again - would I share my riches if I had a lot of money? I've been thinking about that one a lot.

Then there's Bill Gates. He has enough money to buy his own country but he is still working. He wants more. Where will it stop? How do you strike a balance?

Edited by Lourens
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Hmmm, tricky subject. Yeah I hear what you are saying but ther ani't a lot you or we can do about it.

Just take Zimbabwi for instance that DICTATOR Magabwee has taken the country to the brink of bankcupty to assimilate a fortune in excess of a billion dollars...while his countrymen are on the brink of starvation. :D What can we do about it.? If we send aid where does the money go? In his pocket thats where :o

So what DO WE DO?

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Not really Lourens

What I meant is that current people take the blame for the bad things that are happening in the world...Is like when your mother say " don´t throw the food away because there are too many people starving" or " do not take your car because there is too much pollution..."

Well is not my fault that some people is starving and is not my neighbour fellow either. The culpable are the big companies who put million of dollars in their pockets at the expenses of the this people .

Eventhough I do not throw the food away or all the people in my city do not throw the food away, is not going to be much different for those people who live in countries where 70% of the population is starving. Because the cause of the problem comes from another source.

Eventhough I do not take my car, pollution will still increase because there are too many factories that contaminate at high rate and are not being close...

I do not care if the people spend their money in dog treatments or clothes or whatever. Anyone is happy to do witht their money and freetime whatever they want and make them happy.

What I do not like is to be pointed out as an insolidary person for things I am not to blame for such as the death of non smokers who die from lung cancer just because I sometimes smoke...The culpables are the tabacco companies and the goverment that allows them to do what ever they please.

I think I not explain myself very well... maybe this topic is too complicated for my english... :o

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Not really Lourens

What I meant is that current people take the blame for the bad things that are happening in the world...Is like when your mother say " don´t throw the food away because there are too many people starving" or " do not take your car because there is too much pollution..."

Well is not my fault that some people is starving and is not my neighbour fellow either. The culpable are the big companies who put million of dollars in their pockets at the expenses of the this people .

Eventhough I do not throw the food away or all the people in my city do not throw the food away, is not going to be much different for those people who live in countries where 70% of the population is starving. Because the cause of the problem comes from another source.

Eventhough I  do not take my car,  pollution will still increase because there are too many factories that contaminate at high rate and are not being close...

I do not care if the people spend their money in dog treatments or clothes or whatever. Anyone is happy to do witht their money and freetime whatever they want and make them happy.

What I do not like is to be pointed out as an insolidary person for things I am not to blame for such as the death of non smokers who die from lung cancer just because I sometimes smoke...The culpables are the tabacco companies and the goverment that allows them to do what ever they please.

I think I not explain myself very well... maybe this topic is too complicated for my english... :o

I think to a certain extent you have to take collective blame. Its all to easy to blame someone else because you feel powerless to prevent social ills. however it is this way of thinking that allows the real power brokers to continue to get away with what there doing.

By taking action you are making a micro effect to a greater misjustice, but a collection of these micro effects can make a difference.

lets take your example of pollution. Blame the large companies for pollution thats all well an good. and obviously you are correct. however driving around in your car unnecessarily (i.e to go to the shops when a ten minute walk would suffice) now to say this OK because it makes only a marginal difference misses the point. It quite clearly adds to the problem of pollution due to selfish actions. In fact your morally in a no better postion than the large organisation. you are both selfsih in your actions but the effects are on a much smaller scale. however if there are many millions of people doing the same action as yourself you can seee the multitude of the problem. just to point out one of the worse pollutants and biggest threats to the environment is the expansion of the aviation industry. but are we going to stop flying overnight (ooh no more trips to thailand) ?? is it thai airways/british airways, etc fault for offering the service and flying us to these great destinations??

However as a consumer we have the power to act. research about the companies that you think are responsible for injustices in society and then ensure you dont buy there products and services. Say for instance mcdonalds, if we all overnight refuse to buy macdonalds, the restaurants will be empty, the company will have no revenue, and they will go bust. There rivals will soon observe the reasons and will have to adapt there business strategy to reflect consumer pressure - the result more accountable business.

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(ooh no more trips to thailand) ?? is it thai airways/british airways, etc fault for offering the service and flying us to these great destinations??


Finally... some Thai content. :o

Keep going folks. :D

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I think to a certain extent you have to take collective blame. Its all to easy to blame someone else because you feel powerless to prevent social ills. however it is this way of thinking that allows the real power brokers to continue to get away with what there doing.

By taking action you are making a micro effect to a greater misjustice, but a collection of these micro effects can make a difference.

lets take your example of pollution. Blame the large companies for pollution thats all well an good. and obviously you are correct. however driving around in your car unnecessarily (i.e to go to the shops when a ten minute walk would suffice) now to say this OK because it makes only a marginal difference misses the point. It quite clearly adds to the problem of pollution due to selfish actions. In fact your morally in a no better postion than the large organisation. you are both selfsih in your actions but the effects are on a much smaller scale. however if there are many millions of people doing the same action as yourself you can seee the multitude of the problem. just to point out one of the worse pollutants and biggest threats to the environment is the expansion of the aviation industry. but are we going to stop flying overnight (ooh no more trips to thailand) ?? is it thai airways/british airways, etc fault for offering the service and flying us to these great destinations??

However as a consumer we have the power to act. research about the companies that you think are responsible for injustices in society and then ensure you dont buy there products and services. Say for instance mcdonalds, if we all overnight refuse to buy macdonalds, the restaurants will be empty, the company will have no revenue, and they will go bust. There rivals will soon observe the reasons and will have to adapt there business strategy to reflect consumer pressure - the result more accountable business.

Six billion people living in the worl and not all of them with the same education standars...very beautiful utopia

I see your point about the pollution attitude but i was not talking about extreme selfish attitude.

And indeed big companies are the ones to blame. Some time ago someone told me that thai fisherman were still using the bombing method for fishing damaging the coral reefs. I think the damage that this people cause is nothing compare with the damage that a big company can cause. Why? they got the technology. A fisherman boat is nothing compare with big, modern fishing ships that some companies posses. I am not going to put examples about companies which damage coral reefs for exotic marine trade. coral use for make cement...

I do not feel powerless about social ills. Indeed I think EDUCATION is the solution, EDUCATED your people an things will be better. That´s why I am a teacher ( My dream is to go to Thailand to teach ecology but my thai is still very poor :o ). Although I am not going to feel responsible for the world big injustice does do not mean that I do not care. BUT I AM NOT GOING TO FEEL GUILTY.

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I think to a certain extent you have to take collective blame. Its all to easy to blame someone else because you feel powerless to prevent social ills. however it is this way of thinking that allows the real power brokers to continue to get away with what there doing.

By taking action you are making a micro effect to a greater misjustice, but a collection of these micro effects can make a difference.

lets take your example of pollution. Blame the large companies for pollution thats all well an good. and obviously you are correct. however driving around in your car unnecessarily (i.e to go to the shops when a ten minute walk would suffice) now to say this OK because it makes only a marginal difference misses the point. It quite clearly adds to the problem of pollution due to selfish actions. In fact your morally in a no better postion than the large organisation. you are both selfsih in your actions but the effects are on a much smaller scale. however if there are many millions of people doing the same action as yourself you can seee the multitude of the problem. just to point out one of the worse pollutants and biggest threats to the environment is the expansion of the aviation industry. but are we going to stop flying overnight (ooh no more trips to thailand) ?? is it thai airways/british airways, etc fault for offering the service and flying us to these great destinations??

However as a consumer we have the power to act. research about the companies that you think are responsible for injustices in society and then ensure you dont buy there products and services. Say for instance mcdonalds, if we all overnight refuse to buy macdonalds, the restaurants will be empty, the company will have no revenue, and they will go bust. There rivals will soon observe the reasons and will have to adapt there business strategy to reflect consumer pressure - the result more accountable business.

Six billion people living in the worl and not all of them with the same education standars...very beautiful utopia

I see your point about the pollution attitude but i was not talking about extreme selfish attitude.

And indeed big companies are the ones to blame. Some time ago someone told me that thai fisherman were still using the bombing method for fishing damaging the coral reefs. I think the damage that this people cause is nothing compare with the damage that a big company can cause. Why? they got the technology. A fisherman boat is nothing compare with big, modern fishing ships that some companies posses. I am not going to put examples about companies which damage coral reefs for exotic marine trade. coral use for make cement...

I do not feel powerless about social ills. Indeed I think EDUCATION is the solution, EDUCATED your people an things will be better. That´s why I am a teacher ( My dream is to go to Thailand to teach ecology but my thai is still very poor :o ). Although I am not going to feel responsible for the world big injustice does do not mean that I do not care. BUT I AM NOT GOING TO FEEL GUILTY.

What has all this to do with Thailand ???

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In an indirect way, Thailand is affected by what happens in other parts of the world.

The world is not as big as it once was. Currently, what happens on the other side of our planet, can have an effect in our own backyards.

For example, ( and a small example in a multitude of happenings) nuclear power is now in many Asian countries, but not yet in Thailand.

Thailand however, may well be affected by neigbouring countries dumping nuclear waste.

Residents of Thailand cannot afford to put their collective heads in the sand and pretend that they will not be affected by acts occuring in other countries.

In fairness to the OP, he is concerned about the actions of large companies operating in other countries. He mentions pollution on a world scale. Whether you like it or not, pollution on such a large scale can have an adverse affect on nature, with dire consequences for the worlds population.

The OP suggests that we, the consumer, (including members of this forum) recognise and become concerned about these consequences and act before it gets any worse.

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I think I not explain myself very well... maybe this topic is too complicated for my english... :o

Keep trying Glauka, but try to make it more Thailand related or the topic may be closed.


Glak, you might want to induce the bar fines and sick buffaloes vs world hunger issue :D:D

Seriously tho, your overview may be a bit idealistic but your heart sounds like it's in the right place. Maybe concentrate on what you can do as an individual to try and make a positive contribution, a bit a day, random acts of kindness, volunteer time to a worthy cause, organise a community recycling program, that sort of thing. If everyone does the same, problem well on the way to being solved :D

Edited by baht&sold
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I remember a phrase "Think globally, act locally".

Here on Koh P we have a big problem with overfishing by large fishing boats that come with nets and fish 10m off the reef (totally illegal btw). Not only do they strip our reef but everywhere else along this coast as well. Now, the locals got tired of this (having no more fish to catch, for instance) and the police/marine police would not touch these boats. So, local action, they go out in their little long tail boats and shoot at the big fishing boats. Not aiming to hit anyone, just scare them off. It worked. They come but not as much as before and not for very long. Unfortunately there isn't a legal way to deal with these guys.

However, perhaps the big fishing boats have learned to be more careful where ever they go?

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I think I not explain myself very well... maybe this topic is too complicated for my english... :D

Keep trying Glauka, but try to make it more Thailand related or the topic may be closed.


Glak, you might want to induce the bar fines and sick buffaloes vs world hunger issue :D:D

Seriously tho, your overview may be a bit idealistic but your heart sounds like it's in the right place. Maybe concentrate on what you can do as an individual to try and make a positive contribution, a bit a day, random acts of kindness, volunteer time to a worthy cause, organise a community recycling program, that sort of thing. If everyone does the same, problem well on the way to being solved :D

:D ?????? I do not understand what are you trying to tell me. I think you have not understand me at all ( I have said I am a teacher .Is not that a positive individual contribution? Is not education a king of fight against injustice?...) My overview idealistic? My view it can be everything but idealistic. I am only saying that i do not feel guilty about world injustices when there are culpables to blame. As I mentioned before I think this subject is too complicated for my english. Maybe the discussion will be more interesting drinking a beer :D . :D:o

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Your english is fine Glauka, it's probably me that's 'lost in translation'. Sounds like you're part of the solution, not part of the problem and good on you.

I do feel guilty about world injustices though, someone mentioned the punk Mugabe whom runs Zimbabwe like a petulant dictator for just one example- I want to DO something, most I suspect do as well but wonder how/what to DO.

I also feel a bit helpless or plain outraged reading the daily news but in the end, I can only do what I can as an individual to try in a small way to make a difference.

As you indicate, education is indeed the best way to fight injustice and as an educator, you're in a better position than most to make a difference. My hats off to you and I hope you make a positive impact on those you teach :D

Cheers! :o

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I blushed are your coments :o bath & sold. And people who listen and think of what he/she has listened is the people who is in the track to make a difference. Thank to you. :D

Also I want to thank you for thinking that teaching can make a difference this kind of statement encourage me.

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