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I am looking for serious car diagnostic scanner/programmer like launch diagun, autel, star diagnosis compact3.

Anyone know where these are sold in BKK?


Regards, L


Most Thai users of these tools buy them offshore as the market is very small here for specialist suppliers to set up and import through the regular channels. For example Porsche's PIWIS II has recently become available in the grey market and there is now a number available in BKK after some recent trips to Germany by locals. The best aftermarket units are manufacturer specific with additional manufacturer modules that can be added as required. Universal units which are only able to read and erase fault codes are actually a complete waste of time. An example of an excellent unit is Autologic. I have one and can attest to that. All the good units have one common denominator. They are very expensive. i.e. £15 - £20k

What are you wanting to achieve? Simple fault code clearing, diagnosing faults with accuracy or coding / programming etc?



Thanks for your reply.

I am looking for a tool that can do coding on Mercedes vehicles, i.e Star Diagnosis or other.

Autologic looks like a great tool. How much does that cost though?



Thanks for your reply.

I am looking for a tool that can do coding on Mercedes vehicles, i.e Star Diagnosis or other.

Autologic looks like a great tool. How much does that cost though?


Firstly, if you are wanting to code your own MB locally, there are a good number of facilities that can do this in BKK. Most of the Grey Imports have some coding done in one way or another. Predominantly installing Thai mapping etc.

However if you are wanting to do coding work on a more frequent basis or as a business for example, you will need something like or similar to Autologic. The initial cost for me was around £15,000 including the Modules that I bought. It is also a subscription based service whereby you download a vehicle log into the Autologic and then upload via internet to Autologic UK then an advisor will help with diagnosis or also send back any coding which you may want.

Cheers W


I do this business at BKK. I service for main car import showroom here. If you need any help please PM me.

Thanks for the infos.

Autologic is a bit costly for me. I will try to find a good Star Diag clone.


  • 7 years later...

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